Chapter 96 The World of Adults 【Subscription】

After withdrawing from "Breaking Dawn" for a long time, Shuang Li still felt a little uneasy.

She is not short of that little compensation, but the attitude of the official operation is too arrogant!

After seeing that Li Xianzhuo spent money to buy a hot search, she went to take a bath in peace of mind.

Maybe she was a little tired, but she fell asleep after soaking.

When she woke up again, her aunt had already prepared dinner for her.

Looking at the other two empty seats, Shuangli asked blankly, "...haven't they come back yet?"

The aunt said with a smile, "Not long ago, my boss and wife called back. They have something to do today, so they won't come back for dinner!"

Shuang Li: "Got it."

The aunt nodded and said nothing more.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, so it's not easy for her to say much as an outsider.

After Shuang Li had dinner, he turned on his phone.

She wanted to see if there was any response from the Lixiao official!
Still the same sentence, she doesn't lack that little compensation, but she wants Lixiao officials to pay attention to their players' opinions!
In Shuangli's view, Lixiao is her second home, and she has both the right and the responsibility to make Lixiao better.

After entering the official website, the official website is still so simple, with an attitude of "you can play if you get it, but you can't help it if you get it".

Double Carp: "."

I feel my heart burning again!

After searching around and still not finding any response, Shuang Li was a little annoyed.

Are all adults so arrogant? !
She didn't ask much, just to say something from the official to appease their hurt hearts, but
After entering the comment area, the first thing that catches the eye is a big long comment.

The title is very bluffing, but it is exactly - the darkest day in the history of Chinese games!
The double carp froze.

As for?
Is this a bit too much?

In her opinion, even if Breaking Dawn is bad in every way, it is definitely an epoch-making masterpiece.

She has contracted almost all of her joy, if there is no dawn to play, she will not be able to survive the day!
I looked at the ID, it's called "Ink Blue and White".

Shuangli is no stranger to this ID, and seems to be a very famous blogger.

"It's really hard to believe that in the new century, there is still a game company that is so arrogant."

"The technological innovation of "Breaking Dawn" is certainly worthy of celebration and joy, but it is the legacy left by the top gods."

"According to my research, the game company 'Shenguo Technology' that operates "Breaking Dawn" has no previous experience in operating large-scale games, except for its strong registered capital."

"Obviously, this is an upstart company that was lucky to get a top-level inheritance by accident."

"And the strong capital, coupled with the legacy left by the top gods, has allowed the uncoordinated technology of the Kingdom of God to rise suddenly."

"The result of the incompatibility of Germany has brought about his unprecedented arrogance. He was forced to go offline at seven o'clock, stopped the server for maintenance without any compensation, and did not pay any attention to the feedback of the players. These are just the tip of the iceberg of the arrogance of Shenguo Technology. "

"After being coerced by capital, everyone must have some experience of what it will be like."

"Big data is familiar, wanton use of pricing power, excessive collection of player information, and real-time spying on players' privacy"

"Let me put it here, Shenguo Technology, a company with empty capital and no morals, will not go bankrupt, and each of us players is responsible."

Shuang Li frowned slightly after reading it.

Is God's Technology and Virtue uncoordinated?
she does not know!

But the arrogance of Lixiao's operation is real.


Seeing "Ink Blue and White" criticize Lixiao and Shenguo Technology so much, it still made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She continued to scroll down, and then she saw another long comment.

The ID is relatively unfamiliar, it is called "Dawn of Light".

The title is also very bluffing, it's called - Daybreak I haven't played it yet, the game is a good game, but the technology of the Kingdom of God doesn't match.

"First of all, I am not the kind of cloud player who spouts casually, nor is it a troll who spouts nonsense without any reason."

"The core reason why I haven't played Breaking Dawn is the official quota limit for the closed beta. There are only a thousand places, and you have the nerve to call it a closed beta?"

"Although I haven't played Daybreak, as a veteran gamer, I think I'm qualified to talk about it."

"I have watched all kinds of videos and materials shared by the players of Daybreak."

"Honestly speaking, Lixiao's game is really poorly made, and the pioneering technology left by the great god at the top of the layer is for nothing."

"First of all, it doesn't have a clear main line, and players don't know what story it tells after so long in the closed beta."

"Secondly, its mission guidance is even more miserable. During the process of completing the mission, players spend most of their time on the running map, which is simply a waste of life."

"Thirdly, until now, there has been no displacement settings such as the teleportation array. Can you believe it? It's this century, and there is such an ancient game."

"Fourth, the first world mission after opening the server turned out to be to find ingredients and cook. Don't be too boring, I don't know what kind of brain circuit is planning"


Shuang Li looked at each comment, but her eyebrows couldn't help but froze tightly.

