Chapter 19 Gu Zhao, must win!
On both sides of the ring, Gu Zhao and Shao Yuheng took their positions, quietly waiting for the start of the challenge.


"Shao Yuheng, we must win!"

Many cheers came from the side of the dark elves, resounding over the square garden.

Sure enough, although the dark elves laughed at their own race, when the challenge came, they still had to support them.

Shao Yuheng's watery face showed a bit of excitement, he clenched his fists lightly, and raised his eyebrows at Gu Zhao.

Gu Zhao, who was wearing the standard armor of the elves, stared at Sylvia at the side, ignoring his provocation.

Standing in mid-air, Yan Changkong frowned, and was about to order his clansmen to cheer Gu Zhao, when he saw a beautiful figure in front of the auditorium distributing loudspeaker balls to the bright elves, he smiled lightly and ignored the matter.

"Gu Zhao, we must win!"

A crisp and pleasant voice, amplified by the loudspeaker ball, reached Gu Zhao's ears.

Gu Zhao looked in the direction where the voice came from, and saw a girl with a sweet smile, clenching a small fist in one hand, holding a loudspeaker ball in the other, bouncing to cheer herself up, the sun shining on the girl, as if She was covered with a layer of golden gauze, like a nine-day goddess descending to the mortal world, her beauty is dazzling.

"Yan Xue..."

Immediately afterwards, the bright elves behind the girl, led by her, began to cheer, and slowly changed from chaos to order.

"Gu Zhao, we must win!"

The shouts were deafening, the mountain roared and the tsunami was filled with surging enthusiasm after gathering sand into a tower. Being in it, Gu Zhao's scalp even felt a little numb and his body trembled.

Feeling the feeling of hundreds of people shouting for him, the sound of cheering made up of bits and pieces was so heart-shaking that the blood in his body couldn't help but churn for it, and he wanted to beat Shao Yuheng who was opposite him immediately. .

"Go all out? Then go all out!"

Sylvia next to her was very dissatisfied with the sound of cheering her opponent on the field, lightly flapped her fleshy wings, and flew a little distance to a high place, facing the dark elves, with a dragon's mouth open.

hold head high!
The sound of the dragon's roar was not very loud, but it contained shocking power, and the hehelongwei attached to it was like a flood. With the transmission of sound waves, it extinguished the fire of passion of the dark elves.

"Shao Yuheng, must..."

The dark elves stopped involuntarily as if their necks were stuck.

For a moment, the only sound in the sky above the garden of the Bright Elf Square was the roar of cheers from the Bright Elf side like a tsunami.

At this moment, Gu Zhao is the only protagonist on the field!

Seeing this scene, the Great Elder Yan Changkong had a smile on his face, and before the dark elves recovered, he announced the official start of the Fairy Water Qualification Challenge.

Shao Yuheng moved when he heard the sound, shouted loudly, his momentum was like a rainbow, but he put on a classic defensive posture, with bright starlight emerging from his body, and the phantom of the universe emerging from behind, which is really amazing.

Seeing that Shao Yuheng chose to be on the defensive, Gu Zhao shook his head lightly, and said flatly: "It's over.

"Sylvia, Bright Dragon Flame."

When Sylvia followed the instructions and began to gain momentum, Gu Zhao stretched out a hand.

Under the stage, seeing Gu Zhao's familiar gesture, Zhao Gang couldn't help but cover his face, this move again!

On the stage, a little light suddenly appeared around Shao Yuheng, and he immediately activated the starlight on his body while concentrating on it, trying to dispel the light.

However, the light let the starlight pass through as if it didn't exist, and then it suddenly converged, wrapping Shao Yuheng, and a flicker brought him into the air.

At the same time, Sylvia spit out a mouthful of bright dragon flames, and quickly flew to the place where Shao Yuheng flickered...

"Gu Zhaosheng!"

A green light shield blocked Shao Yuheng who was still in the mid-air and was still in the chaos of consciousness.

one move!
The overwhelming sound of cheers seemed to be agreed at the same time, and it stopped instantly, and the square garden seemed to be empty for a moment.

what's the situation?
Game over?
The audience off the court fell into short-term self-doubt, and then, the sound of mountains and tsunami filled the sky again.

"Gu Zhao! Gu Zhao!"

