After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 16 The brilliance gathers, the ancestral spirits greet each other

Chapter 16 The brilliance gathers, the ancestral spirits greet each other

One p.m.

In the garden of the Bright Elf Square, there was an uproar of people.

The next meeting to be held is a rare event in the elves.

At this moment, the spectators on both sides of the light elves and the dark elves have entered the arena, with the arena as the dividing line, each occupying half of the venue.

The field is full of voices of various discussions.

"Have you heard that this time, Yan Changkong, the great elder of our bright elves, paid special attention to this competition, and used three pieces of equipment of excellent quality as prizes."

"Excellent quality? Three pieces! Oh my god, did the Great Elder build it himself?"

"Of course, the champion this time is blessed. The excellent equipment is enough to transform one's body. Although the college entrance examination can only use the standard equipment, it can seize the opportunity in the university entrance examination, obtain more resources, and lead step by step. Leading, and finally snowballing, the advantage is getting bigger and bigger."

"Who do you think has a better chance of getting these three pieces of excellent equipment?"

"I support Yan Xue. As a loyal fan of Yan Damei, it is inevitable to support her unconditionally in this matter."

"I also support Yan Xue, but reason tells me that the possibility is unlikely. After all, there is a strange talent in the dark elves this year. Although he has the potential of cyan, he is extremely powerful."

"By the way, do you know who the handsome guy sitting next to Yan Xue is? Why does he look familiar?"

"Hehe, I feel familiar when I see beautiful women."

In the auditorium on the side of the light elves, Gu Zhao and the three were quietly waiting for the start of the game.

Hearing the whispers in his ears, Gu Zhao tilted his head and looked at Yan Xue beside him, and asked curiously, "A genius from the dark elves? Tell me?"

"This person's name is Shao Yuheng, and he has been transferred to a professional star fighter of the warrior department. Like me, he has the professional potential of blue, because he has practiced boxing and kicking since he was a child, and he is very capable in melee combat."

Speaking of this, Yan Xue was a little frustrated, with a slumped face, and sighed: "I should not be his opponent. I haven't learned how to repel arrows yet, so I can easily get close. Those are three outstanding weapons! I really want~”

Gu Zhao patted Yan Xue's round shoulder, and encouraged him in a warm voice: "Don't be discouraged, just do your best and leave no regrets. There is still a long way to go, let's move forward together."



Half an hour later, a long and thick bell rang through the sky above the venue, and streamers of light streaked across the distant sky, coming towards the very center of the square garden.

After a while, several light elves were suspended in midair, scanning the crowd below.

"Hiss, they don't have wing equipment, and they step on the void. They are all big bosses above level [-]."

Are these the upper echelons of the Light Elf side?

Gu Zhao carefully looked at the figures in mid-air, comparing them with the images he saw in the news.

Soon, an old man among the light elves was wearing a green robe, his hair was carefully combed, and his face was solemn, which caught his attention.

"Yan Changkong."

The vice president of the Pingdong Province Mage Association, the great elder of the Bright Elf, a 78-level life mage, and today's top powerhouse, was once a generation of peerless arrogance. He has a serious personality and attaches great importance to the traditional culture of the elves.

This is the real pillar of the light elves, with all-powerful strength.

"Representatives from both sides, please come to the stage and hold the ancestor worship ceremony immediately."

After several high-ranking dark elves arrived, Yan Changkong nodded and announced.

The ancestor worship ceremony, as a tradition of the elves for countless years, is held every important day, such as expeditions, festivals, etc.

According to legend, the main purpose of ancestor worship is to communicate the will of heaven and earth and find a person who will be of great help to the elves in the future.In the past hundred years, although the ancestor worship ceremony was held as usual, there has been no person who can trigger the ceremony.

Therefore, the new generation of elves just regard this ceremony as a kind of cultural inheritance.Only the older generation of elves are still imagining that the ancestor worship ceremony will take effect.

Soon, the representatives of the two parties came to the stage, and they were all eager to try their hand at the top of the clan.

On the side of the bright elves, the leader is Yan Xue, with a faint smile on her face, three thousand blue hairs slipping down her shoulders onto the slim leather armor inlaid with black gold wires, like a blooming green lotus in the world of mortals, refined and unique Reiki.

And standing in front of the dark elf was a tall young man with a loose expression, wearing a purple armor with gorgeous patterns engraved on it, very coquettish.

There was a brief silence on the field, no one was whispering anymore, they were all waiting for the official start of this grand event.

"Sister Fairy, how about adding a contact number after the discussion, how about we make friends? My name is Shao Yuheng, a gentleman is like jade, and the balance of all things."

On the ring, Shao Yuheng showed appreciation and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.


After being ignored by Yan Xue, he was not annoyed, and continued to talk to the other female elves on the side of the light elves with a smile.

"Beauty, add a link..."


"Quiet." Yan Changkong reprimanded softly, and then continued to announce: "The auspicious time has come, let's start worshiping the ancestors!"

As soon as Yan Changkong finished speaking, a bright elf standing in mid-air waved his hand and threw out a large number of precious materials and small flags, which were quickly arranged and changed in the air, and finally hovered at a specific position.

At this moment, Shao Yuheng suppressed the excitement in his heart.

It's finally started, and he is bound to win the championship of this competition!

He yelled in his heart: "Champion, outstanding weapon, here I come! As long as the ancestor worship is over, these will fall into my grasp!"

A moment later, with the weird and obscure syllables of the light elves, the small flags in all directions suddenly flashed with light, and a large amount of precious materials surrounded by the small flags began to burn.The light rushed downward like a tide, scattered in all directions, and gradually swept over everyone.

Shao Yuheng only felt his body heat up slightly when the light swept over him, but nothing unusual happened.

Just as he closed his eyes, adjusted his state, and prepared to use his best self to meet the next competition meeting, he could only hear exclamations from the audience in the distance.

"The light gathers, the light gathers!"

Shao Yuheng opened his eyes, and saw that in the auditorium of the light elves, light continuously gathered around a person, forming illusory elves, dancing beside this person!
He seemed to be able to feel the elves jumping and cheering...

"Is there any response to the ancestor worship ceremony??!"

Shao Yuheng couldn't believe his eyes.

For many years, he had never seen it with his own eyes, and only heard about it in stories, "Glory gathers, ancestral spirits greet each other", and it actually appeared in front of him!
At this moment, everyone on the field no longer cared whether the sparring ceremony was going on, they just wanted to know who the "destined person" in the audience who was selected by the ancestor worship ceremony was!

In mid-air, Yan Changkong, who was standing with his hands behind his back, had bursts of ecstasy uncontrollably on his face that had always been calm!
(End of this chapter)

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