After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 85 Counting Harvest and Social Death 【Subscription】

Chapter 85 Counting Harvest and Social Death 【Subscription】

"Haha, post it, post it!"

"Backstab of Justice" couldn't help grinning as he counted.

The harvest this time is really too big, there are a thousand gold coins alone.

What is the concept?
In the weighing battle of the opening server, the average gold coin of the players is ten.

Later, there are a series of ways to make money, such as daily tasks, world tasks, and hunting monsters. The average daily income of players is around [-] gold coins.

However, in this boss battle, his harvest is directly equivalent to that of an ordinary player in ten days.

This can be regarded as a windfall!

With these gold coins, he can scan the shopping mall again.

for example.

Stock up at least twenty drops of the sap of the Laval Tree!

Judging from tonight's experience, the sap of the Laval tree is a must for home travel and murder.

It can be used to cook all kinds of meat, and it can also be used to deal with all kinds of monsters. It is simply equivalent to holy water!

Also, the protection he is currently assembling can also be assembled into a complete set.

"Backstab of Justice" has long aimed at a whole set of "Scorpio's Protection", which symbolizes mystery.

It couldn't be more in tune with his identity as an assassin.

Thinking about it, "Backstab of Justice" laughed happily, and subconsciously opened the mall.

After a few minutes.

"Backstab of Justice" numbly closed the mall, just now he got carried away with complacency.
Even if he made a fortune, he is still the same poor guy, nothing has changed!

A whole set of one-star protection, after all, he is the one to climb!
Righteous Backstab admits he has been hit.

However, what players are best at is healing themselves, and can quickly turn this "internal injury" into motivation.

People are not cruel, they can't stand firm!
As long as the liver is not dead, he will go to the liver to die. "Justice's backstab" once again strengthened his belief in life!

And this is just gold coins, he also got a dropped weapon, a wristband, and a pair of boots.

How can the value of these equipment be measured by gold coins?

"Backstab of Justice" decided to heal his wounded heart by identifying equipment.

He picked up the sword and conducted some appraisal, and all kinds of information about the sword immediately appeared in front of him.

[Name: Shadow Sword. 】

[Level: Refining +15. (Normal, Refined, Silver, Gold, Legendary, Artifact) (Maximum Refined 30)]

[Rarity: ☆☆☆ (up to five stars for each level)]

【Sword language: A bright but decaying sword that can kill, ward off demons, and protect life. It shines brightly because of its users. 】

Seeing the sword language about the shadow sword, "Backstab of Justice" is even more like a feeling that I can't put it down.

The sword can protect the master, but it is also bright or dark because of the sword master.

Too much for him!
The weapon that Weiye gave was only +10, which means that he finally got ahead of all the players in one item!

At this moment, the eyes of "Backstab of Justice" are as bright as stars, and life seems to be radiant because of it.

"I knew that my "Justice Backstab" would definitely do it, I've never lost to anyone! "

"Backstab of Justice" was full of emotion.

Afterwards, he identified the wristband again.

The name of the bracer is "Warrior's Bravery", and the core is defense and HP.

Defense increased by 30, HP increased by 1000.

This is very rare!
Finally, there is the pair of boots, called "Boots of Speed", which can increase the movement speed by 15 points, which is even more precious.

Now there are not a few pieces of acceleration equipment in the entire server. He is sure that if he wants to make a move, there are probably people who are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy it.

This time he is really fat!

"Backstab of Justice" was so excited that he wanted to go offline immediately, write down everything he experienced, and post it on the Internet.


He is inevitably a little worried!

All of this he obtained was obtained through card bugs. Although it was also a bug of skill card, what should he do if it was dealt with by the authorities?
"Backstab of Justice" feels like a bucket of cold water has been poured on the head!
It's cool, but it's not completely cool enough, it's a bit uneven!

The thought of being reported and banned made him feel like a thorn in his throat.

"Forget it, let's keep a low profile."

"Backstab of Righteousness" shook his head, although it was a bit disappointing, but it's better to take it easy, because it is too high-profile and low-key to be hated by others.

I checked the time, it was 09:30 in the evening.

It was still very early for a night owl like him.

He has been promoted to level 17, and he can definitely be regarded as the best in terms of level.

The pleasant experience brought by the upgrade completely washed away his exhaustion. "Backstab of Justice" decided to go to the big world again to see if he could upgrade to another level.

This kind of bug is not easy to get stuck, if you don't brush him hard all night, you will be sorry for your strong temper!

"By the way, how do I exit the vortex of the underworld and return to the big world?"

"Backstab of Justice" glanced around, only to see a large area of ​​broken walls.

These are the traces left by his battle with the "Advance Team of the Earl of Darkness" just now!

"By the way, where is the iron chain weapon used for the iron can? If I remember correctly, it seems to be still there not long ago!"

"Backstab of Justice" searched again, but still found nothing.

"Did it turn into fly ash along with the corpse?"

In his opinion, it seems that there is only one explanation.

It seems reasonable!

In the various games he played in the past, most of the weapons of the villain boss could not be picked up.

It's just that he seems to remember that he was still there not long ago
Remember it wrong?


At this moment, "Backstab of Justice" paused, but stepped on something, which made it a little rough.

Looking down, it was the leader of the mummy that I met at first.

At this time, only half of his head was left, but after all, he was still not completely dead.

