Chapter 87 Broken filial son 【Subscription】


Eleven o'clock at night.

I just finished "Fever 105°" in the new issue of "Fever Diary", that is, Wu Qi, and I suddenly feel very boring.

I opened "Oath" and played a few times, but it was hard to find the feeling of playing "Oath".

It's not that "The Oath" is bad, or it's dead.

Since the release of "Breaking Dawn", the oath side has also done a lot of optimization, and even took out some technical reserves at the bottom of the box.

The new generation of induction suits and the new generation of game cabins have brought the game experience of "Oath" to a higher level.

It caused a huge sensation in the oath circle for a while, and even made many loyal fans of the oath scream excitedly.

Many ashes who have vowed for many years even openly shouted "Ye Qinghui" and the like.

Wu Qi also took advantage of this shareholder wind and re-experienced a few games. After all, the dog management of "Breaking Dawn" is too inappropriate, and they are forced to be kicked off the assembly line at [-] pm every day.

With so much time left, I have to find something to do.

But after the experience, Wu Qi found that nothing was going well, and he could no longer find the feeling of fighting till dawn because of "The Oath".

It's not that he met some Tiankeng teammates, and it's not that the technological innovation of the oath is not strong enough, the game experience of the oath has indeed been greatly improved!


once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

Having experienced the almost fully realistic game experience of "Dawn", and the sensory experience of "Oath" that relies on electrical signals and synchronous equipment, he feels that it is only fake!
Playing Oath felt like archeology to him!

Wu Qi thought for a while, then turned on his phone, planning to watch another short video.

He wants to see what netizens have shared about "Breaking Dawn"!

Although it was less than half a day downstream, he couldn't wait to see the dawn world again.

Sometimes it’s like this when facing a game you like. When you play it, you put your heart and soul into it, but after finally getting downstream, your mind is still full of it.

I can't wait to go to the comment area, read the comments of other players, and see if other players have the same feelings and experiences as me.

If you see comments that are similar to your own thoughts, then you agree with them to the point that you can no longer agree with them.

Perhaps because he often watches videos related to "Breaking Dawn", the moment Wu Qi opened the short video software, the first thing that appeared in front of him was a short video related to "Breaking Dawn".

The subject of the video is a girl skiing and reciting poems. Recently, the snow field outside the fortress community was opened at dawn. There are many videos of skiing and reciting poems, and they are also very popular.

Including Wu Qi himself, he has made videos similar to the ice and snow world outside the popular science fortress community.

And this female player, Wu Qi also knows, ID is called "Cats like to eat fish", she is the kind of girl with a soft and cute style.

The face pinching is very careful, the avatar is very sweet and cute, and the voice is also very sweet, the popularity of the video is very good.

There are about 1 favorites and more than 3000 comments.

When I opened the comment section, most of them were comments that praised "Cats like to eat fish". Miss Sister's beautiful voice is sweet.

Many viewers all expressed that they also want to ski, and envy the players of Daybreak, who can experience the scenery of the snow country so early.

Of course, there are also netizens who "hurt people with buttons", saying that "cats like to eat fish". Although she looks like a cute girl, she might be a big guy who picks her feet.

But there is no need to refute "cats like to eat fish" by yourself, there is a science popularization by players in the dawn, and it is not allowed to choose an account of the opposite sex in the world of the dawn.

"Cats love to eat fish" is a real girl!

Afterwards, a large number of players expressed that Breaking Dawn was really interesting. They were very envious of these players on the closed beta server, and asked when the public beta would be available.

Seeing these comments, Wu Qi had a smile on his face.

As a Dawn player, this makes him very proud and a sense of substitution.

As a player who loves to break the dawn, he absolutely does not allow anyone to not know the dawn.

Wu Qi feels very happy to let more people know and love Li Xiao.


Soon Wu Qi couldn't hold back his anger and jumped up!

I don't know when it started, some trolls appeared on the Internet, but whenever the players said it was good to break the dawn, they would directly say "broken filial son".

