Chapter 18 Sending Treasure Boy?

"As a close friend of the light elves, you can also get the qualification to bathe in the water of the elves. According to your blue potential, you can use the water of the first-class elves."

Yan Changkong smiled like he was crying, and continued.

Hearing this, apart from Yan Xue's expression of relief on Yan Xue's face, the geniuses of the younger generation of elves who were still on the stage all cast envious and jealous eyes.

Those with blue potential can only bathe in the water of the second-class elves, which can add a total of ten attributes, but the effect is far inferior to the water of the first-class elves, which can add twenty points of attributes.

First-class Elven Water is rarely produced, so only geniuses with blue potential and above are eligible to use it.

You say that potential is not everything?well said!As long as you can defeat a genius of the same level or higher with blue potential and prove yourself, you can also enjoy the first-class spirit water.

"Okay, my friend, please do your own thing. When you need to take a bath, you can go directly to the bathing area 5000 meters northeast of here. There will be a special receptionist there."

As he said that, Yan Changkong took out an ordinary paper crane from the inventory, put it in his hand, and threw it forward after a while, and the paper crane turned into a real crane, flapping its wings and flying to the northeast.

So far, the turmoil caused by Gu Zhao has finally come to an end temporarily.

Just as the discussion meeting was about to continue, when Gu Zhao turned and sat down, a firm voice came from behind him.

"please wait a while."

Looking back, I saw the representative of the dark elves, who was full of slack and carefree, Shao Yuheng looked firm, as if he had made some important decision, and said slowly: "Please give me a chance to challenge you, I want to prove myself."

Hearing this, the dark elves around Shao Yuheng looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although they were envious of Gu Zhao's ability to use the first-class spirit water, they were not fools, nor were they overwhelmed by jealousy.

A professional guardian dragon knight with blue potential must be extremely powerful!

Moreover, they have also watched the video circulating on the Internet, and they are very clear about the horror of Gu Zhao's giant dragon. A dragon's cry made the unstoppable beast tide retreat on the spot, and it was majestic and majestic.

Even if you want to obtain the qualification to use the first-class spirit water, there is no need to come to Gu Zhao as a challenge object, you can find a normal blue potential genius to challenge.

What's more, there will be a sparring meeting soon. If you are injured at this time, even if you have the top healing profession nearby, life mage Yan Changkong, you can keep your body intact, but mental exhaustion is inevitable.

Competing at the same level, the difference is just a tiny bit, and if one loses his mind, the victory may be over.

And this time the championship prizes are three pieces of outstanding equipment!Shao Yuheng has great hopes of winning the championship!
Risk and benefit are completely unequal!

In short, they decided that Shao Yuheng's brain had gone wrong...


Shao Yuheng is naturally not mentally retarded. The reason why he gave up the three pieces of excellent equipment that are almost at his fingertips and chose to challenge Gu Zhao at this time is entirely because the special skills of his profession were passively triggered.

Challenge the stars (special skills): current state, activated. (Countdown 18 minutes 37 seconds)
Success condition: Persevere for 1 minute under Gu Zhao who is going all out.

After success, this skill will get the effect: Blessing of Destiny Star.

Remarks: As a star fighter, you are born to challenge the stars, boy, you can't imagine how vast the stars are in front of you at this moment, persist for 1 minute, and you will enter a new realm!

For this skill, Shao Yuheng is still not proficient. At present, he only activates it passively when he approaches a suitable candidate, and the activation state lasts only 10 minutes.

Maybe as the level increases, he can actively activate it, and the duration will also be extended, but at this moment, he can only choose to retreat, or to face the difficulties.

The special skill "Challenge the Stars" can only be activated once for the same person. If you miss this opportunity, you may never get the chance to "Bless the Destiny Star" again in your lifetime.

Shao Yuheng was very troubled by the situation he was in at the moment: "It would be great if I could meet Gu Zhao again when I have mastered this skill, at least I can have time to prepare.

And is Gu Zhao already so strong?I only need to hold on to him for 1 minute to meet the conditions. "

The possibility of failure in this challenge may be very high, but once successful, the harvest is bound to exceed his imagination.

This kind of "Fate Star" and "Time Star" are beyond the standard at first sight, okay? Compared with this kind of blessing, the three outstanding devices can also be discarded, not to mention that even if he exhausts his energy and goes on the stage with fatigue, he will not be able to do so. Not necessarily lose.

The risk is directly proportional to the return, and even the return exceeds the risk.

He bet!
Listening to Shao Yuheng's "Declaration of Challenge", Zhao Gang, who had been standing aside all the time, had a strange look on his face, and tilted his head to look at Shao Yuheng: "Brother, are you sure?"

Ignoring him, Shao Yuheng continued to look at Gu Zhao firmly, and said his request: "As long as you go all out in this challenge, I will give you a piece of equipment of excellent quality as a reward."

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of laughter from the audience, and discussions suddenly broke out.

Listening to the "whispering" beside him, Shao Yuheng's face twitched a little. He knew that his actions seemed a little, um, unreasonable, but if he didn't pay him, how could he guarantee that Gu Zhao would go all out?
However, the level of green quality equipment is still low for a genius of Gu Zhao's level. It is difficult to use this as a condition to ask Gu Zhao to do things. Do, just got great gear.

I can't bear the shoes to cover the wolf!
"Take a look."

Gu Zhao asked for inspection first.

With a look of heartache on his face, Shao Yuheng took out a ring from the inventory and threw it over.

Gu Zhao caught the ring and checked it.

Starburst Ring (Blue Excellence)—Increases power by [-]%, and has starburst when launching an attack.

Now, Gu Zhao is also a little stuck in Bengbu.

Really send it? !Is this buddy a gift boy?
If you want to learn from each other, why not give away excellent equipment?This is too polite!
And listen to the request!
Is this the legendary "I spend money, please hit me hard"?

Putting the ring on his hand, feeling the warm touch on his fingers, and the growth of strength in his body, Gu Zhao chose to accept it.

"it is good."

Hearing Gu Zhao's promise, Shao Yuheng heaved a sigh of relief, turned around, saluted Yan Changkong and said, "Please also invite the Great Elder to witness."


"According to the rules of the Fairy Water qualification challenge, the level of the challenger must be equal to or lower than that of the challenged.

The challenger Shao Yuheng has a level of ten, which is the same as Gu Zhao. If he meets the conditions, he can start the challenge. If he wins, he will be qualified to use the first-class spirit water.

Now please put on the standard equipment and get ready to go on stage! "

(End of this chapter)

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