After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 28 Aren't You Bullying Honest People!

Chapter 28 Aren't You Bullying Honest People! ([-] words)
Seven twenty in the morning.

At the entrance of the Jinhua Building located in the center of TS, there are already a large number of people waiting for the opening of the building.

As the largest job changer trading center in this city, many job changers come here every day to buy the items they need.

At this moment, a woman with long hair and round face took the elevator to the fourth floor of Jinhua Building.

This is where Diyuanfang is located. As a major force mainly engaged in various strange stones, it has a wealth of funds and a deep background. It occupies an entire floor of the Jinhua Building where every inch of land is expensive.

"Nana, you are here, come and tidy up the lounge."

When Zhou Na walked to the area she was in charge of, the "smiling face" of the senior met her.

"Okay, Miss Zhang."

As a new salesperson, Zhou Na has gradually become accustomed to being instructed to do things, so she simply agreed and walked into the lounge beside her.

"How did they manage to make such a mess here in such a short time?"

Looking at the "wreckage" of breakfast everywhere in front of her eyes and the messy lounge, she frowned slightly. After a while, she sighed softly, picked up the tools and started cleaning.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Na finished cleaning the rest room and put on work clothes, walked out of the small room and came to the area she was in charge of.

As a newcomer, she has not been in touch with one of the core businesses - the transaction of the World Stone. She is only in charge of a small sales area of ​​the World Stone's auxiliary materials together with a senior.

"Nana, come quickly and hang up these signs."

Sitting on a small chair, Zhang Lu, with her legs crossed, raised her chin lightly, glanced at the sign on the ground, with a formulaic smile on her pretty face with plain makeup, and directed.

Can't you move yourself?Don't you just bully me as a newcomer?

A nameless fire rose from his chest, but it was quickly suppressed by Zhou Na.

The newcomer has no performance, once there is a quarrel with the old employee, it is self-evident who will suffer, she will bear it!
Fifteen minutes later, Zhou Na, who had hung up all the signs, came to the area she was in charge of, staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for the arrival of the guests.

Da da tick——

The melodious music came from the loudspeaker on the wall, announcing the official opening of Jinhua Building.

The salesmen in each area were ready, and Zhang Lu, who was sitting on a chair, quickly stood up and came to Zhou Na's vicinity, with a formulaic smile on her face, waiting with her.

After a while, many elevators opened at the same time, noisy voices poured into the floors, and people walked towards their target area.

Gu Zhao followed the crowd and continued to move forward in the huge space, while looking around, trying to find the area where Yueyingcao extract and Tiannan Zhishui were sold.

"it's here."

According to the guidance of the sign that said "Related areas of the World Stone", Gu Zhao came to the destination, saw the promotional board of his target material from a distance, and walked over.

"This beauty kills me."

On the other side, just after receiving a customer who asked about the price, Zhang Lu noticed a handsome guy in a white sportswear walking straight to where she was in the distance. She sighed in her heart, and her face with plain makeup quickly A smile emerged and greeted him.

"Hi sir, may I help you?"

"I need four hundred drops of Yue Ying Grass extract and four hundred liters of Tiannan Water."

Gu Zhao stared at the pretty salesperson in front of him, and stated his needs straightforwardly.

The reason why it is said to be 390 drops instead of [-] drops is not to cause doubts, it is not necessary at all.Instead, the auxiliary materials needed to upgrade my aunt's yellow potential are also included.

In order to raise herself up safely and avoid accidents, my aunt has always chosen the safest place to upgrade, which also caused her level to lag behind her peers by a lot.

Since he has the ability, he must repay his aunt, first helping her upgrade from yellow potential to green potential.

However, there is no need to prepare all the follow-up materials in a single brain. After using the World Stone to improve the professional potential, the body needs a long time to adapt slowly, so it must wait half a year to a year before it can be improved again.

When my aunt is fully adapted to the green potential, it will be too late to prepare for the next step of improvement.

"Okay, we will send someone to pick it up right away, please wait a moment."

Zhang Lu, who had seen a lot of rich people, replied with a smile without changing her expression.

After finishing speaking, she stared at Gu Zhao, who had a sunny temperament and sharp features, rolled her eyes, turned to look at Zhou Na, saw that she was talking with a female customer, coughed lightly, and commanded:
"Nana, you go to the warehouse and get four hundred liters of water from the south of the sky."

This area is not large, and most of the products placed there are Yueyingcao extracts, and Tiannanzhishui takes up too much space, except for a few places, they are all placed in the warehouse.

For Zhang Lu, instead of running errands in person, it is better to direct the newcomer to go, and then chat with the rich and beautiful man by herself to enhance their relationship and see if they can get contact information.

Hearing this, Zhou Na finally stopped, her anger welling up.

