Chapter 25 The smile fades away
Gu Zhao originally thought that the demon took out all the items in the inventory to create the illusion that he was dead, but he did not expect that he really died.

Then the motive of this demon man who has been reduced to ashes and gone with the wind is very easy to explain-to simply leave items behind.

After the death of any race, the items in their inventory will be lost, disappearing into the vast void, until the "destined person" appears.Therefore, if you want to leave a relic, you can only take everything out of the inventory directly.

This demon man should have given these things to his fellow or friendly camp, but it doesn't matter who he intended to leave them to.

Because, in the end, all these equipment, resources, etc. will enter Gu Zhao's pocket!

With a bright smile on his face, Gu Zhao hummed an unknown song softly, and officially started his "bending to fetch things".

"In the old days, Zhang Fei took the head of a general among millions of troops, like searching for something; today I, Gu Zhao, bend over to pick up treasures on a small deserted island.

It is not too much to say that the deeds are similar. "

Speaking of this, Gu Zhao picked up a long sword in his hand, and felt a little blushing, looked around subconsciously, and found that Sylvia was squatting at a distance of more than ten meters from him, looking at him with a strange expression.

Hmm... I don't understand the dragon's expression, it should be agreeing.

Gu Zhao lowered his head and looked at the extraordinary long sword in his hand, which was full of cold light.


Moon Cold Sword (excellent blue)——Extremely sharp, Moon Demons can increase their speed by [-]% by holding this sword.

Builder: Master Drow

"Moon Demons?"

According to Gu Zhao's understanding, the Moon Demon Clan and the Dwarf Clan had a deep hatred. In a great battle 40 years ago, both sides suffered countless casualties.

And not far from here is a dwarven secret realm.

Gu Zhao thought for a while, but soon regained his senses, now is not the time to think about these things, hurry up and pack up your treasures and run away!
This time, he turned into a ruthless treasure picking machine, without appraising it, he just stuffed it all into the inventory, and after just 2 minutes, he wiped out all the items on the ground.

"Slip away!"

Gu Zhao took Sylvia back to the contract space and quickly left the secret realm.

Standing at the exit of the secret realm, there is only one problem left.

How to leave?

To be precise, what method has the lowest probability of leaving the demons who collided with them?
Fly, or walk.

After a short thought, Gu Zhao finally decided to use Fei.

After all, it is difficult for him to determine from which direction and in what way the demons who came to meet him came from.

Gu Zhao had some ideas about where he came from.

Because of the feud of the Moon Demon Clan—the secret realm where the dwarves are located is in the east, and Gu Zhao noticed that this seriously injured Moon Demon Clan man was also coming from the east.

Then you can boldly assume that they have already carried out a sabotage operation in the dwarves, just let this man run first with the items, and the others will come later.

But as to how it came, he couldn't judge at all.

I chose to fly because the advantages are obvious.

If the demons came from the ground, there would be no risk in flying at high altitudes; and if the demons came from the sky, as long as they flew high enough, there was a high possibility that they would not be knocked down.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if they meet head-on, the orange-quality Bright Wings behind them are not just a decoration, and the speed of full burst in a short period of time is still quite terrifying, and they can be thrown away.

What?The demons on the opposite side are good at flying, can't get rid of them? !
Then throw "Thor's Wrath".

There is nothing that can't be dealt with by a "Wrath of Thor". If there is, then you will wait for death, and then secretly play a "Praise of Life" before dying.

The decision was made, Gu Zhao lightly raised his wings of light, soared into the sky, and flew westward.


Two or ten minutes later, two uninvited guests came to the east of secret realm No. 10. One of them was a man of medium build with a scar on his face, and the other was a younger man with a short and fat body. Demonic blood red.

"It's finally here. Those dwarves are really capable of chasing after us. We almost broke our legs and even used a few teleportation scrolls to get rid of those dwarves." The scar demon wiped his sweat panting, his face The mockery on the screen overflowed uncontrollably.

"Hahahaha, the executives of this group of dwarfs are really simple-minded. They didn't expect that the essence of the world stone was taken away by our leader, and they all went after Elder Hanyue." very proud of his success.

"Hey, don't be too merry, hurry up and find the commander." The scar demon's expression became serious.

He happened to be facing that direction as the Commander was running away, and noticed a strange thing.

The leader suddenly flew out when there was no one around, spat out a big mouthful of blood, then tore open the teleportation scroll and left.

Now it seems that the commander is likely to be attacked by an assassin class, but he doesn't know the extent of the injury.

Thinking of this, a look of worry appeared on the face of the Scar Demon Clan, urging: "Hurry up!"

He and the leader usually have a very good relationship, which is rare among the Moon Demon Clan who are generally indifferent and only value themselves.This time his best friend was injured, he actually had some bad premonition in his heart.

The two quickly walked towards the stele, ready to open the secret realm and meet the commander.

However, only half a minute later, the two people who walked to the stele let out a scream.

"What about blocking energy?"

"This place has been purified!"

The Scar Demon squatted down solemnly, carefully examining the energy residue on the stone tablet.

"The blocked energy left by the commander has been purified by someone. It was done by a high-level healing profession. How did it get exposed here?!"

Hearing these words, the Humpty Demon Race was shocked: "The dwarves are chasing you? Isn't the commander in danger?"

The Scar Demon looked around and saw no dwarves rushing out suddenly. He breathed a sigh of relief, glared at the short and fat Demon, and said with hatred: "It's not a dwarf, if it is a dwarf, it will definitely be here. Wait, the two of us are already dead!

It should be a senior pastor who passed by, saw that the stele was polluted, and purified it. "

Having said this, hope appeared on the face of the Scar Demon Race.

Yes, that should be the case. The passing senior priest just passed by alone, and was not curious to enter the secret realm. Even if he entered, he would be killed by the commander...

Facts have proved that even sane people can sometimes be overwhelmed by sensibility, subconsciously ignore the more likely bad ending, choose to believe in the less likely good ending, and keep convincing themselves.

Although the short and fat demons on the side had no relationship with the commander, they were also full of worries at the moment, and prayed in a low voice: "Moon above, please don't have any accidents, Mr. Commander. Even if something happens to you, the stone of the world Don't lose the essence."

Hearing the muttering of the chunky demon, the scar demon was furious, but then forcibly restrained himself, rushed to the stone tablet, and directly opened the secret realm.

When the passage was completely formed, he bumped into it...

(End of this chapter)

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