Chapter 4 Let's listen to the dragon
Next, the students went to the job transfer desk in order to transfer jobs.

It's just that few others are as lucky as Zhao Yanmeng.

Except for a few powerful professions that are visible to the blind, the strengths and weaknesses of other professions are actually not intuitive. After all, every profession has strong and weak.

The same skill, some people use it like a sledgehammer to smash a fly, it is extremely clumsy, but someone can use the skill superbly, and the timing is just right.

But people's potential is visible to the naked eye. People with cyan potential and red potential must not be confused. People with red potential, in addition to the extremely slow upgrade speed, will also encounter bottlenecks at level 20.

Of course, the red potential does not mean that there is no way to continue to improve after reaching level 20. As long as you can get the world stone produced by the battlefield of the heavens, you can increase your upper limit.

The World Stone is known as a treasure with infinite possibilities. Absorption can improve talent, forging equipment can improve attributes, and wearing jewelry polished by the World Stone can also improve the wearer's understanding and so on.

Therefore, the world stones obtained through life and death in the battlefield of the heavens are generally used directly. It can be said that they are priceless and hard to obtain.

After awakening the red and orange potentials, most people will not be able to find opportunities to raise their upper limit throughout their lives.

In short, this job transfer ceremony is doomed to dash hopes for the vast majority of people.

After a long time, it was finally Gu Zhao's turn to change jobs in his class.

The first twenty people who went up were all red, orange, and yellow potential mass occupations.

Next up was Gu Zhao's buddy, Zhao Gang.

As a barbarian, Zhao Gang has a high possibility of being a knight or warrior.

Sure enough, under the illumination of the green light of the job transfer crystal pillar, a coat of arms with crossed axes appeared.

"A violent warrior with green potential."

Zhao Gangxi smiled, ran back to the crowd and high-fived Gu Zhao.

Looking at the excited Zhao Gang, Gu Zhao was also happy for his best friend.

Berserker is also a pretty good melee output class. It is easy to form a team to explore the secret realm together. If there is no accident, the green potential can be upgraded to level 50 without any bottlenecks, so it can be regarded as a strong one .

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, according to statistics, the green potential of Zhao Gang has exceeded 80.00% of five people.

After several people, it was the turn of Gu Zhao's fairy tablemate - Yan Xue.

Gu Zhao watched her walk up the high platform slowly and firmly, and began to change jobs amidst Li Wuji's singing.

After a while, a cyan light slowly bloomed from the crystal pillar, and a pair of exquisite bow and arrow symbols emerged.

"Cyan! It's cyan again!"

"This is a bow and arrow master with cyan potential. This kind of profession is more common in elves, but potential is destined to become a hero. He has a bright future, but I have no bright future."

"Be bold, change me to us, you are not the only one with a dark future."

"There are two long-distance profession geniuses out today, and the air is shaking. When will our melee profession stand up?"

Yan Xue on the high stage smiled dimples, and blinked in Gu Zhao's direction, causing the audience to cry and howl.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Gu Zhao's face, and he turned to concentrate, secretly practicing the special breathing rate that he had been familiar with for a long time.

The two friends have a good future, which made him feel a sense of crisis. After all, it is difficult to maintain friendship between people who are too far apart in various aspects.

"Gu Zhao, it's your turn, come on!"

The class teacher Ji Feng came up and patted Gu Zhao's shoulder excitedly.

He is really happy that there is a genius with blue potential in the class.

"Thank you teacher." Gu Zhao smiled at Ji Feng, and after receiving encouraging looks from Zhao Gang and Yan Xue, he firmly stepped onto the job transfer platform.

Closing his eyes, Gu Zhao put his right hand against the job transfer crystal pillar, feeling the warm touch on his hand, and began to breathe in and out according to the job transfer breathing method taught by the school.

Soon, Gu Zhao felt that his body was warm, and at the same time, there were two different inheritance forces.

