After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 27 The Emoticon Pack of the Bright Young Dragon

Chapter 27 The Emoticon Pack of the Bright Young Dragon
After determining the next goal, it is the first step to take action - to find a way to use the essence of the World Stone...

That's right, Gu Zhao don't talk about how to use the essence of the world stone, ordinary people don't know how to use it.

Before that, he never thought that he would get such a rare treasure, and after he showed his blue potential in the transfer ceremony, the need for the World Stone was not urgent.

The combination of the two reasons led to Gu Zhao's lack of knowledge in this area.

But that's not a big deal.

The career transfer information website claims to have all the information.Although the price of the World Stone is high, many people have used it, and it is not difficult to find information.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao turned on the computer, opened the job transfer information network, entered the ID and password, and chose to log in.

clatter clatter~

For a moment, the cabin was filled with the sound of fingers tapping on the keyboard.

How to use the World Stone?

Click Search.

The webpage enters the loading process.

The reason why Gu Zhao dared to search this directly, not afraid of being noticed by others, was because there were too many people searching for the World Stone.

As an important material that can be used in building equipment, improving qualifications, etc., even if people can't afford it, they are willing to know everything about it.

Including but not limited to how to use the World Stone, precautions for mining the World Stone vein, etc.

Some of them, through this kind of search, can even be called "experts" of the World Stone. They can talk endlessly and eloquently when it comes to "professional fields". The only disadvantage is that they cannot afford the World Stone.

In short, you don't have to look forward and backward, just search boldly. With the improvement of your qualifications, you can't hide this matter even if you want to.

Even if the fact that he has the essence of the World Stone is exposed, it's nothing.As long as the specific amount is not disclosed, after Gu Zhao uses the essence and his aptitude is improved, who will take the risk of getting nothing to provoke a person who is invested by a big force and has a strong card?
Yan Changkong called the young people to see him off at the farewell ceremony that day. Apart from expressing respect, he meant to convey the message that "Gu Zhao is surrounded by the light elves".

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao turned his attention to the interface that had already been jumped to.

How to use the World Stone (explosion).

Click on the post.

The past is like smoke: Hello friends, after scientific research, I found that as long as you put the World Stone under your pillow when you sleep, you will better absorb the energy in the World Stone.

"What the hell?"

Gu Zhao quickly scrolled down the post, and found that it was full of happy people working hard.

Dwarf family head: nonsense!It is obviously made into a toilet, and it absorbs best when squatting on it. I advise you to do it yourself and don't mislead your children!

I'm not a big idiot: both the poster and the first floor are lying, I did it, why didn't it work?

Directly forking off the interface, Gu Zhao clicked on the selection on the search page, and refreshed again.

Finally, this normal question and answer post finally appeared.

Wang Donghai (Certification: Vice President of Kyoto Assassination Department Association, Professor of Kyoto University): Recently, many people have asked me questions about the World Stone. Here, I sorted out these questions, hoping to be helpful to everyone.

The first question is also the most frequently asked question: How many units of World Stone do I need to consume to upgrade my potential?
The amount needed to increase the potential of each level is different. Red potential upgrades to orange potential requires ten units of world stones, orange to yellow requires [-] units, yellow to green requires [-] units, green to green requires [-] units, Qingshenglan needs a thousand.

As for the final upgrade from blue potential to purple potential, a full three thousand units of world stones are needed.


The third question: How to use the World Stone?

My friend, your problem is too big. I want to tell you according to the situation, first of all, how to use it in terms of improving potential.

One drop of Luna Grass extract, one liter of Tiannan Water, and ten units of World Stones are mixed in proportion, and the amount of the other two is calculated based on the number of World Stones you need.

For example, if you want to upgrade from yellow potential to green potential, then in addition to one hundred units of world stones, you also need ten drops of moonglow grass extract and ten liters of Tiannan water.

Then choose to drink or take a bath according to the total amount of liquid prepared.It is strongly recommended that friends with green potential and above choose to bathe!

Oh, by the way, friendly advice, it is best not to drink while bathing!


No.17 Questions: What precautions should be taken when using the World Stone Essence?
It is used in the same way as the World Stone, and its conversion ratio is about 1:1000.There is just one thing to pay attention to, it is best to add [-]% more Yueyingcao and Tiannan Zhishui to neutralize it, which is more conducive to the body's absorption.


Gu Zhao took out a pen and paper, and jotted down all the key points he needed to know.

I continued to read a few selected posts, and found that the knowledge about this aspect was similar, but Wang Donghai explained it in relatively more detail and more comprehensively, and he actually answered some rather ghostly questions seriously.

"Let's start preparing!"

Make a paper list of what you need to upgrade your potential:

Three units of World Stone Essence, 390 drops of Luna Grass Extract and 390 liters of Celestial Water.

According to Wang Donghai's suggestion, he has added [-]% auxiliary materials to neutralize the berserk energy of the essence of the World Stone.

The prepared solution is close to [-] liters.

No wonder Wang Donghai suggested that people with green potential and above should take a bath when upgrading. This is really hard to drink!

"The first thing is to find a container that is strong enough to hold me."

Gu Zhao stroked his chin and pondered.

This is easy to handle, just go to the job changer's daily shopping mall and buy a special large bathtub.

"Next is the preparation of auxiliary materials." Thinking of this, Gu Zhao felt a bit of a headache. These auxiliary materials are not common goods. Although there are a lot of them, there is no problem of not being able to buy them, but at least 3000 million is needed to buy them all.

"Where do you get the 3000 million?"

He doesn't plan to sell the essence of the World Stone yet, and among those equipment, he plans to keep the giant shield for himself, so he can only sell that set of armor...

Well, looking for a sales channel that sells faster.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao took out his phone and sent a message to Yan Xue.

Gu Zhaozhao: Pretty girl, help me sell a set of high-quality armor in the elves.

Ten seconds later.

Beauty Ruxue: Don't sell it!How good you keep the armor of excellent quality!Aren't you still wearing the white board issued by the school?
Gu Zhaozheng was going to explain to Yan Xue that the suit of armor did not match his own attributes, and he would not be able to use it if he kept it.

Just halfway through typing, the phone suddenly vibrated, and a message popped up on the top.

"Your personal credit card has received 3000 million yuan."

! ! ! ! !

Gu Zhao shook his right hand, almost threw the phone out, deleted the text of the explanation, and quickly typed on the chat interface: How do you know that I just need 3000 million?
After thinking about it, I deleted them one by one, and was about to type again.

Beauty Ruxue: Hahahaha, you can keep that set of armor for yourself!It’s really convenient to transfer money now, and that’s all there is left in the card. If you still need it, I’ll borrow it from the Great Elder for you (smiling with squinted eyes).

After posting this sentence, Yan Xue posted another emoji of Sylvia she took - the bright young dragon solemnly stretched out a small dragon claw in a waving gesture, with the caption "We are all friends , no thanks."

Gu Zhao stared at the emoji of the bright young dragon in the chat box, and was speechless for a moment, and after a while, he whispered to himself: "My little deskmate..."

(End of this chapter)

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