Chapter 71 Breaking Dawn, I Really Have You

I heard the protest from my stomach, and it was very troublesome to have a fever of 105°.

Sometimes it is not good to make the game too realistic, for example, eating.

If he doesn't need to eat, he can go to the liver mission now.

He doesn't have any appetite if he doesn't earn enough money to win the golden legend in a day.

As soon as I walked down the stairs of the hotel to the lobby, I saw a little loli smiling at her with a fever of 105°.

Little Lolita's name is Maggie, and this hotel is opened by her parents.

After all, I have lived here for so long, and the little girl is very curious, and she is a brave brother, and they are familiar with each other after going back and forth.

Maggie smiled and said, "Brother Brave, good morning."

With a fever of 105°, he smiled, "Good morning, little Maggie, what are you having for breakfast this morning?"

Maggie said mysteriously, "You can guess, today's breakfast. There is a surprise!"

A fever of 105° was unexpected.

The food in Dawn City is very monotonous, because the shortage of ingredients is basically black bread.

As for the soup, it is more made of sacca leaves and several other vegetables, and has a slightly bitter taste.

Plus there is no seasoning, it can't satisfy his spoiled stomach at all.

This is also one of the reasons why a fever of 105° has no sense of expectation for eating!

But, after all, Maggie let him guess.

"White bread?"

A fever of 105° is a bold guess.

Compared with black bread with bran, sawdust and the like added, bread made of pure wheat flour is truly a luxury.

Little Maggie smiled and shook her head, "Guess again!"

I had a fever of 105°.

What could be more luxurious than white bread?
However, thinking about the tree of Laval that was cultivated yesterday. Could it be possible to eat meat?
But it's not the right time, is it?
He has a fever of 105° and has been playing Breaking Dawn for more than half a month, and he is not considered a rookie. He deeply understands how dangerous the dark night of this world is.

It's almost impossible to hunt at night.
Did the Capital of Dawn not close the Tower of the Sun for the first time in order to hunt?

Not so much, right?

However, after all, he was asked to guess, and it was right to guess in Dali.

With a fever of 105°, he smiled and exaggerated, "Could it be that there is meat to eat?"

"Jiangjiang, you guessed it!"

Just when little Maggie said this, the store seemed to have received a signal.

Accompanied by the sound of the old wooden door turning, a woman came out with a delicate porcelain plate.

On it is a fragrant barbecue, and next to the barbecue is a piece of golden white bread and a bowl of meat soup.

I was a little hungry with a fever of 105°, but after smelling the smell of meat, my stomach growled even more.


I ignored the fever of 105°, but was surprised.

No one knows better than him how difficult it is to see meat in Dawn City.

"Miss Boss, what are you?"

The proprietress smiled sincerely, "Master Brave, you have worked so hard to cultivate the Laval Tree. This is a small favor of mine, please accept it!"

Fever 105°: "."

Looking at the delicious barbecue and the fragrant meat soup in front of him, he was a little at a loss as to what to say.

In the real world, these are really nothing. But here is the dawn, the dawn of extreme material scarcity!

What's more, the tree of Laval was not cultivated by him.

"Old lady, I can't take this thank you gift, I'd better leave it to little Maggie. Look how thin she is!"

Fever 105 ° While talking, while feeling absurd, incredible!

Oh my god, he actually said such things in the game. This is really not the fourth natural disaster!

The proprietress smiled, "Little Maggie, you don't have to worry, I'm just doing my best. Meat is specially hunted by knights. Not only you have it, but almost all brave adults have it!"

With a fever of 105°, I was dazed, and I felt some indescribable feelings in my heart for a while.

The proprietress laughed and said, "Last night, the knights showed off their talents. Please feel free to accept it, Mr. Brave!"

Do knights hunt specifically?

With a fever of 105°, I was a little absent-minded, and my mind was full of inexplicable thoughts.

"Dawei Tianlong, are you really in love with Miss Anna?"

Dawei Tianlong's face turned red, and he hesitated, "What nonsense are you talking about, how can you defile people's innocence out of thin air?"

One player couldn't believe it, "We all saw it in the video, you absolutely loved that moment!"

"Yes, yes, eyes can't deceive anyone!"


The players laughed, and the streets and alleys were full of joy.

The dead Dawei Tianlong fled!
Players are sometimes so strange, when they meet a beautiful young lady, they call their wife directly.

But it's another thing to be really emotional, but it will directly become an alternative in the middle!
Perhaps, the players are still very aware of the existence of the Dimensional Wall.

As a result, Dawei Tianlong, who showed love in his eyes, died directly, and became the object of ridicule and the source of happiness for everyone.

Finally getting rid of the crowd who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, Dawei Tianlong took off his disguise mask, and he was inevitably a little bit lost.