He also said that he is not a cloud player, so he is an old cloud player!
The first world mission was triggered by her, hum!

As for being bored?

Where are you bored? !

Is it because she is not exciting to start a business in another world, or is it unpleasant to tease Miss Anna?
In Shuangli's view, the most powerful part of the game is that it is free and real, and every player can find a way to play that suits him.

It's like "Cats like to eat fish". Just because they cook well, they are almost famous in the dawn.

Even if it was her, she would have to visit the thatched cottage to invite "Maomao Loves Fish" to join her restaurant in another world.

Well, I promise to include food and housing, and I will be full after every meal!
There is also "Backstab of Justice", which is even more popular now. I don't know how many people envy the bugs he got stuck!

Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about cloud players who can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

For those who have never experienced the dawn, even if you say a thousand words and ten thousand, he will not understand how great the game is!
Shuangli, continue to slide down.

Suddenly, I saw a super super bluffing title-Save the children, save the game.

"An excellent game is definitely people-oriented. With the arrogance and rudeness of the technology of the Kingdom of God, it is easy to speculate what kind of game Daybreak is."

"I don't deny the technological innovation brought about by "Dawn", but this is the legacy of the top gods, not how great the technology of the Kingdom of God itself is."

"The great god at the top is the mentor of all mankind, and Daybreak should be the common wealth of all mankind, instead of being stolen by an arrogant and unworthy company."

"If arrogant garbage companies like Shenguo Technology are allowed to monopolize the achievements of technological innovation, the game industry will have absolutely no future!"

"Save the children, save the game!"

Seeing this remark, Shuang Li suddenly recalled it.

This is a technology that some people are jealous of!

Between the lines of these people, the technology of "Breaking Dawn" is divided and distinguished from the operating company Shenguo Technology.

"The gods at the top are the mentors of all mankind" and "technical monopoly" can be said to be heart-wrenching.


Shuang Li suddenly became worried!

It's still the same sentence, she can scold Lixiao, it's love and hate, it's hating her indisputably, in essence, she hopes that Lixiao will do better and better.

But other people say she is not good!

Shuang Li immediately started typing to refute, and finally compiled a well-founded "magnificent essay", but the following were all "poor filial sons", "couldn't stand up after kneeling for a long time", "earning money together" almost It didn't make her cry.

After writing a few more refuted replies, Shuang Li was so angry that his liver hurt and his stomach hurt.

Who are these people online?
Occasionally, I saw two familiar IDs, both of whom played Breaking Dawn together.

They're all making a name for Breaking Dawn, but the comments are quickly drowned out.

"Invite sailors, right? I really don't know how to invite sailors?!"

Shuangli was furious, and immediately hired a group of sailors with money.


The "naval army" she invited seemed a bit unprofessional, but within half an hour, they were recognized and skinned!

Public opinion not only failed to reverse, but became increasingly unfavorable.

How could this be?
Not only her, but also the sailor hired by the rich and handsome "Li Xianzhuo" who was also skinned.

What's more, in just an hour or so, the person in charge of the navy studio that Li Xianzhuo invited even stood up and apologized.

As soon as the apology video came out, within a quarter of an hour, it went straight to the trending searches.

for a while.

Public opinion is boiling!

The people who eat melons are ecstatic!

The eyes of the double carp were red.

How can such a thing as a navy have any professional ethics? Just because they still come out to apologize and sincerely repent?
They stood up, but it was just to make sure that Lixiao invited the navy!
So far, how did she not know that both she and Li Xianzhuo have been tricked? !
Although the two of them have some strength, they are only second generations after all, not the top second generation. When capital wants to mess with them, they are vulnerable and vulnerable.

It is obvious that she and Li Xianzhuo have prevented the capital from making big money!

Capital not only engages them, but also backhands a general, completely nailing them to the pillar of shame.

The double carp was deeply stimulated!

And what frightened her even more was the fate of Shenguo Technology and the future of Poxiao!

What should she do?

Time passed unknowingly, and without knowing when, the lights in the room turned on instantly.

When she saw her mother's majestic face, Shuang Li was startled.

"What's the matter with you paying for the navy?"

The double carp's eyes widened in disbelief.

Whose handwriting was this? How could even her mother know about it?

Even children know not to invite their parents when they fight, right?
Shuangli became anxious, and hurriedly said, "Mom, listen to my explanation!"

"Jing Yan, you are already 15 years old. My mother has always believed in your self-control, thinking that you are very mature and can handle your various affairs well. Now it seems that my mother is wrong."

After her mother left, Shuang Li slumped on the ground, as if all her strength had been taken away.

Is this the world of adults?

(End of this chapter)

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