Didn't you see that my wife is receiving customers?It's just too deceiving!If the tiger doesn't show its power, do you think I'm a sick cat? !
For a salesperson with an inventory, it is not a problem at all to carry nearly half a ton of water, but the problem is that when she leaves, the person behind her is still hesitating whether to buy it, but the customer who is about to be persuaded by her is bound to be taken over by Zhang Lu .

"Weakness only invites more bullying."

With this in mind, she secretly made up her mind and was about to show her cards, but when she turned her head to see the face of the man next to Zhang Lu, she froze for an instant.

"It looks familiar, he is... Gu Zhao?
Gu Zhao, head of the Psychic Department! "

Zhou Na thought of the hot search "Gu Zhao's Fantastic Journey of College Candidate" some time ago, and the image of the man in front of her talking in the video emerged in her mind. A sense of joy welled up in her heart.

"I actually saw a real person in reality!"

Resisting the urge to say hello, Zhou Na glanced at Zhang Lu who was calm, a little puzzled.

"In the induction training, the general manager repeatedly emphasized the need to pay attention to and be familiar with talents, especially to remember what the talents who have just changed jobs look like, and immediately report to them when they find out. , why is Zhang Lu so calm?

Yes!She went to the secret realm to collect resources these days, and she just came back today. It’s not that the secret realm where humans live has no signal, and she probably didn’t have time to check her phone when she came back, so she doesn’t know Gu Zhao! "

Thinking of this, Zhou Na forcibly suppressed the excitement in her heart, and a formulaic smile appeared on her face.

"Okay, then this lady will trouble Sister Zhang to receive you."

Zhang Lu originally thought that no matter how honest this "honest man" was, he would be more or less angry, so she thought of a few good words to "follow this donkey's hair", but she didn't expect that Zhou Na could not even "little resistance". No, he agreed directly.

She looked Zhou Na up and down, wondering if this woman was being bullied by her.

Such a stupid person is really rare. The little idiot she bullied last time chose to leave the job because she couldn't bear the day-to-day chores. It seems that this time, Zhou Na should be able to persist for a long time .

Under Zhang Lu's gaze, Zhou Na turned around and walked towards the elevator, as if she was going to take the elevator to the underground warehouse to get the water from the south of the sky.

1 minute later.

"I shouldn't be able to see it here."

She looked back and confirmed that this place was out of Zhang Lu's field of vision, so she changed direction, made a big circle, and walked towards the general manager's office deep in the floor.

After a while, outside the general manager's office.

dong dong dong.


A loud voice came from inside the door.

Zhou Na gently pushed open the wooden door and walked into the exquisitely decorated office. A middle-aged man with a square face came into view.

"what's up?"

Chen Yu, the general manager of Diyuanfang World Stone Branch, raised his head and stared at the salesperson in front of him, with a somewhat impatient tone.

No way, in the temporary meeting just now, he was criticized by the senior management of the headquarters in front of his old opponent Feng Jie, and he had to be baptized by his old opponent's smug eyes. No one would be in a good mood about this matter.

Some time ago, I repeatedly asked my salesmen to remember the faces of the geniuses in this city, but this group of people ignored them, and they didn't recognize a single talent with potential in the past few days!The old opponent has already recruited five people!

A meeting must be held later to emphasize this matter more vigorously.

"It's like this, General Manager, I just met Gu Zhao, the head of the Psychic Department."

Zhou Na looked at Chen Yu's brows twisted into Sichuan characters, and said cautiously.

"What?! Which Gu Zhao?"

Chen Yu couldn't believe his ears. He was just about to hold a meeting to reprimand these salesmen who didn't take what he said seriously, when the good news came?
"It's just... Gu Zhao, the head of the spiritual department who is very popular on the Internet..."

The thick pineapple wood table was directly overturned by Chen Yu.

"It's that Gu Zhao! Good! Very good! Very good! Big prize!"

Chen Yu wished he could raise his head to the sky and howl.

Grandma, this time I directly recruited the strongest talent in TS City this year.Fengjie, Fengjie, what's the use of attracting five geniuses, quality is the most important thing!I only need to win over one, and I will beat you!

"Quick, tell me! Where is he!"

Looking at Chen Yu's distorted face with excitement, Zhou Na shrank her neck.

The general manager's mental state is a bit off...

But she only hesitated for a moment, then noticed Chen Yu's expression as if he wanted to eat people, and quickly told Gu Zhao's location:
"He's in the auxiliary material area of ​​the World Stone."

Before the words were finished, a gust of wind surged around Chen Yu, followed by a loud bang.

When the strong wind dissipated, Zhou Na opened her eyes, only to find that there was nothing in front of her.

In the spacious office, only the crooked desk by the window and scattered papers were left, which seemed to prove the scene that just happened.

(End of this chapter)

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