On the remaining half of the face, you can still see the cold green soul fire jumping in the eye sockets.

"Justice's backstab" surprised.

Unexpectedly, he killed all the big bosses, but left out a leader of the mummy.

However, it doesn't matter anymore, it's just a matter of making up a sword.

At this moment, a burst of pale yellow mist suddenly released from the eye sockets of the leader of the mummy, instantly engulfing him.

"Backstab of Justice" was startled, but he never thought that such an accident would happen.

Get ready to patch up now!

At this moment, "Backstab of Justice" unexpectedly discovered that the light yellow mist slowly gathered into an illusory figure.

Judging from his appearance, he should be a young man in his 20s.

Looking at the costumes, they looked a bit like the uniforms of Dawn Capital soldiers.

How is this going?

Seeing the "backstab of justice", the illusory figure suddenly became agitated.

"????" said frantically, "Are you the Knight of the Dawn City?"

"Backstab of Justice" was taken aback.

Can this figure still think?
Immediately, he remembered that when he was fighting these mummy before, the leader of the mummy called him an elf envoy!
Is this going to be a drama?
By the way, is there no hint after the plot?
Is it okay to choose one of the two?
"Justice's backstab" is difficult, but this choice of words is his shortcoming!
Looking at the expectant eyes of the young man, "Backstab of Justice" is still unwilling to deceive him after all.

"Sorry, I'm not a knight yet!"

The phantom figure froze for a moment.

"????": "I saw with my own eyes that you defeated the minions of the Earl of Darkness. Isn't a powerful existence like you still a knight?"

It turns out that there are still spectators in this battle!

"Backstab of Justice" suddenly became excited.

For players, pretense is always the first need!
Even if this is a plot, the praise and flattery of an NPC still satisfies the vanity of "Backstab of Justice" to a certain extent!

"Backstab of Justice" pretended to be modest and said, "You're flattering me. I'm actually not as powerful as I imagined. Besides, I'm not a knight. I'm a player summoned from another world. I'm also a brave man among the citizens!"

"????" Eyes wide open, he said in disbelief, "The brave man summoned from another world? Unbelievable, young and brave brave man, can you tell me what happened in Dawn City?"

"Backstab of Justice" was in a happy mood, and proudly told about the changes in Dawn City.

Xu Ying's eyes were filled with tears, and she couldn't help herself.

"It turns out that His Majesty the God King has returned? That's great, it's really great!"

"The tree of Laval is good. I didn't expect that I could still hear the day when there is no shortage of meat in the city of dawn."

"What? Has that little girl Olina become a knight? It's unbelievable. If I remember correctly, that little girl has been weak and sick since she was a child, and she likes to cry."


Hearing this phantom talking about ancient times, the "Backstab of Justice" actually felt like traveling through time and space for a while.

This inconspicuous phantom was at least a member of the previous generation in Dawn City, and his status should not have been low during his lifetime!

"Backstab of Justice": "May I ask which knight-lord senior is?"

Xu Ying touched the back of his head and said embarrassedly, "I can't be greeted by a brave man, I'm not a knight, I'm just an ordinary patrol captain, you can just call me Jason, Jason Beat Liz!"


"Backstab of Justice" was startled, "Dare to ask Olina Knight is you???"

Jason Beatrins laughed proudly, "Haha, Olina is my youngest daughter, and I didn't expect that she would become a knight."

"Backstab of Justice" didn't know what to say for a while, and suddenly felt that the world was so small.

Afterwards, "Backstab of Justice" heard Jason showing off his daughter in various ways.

All kinds of embarrassing things about Olina Knight's childhood were repeatedly mentioned.

for example.

Olina loved to cry when she was a child, she didn't like to take medicine, and she always liked to cling to him.
The memory is very warm, but listening to it, "Backstab of Justice" suddenly feels a little bitter.

When Jason died, he shouldn't be too old, and Olina should also be just a young girl.
Losing her father at such a young age, I don't know how much she has suffered to become a powerful knight.

"Backstab of Justice" suddenly had a strong desire in his heart, he hoped that Knight Olina could come and see his father.

It's not for gaining favor, it's just that he wants to do it.

"Backstab of Justice" told Jason his thoughts, and Jason shook his head with a smile.

His time is running out, and he can only last another 5 minutes at most.He was very satisfied to finally know the news about his daughter!

"Justice's Backstab" suddenly felt sorry for him.

There is no greater regret in life than this!

"Backstab of Justice" suddenly remembered, and immediately opened the panel, he wanted to find some photos of Olina in the album to show Jason.

Hearing the words of "backstab of justice", Jason suddenly became excited.

Thinking about it carefully, his impression of his daughter seemed to be that she was seven years old.

What will your daughter be like when she grows up?
Really looking forward to it!

Jason was suddenly happier than ever before, and kept chanting to thank His Majesty the God King for his gift.

And at this time, "Backstab of Justice" suddenly had cold sweat on his forehead.

Jason Beatrice was startled.

"Master Brave, what's wrong with you? Did you get injured just now?"

"Backstab of Justice" wanted to die.

What to do, the photos of Olina he saved were either close-ups or secondary creations he found on the Internet.

There are tight leather jackets, swimwear, and JK skirts. But there is no normal clothes!

Why didn't he save a normal photo at that time? !

(End of this chapter)

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