Chapter 24 Deception and sneak attack
On the hillside 10779435 meters north of secret place No. 300.

Gu Zhao was lying in the grass at half a person's height, watching the path in front of the secret realm.

Looking at the time, it is already five o'clock in the afternoon, and there is only one hour left before the time written in the script of life.

Since arriving here at noon, he has been observing the surrounding environment here, and has not found anything unusual so far.

Was it a change in the secret territory that made the time at six o'clock special, or was it caused by alien creatures?Gu Zhao is still unknown.

As time passed bit by bit, his nerves gradually tensed up.


Suddenly there was the sound of heavy footsteps in the distance.

Gu Zhaofang breathed lightly, looked intently, and saw a hunchbacked figure dragging his steps, swaying three steps, walking slowly along the path.

Seems to be seriously injured?

Looking at the mottled blood on the figure's black tights, Gu Zhao fell into thought.

In such a remote and uninhabited place, and it is extremely coincidental to appear at this time, this person is very likely to be related to the hints in the life script.

He decided to observe for a while longer.

As the figure got closer and closer, Gu Zhao turned his gaze to the side, scanning the figure with his peripheral vision as much as possible.

This is to prevent the mental attribute of the figure from being high enough to be able to sense the gaze and thus discover his existence.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The figure stopped and coughed heart-piercingly, with blood spraying from his mouth.

Half a minute later, he raised his head slightly and took a big breath of air. The sunlight shone on this person's face, allowing Gu Zhao to see clearly.


Seeing the man's blood-red pupils that were different from ordinary people, Gu Zhao's eyes were fixed, and he was extremely shocked.

How could the demons appear around TS City?What purpose do they have?Why was this Demon Race seriously injured?
The second after Gu Zhao saw the man's face clearly, the demon man suddenly fell straight to the ground, and his face, which was still above standard, slammed hard on the dirt-covered ground.


Is this down?

At this moment, Gu Zhao's heart was full of doubts, but he glanced at the time—five forty, and continued to lie on his stomach motionless, watching the demon man who seemed to have passed out from his corner of the eye.

For a while, the scene regained its calm.

10 minute later.

The demon man lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, climbed up from the ground with difficulty, looked around the surrounding environment with some doubts, found nothing unusual, and finally dragged heavier and heavier steps towards the secret stone tablet.

"I set it!"

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and Gu Zhao recalled the moment when he saw the demon man, because he was too shocked, his eyes focused a little...

Down the hillside, the demon man had already reached the entrance of the secret realm, and pressed his hand on the stone tablet. A moment later, a light door appeared in the air, and he staggered in.

Gu Zhao remained motionless until 58:[-], when he got up from the grass and walked towards the entrance of the secret realm.

When he came to the stele, he was about to raise his hand to press it, when suddenly, a chill came to his heart, and the Wings of Light behind him became unusually active.

Withdrew about three steps away, Gu Zhao kept his body in a half-squat position, and carefully looked at the stele in front of him.

Under the sunlight, there were faint purple lines moving on the stone tablet.

"The Stele of the Secret Realm is almost indestructible, but many people have left traps on it."

Subconsciously, Gu Zhao thought of the knowledge he had learned in school.

"You bastard." He cursed secretly, sounding the alarm to himself.

"Then how to solve this thing?"

Gu Zhao rubbed his chin, thought for a while, then suddenly slapped his forehead, remembering the abnormal activity of Bright Wings, and said with a smile: "Bright Dragon Flame will definitely work!"

As he spoke, a hot white flame ignited in his right hand, and with a thought, a ball of flame left his hand and flew slowly towards the stone tablet.

After the stele came into contact with Guangming Longyan, there was a mournful howl from above, and the flame went out after a while.When I looked again, the stele had returned to normal.

"It's solved." Gu Zhao glanced at the time, and pressed his hand on the stone tablet calmly, feeling the secret realm opening information contained in it.

After a while, he opened his eyes, with a clear expression on his face: "There is no threshold to open this secret realm, you just need to say a word silently to open it."

The entrance to the Rift reappears shortly thereafter.

Seeing that the time had come, Gu Zhao didn't hesitate anymore, and stepped directly into the light gate.


On the isolated island, Gu Zhao breathed a sigh of relief after getting his feet on the ground after experiencing the familiar feeling of spinning around.

As his physique became stronger and stronger, the discomfort caused by passing through the secret realm became less and less, and now it can no longer affect him.

Quickly summoning Sylvia, Gu Zhao looked up and saw the small island with a radius of one kilometer.

200 meters ahead, there is a familiar figure in black tights, lying motionless on the ground, surrounded by large and small bottles, cans, equipment, etc., the most eye-catching one is a half-person Tall metal box.

What's happening here?
Exploded equipped?

Gu Zhao didn't know whether the demon man was dead or in a coma, or he was acting again, so he spread his wings of light, ready to retreat strategically with Sylvia at any time, and slowly moved forward.

From a distance, he felt that there seemed to be bursts of decaying breath emanating from the demon man.

When he was about to reach the effective range of the Grip of Light, Gu Zhao's nerves were tense, and he called softly: "Sylvia."

The bright young dragon understood and began to open his mouth to gain momentum.

Gu Zhao's long-range method with the highest attack power in a short period of time is the combination skill that he controls with the grip of light and Sylvia is ready to hit the output.

As for Sylvia's melee attack, although it is also very destructive, Gu Zhao has not been able to figure out the level of the demon man. He only knows that his spiritual attributes must be very high.

For safety reasons, he would not let Sylvia come forward to attack him personally.

Gu Zhao has already made up his mind, as long as the demon man is still playing himself and suddenly wakes up to make this blow ineffective, he will run away immediately, and if he can't run away, he will use the Thunder God's Wrath just sent by the great elder of the Bright Elf Clan Yan Changkong , At the cost of my fifteen points of attributes, I will send this showman to ashes!
He continued to walk forward with a calm expression, and after a few steps, he started the sneak attack.

"The Grip of Light."

A little bit of light suddenly converged, successfully restraining the demon man, flashing into the air, and Sylvia's bright dragon flame also smoothly joined the demon man's body.

The demon man burned up smoothly, and after a while, he was reduced to ashes in the extremely high temperature of the bright dragon flame...


Not even a scream, already dead?
At this moment, Gu Zhao was a little dumbfounded. He seemed to be fighting wits with a corpse just now?
But now that the demon man has turned into ashes, what he deliberately took out from the inventory and prepared to leave to his fellow the thing mentioned in the life script that can help him get rid of the label of "poor and white"?

Gu Zhao's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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