After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 97 The sun will rise as usual tomorrow 【Subscription】

Chapter 97 The sun will rise as usual tomorrow 【Subscription】

Dawn world.

Snow-covered forest supply point.

"Fever 105°": "The sky is big, it should be fine at dawn, right?"

He is a freelancer. Although he has been humiliated by "traffic" and "following" repeatedly, he has risen very quickly. Strictly speaking, he has not suffered too much beating from society.

Last night's wave after wave of rhythm completely stupefied him.

He also tried to rely on his own influence to speak for Li Xiao, but the video was directly restricted.

I think he is also a UP master with hundreds of thousands of fans, but a video has only tens of thousands of views.

To make matters worse, in a short period of time, hundreds of reports were received, and the video was directly removed from the shelves.

This chaotic fist directly beat the "fever 105°" almost to death!

He had always thought that he was a character no matter what, but last night made him completely sober.

He has been doing well all the time, that's because the audience enjoyed the meal, and he didn't block the way of others
To be honest, he was a little scared!
Lin Fan frowned.

He is younger than "Fever 105°", but all kinds of filth in the club have whipped him all over his body, and he is still deeply involved in the whirlpool even now.

This also led Lin Fan to have a very clear understanding of the filth of capital.

In the face of capital, ordinary people like them are really too weak, and they don't even have the qualifications to "go to the poker table".

Lin Fan took a deep breath and said, "It's a bit precarious, but Shenguo Technology has strong funds after all, so it must not be a soft persimmon."

"The brick family suggested that I pay to go to work" nodded, but didn't say much after all.

His level is too low, and he knows too little about the twists and turns inside.

But just the posture last night was too frightening.

Breaking dawn and Shenguo technology, this time may not be so easy to pass!

Lin Fan: "We don't have the right to intervene in this kind of thing, let's wait and see what happens. Yesterday we failed again in attacking the Ice and Snow White Jade Scorpion. We must succeed this time!"

Talking about this, the few people suddenly became interested, this is the field they are good at.

No matter how strong the big boss is, as long as they know enough information and thoroughly understand the big boss's attack mode, they will have the confidence to attack it.

After such a comparison, they suddenly discovered that the dawn world is their exclusive world!

There is no capital here, no interest entanglement, no ubiquitous unspoken rules, and no intrigue
In Daybreak World, no matter how strong the boss is, they are all qualified to show their swords.

But in the real ol, they can't see the boss's health bar, don't know the boss's attack information, and don't even know which room the boss is in.


Rubbish reality ol!

"River Crab 404" looked at the eldest son "Li Xianzhuo" who looked like an eggplant, and couldn't help but asked with concern, "Master Li, are you alright?"

"Li Xianzhuo" smiled self-deprecatingly, "Do I seem to be a person who has nothing to do? I used to think that I was great, even though most people ridiculed me that I just had a good birth, but my reincarnation itself is amazing. But last night."

"River Crab 404" was dumb, not knowing what to say.

Last night, Li Dashao was played by the navy studio, and was directly ridiculed by the whole network. Now it has almost become a joke.

But unfortunately, the other party was too big, even his father told him clearly that he had to swallow this bad breath if he didn't want to.

From childhood to adulthood, where did First Young Master Li suffer from such grievances?


Li Dashao has a brain and knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

Because of this, he suffered even more!
"Li Xianzhuo" looked at the steel-slashing holy sword in his hand, and suddenly felt a little dull.

"This is the best sword of Lixiao so far. It has the highest white value and attack bonus in the whole network. Unfortunately, it is just an item after all, just a number on the server. I will give it to you!"

Major Li threw the steel-cutting holy sword to "River Crab 404", and walked out of the room directly.

"River Crab 404" looked at the gleaming steel-slashing holy sword in his hand, and forgot his words for a moment.

This is a holy sword worth 100 648. Young Master Li threw it to him as soon as he said it would be thrown to him.

