Chapter 3 The Ceremony Begins

Gu Zhao's No. [-] High School in TS City is a comprehensive key high school.

The main purpose of the establishment of the school in this world is not only to bring students to upgrade, but also to impart knowledge just like the school in Gu Zhao's previous life.

In such a situation where fierce beasts and secret realms are everywhere, it is still necessary to study the weaknesses of fierce beasts, the different types of secret realms, and so on.

After all, only those with both knowledge and strength can survive better.

As for the so-called comprehensiveness, it is actually racial diversity.

Yes, some races that have good relations with humans, such as elves, dwarves, barbarians, etc., will also send their juniors to human schools. For example, Gu Zhao's deskmate is a bright elf...

Class thirty.

On the podium, a bald middle-aged man spoke eloquently, giving psychological counseling to the students, so that students with poor psychological quality would not be overwhelmed after the results of job transfer came out.

Under the stage, there were occasional whispers from students who couldn't hold back their excitement.

"Gu Zhao, Gu Zhao."

A woman with pointed ears and a beautiful face sitting on Gu Zhao's right whispered to him.


Without squinting, Gu Zhao stared at the eloquent homeroom teacher Ji Feng on the podium with a serious face, pretending to be still listening carefully.

"Would you like to come to my house as a guest after the transfer ceremony? My house is quite big, and you are welcome to come and play." Yan Xue paused, and quickly added: "I also invited some girlfriends and Zhao Gang."

Zhao Gang is Gu Zhao's best friend at school, a racial savage, with a strong physique, a straightforward personality, and jealous of evil, loves to fight against injustice, and is very popular in school.

"If I decline the invitation from the Bright Elf, I won't be envied by my classmates." Gu Zhao responded in a low voice.

As a race that likes to be quiet, the Light Elves don't like to be disturbed by strangers or people they meet by chance, and only send invitations to recognized friends.

It is quite rare to get them to recognize it. As the children of light, the light elves have the ability to feel good and evil, and all dirty thoughts will be invisible in front of them.

For real friends, they are very friendly, and being a guest can enjoy great benefits.

As soon as the words fell, Gu Zhao noticed that the beautiful deskmate was in the blind spot of the head teacher's vision, and quietly made a victory gesture to himself.


Ten minutes later, homeroom teacher Ji Feng finally finished the class meeting with the theme of "Looking up at the stars and keeping our feet on the ground". Seeing the unbearable excitement on the faces of the students in the audience, he smiled slightly and glanced at the message he had just sent on his mobile phone. The message, proclaimed aloud:
"The job transfer platform has been set up, everyone maintain order, and go to the playground with me to gather!"

In the class, everyone is in high spirits—the job change is finally here!

How the future holds, depends on today!

Gu Zhao stood up, walked out of the classroom with the flow of people, and soon came to the playground.

At this time, a huge colorless and transparent crystal pillar has been erected on the job transfer platform on the playground. It is particularly majestic and charming under the sunlight. It is the job transfer crystal pillar.

Next to the job-changing crystal pillar, stood a middle-aged man wearing a fiery red robe and holding a purple-black staff exuding a destructive aura.

Gu Zhao has seen this middle-aged man on TV. His name is Li Wuji, a level 63 Explosive Mage. He is currently the vice president of the TS City Branch of the Mage Association, and his strength is unfathomable.

The most famous achievement is that on the battlefield of the heavens, relying on the overwhelming flames with one hand, he severely damaged the reinforcements sent by the Demon Race, and helped the Human Race capture a vein of the World Stone.

"A man should be like this."

Gu Zhao sighed, and then focused on the upcoming job transfer ceremony.

At this time, the playground was very noisy, with thousands of humans and other races gathered.They are all seniors in TS City's No. [-] High School, and they have all reached the tenth level after the experience, meeting the requirements of the transfer ceremony.

In this time period that is about to change your life, it is no surprise that everyone is excited at this time.

"I had a very real dream yesterday. I dreamed that I changed my job to become a shield warrior, and I was still a blue potential, and then attracted crazy competition from major universities. I feel that this is an omen."

"My suggestion is to inject peanuts intravenously. Dude, I dare not be so bold in my dreams. Among the seven levels of professional potential, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, blue has not appeared in our entire province for several years."

"Hehe, for the same profession, the blue talent means that there is no bottleneck until the level reaches level 70. My dream is to reach the green talent. If I can upgrade to level 50 without any hindrance, my ancestral grave will explode."

"Has no one paid attention to the slot of the shield warrior, the most popular and rare guardian profession, do you know how Li Wuji, the vice president of our Mage Association, severely damaged the demon reinforcements? Isn't there a guardian?" The bosses of the department are rushing by the side."

"What, you can't even dream, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully..."

Halfway through the man's words, he was interrupted by a melodious and grand voice.

"Please keep quiet, the transfer ceremony is about to begin."

Li Wuji, who was standing next to the professional transfer crystal pillar, said.

No microphone was used, and the sound spread to every corner of the playground. It was the mage's "sound amplification technique".

The playground quickly fell silent. Five minutes later, Li Wuji raised his head, glanced at the students on the playground, and slowly announced: "The auspicious time has come, and the transfer ceremony has officially begun."

"According to your school's arrangement, start from class one and go on stage in sequence according to student number."

Finally started!

Excitement appeared on the slightly immature faces of the students. At the same time, a girl from class one stepped onto the job transfer platform and became the first person to accept the job transfer ceremony.

"Don't be nervous, just relax, just follow the steps." Standing on the stage, Li Wuji noticed the girl's trembling body and said kindly.

"Yeah." The girl put her hand on the job transfer crystal pillar, and breathed at a special frequency.


As Li Wuji began to chant the incantation, white light gradually emitted from the transfer crystal pillar, covering the girl and slowly seeping into the girl's body.

A moment later, the job-changing crystal pillar suddenly turned from white light to bright blue light, and a mysterious emblem resembling lightning emerged from the blue light.

Suddenly there was a burst of exclamation from the audience, "The blue potential thunder mage!"

"The future is boundless. I am envious of the dead if I change my job to become a thunder mage with unparalleled lethality, let alone have the potential of blue, and I can rise to level 60 without bottlenecks."

"Among the same Thunder mages, they are even more talented. There is really no way. In the future, no matter whether it is exploring the secret realm or performing tasks on the battlefield of the heavens, you will not have to worry about finding strong teammates!"

"Oh, how God has cared for her."

In the eyes of envy, the blue light of the transfer crystal pillar gradually faded, and there was a little electric arc flickering around the girl, and the excitement was beyond words.

"What's your name?"

Li Wuji, who was standing aside, had a look of satisfaction in his eyes, and asked.

"Hello President Li, my name is Zhao Yanmeng."

"Are you interested in joining our TS City Mage Association, you can enjoy the A-level seed treatment."

Zhao Yanmeng's face was full of indescribable joy. A-level seed treatment meant an unimaginable tilt in resources, and she quickly agreed.

"Find me at the Mage Association tomorrow morning, take this." Li Wuji said while handing a golden card to Zhao Yanmeng.

In the end, surrounded by envious voices, Zhao Yanmeng happily returned to her class.

(End of this chapter)

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