Chapter 32

Honest man Zhao Gang: Brother Zhao, I was wrong, don't hang me up like last time!

Chen Lu: Wow, the boss has appeared!

Honest man Zhao Gang: Everyone, change your names quickly, how can you get started without passing the test of the master? !My soul system is not so cheap!
Rozen Maiden Liu Yu: @古赵昭, what test?

Xu Tao: Boss, let’s talk about the test.

Zhao Yu: Boss, let’s talk about the test.


Skipping these screen chatterers, Gu Zhaozheng was going to ignore them for the time being and go to do something else, but he found someone serious in the vast "test".

Chen Lu: Boss, have you prepared your team for the college entrance examination?

Form a team?
Gu Zhao pondered for a while.

The way of the college entrance examination in this world is different from that of the college entrance examination in the previous life.

Instead, it is divided into three parts.

The first part, the written test.

Although there are identification techniques that can identify all things, they have certain limitations.

Applicable principle of identification technique is stillness and no owner.

In the exploration of secret realms, time may be urgent. For example, when being hunted down, there are two forks in the road, one is covered with ordinary vines, and the other is densely covered with cannibal vines. The two are very similar. If you choose the wrong one, you will die.The identification technique cannot be activated. At this time, only by relying on solid basic botany skills can one find a way out.

Another example is when fighting an enemy, the enemy suddenly pulls out a prop. Only by understanding the purpose of the prop and dabbling in this aspect can they respond better, so as not to hit mosquitoes with cannons or not to use all their strength to be attacked. Whack.

Therefore, it is necessary to assess common knowledge in various aspects.

The written test, which accounts for [-]% of the total score, was completed before the transfer ceremony, but the results have not yet been issued.

The second part is the most important personal trial.

In the personal trial, a special test will be conducted according to the profession that the candidate has changed to.

For example, the task of the first round of the test questions of the year before last for the Assassin profession: go through the territory of the Earthquake Rabbit without being discovered, and steal the egg of the Blue Sky Eagle.

Earthquake rabbits are fierce beasts with keen senses, and it is quite difficult to pass through their territory without being discovered.The blue sky eagle's lair is located on a cliff, and its perception is very strong. Ordinary assassins are definitely not opponents head-on, and it is also very difficult to steal eggs.

And a personal trial has three rings of tasks, and the difficulty increases in order.

The examiner marks the candidates according to the performance of the whole process. The whole process of the trial is broadcast live, anyone can watch it, and the video is kept for 20 years, claiming that there will be no cheating.

Of course, if you are different, dissatisfied with the judging criteria of this kind of professional orientation, and have some unique understandings, that is also welcome.

For example, the year before last, there was a strange candidate from the next province. Although he was an assassin, he took the path of "as long as everyone who has seen me is killed, this assassination will be considered a success", and he went straight up to kill Qingtianying , Take the egg and leave in a cool way.

Played all the way, and finally got a high score.

The personal test part accounts for [-]% of the total score. It is self-evident that the so-called individual tester gets the college entrance examination.

As for the third part, it is called Team Trial.

As the name suggests, candidates form a small team of three to five people, with a clear division of labor as much as possible. For example, a guardian department, a healing department, and a remote output are a good match.

And this team mode is extremely practical whether it is exploring the secret realm or entering the battlefield of the heavens.

In the team test, the candidate team will face an extremely real simulated environment together, and demonstrate the irreplaceable role of each person in the team during the exploration. The examiner will score according to the team contribution.

So it's not that the stronger the teammates, the better.If the performance of the teammates is too supernatural, and the performance of the person being taken away is very mediocre, the score will naturally not be high.

The currently recognized best team model is a big boss plus a few backbones.

With the boss around, there is no need to worry about unexpected situations, and the boss also needs to rest, and the others will naturally have a chance to perform, and everyone is happy.

Team trials accounted for [-]% of the total score, although not high, but also indispensable.

Finally, in order to ensure that everyone or each team has the same "examination questions", the two trials will be conducted in the sub-camera of the national treasure and legendary props - virtual and real mirrors.

When Chen Lu asked this, it seemed that she wanted to form a team with her.

Gu Zhaozhao: We already have a team. I, Zhao Gang and Yan Xue don’t plan to add any more.

Following these words, the group suddenly fell silent.

Gu Zhao finally decided to refuse. Although Chen Lu was very likely to give a sum of money as "labor fee", people don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

Yan Xue and Zhao Gang have always had a good relationship with him, so forming a team is naturally a matter of course, and few people are jealous.

And they discussed it as early as in the elf secret realm, and determined the team.

If he was greedy for the possible money, he rashly agreed to Chen Lu, and didn't say what the other students thought, and the related parties who heard the news would annoy him to death. At that time, should he refuse or not?
If you refused, why did you agree to others?There is a limit on the number of teams without rejection, and it is impossible to accept them all.

Therefore, this opening must not be opened.

Chen Lu: (tears) Alright~
After a short period of calm, the group continued to brush up "test".

Gu Zhao shook his head helplessly, ignored the booing behavior of this group of people, checked the news, and silently waited for the end of the bath.

As time goes by, the solution in the bathtub gradually becomes transparent.

Half an hour later, Gu Zhao got up from the bathtub, looked at the clock, and found that it was almost time for my aunt to get off work. She simply wiped her body, changed her clothes, and walked into the kitchen...


There was a sound of closing the door.

Putting the just-made tomato scrambled eggs on the plate, Gu Zhao held the plate in his left hand and the rice spoon in his right, and walked out of the kitchen.

"It's a coincidence that you came sooner rather than later. You came just as soon as I cooked the meal."

Gu Zhao put the plate on the table with a snap, looked up at the beauty in front of him, and smiled softly.

"Of course, I figured it out, and I knew you were going to cook at this time."

Chen Weirui had crooked eyebrows and smiled like a lazy arctic fox.

After finishing speaking, he turned and went back to the room to change clothes and wash his hands.


At the dining table, Gu Zhao swallowed the food in his mouth, and told Chen Weirui: "Auntie, I put some things by your bedside that can improve your potential. I need to go to Fenghua Secret Realm tomorrow, and you can write it on the paper as I do." Just do the steps."

"Fenghua Secret Realm? Then you must pay attention to safety and don't go to dangerous places..."

Halfway through the words, Chen Weirui came to his senses, opened his eyes slightly, and asked tentatively, "The Stone of the World?"

Seeing Gu Zhao nodded slightly, she took a light breath, parted her red lips, paused, and finally said in a complex tone:

"Xiao Zhao, you have grown up."

(End of this chapter)

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