After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 86 A knife that caught off guard 【Subscription】

Chapter 86 A knife that was caught off guard 【Subscription】

"Is this what Olena will look like when she grows up?"

In the end, "Backstab of Justice" still chose the general from among the short men, and chose a slightly normal photo in a jk skirt to show to Jason, an old father.

Jason was surprised.

This costume is indeed good-looking, even a little too good-looking, and the style is very different from the clothes in Dawn City in his memory!
If he hadn't seen some outlines of little Olina, he would even have suspected that he had been cheated.

In addition, from the perspective of an old father, the JK skirt is a bit too revealing.

However, Jason was also thinking about it. After all, he had been dead for many years, and he was about to disappear completely, so why bother?
Seeing his daughter grow up has made him very, very satisfied!
Jason was satisfied and smiled happily.

"Is this my grown-up daughter? Well, well, well, well!"

Jason kept saying good words, but he seemed to be running out of words. It seemed that just one word "good" could express all his feelings.

Or maybe the wish was fulfilled, and the already illusory figure of Jason Beatrice became even more illusory again.

There was even a faint soft light covering the body, which was about to disappear completely.

"Backstab of Justice" was startled, and hurriedly said, "Your Excellency Beatrice, is there anything else you want to say to Knight Olina? I can take a photo for you!"

"Backstab of Justice" said, and immediately turned on the camera mode.

Jason was taken aback.

But he never thought that he could do this to this extent, he suddenly smiled, "As expected of His Majesty's mighty power, then I will entrust His Majesty "Backstab of Justice" to you! "

Jason Beatrice immediately turned positive, or felt that his father should be majestic.

But or thinking that this is the last time to talk to her daughter, she lost her so-called majesty and became amiable again.

"Olina, it's really great to see what you look like when you grow up, dad is very happy and happy"

"You have been very weak since you were young, and you don't like to take medicine, but you have become a knight lord inconceivably. You must have suffered a lot these years. Dad believes that these hardships must be much more painful than those medicines."

"Olina, you have really grown up, you are the pride of your father!"

After saying this, the figure of Jason Beatrins became more and more illusory, and he seemed to be unable to hold on, of course he also felt this.

"There are many, many things I want to say, but time seems to be running out. Olina, you are really outstanding, far surpassing the ancestors of the Beatrice family, and you have also fulfilled the wish that Dad failed to achieve until his death. , Dad is proud of you!"

"Finally. I'm sorry. I couldn't keep the agreement and go back alive. I'm really sorry!"

The "backstab of justice" in the photography is a bit sentimental.

He didn't think he was a sentimental person, but he was still a little moved at this time.

Perhaps, this is family love!
Ordinary but so great, it always resonates!

At this moment, Jason looked at "Backstab of Justice" and said seriously, "Your Excellency "Backstab of Justice", you are a brave man summoned by His Majesty the God King, I hope to trouble you one last time! "

Seeing Jason's serious appearance, "Justice's Backstab" suddenly felt that his id was a bit fake and not formal enough.

However, he immediately straightened his mind and said, "Please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely go through fire and water!"

Jason smiled.

"I believe that Your Excellency "Backstab of Justice" is worthy of being a brave man summoned by His Majesty the God King. He is indeed powerful and noble! "

No way, no way!

"Justice's backstab" was suddenly praised a little embarrassed.

When did players associate with nobility?
Most of the time, players are judged as chaotic neutral, or even chaotic evil, otherwise they wouldn't be called "the fourth natural disaster"!
Even so, "Backstab of Justice" still feels very cool!
After Jason finished speaking, he suddenly stood up straight and stood at attention. He clenched his right fist and slammed it to his heart, giving a military salute to Dawn City.

"Soldier Jason Beatrins is no longer able to guard supply point 175, and now he entrusts the hero "Backstab of Justice" to report to the Knights, requesting the Knights to replace them with new guards as soon as possible! "

"Justice's Backstab" was stunned.

But I never thought that Jason Beatrice's last "commission" was actually this.

In fact, "Backstab of Justice" did not receive a "commissioned task".

Perhaps because of a bug, there are some problems in the mission system judgment.


He still stood up straight, stood at attention, and imitated Jason's appearance and gave a military salute.

"Sir Jason Beatrins, I have received your commission, and I will definitely convey your meaning to the Knights Templar!"

"Thank you!"

Jason Beatrice's last wish was fulfilled, but he also completely lost the last "anchor" that supported his existence. His already illusory body was directly transformed into shimmering particles and dissipated.

"Backstab of Justice" looked at the place where the soldier Jason disappeared, and was speechless for a long time.

The planner is a real Nima dog, just give him a knife if you are caught off guard!

Before "Backstab of Justice" could feel something, there was a sudden light and shadow flickering in front of him, and then he returned to the big world outside.

