Chapter 72
At twelve noon tomorrow, the book will be on the shelves.

It's a pity that I didn't follow up enough, I couldn't go to Sanjiang, and I couldn't PK to push it successfully.

For the author, each book is a new journey. During this process, you will see some scenery that you have never seen before, and meet some people you have never met before.

The reason why I chose the theme of the fourth natural disaster is because I feel that there is joy in the background of this theme, which is the so-called "sand sculpture players are more happy".

Before uploading, I was also full of confidence, because I witnessed success and miracles one after another.

Before opening the book, I also repeatedly discussed it with the editor in charge and friends, and I felt that I could write it.

But after I really wrote it myself, I realized that the success of others belongs to others, and it has nothing to do with myself.

The subject matter of this book is actually a bit outdated. There are many successful works, but many readers don't have much novelty.

In addition, when I was in the first volume, I was also very self-righteous, thinking that creating a big conflict at the beginning of the chapter would increase my popularity.

However, the market has given me a lot of big ears. My self-righteous "big conflict" is essentially just my self-indulgence. For the vast majority of readers, this is not a cool point, but a poisonous point.

Continue to persuade batch after batch of readers!
The results shown are also very real, and the collection, follow-up, and recommendation all failed to achieve the expected results.

I was anxious and hesitant during the new book period, but I still reached the stage of being on the shelves after all.

I am very grateful to the editor-in-chief Bacon who has tirelessly supported me along the way, and the book friends who insist on voting and rewarding me every day.

Without everyone's support, this book might not have gone as far as it is now.

Writing this testimonial is not only a writing habit, but also a grand ceremony, officially declaring that this book is entering a new stage.

I sincerely hope that the readers who are following the book can subscribe and support it!
No gentleman does not support artists, subscription determines how far a book can go.

I hope that book friends who have the conditions can subscribe as much as possible, and it will also let me see the dawn of going further.

Regarding this book, all I hope is that I can write the feeling of "this game is so interesting and I want to play it too".

In the future, I will always implement this concept, hoping to bring more joy to everyone.

thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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