This time, the cheers seemed to be half louder.

No, it's half the size!
I saw many dark elves also joined the cheering team.

After all, Gu Zhao was selected as a "man of fortune" by the ancestor worship ceremony, so he was naturally in the friendly camp.

It is understandable that the dark elves were moved by his extreme strength and cheered Gu Zhao's name instead.

In mid-air, Shao Yuheng, whose light had dissipated, fell straight down. His expression was in a trance, and he didn't make any movements to relieve his force. After landing with a bang, he staggered and stood still.


The voice of "Gu Zhao" filled his ears, and Shao Yuheng's face was filled with disbelief. Finally, the starlight on his body dissipated, and he lowered his head silently.

High in the sky, the faces of the few elf bosses standing in the air, whether it is light or darkness, are full of surprise and joy at this moment.

And Yan Changkong, who was at the front of several bright elves, almost laughed out loud.

Really worthy of being a "man of fortune"!
Amidst the cheers all over the sky, Gu Zhao took off the elf-style armor, revealing the common clothes inside, jumped off the ring, and walked back to his place.

"Phew~ The sparring session can finally go on normally, why is it so difficult to watch a match!"

After taking a long breath, Gu Zhao said with some emotion.

Hearing this, Yan Xue and Zhao Gang beside them looked weird, who was the cause of the two interruptions?

Zhao Gang said bluntly: "Brother Zhao, you are really thick-skinned, just like the two interruptions of the competition meeting have nothing to do with you, I am ashamed to be with you."

Hearing this, Gu Zhao glared at the big man who didn't know how to write the word "tactful", and defended himself: "The first time was force majeure, and the light gathered on me by itself. As for the second time, that Can you blame me, I was challenged and a victim!"


This time, the other bright elves around who pretended not to hear them also stopped in Bengbu.

You look at Shao Yuheng on the stage who was hit by you, and now he is still in a daze!
This time, nothing happened, and the competition was going on normally.

Although Shao Yuheng was hit a bit badly, it was more psychological. After all, he was killed by one move, and he couldn't be mentally exhausted. He finally won the championship, but there were only sparse applause at the scene, which was no longer the climax of Gu Zhao's exit. .


On the path to the northeast of the Fairy Square Garden, Gu Zhao and Yan Xue were walking together, preparing to go to the bathing area to use the water of the fairies.

On the other hand, Zhao Gang made an appointment with a few younger generations of the Bright Elf clan whom he had met in the audience, preparing for a battle between men.

"It's bad, I've been tricked by Shao Yuheng!"

As he was walking, Gu Zhao suddenly "turned pale with shock".

"What's wrong?" Yan Xue confirmed that Gu didn't lose a single hair, and squinted at his performance.

"We lost two whole pieces of excellent equipment."

Let me talk about the conclusion first, Gu Zhao paused, and told his "reasoning process":
"I finally understand why Shao Yuheng asked me to go all out. It's not that he wants to be beaten, but that he knows that his strength is too far from mine. He is afraid that I will only defend but not attack, so he will take him down when he is extremely exhausted. , causing him to lose in the follow-up sparring meeting.

Therefore, he used the method of lure and asked me to go all out. In this way, we could have obtained three pieces of excellent equipment, but in the end we only got one piece, and the panties that we lost were all gone! "

"Bah, what are you talking about." Yan Xue spat lightly, her eyes rolled around, but her attention was all on the phrase "we".

"What do you think of my reasoning?"

After a while, Gu Zhao didn't get a response, so he stopped, turned his head, and saw Yan Xue was blushing, staring at the ground with a smile, and continued walking forward in a daze.

"Hey, I'm back to my senses, what are you thinking, what do you think of my reasoning?"

Gu Zhao patted Yan Xue's round shoulders.

"Ah, uh... reasoning... very good... very good!" Yan Xuexing, who came back to her senses, opened her eyes and retorted: "Then Shao Yuheng will challenge you after the competition is over, why bother?" trouble."

"That's right." Gu Zhao nodded approvingly, continued to move forward, and concluded, "Then there is only one possibility. His brain was cramped at that time."

Caught off guard, Yan Xue, who was left on the spot, stomped her feet and quickly followed.

"Why are you in such a hurry, wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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