There is white snow under the feet, and it is pitch black as far as the eye can see.

He couldn't see his fingers, and his visibility was obviously much lower than before he entered the secret realm.

If there is no accident, since the Tower of the Sun went out, the Pagri Continent will become darker and darker until it is swallowed by the underworld.

At the same time, "Backstab of Justice" found that the mark he had made had resurfaced.

Obviously, the existence of the "Vortex of the Underworld" will distort the space, causing players to make mistakes in marking judgments.

There is no doubt that this is another important intelligence discovery!

In an instant, "Justice's Backstab" felt a bone-chilling chill.

The cold air went straight into his lungs, making him feel as if his internal organs were about to be cracked by freezing.

Not only that, but "Backstab of Justice" also discovered that the system judged that he was in an extremely cold state, and debffs such as "frozen" and "overcooled" began to appear one after another.

His movement speed was directly reduced by 20 points.

Even his HP started to decrease continuously!

"Backstab of Righteousness" is going to be a bit silly. A night without the radiance of the Sun Tower is just like hell.

This is who explores who knows!

As a player who will be stronger in his life, "Backstab of Justice" originally planned to continue to kill monsters to earn points, but now it seems impossible.

The night will definitely continue to be cold!
Fortunately, this is a supply point. "Backstab of Justice" plunged into the supply point, and then lit the fire with the help of props.

The moment the fire was lit up again, "Backstab of Justice" suddenly felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

He understood thoroughly why fire was called "the beginning of civilization".

After the firelight, "Backstab of Justice" began to look at everything in the supply point.

It is very simple, essentially a large cave, but it is well protected from wind and cold.

The unremarkable dry firewood in the daytime is even more unusually kind now.

When he found a clay pot that was still in good condition, "Backstab of Justice" was full of surprises.

And when the snow water in the clay pot melted and white mist emerged, "Backstab of Justice" suddenly felt very warm. It seemed that just looking at the white mist was very interesting.

When the smell of meat came out of the clay pot, "Backstab of Justice" suddenly felt infinite satisfaction and happiness in his heart.

I have to say, it was really fun!
When he thought of the entire dawn world, he was the only player, which gave him a different taste.

Lonely, but also wonderful to enjoy alone!

After eating and drinking, it is a little boring.

But when he thought that this supply point was guarded by Jason, "Backstab of Justice" couldn't help feeling different things in his heart.

There are countless supply points outside the fortress group. Does each one have a guard like Jason?
He guarded the city during his lifetime, and still guards everything he once guarded in an alternative way after death!
It's really indescribable!

Then, he couldn't help but want to write something.

"Backstab of Justice" is not the creator of "Fever 105°", but at this moment he suddenly has an uncontrollable desire to express.

He opened the panel and began to create, accompanied only by the dancing firelight and the snowstorm outside the supply point!
I don't know if it's an illusion, but the "Backstab of Justice" that I started writing is full of ideas, and the words seem to have a soul.

As he wrote it, he felt as if he had been sublimated!

So, is he so creatively talented?
time flies.

The whole world is lonely, only the sound of "Backstab of Justice" writing.

Before he knew it, he had already forgotten the time and the consumption of mental power.

Seeing this scene, Rhodes couldn't help shaking his head.

This silly boy really has no sense at all!

In order to let the players know more about the night in the dawn world, he really took great pains!
That's right!

In fact, there is no so-called bug at all, he wants to have it, and then there will be bugs in this world!

Rhodes was naturally the first to discover the birth of the vortex of the underworld. Jason's ability to realize his dream was actually his handwriting.

Otherwise, where are there so many miracles in the world?
Watching the "Backstab of Justice" card bug the whole time, Rhodes was worried about him.

At the last moment, the reason why "Backstab of Justice" took out the juice of the Laval Tree was actually because he gave some hints.

Rhodes was a little speechless.

"Backstab of Righteousness" was really dull enough, and he didn't expect the effect of the Laval tree sap at all.

He used to play games to fight monsters, didn't he eat food to improve his attributes?
As for the last spring of writing, it was naturally Rhodes' handwriting.

Thinking of the concerns of "Backstab of Justice", Rhodes had a thought and directly gave him a psychological hint.

Post it when you're done!
"Finally, let "Backstab of Justice" get a good night's sleep, and then watch the sunrise tomorrow morning! "

Rhodes breathed on "Backstab of Justice", a divine radiance enveloped "Backstab of Justice", and then he fell asleep.

Rhodes thought for a while, and cast another anti-cold spell on him.

Help people to the end, I hope he has a good dream!
On the throne of the Kingdom of God, the Book of Rules floated in front of him, and the name of Jason Beatrice suddenly appeared.

Since he believed in him and was so loyal, he naturally couldn't treat him badly!
I hope the Kingdom of God will be restored soon!
(End of this chapter)

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