Chapter 2 Heist of Fate
The moment he put his hand on it, Gu Zhao felt as if his head had been hit hard. There were a lot of information in his head out of thin air, and he became dizzy...

He sat down on the ground, gently rubbing his temples on both sides with his hands, trying to digest the information entering his brain.

Call ~
After a long time, Gu Zhao let out a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

Although his face was a little tired at the moment, it was hard to hide the surprise in his heart at the moment.

"The Pavilion of Destiny?"

Gu Zhao muttered these four words softly, and then recalled the details of those memories in his mind.

The name of the pillar in front of you is "Pillar of Peeping God". Just put a drop of blood on the pillar, and you can get a glimpse of your own life script.

And the "Temple of Destiny" he was in, although it was named as fate, its function was not to guard the river of fate, but to rob it.

When Gu Zhao changes his life script, the "Ting of Destiny" will add fuel to the small fluctuations of fate, disturb the long river of fate below the pavilion, set off huge waves, and then fish in the troubled waters of the long river of fate to steal away the lost treasures. A treasure in the corner of fate.

The type of treasure can be selected by him in advance, including but not limited to various top equipment, rare skill books, sub-professional professional books, and world stones.

"It's a freaking feature, but I like it."

Gu Zhao couldn't wait.

"Try some blood."

Just do it, Gu Zhao searched around but couldn't find a suitable tool, frowned, and bit a small bite on the little finger of his left hand with his teeth.


Fingers connected to heart, Gu Zhao gasped in pain.

Putting the blood from his fingertips on the god-seeing column, he noticed that the blood was slowly being absorbed by the column.

After a while, the pattern on the column began to light up from the place where the blood was absorbed, emitting a dazzling light.

Finally, after the lines were fully lit, a small area facing Gu Zhao suddenly distorted, forming a bunch of weird characters.

Just like the word "Zhao" just now, this is not any language Gu Zhao has ever seen in his life, but he can understand it!
【Name】: Gu Zhao
[Very handsome appearance]: Sunshine temperament, slender figure, and handsome appearance allow you to easily gain the favor of the opposite sex.

[Small difference]: Because the number of giant dragons is too rare, you finally chose the Holy Light Priest in the job transfer ceremony, and missed the more suitable and powerful profession-Dragon Knight.

【Proud in Spring Breeze】: Relying on your strong healing abilities, you were finally admitted to the Department of Therapy at Kyoto University in the college entrance examination.

[Death at an early age]: As a qualified little squishy, ​​you were attacked by a demon assassin during the entrance test and died unfortunately.

die young? ! ?
Gu Zhao was the first to notice these four words because human beings cherish their own life instinct.

Isn't it, sir, this is my destiny?
Every time the other timetravelers are plotted against, there is no danger. This operation of mine is really profitable, and it can be called the shame of the timetravelers.

Gu Zhao's pupils contracted slightly, a little unbelievable, but after thinking about it, since he knew it in advance, he can naturally be vigilant about it, and it is impossible to capsize in the gutter in the future.

The tense nerves relaxed, and Gu Zhao noticed his future career choice.

"Did I choose Holy Light Priest when I changed jobs and gave up Dragon Knight?"

That's right, the number of giant dragons is too rare, and they only appear in the most central area of ​​the battlefield of the heavens, while the human race still only dares to pan for gold in the outer battlefields. Through normal means, it is almost impossible for Gu Zhao to obtain giant dragons as mounts.

And the dragon knight class without a dragon can only be considered mediocre. Compared with the top professional holy light priest, it is not surprising that he made such a choice.

"Then through abnormal means?"

Gu Zhao's face showed anticipation, he closed his eyes, communicated with Destiny Pavilion according to the information in his mind, and tried to choose the type of treasure as dragon egg.

"Successful!" After only a moment, Gu Zhao received the feedback of the information, and he almost jumped up excitedly.

As long as he changes his choice tomorrow, he will become the first dragon knight in history to have a dragon as a mount!
Now everything is ready, just waiting for the transfer ceremony!
After looking around again and confirming that no details were missed, Gu Zhao closed his eyes and leaned on the peeping pillar.

Surrounded by the sound of the rushing river, a feeling of drowsiness struck.

A few minutes later, Gu Zhao fell into a deep sleep...


The next morning, before six o'clock, Gu Zhao got up from the bed.

He looked around subconsciously, and the familiar environment came into view.

"I'm back, did I really come back and forth through a dream?"

Gu Zhao was thoughtful, thinking silently: "And after I fell asleep in that place, I didn't wake up in reality, so is that place my dream or real existence?"

Shaking his head, Gu Zhao shook off the redundant thoughts in his mind, walked to the window, and opened the curtain with a clatter.

The sunlight broke through the barriers and rushed into the room.

"It's so comfortable." Gu Zhao squinted his eyes under the bright light, feeling that he was in excellent physical condition at the moment.

"Recently, the quality of sleep is really good. Am I the legendary player with a big heart? The more critical the moment, the calmer I am?"

While thinking, Gu Zhao opened the door and prepared to wash up.

Steaming millet porridge was already set on the small round table in the middle of the living room.There was a clanging sound of spatulas in the kitchen. It should be my aunt Chen Weirui frying poached eggs.

"Good morning, my dear aunt."

Facing the kitchen, Gu Zhaoqing said hello familiarly.

"Good morning, my dear Xiao Zhao."

A pleasant response came from the kitchen, the voice was like a cold spring, which made Gu Zhao's heart seem to have been washed away.

"Xiao Zhao...every time I hear this word, I think of the Yitian Tulong Ji." Gu Zhao whispered.


Ten minutes later, Gu Zhao walked out of the toilet refreshed and saw his aunt placing the dishes on the table.

Noticing the faint dark circles under the eyes of his aunt's delicate and pretty face, Gu Zhao was a little lost.

After just a few seconds, Chen Weirui noticed that Gu Zhaozheng was standing there stupidly, and couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Zhaozi, why did you start to be so dazed in the morning, the princess has everything ready, let's serve dinner!"

Looking at the sparkling eyes on the delicate and pretty face in front of him, Gu Zhao quickly regained his composure, and sat obediently at the dining table.


After finishing speaking, Gu Zhao finished his breakfast in a stormy manner. After packing up, he was ready to go to school for the life-defining ceremony—the transfer ceremony.

When Gu Zhao was putting on his shoes, Chen Weirui, who had been very relaxed all morning, hesitated to speak at this moment, and finally couldn't help but said: "It doesn't matter what the outcome of the job transfer ceremony is, please take it easy, in case... I am If the result is bad, don't worry about it, this girl will take care of you."

I'm not a fragile person!

Gu Zhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still went out after earnestly agreeing.

(End of this chapter)

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