At this moment, "River Crab 404" felt an unprecedented feeling in his heart.

Even if the sword is worth 100 648, it is useless to face the big boss in real ol.

What should dawn do?

Anna looked at Shuang Li not far away, who was looking a bit downhearted, and couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

This was the first time she saw such a depressed double carp!

Shuang Li was a little unmotivated, but it was Anna's kindness after all, so she forced herself to cheer up and said, "It's nothing, it's just being tricked and quarreling with my mother, and the pocket money is gone."

Anna tries hard to put herself into Shuang Li's identity, trying to understand Shuang Li's situation and mood.


She felt like she couldn't understand it!
Being tricked by someone, is this encountering a villain?
But isn't it normal to have enemies?
People in Dawn City are born to fight constantly.

Monsters, poison, hunger, cold, parting.
Especially parting, which is inevitable for everyone.

When she was very young, both her parents died in battle, she was brought up by her elder brother and sister, and then her elder brother left her not long ago
Even my sister's life and death are uncertain now
As for the pocket money, it's a little more realistic.


She almost forgot how long she hadn't received pocket money!
After thinking about it, Anna just came to Shuang Li and gave her a big hug.

This is the only thing she can do now!

Feeling Anna's hug and encouragement, Shuang Li couldn't help feeling much better.

She suddenly discovered that the dawn world is really a world as pure as glass.

There is no disgusting capital here, and there are no trolls who hurt people by pressing buttons, and there are no conspiracy schemes, let alone scumbags who slap you and call you parents.
I hope Lixiao can get through this difficult time!

Seeing that Shuang Li was getting better, Anna said happily, "Shuang Li, follow me to the cathedral to pray!"

Shuang Li was a little stunned.

Praying or something is really far away from her, let alone in the game.

Anna said piously, "His Majesty the God King can tolerate everything in the world, as long as you pray to His Majesty the God King sincerely, He will give you the strength and courage to overcome the difficulties."

Before Shuang Li came back to her senses, she was dragged to the cathedral by Anna.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but as soon as Hajime entered the cathedral, her heart miraculously calmed down.


She saw Anna knelt down devoutly first, clasped her hands together, and closed her eyes to pray.

Shuang Li thought for a while, then knelt down.

After all, Anna is also kind!
At this moment, Shuang Li was suddenly taken aback.

Because, she heard Anna's voice!

[Your Majesty the God King, your devout believer begs you to protect my good friend Shuang Li. She seems to be in trouble in the real world, but I don't know how to help her]
[Shuang Li is a kind-hearted girl, her smile is like gold, shining brightly in Dawn City and my world, I implore His Majesty the God King to give Shuang Li the strength to overcome the difficulties and the courage to move forward]
Shuang Li was startled.

At this moment, she suddenly wanted to cry, but felt as if a seed was sprouting in her heart.

Blessing and power, in fact, His Majesty the God King has bestowed upon her.

It was Anna who tried to comfort her and encourage her as soon as she found out that she was unhappy!

In addition, hearing the voice of the heart, this is the blessing of His Majesty the God King!

She got it!
Shuang Li clasped his hands together, imitated Anna and made a prayer posture, and said devoutly and silently, "Thank you His Majesty the God King for your blessing, thank you, I am not sad now."

Shuang Li didn't hold back, and very trustingly confided her mental journey to His Majesty the God King.

Divine realm.

Rhodes smiled.

Maybe this is the growing pains!
The most important thing is that just now he discovered that Shuang Li became his shallow follower, which is a very good start!
Rhodes thought for a while.

[Go back, the sun will rise as usual tomorrow! ]
Shuang Li was taken aback.

Immediately ecstasy!

His Majesty the God King watched her and protected her. It's really great!

Shuang Li smiled and gave Anna a bear hug.

Anna was a little dazed, feeling that she was being rude in the cathedral, and it seemed a little bad.


Seeing Shuang Li's smiling face, she suddenly felt that the world was bright again!

(End of this chapter)

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