The first one was warm and comfortable, making people feel like a spring breeze. After the mind induction, the basic information of Priest Shengguang appeared in Gu Zhao's mind.

The power of the second line of inheritance is even stronger, giving him a feeling of being as thick as a mountain, and there is a faint sound of dragon chant coming from it, it is the dragon knight.

The strength of the inheritance power determines the potential value of the profession.

If choosing Holy Light Priest can bring him the cyan potential that makes him a new generation leader, then there is no doubt that Dragon Knight can bring him the blue potential or purple potential that is the best in his generation.

Which one to choose?
If it hadn't been for what happened last night, Gu Zhao would still choose Priest Shengguang after a little struggle, even though Dragon Knight's potential is stronger.

After all, the number of giant dragons is too rare, and a dragon knight who is not a complete body can only disappear from everyone.Potential, although important, can still be improved the day after tomorrow.

And with the help of Destiny Pavilion, his choice is beyond doubt.

I choose Dragon Knight!

Gu Zhao concentrated his consciousness on the power representing the inheritance of the Dragon Knight, and tried his best to guide this power to merge with himself.

Outside, Gu Zhao was drowned by the white light released by the professional transfer crystal pillar. After a while, all the white light returned to the crystal pillar, replaced by thick blue light.


The next moment, a distant and loud dragon chant resounded over the playground, instantly quieting down the chaotic playground.

Everyone on the playground felt the trembling from the depths of their souls.

Li Wuji's face on the side changed slightly, his eyes fixed on the blurred figure covered by light in front of him.

Some students who have not yet changed jobs even fell to the ground directly, holding their heads in their hands and trembling all over.

In the blue light, there emerged a figure holding a long spear, a huge shield behind his back, a long sword hanging from his waist, and a golden armor standing on the back of a giant dragon, which finally turned into a small coat of arms.

"Damn, what kind of profession is this? Why is there a vision? The sound of the dragon's roar directly paralyzed me. It looks like a cow. The study committee will come out and explain."

"It must be a hidden profession related to dragons. We haven't learned what this kind of coat of arms represents, and the study committee doesn't know the specific name."

"Zhuo, although the strengths of occupations are not obvious, it mainly depends on the person, but there are some special cases, such as hidden occupations that must have extremely powerful talents and skills, combined with the potential of the blue level, this pretty boy is no exception. , is definitely the pride of a generation!"

"Do you know the number one powerhouse in Chang'an City today? When he was a full-time professional, he had similar visions. In the end, this person changed his job to become a dragon whisperer. With one move, the power of speech is unparalleled, and he can traverse the battlefields of the heavens. "

"I've also heard the rumors back then, but this dude seems to be more fierce. It seems that he is awakened to a guardian class. It is said that there is no output in a big battle, but a big brother without a guardian can be a thousand, and our output will be finished. During the college entrance examination, I want to form a team with him!"

"Hehe, who wouldn't want to, you don't know big brother, and you don't have a good sex, so stop daydreaming."

At this moment, the faces of almost all the students and teachers were full of shock and envy.

After the blue light gradually ended, Gu Zhao's figure finally appeared.

"Cough cough." Li Wuji who was standing aside coughed twice, showing an extremely kind look, and said: "Student, your name..."

Just halfway through Li Wuji's words, he heard a loud bang in the distance.

Everyone looked back, only to see a sturdy figure being ejected from the top of a teaching building toward the playground, and finally hit the playground like a shell, stirring up waves of dust.

This is a middle-aged strong man with muscles all over his body. Gu Zhao took a closer look and found that it was Long Tian, ​​the principal and the strongest person of No. [-] High School in TS City.

With a wave of his hand, Long Tian dispersed the dust around Gu Zhao, ignored Li Wuji who was beside him, but looked at Gu Zhao with piercing eyes, and said with a loud smile, "Student, is your occupation a Dragon Whisperer or a dragon talker?" Dragon servant warrior?"

(End of this chapter)

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