He even laughed at himself bitterly!

What really fell in love with?

Didn't you know that he was directly strangled by tree roots in front of Anna?
This is simply a disgrace to the shield system!

Dawei Tianlong has already decided, while it is still early to enter the pit, he will directly switch to the gun system!
At this moment, several children surrounded him like him.

"Brother Dawei Tianlong, the way you stood in front of Sister Anna was really handsome."

"Brother Dawei Tianlong, you are really brave, can you teach me martial arts?"

"Brother Dawei Tianlong."

A few children, you say "brother", I say "brother", the worship inside and outside the words, but it directly makes Dawei Tianlong's throat a little sore.

Is he very brave?

Dawei Tianlong suddenly felt his eyes moist.

Damn it, it's obviously just a game, but you still want to trick him into tears. Don't even think about it!

Dawei Tianlong smiled and dealt with the children.

Children are like this, they have no patience to do anything, and soon leave in a herd!

After dealing with a few children, Dawei Tianlong is ready to play with long spears instead.

At this moment, a soldier in uniform walked over.

After pressing his heart with his right fist, the soldier said, "Your Excellency Dawei Tianlong, this is a gift entrusted to you by Priest Anna, please sign for it!"


Anna gave it to him?

Dawei Tianlong was surprised.

After signing, the soldiers left.

Dawei Tianlong opened the bamboo basket containing the gift, and saw that there was a very beautiful barbecue inside, and there was a letter beside the barbecue.

Dawei Tianlong was a little confused.

what is this?

This is the first time he has received a gift from a girl since he was a child!

Dawei Tianlong opened the letter with some trembling, only to see that it was a very strange, but extremely graceful and beautiful writing.

With just one glance, Dawei Tianlong believed that this letter should be written by a woman.

Dawei Tianlong was stunned, inexplicable thoughts welling up in his heart.


Dawei Tianlong interacted with the letter, and the unfamiliar characters were quickly transformed into Chinese characters he was familiar with.

"Sorry, out of respect, I should probably use the Chinese characters that brother Dawei Tianlong is used to. But Chinese characters are too difficult, and I haven't fully learned them yet. This time, I can only write with the characters I have. .”

It was just a line of text, but Dawei Tianlong felt something explode in his mind.

In order to write letters to him, Miss Anna specially learned Chinese characters?
Although he didn't learn it, he was still moved by it.

"Brother Dawei Tianlong, I fully accept your determination to protect me. Please don't be frustrated by failure. Your shield really feels safe!"

".To express my gratitude, I specially made a barbecue, I hope you like it, ^_^"

Holding the letter paper, Dawei Tianlong suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

Even if this was a group letter sent by the dog planner, Dawei Tianlong was somewhat moved.

In other words, does his shield feel safe? !
Obviously he was skewered by tree roots in an instant, obviously he was ready to switch to guns!

Sand suddenly entered Dawei Tianlong's eyes, and the light from the Tower of the Sun began to dim.
The Tower of the Sun was shining brightly, and the entire Dawn City was clear and clear.


Qu Shang Weimeng felt a little shivering and cold!
What is the "truth girl" who even deceives the weasel?

What does it mean to say the most vicious words in the cutest tone?
Qu Shang Weimeng was a little mad, and wanted to stomp her feet angrily, don't just call her weird nicknames!
She is not some shit truth girl!

Also, she doesn't want to be made into a meme at all!
That bastard with a fever of 105°, what kind of fever log is it, completely ruined her reputation, she is going to fight that bastard!

At this moment, Qu Shang Weimeng suddenly received a gift from Anna.

Seeing the exquisitely crafted barbecue, Qu Shang Wei Meng immediately felt hungry!
And the words on the letter paper made Qu Shang Weimeng even more stunned.

Anna wants to learn Chinese?
On the letterhead, Anna praised her wisdom and perseverance, praised her contribution to the birth of the Laval Tree, and thanked her for fighting desperately to save her.
Qu Shang Weimeng's restless heart miraculously calmed down, and suddenly he was not angry anymore!

It seems that it is not unacceptable to be made into an emoticon package and called "Sister of Truth".

Like Qushang Weimeng, who also received Anna's handwritten letter, there was also Panda who had no dark circles, a round face and a chubby face, and the evening breeze made people drunk.

Everyone's feelings are surprisingly consistent. Dog planning really has you!

As the first day of the version update, it was originally the peak of the players' anger.


All the players in Dawn City suddenly fell silent.

Because, they received the gratitude from the citizens and the meat that the knights hunted overnight almost at the same time!

There is not much meat, but it makes every player have a different feeling in their hearts.

As expected of Li Xiao they were really moved!

At this moment, they suddenly had a bond with this world in their hearts!
As long as the server is not closed at dawn, they will play endlessly!
(End of this chapter)

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