After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 30 "Fate", you bully too much!

Chapter 30 "Fate", you bully too much!
"What happened?"

The thunderous waves under the pavilion seemed to be connected to the distant sky, Gu Zhao only felt that he was very small in this strange scene.

But as time passed, seeing that the huge waves could not threaten him, his nerves gradually relaxed.

For the situation in front of him, Gu Zhao already has a certain guess—it is very likely that the Shenting of Destiny is using him to disturb the small fluctuations of fate and fuel the long river of fate.

"Is this the fate of robbery? Catch up with the live broadcast."

Gu Zhao leaned on his head and watched with great interest.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the turbulent waves have not stopped, and he feels a little boring, as if he is about to fall asleep and return to reality.

But between half-dream and half-awake, there was only a loud bang, which was very clear even in the sound of the waves. Gu Zhao almost thought that he was blown away, and hurriedly grabbed the guardrail of the small pavilion, looked up, with an expression on his face. Instant sluggishness.

In the long river of fate, there stands a white-headed tauren who is indomitable and imposing. He is holding a blood-red giant ax exuding an ancient atmosphere, facing the pavilion of fate, motionless.

The moment his eyes fell on the tauren, an unimaginable barbaric atmosphere rushed over, making him tremble all over.

"Too strong! Even the great elder Yan Changkong's aura is only a drop in the ocean compared to this tauren."

Gu Zhao evaluated silently in his heart. He noticed that there seemed to be a faint halo around the Destiny Pavilion, which blocked most of the impact for himself.

But even so, he still felt that his whole body was out of control, and he couldn't even open his mouth.

"What should I do?! He is facing in my direction, and he found the God of Destiny Pavilion?"

At this moment, Gu Zhao's heart was pounding, and he began to restrain his mind, trying to fall asleep quickly and escape from here, but in this extremely tense situation, how difficult is it to relax and fall asleep?

Before Gu Zhao felt a little drowsy, the white-headed tauren who had been motionless suddenly turned the blood-red giant ax lightly in his hand, and spoke. His voice pierced the halo outside the Pavilion of Destiny like thunder from the Nine Heavens. It exploded in Gu Zhao's ear:

"'Fate', you are bullying too much! I am resting in Mount Tianfu, why did you break into my residence for no reason?"

Gu Zhao, who was dizzy from the shock, came to his senses, and his mind was filled with various question marks.

who I am?where am I?What did I just do?
"Fate" is me?I just broke into Mangtian Paradise?I broke into the cow's den?
"What nonsense!"

Gu Zhao was furious, but touched his chin, compared the strength of the two sides, and finally decided to squint first, to see what tricks this old cow is playing, to deal with him, is it necessary to make it so complicated?
Just when his mind turned and he thought of a series of questions such as whether the tauren would eat people or not, a soft sigh came from behind him, which struck Gu Zhaowan like a lightning strike.

The sound of this sigh is clear and distant, as if it has crossed thousands of spaces before reaching here.

As the sigh came, the pressure on Gu Zhao's body suddenly eased, and he seemed to have returned to the ordinary and smooth Destiny Pavilion where nothing happened, and he could control his body again.

He looked back to where the sound came from, and saw a figure radiating blazing light appeared in midair at some point.

This figure was only of normal size, not like the white-headed tauren who seemed to be able to "hold the sun and the moon on his shoulders", but the long-lasting aura on his body was far superior, as if one glance at him saw the disillusionment of the stars.

"Fei Niu, I am destined to be here, please get out of the way."

The figure spoke, his tone full of affirmation.

"Nonsense! I've lived here for countless years, how could I suddenly have a fate with you! You must have taken a fancy to my new Mrs. Niu, so you talk sweetly, and you want me to give it up without any effort! Stop talking nonsense , let's fight!"

Fei Niu said it was a battle, but turned the blood-red giant ax sideways, and assumed a classic defensive posture.

"Fei Niu, you are still so self-absorbed, since you refuse to agree with my point of view, then I will try to reason with you."

After speaking, the figure lightly waved his right hand, and the halo on the Pavilion of Destiny suddenly became blazing. With another wave of his hand, the pavilion seemed to have been moved far away by him, leaving the center between him and the white-headed tauren.

Gu Zhao stared dumbfounded at the two figures, one big and one small in front of him, with an unspeakable strangeness lingering in his heart.

Why is the voice of the figure who moved the Destiny Pavilion so familiar?It's like turning on the reverberation...

"Keep your eyes open, this is called provocation."

A very familiar voice came from next to his ear, and Gu Zhao suddenly shuddered.

The sound seemed to be reverberated... Me!

"Hehe, Feiniu, you are such a coward, you dare not confront me head-on."

While the figure spoke sarcastically, his body moved strangely.

Gu Zhao only felt that his mind was clearer than ever before, and he firmly remembered every strange rhythm of the figure.

"How do I feel... I really want to beat him up."

Shaking his head, he dismissed the "terrible" thoughts in his mind.

Standing on the other side, Fei Niu, who had maintained a defensive posture, was breathing more and more heavily, and finally, after the figure shook his index finger lightly, he shouted and rushed over!

Fei Niu's huge body moved forward in the monstrous waves, without being affected at all, as if it was unstoppable, and wanted to annihilate everything in front of him.

The figure chuckled, and said again: "Look, this is the real grip of light!"

After saying that, he made the same opening gesture as Gu Zhao—stretched his right hand flat, and then shook it lightly.

The unstoppable Fei Niu in the distance was suddenly grabbed by a giant pale golden hand, and he stopped struggling instantly, as if he had turned into a puppet without a soul, and was pulled into the air.

And its original location seemed to be missing a large piece, revealing a pitch-black color, which was out of place with the surroundings, and the river flowed back in an instant, forming a huge vortex.

" it grabbing all the space?"

Gu Zhao stared at the majestic figure in front of him, and there was a trace of longing in his eyes.

"wait for me."

Before the voice of the figure fell, it disappeared without a trace, leaving only the "puppet" still in the air.

After a while, when the figure reappeared, it was much more illusory. Holding a giant sword in an extremely exaggerated shape in his hand, he threw the sword in front of Gu Zhao with a snap, and said, "Here you are."

After speaking, he gently waved his hand, and threw Fei Niu's mountain-like body into the long river of fate like a rag bag. After doing all this, the figure glanced at Gu Zhao, turned around and jumped into the huge waves.

After a while, the river of fate became calm again. Looking around, there were boundless rivers all around. Everything was the same as when he first entered the pavilion of fate, as if what happened just now was Gu Zhao's illusion.

Only the white giant sword that is emitting a faint brilliance on the ground and has light golden complex lines shining continuously on the sword body can prove the authenticity of everything...

(End of this chapter)

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