Chapter 31 Sword Name "Dawn"

"Is this how the bright dragon's eggs came from?"

Gu Zhao stared at the huge sword in front of him and muttered to himself.

What he had just witnessed made the doubts in his heart even higher.

Is that figure his future self?
Gu Zhao couldn't see the appearance of the figure clearly from the beginning to the end, but the familiar voice, the super-powerful version of the grip of light, which protected himself from the oppression of the arrogant aura when it appeared, all made him suspicious .

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much. Now is not the time to be suspicious, and the level gap is too big. It's too easy for the figure to deceive me."

Gathering his mind, Gu Zhao turned his attention to the giant sword, with a look of strong expectation on his face.

"Is this giant sword also a legendary equipment?"

He bent down and tried to pick up the giant sword.


Under the lifting of both hands, the giant sword did not move at all.He spread his legs apart, squatted down, took a deep breath, and exerted strength again...

Two minutes later, Gu Zhao squatted on the ground, looking at the intricate patterns on the giant sword, seeing them flickering on and off, as if mocking himself.


Dawn (Orange Legend) - the Sword of Dawn lost in the heavens and worlds after the Dark Ages.Only those who are recognized by the light can pick up this sword.

Remarks: In the long night, I will cut out the dawn!

"Recognized by the light..."

Gu Zhao thought about it, and tried to pick it up again, but this time, he mobilized the wings of light, so that his whole body was surrounded by blazing light.

This time, the moment his hand touched the hilt, "Dawn" suddenly trembled slightly, and then the complicated patterns on the sword began to light up from the hilt, and passed to the tip of the sword.


The moment he grasped the handle of the "Dawn" sword, a huge flow of information rushed into his mind violently, which made him feel like a splitting headache.

Gu Zhaohua sat on the ground, leaning on the peeping pillar, concentrating on it, trying to digest this huge information as soon as possible.

After an unknown amount of time, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a little weakness in his tone: "Grandma, luckily my spiritual attributes are high enough."

In the heavens and worlds, there is a kind of innate fetish that is extremely rare and special. They have their own inheritance. As long as they come into contact with the person they choose, they will directly transfer the knowledge or skills they carry to their minds.

Among the selected "lucky ones", some of them were directly impacted into fools by the inherited information because their level was too low and their spiritual attributes were not enough.

And "Dawn" is this kind of innate fetish. Although it only contains one inheritance technique, the amount of information is not large among many inheritances, but it also makes Gu Zhao, whose spiritual attribute has reached 63, extremely uncomfortable.

"When encountering legendary equipment in the outside world, you must control your greed and check carefully."

Gu Zhao secretly warned himself that this time it was his subconscious trust in Destiny Shenting that made him contact "Dawn" without much consideration, and the final result was good.

But if the legendary equipment you met in the wild happened to contain inheritance, and you happened to choose yourself, and it happened that your spirit was not high enough to accept this inheritance, then it would be over.

"Open my properties panel."

Opening the panel, Gu Zhao set his sights on the skills he had just inherited.

Breaking Dawn (Active Skill) - available when holding "Dawn".With this sword, the dark age ends and another great age begins.

Note: Of course, this is too far away for you.

Ignoring the last note, from the information in his mind, Gu Zhao can feel the power of the skill "Dawn", which is definitely a killer level.

But with his current strength, it is not an easy task to launch this move. It is very likely that if the sword is cut out, it is hard to say what will happen to the enemy, and he will be seriously injured first.

"Very good. It can be reserved as a hole card for the time being. If it can't be used as a regular skill now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future."

Gu Zhao looked at the "Dawn" in his hand and said very optimistically.

"Well, it's time to go back. I'm still naked, lying in the bathtub."

Holding the giant sword, he was lying on the ground in a large shape, ready to fall asleep under the mysterious influence of the Destiny Pavilion and return to reality.

Just as Gu Zhao closed his eyes, he suddenly remembered something, and gently opened his hand while holding "Liming".

"Almost forgot, let's keep this sword here for now, don't leak my bathtub."

After a while, the Destiny Pavilion regained its calm, except for the sound of the river flowing forever.


In the specially made large bathtub, Gu Zhao sat up slowly, making a crackling sound like fried beans all over his body, and an unspeakable sense of joy welled up in his heart.

This feeling is like walking for a day with a heavy object on your back, and then suddenly leave it behind. At that moment, positive emotions such as happiness, relaxation, and joy follow one after another.

"Is this what purple potential feels like?"

Gu Zhao stretched his waist a lot, and there was another burst of "crackling".

He glanced at the solution in the bathtub, and found that it had changed from crimson to light red, but it hadn't become transparent, so he gently hooked his hands towards the bed.

A small pale golden hand hung down from the air, slowly grabbed the mobile phone on the bed, and then swayed towards him.


The phone finally dropped into Gu Zhao's hands successfully.


A smile appeared on Gu Zhao's face. In the past, he would not be able to control the "Grasp of Light" so finely, but now he has condensed the original light into a small hand, and the control ability of the skill has been greatly improved. improvement.

"I don't know whether it is the benefit of watching the figure's grip of light or the effect of the potential improvement."

With that said, Gu Zhao unlocked the phone, ready to pass the time during the rest of the bathing process.

Open the chat interface, no surprise, 99+ is displayed on the class group.

"The topic of this group of people is never finished."

Click into the chat group, and a familiar avatar is "making waves" in the group.

Psychic disciple Zhao Gang: Students, I was chased by several jaguars just now, and I came to a fork in the road. In desperation, I followed the guidance of my soul and chose the left side. Guess what happened?Not only did I successfully get rid of the swift panther, but I also picked a star flower!

Psychic disciple Zhao Gang: (picture)

Gu Zhao's head was full of black lines, and when he zoomed in on the photo, he found that it was indeed a rare medicinal herb called Xingdianhua.However, after this kind of flower is picked, it must be processed for three days before it can turn into the appearance in the picture, and it cannot be picked just now.

Therefore, Zhao Gang is undoubtedly amused.

The other people in the group also knew about this Xingdianhua, but they all saw through it without telling it, and followed suit.

Li Jinyuan, the second disciple of the Psychic Department: I am invincible with the Psychic Department!
Little Junior Sister Liu Yu of the Psychic Department: Second Senior Brother is right!
Psychic Apprentice Xu Tao: The Second Senior Brother is right!


Seeing that the formation was about to go down, he began to swipe the screen, Gu Zhao bowed his head and typed.

Gu Zhaozhao: @心理系大兄大兄赵刚, take advantage of my ignorance and lead me to the rhythm, you deserve to be hanged upside down!

The real master appeared, and the group instantly exploded...

(End of this chapter)

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