This made Wu Qi wonder for a while whether Lixiao dug someone's ancestral grave!

As for opening and closing your mouth, do you just label someone a "filial son"?
"Hey, there are still too few players in Breaking Dawn, and they can't spray those sunspots at all!"

Wu Qi was a little helpless.

There are very few players who have personally played Breaking Dawn. If you say a thousand "realistic" experiences that are almost indistinguishable from reality, those trolls can tell you back with a single sentence.

The most typical one is - it is no different from reality, so why should I play Breaking Dawn?
The players of the daybreak replied, saying that the world of the daybreaker has martial arts and can draw swords.

Then the troll became even more excited, and directly wiped out all your advantages with one sentence-is the broach light amazing?Which game can't pull the knife light now?
Wu Qi was convinced, the broach light in Lixiao and the broach light in other games, is that the same thing? !

The players of the dawn are not convinced, saying that the world of the dawn has a super sense.

Then there are special "masters" who come out to popularize science. The brain is the most mysterious organ of human beings. At present, there is no authoritative research involving the field of super-sensing. The theory is still not perfect, let alone commercial use.

These masters have one set of one set, but the dawn player has not been able to find an effective theoretical refutation.

Not only that, but there is also the plot of breaking dawn.

I think the plot of Daybreak is poorly done, it is clearly the background of the end, and it still looks like singing and dancing!

In addition, there are few ways to play the dawn. Compared with other mature games, the gameplay of the dawn can be called "old".

Up to now, Wu Qi is also somewhat Buddhist.

Anger is anger, and I don't bother to refute anything.

Even so, as one of the rare UP masters who promoted LeDawn, he has now been certified by some sunspots as the "Head of Broken Dutiful Son".

The smog in the comments section of the "Cats Love Fish" video made Wu Qi lose his temper.

In my heart, I can't wait to hope that Lixiao can be tested publicly as soon as possible, and slap those sunspots in the face!

"Hey, the official operation of Poxiao is really disappointing. They have been hacked into Xiangxiang, and they even force players to log off at seven o'clock. It's poisonous!"

Wu Qi watched a few more videos.

Some girls twist their buttocks, some girls sing, and some tell real news
for example.

The aunts occupy the road for square dancing, and the rural entrepreneurial aunts come to steal pumpkins, and those who live a good life bow and apologize
Wu Qi passed them one by one.

The homogeneity of short videos is too serious, and the technology is becoming more and more developed. Under various beauty filters, there are superb long legs everywhere. If you watch too much, you will get tired of aesthetics.

There are also a lot of people who twist their waists and buttocks. They look lazy and not charming enough.

It's too perfunctory!
Wu Qi couldn't help but want to complain, if you don't want to twist it, you don't have to twist it, there is no need to waste his time!
However, what makes Wu Qi angry is that these video collections with twisted waist and buttocks have high comments, and they have dumped him dozens of blocks.

In this world, it really depends on your face. Those who are serious about content are completely inferior to those who twist their waists and buttocks!

As for the guy next door who had a good life and bowed and apologized, is this also called news?

The spirit of craftsman handed down from the ancestors knows everything!
At this moment, Wu Qi came across another video related to Poxiao.

The hand that quickly cut the video stopped subconsciously.

The beginning of the video is-

"Everyone has misunderstood the operation of "Breaking Dawn". You can never imagine the darkness and coldness after seven o'clock in the world of Breaking Dawn!"

Wu Qi was stunned.

Darkness and cold after seven o'clock in the morning, what is this?
Aren't they all forced to log off after seven o'clock?

Not long after, Wu Qi burst out with a foul language.

"Damn, someone really got stuck with the bug of Breaking Dawn? Awesome!"

Like the vast majority of people who watched the video, Wu Qi's first thought was not how dark it would be after seven o'clock in the morning, but that someone actually got stuck in the dawn bug.
 PS: There is still a chapter tonight, I haven’t finished it yet, keep writing, everyone will get up tomorrow morning to read it, please count the votes to support me, I didn’t expect that I can be so diligent! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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