After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 15 Discussion, how did it become a slap

Chapter 15 Discussion, how did it become a slap

At nine o'clock in the morning, outside the Forest of Secret Law.

Two young men were sitting opposite each other, chatting and waiting for their friends to arrive.

"I don't know that blogger at all, and I haven't said a word. She wasn't the one who saved me at the very moment. Who knows how she would post those strange words on the Internet."

Gu Zhao looked serious, staring at his friend's face.

"Brother Zhao, you have to be aware of your own charm, even if you are not the hero who saved the beauty, ahem, you will be attracted by you."

"What are you laughing at?"

"I'm not smiling."

"The corners of your mouth are going up crazily!"

"Brother Zhao, don't worry, as a good brother, I will not laugh at your embarrassing things." Zhao Gang paused, and added: "Unless I can't help it."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Gu Zhao looked disgusted, covered his ears and stayed away: "You disturbed me."

1 minute later.

"stop laughing!"

"I'm sorry, brother can't help it, hahaha."

"I make you laugh!"

Gu Zhao, who became angry from embarrassment, held his right hand falsely, and dots of light appeared around Zhao Gang, which suddenly converged and turned into strands of light.Zhao Gang subconsciously bulged his muscles and resisted, but it didn't work, and he was directly hung upside down on the giant tree.


The laughter stopped abruptly.

"Brother Zhao, I'm a barbarian when it comes to race, you have to be civilized, let me down!"

Zhao Gang shouted loudly, twisting his body back and forth like a giant caterpillar.

"I was wrong, stop laughing, stop laughing!!"

Hearing this sentence, Gu Zhao stretched out his finger, and the light disappeared instantly.Zhao Gang fell straight down from mid-air with his head down, put his hands on the ground, rolled over, stood up, and looked at Gu Zhao in surprise.

"Brother Zhao, is this your professional skill? It's so perverted."

Feeling the power of the explosion in his body, Zhao Gang felt a little lingering.

The moment Gu Zhao stretched out his hand, he felt that time and space were frozen, and his thinking was also stagnant. When he regained his senses, he was already hanging on the giant tree. No force, no light cords move at all.

The two are both at the tenth level. He is also a berserk warrior with green potential, and he is considered excellent among his classmates, but he is instantly restrained and has no power to resist!And brother Zhao's dragon hasn't made a move yet!
Looking at the great confusion in the small eyes of his best friend, Gu Zhao explained: "The skill that restrains you is my innate professional skill, the Grasp of Light, and those light threads behind it are my grasp of the light." A little bit of development."

Zhao Gang touched the back of his head and said with a simple smile, "When you were young, I was the one who covered you up when you fought. From now on, it will be the other way around."

Gu Zhao was about to speak, but suddenly there were ripples in the air.

In a short while, it turned into a door exuding a green halo, giving people a sense of vitality.

"The two handsome guys have been waiting for a long time~ Please come in~"

A familiar voice came from the door of light, clear and sweet, like the jingle of spring water, cleansing people's hearts.

Seeing that the gate of the elf secret realm had been opened, Gu Zhaodang stepped into it first, and after a while of spinning around, the soles of his feet finally stepped on the ground.

Looking around, I can only see dark green eyes, and the fresh air is refreshing.

Yan Xue, dressed in full attire, was smiling with dimples, standing quietly under the sunlight, like a fairy in the forest, touching people's hearts.

"Why are you so solemn and changed into such elegant clothes?"

Gu Zhao regained his composure and asked in amazement.

"Why, you can't change into nice clothes when meeting friends." Yan Xuebai glanced at someone Gu, and continued: "Actually, today is the day when our light elves and the younger generation of dark elves compete. There is a request in the clan. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be bothered to wear this ragged clothes, and I’ll be in trouble.”


"Well, this can be regarded as our tradition, let me tell you slowly." Saying that, Yan Xue asked Gu Zhao and the others to follow, and walked to the distant residential area.

After listening carefully to the beauty's narration, Gu Zhao finally understood the origin of this "discussion".

Although light and darkness are two opposing attributes, the relationship between the light elves and the dark elves is good. In order to motivate the young people of the two races to work hard, the newest generation who have just changed jobs are sent out every year for friendship exchanges.

This grand event is held alternately by light and darkness, and this year's organizer is the light elves.

"After the discussion meeting in the afternoon is over, let's have a good time. I also won you a chance to bathe in the water of elves. Although it is the lowest level C, it can also increase the attribute by about five points."

Yan Xue told the two of her plans for the future, with a bright and moving smile on her face.

"Elf water?! My God, long live Sister Xue! You are too interesting!"

Shock was written all over Zhao Gang's face.

That is the water of spirits!

The water of the elves is collected from the moon well, an epic prop collected by the elves. It has the function of improving the attributes at once after bathing.

The moon well produces a certain amount of water in the morning, evening and evening, but its quality is different.

The moon well in the morning absorbs the essence of the moon overnight, and the spirit water produced is first-class.

In the afternoon, the moon well absorbed the essence of the sun. Although the conversion rate was very low, the quality of the elf water produced was excellent, ranking second.

At dusk, when the yin and yang are handing over, the quantity of the two essences is insufficient, and after being mixed, they conflict with each other, so the quality of the output is the lowest, which is grade C.

But even if the quality is the worst, the supply is often in short supply, and some people can't spend a lot of money.

You must have the guarantee of an elf friend, and then the friend will pay the clan points to apply for the qualification to bathe in the elf water here.

It can be said that Yan Xue definitely paid a lot this time.

Keeping this favor firmly in his heart, Gu Zhao noticed the expectant gaze cast by someone Yan. He was a little puzzled, rolled his eyes, and asked tentatively, "Are you going to play this time?"

"That's right!" Yan Xue almost jumped up excitedly, and finally asked this question!Xiao Zhaozi is sensible!
She raised her head slightly, with a little pride on her face, and said complacently: "Low-key, low-key~ This girl is a bow and arrow master with blue potential, so she is naturally an outstanding one. It is only natural to represent the clan to participate in the competition.

You all cheer me up down there, and see how I handle the opponent and raise the prestige of my clan. "

"Sister Xue, isn't this an internal discussion? Where can you make your name go?" The upright Zhao Gang clearly pointed out that there is a problem with Yan Xue's statement.

Yan Xuexing's eyes widened, she was speechless, and after a while, she muttered in a low voice: "I'll raise my name as the head office."

While chatting and laughing, the three of them had already walked to a quiet and beautiful manor.


(End of this chapter)

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