Chapter 29 Knowing him is a kind of luck

"Ma'am, you have something glued to your eyelid."

Gu Zhao took a step back, distanced himself from Zhang Lu, and said seriously.

Is this salesman a curious baby? He kept asking questions, and even wanted to add his contact information to facilitate future inquiries.

He is not an encyclopedia, and now his head is getting bigger from being nagged, and he just wants to wait for the water from the south of the sky to be delivered quickly, and then leave here.


Zhang Lu touched the double eyelid stickers on her eyelids and fell into a brief silence.

She opened her mouth and was about to speak when she suddenly saw a familiar figure arranging her clothes not far away.

"General manager?" Zhang Lu's eyes widened, a little puzzled: "Is he here to inspect the work situation, but I rarely saw him coming at this time before."

Thinking of this, a "just right" smile appeared on her face, and after Chen Yu had sorted it out, she stepped forward and said, "General Manager Chen..."

Chen Yu strode towards her, nodded slightly at her, passed Zhang Lu, and went straight to Gu Zhao behind him.

"Hahaha, Mr. Gu, hello, I am Chen Yu, the general manager of the World Stone Branch of Diyuanfang. I just heard the news that a distinguished guest has come here. I am so disappointed!"

Chen Yu smiled heartily, paused, and continued: "For the future of human races like Mr. Gu, our Diyuanfang has a very big preferential policy: before the total value of the goods reaches 8000 million yuan, all discounts will be given. The 8000 yuan part will be calculated at a [-]% discount."

When speaking, Chen Yu stared at Gu Zhao's face, and witnessed that he was calm when he heard the first half of the speech. It wasn't until the preferential policy caught his ears that a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Immediately nodded secretly, sure enough, young people still like to get straight to the point, just be direct.

"Are there any conditions?"

Gu Zhao, who was hit on the head by such a huge pie, was slightly startled, and quickly asked.

Although he had heard before that many powerful forces would offer preferential policies to geniuses, it was the first time he had seen such outrageous ones.

Before 8000 million, it was almost equal to a free gift, which is nothing to a big power, but after 8000 million, there is still a [-]% discount?This is very useful. In the future, in terms of building equipment and other aspects by yourself, the value of the strange stones you need to use must be extremely high. At this time, you only need to buy strange stones in Diyuanfang, and you can save astronomical wealth.

"There is one condition, Mr. Gu, please don't buy or sell, just use the resources you bought."

Chen Yu replied with a smile.

For geniuses, the standard given by the headquarters is very loose. It is human nature to ignore the use of discounts to buy some resources for relatives and friends. Windfall profits.

That Diyuanfang was not used to it either, how could he be expected to remember his feelings for such a villain who behaved face to face and concealed his secrets, and extended a helping hand at critical moments?
Hearing this, Gu Zhao nodded lightly, did not speak, but stared at Chen Yu, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"Haha, there is another small request. When my Diyuanfang encounters a crisis, please help Mr. Gu if he can."

Can you do it?This restriction is really small enough.


Hearing Gu Zhao's affirmative answer, Chen Yu showed unbearable excitement on his face, as if he was the one who got the big discount, and hurriedly replied:

"Mr. Gu, please leave your address. Three days later, we will send someone to deliver the customized white jade membership card to you."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're being polite." Chen Yu responded with a smile, turned around and urged Zhang Lu behind him, "Call the warehouse and ask them to deliver what Mr. Gu wants directly."

" need."

In the distance, Zhou Na was panting slightly, waving while running.

After a while, he came to the side of the three of them, took out the airtight container containing Tiannan's water from the inventory, put it on the ground with a bang, took a deep breath, and added: "Four hundred liters of Tiannan's water, all Here it is."

"Mmm." Chen Yu gave Zhou Na an approving look.

This salesman is very good. He not only keeps his instructions firmly in mind, but also knows how to deal with the world. Very good!

"There are four hundred drops of Yueyingcao extract."

Seeing the two people in front of them making eye contact for a while, but still not getting another auxiliary material for themselves, Gu Zhao reminded him.

At this time, Zhang Lu, who was stunned and staring blankly at this scene, quickly got ready as if waking up from a dream.

After a while, when everything was ready, Gu Zhao transferred the money according to the procedure, put the materials into the inventory, and walked away with long legs under the farewell of the three people.

Watching Gu Zhao disappear in the direction of the elevator, Chen Yu withdrew his attention and looked at the badge on Zhou Na's chest beside him. The Chinese character face was full of approving smiles, and he said:
"Xiao Zhou, you did a great job this time! Are you interested in being the deputy manager of the World Stone sales area?"

"Ah? Ah! Wish... Will!"

Zhou Na froze for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy flooded her face.

This is a step up to the sky?I don't have to be angry with these salesmen anymore!
"Yeah." Chen Yu nodded, and walked slowly with his hands behind his back.

"Na... Manager Zhou?" Zhang Lu witnessed Zhou Na's leap from a new salesperson to the deputy manager of the core part of Diyuanfang. She couldn't believe it, but she still spoke out cautiously.

Zhou Na seemed unaware, staring at the direction Gu Zhao was leaving, muttering to herself:
"It turns out that sometimes, knowing someone is a kind of luck..."


familiar home.

Gu Zhao looked around, trying to find a place where a specially made large bathtub could be placed.

"I can't fit in the toilet."

After searching for a week, he finally used the bedroom as a bathing place.

Take out the ingredients, keep the portion that my aunt needs, and pour the rest into the bathtub in order.


On the World Stone Essence at the bottom of the bathtub, bubbles are constantly emerging, giving a sense of boiling.

Ten minutes later, Gu Zhao looked at the red solution and touched his chin.

"This time it won't be like the little girl's time."

After removing all his clothes, he carefully tested the temperature of the solution.

"Well, it's kind of warm."

Gu Zhao slowly immersed his body in the crimson liquid, and finally leaned on the bathtub.

Close your eyes and feel it carefully, an indescribable sense of comfort floods into your mind, making you feel the urge to soak in it forever.

Slowly, a sense of drowsiness surrounded him.Gu Zhao tried to stay awake, but his mild resistance was finally defeated by drowsiness, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

The shocking voice lingered in Gu Zhao's ears and quickly woke him up.

Opening his eyes and looking at the familiar environment around him, he was stunned.

"It turns out that I entered the Pavilion of Destiny. But... why does it feel a little bit wrong?"

Gu Zhao stood up abruptly and looked out of the pavilion.

I saw that the originally peaceful river of fate below has now turned into a stormy sea!

(End of this chapter)

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