After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 34 Warning: Don't become the opposite sex!

Chapter 34 Warning: Don't become the opposite sex!
"My name is 'Thunder', congratulations on meeting me."

Hearing this, the corners of Gu Zhao's mouth twitched.

So can pretend to be B?

Gu Zhao stroked his chin, and responded lightly: "If you can get rid of the swelling on your face, I should be able to recognize you when we meet next time."

"Thunder" changed his face, turned his back to Gu Zhao, and then said, "I just said the reason for giving you the mask, it's just a gift, why, don't you want it?"

"How come, thank you so much for your meeting gift. As a gift in return, I decided to give you this."

As he spoke, Gu Zhao smiled, took out a healing potion from the inventory, and threw it at the back of "Thunder".

The green-robed man seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, took the vial with his backhand, put it in front of him for a glance, then threw it back, his tone trembling: "Hehe, a strong man like me doesn't need potions, I appreciate your kindness!"

hold head high--

On the side, the bright young dragon who felt Gu Zhao's emotions stood up and waved his wings, as if mocking "Thunder".

Gu Zhao almost laughed out loud, this person is too stubborn.

You know, for top powerhouses, not to mention mere bruises, even if they are turned into flesh, through certain means, they can return to normal.

This person's strength is unfathomable, and the strong resilience of the body should have eliminated this injury a long time ago. Coupled with this person's stinky personality, if possible, he would have used various means to return to normal.

Then there are only two possibilities for the swelling on his face.

First, the injury is extremely special, and he cannot be treated by means.

Second, he was prohibited from treatment for some special reasons.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao stared at the back of "Thunder", and asked, "You haven't told me about the relationship between Shadow and you yet."

"There is nothing to say. We are both members of 'Chaos'. This time she begged me repeatedly to help bring this mask to you. Seeing her young age, I felt pity and agreed."

"Thunder" trembled slightly, as if remembering something, and said the "truth" in a sad and angry tone.


Didn't you just say that this mask is a gift for me? !
Why did it become "Shadow" again at this moment, please bring it to me!

And it doesn't sound like the truth!
Regarding "Thunder"'s full of lies, Gu Zhao was a little powerless to complain.

"A stinky guy who wants to save face."

He made an assessment.

As the voice of "Thunder" fell, the field fell into a brief silence.

"The task is completed, I have to go."

The green-robed man turned around with a solemn expression.

"Oh please."


Seeing that "Thunder" neither moved nor spoke, but cast expectant gazes at himself, Gu Zhao pondered slightly:


"I wish you a speedy recovery from your injuries?"

As if being poked into a sore spot, Lei Ting said displeasedly:
"There is no tacit understanding at all."

After saying that, wisps of lightning appeared on his body, and disappeared without a trace accompanied by a thunderous rumbling sound.

Gu Zhao looked at the place where "Thunder" was standing just now, his brain was spinning extremely fast, trying to figure out what was in "Thunder"'s expectant gaze.

After 1 minute, without the slightest clue, he could only draw a conclusion:

The brain circuit of "big cleverness" is something normal people like me can't understand.

Turning his attention to the mask in his hand, feeling the mud-like touch, Gu Zhao lowered his head and sniffed it tentatively.

Well, luckily it doesn't stink.


Thousand Magic Clay Mask (Purple Epic) - Put it on, imagine a person's appearance and body shape, the more detailed the better, then you will become him/her.

Remarks: Commonly known as the advanced version of face pinching.It is strongly recommended not to change into the opposite sex!This move is likely to lead to unknown consequences!
"Pinch your face?"

Gu Zhao's thoughts were wandering, and he began to imagine the possible uses of this prop.

First, you can pretend to be an enemy and frame them.

"Hey, why did I think of this first, I'm so bad."

Second, change your appearance and make a fortune in silence.


"Forget it, don't think about it."

Withdrawing his thoughts from the novels he had read in his previous life, Gu Zhao put the Thousand Magic Clay Mask in his inventory, ready to continue his struggle for the upgrade.

"Sylvia, let's go."

One person and one dragon continue to advance towards the depths of the secret realm.


seven days later.

TS City No. [-] High School.

Class thirty.

An hour later, it will be the official start of the college entrance examination personal trial.

At this moment, the class is full of various discussions, and many people try to relieve the anxiety in their hearts by talking.

"You're already level eleven? So fast! How did you do it?"

"Haha, my family paid me a lot of money to hire a team to assist me. In the wild, I don't have to worry about any trivial matters. I only need to fight with beasts of the appropriate level, and the leveling up is naturally very fast."

"Wow, I'm really envious. By the way, have you formed a team? Do you want to join our team? There is still a main output here."

"Who is on your team?"

"Me, Li Jinyuan and Chen Dong."

"OK, no problem!"

"I heard that you seem to be short of a main healer. If you don't add me, it will just make up five people."

"It should be possible. I'll ask other people. In addition, your team configuration is completely complete, and the shortcomings disappear. You can definitely get a good result in the team trial!"

Hearing the gradually relaxed voices of the people in the conversation, Gu Zhao felt a little emotional.

I used to be one of the uneasy people, I just wanted to change to a better job, and then work hard to live in this world.

If you can live a good life and let my aunt enjoy the happiness, it will be considered as the fulfillment of the ultimate dream.

Now, after encountering a series of opportunities, he is no longer what he used to be, and his goals have become unprecedentedly ambitious.

With the help of the Destiny Pavilion, even he himself does not know how high he can fly and what kind of achievements he will achieve in the future.

"Be good at the moment."

Gu Zhao warned himself that, to be honest, he was complacent under the stars during this period of time, but when he thought of the earth-shattering "hanging" that he watched at the Destiny Pavilion that day, he would instantly wake up come over.

Without the protection of the God of Destiny Pavilion, Fei Niu who was hanged and beaten might be able to wipe himself out with just one breath.

There is also the mysterious organization "Chaos" that has recently appeared. Although it has expressed goodwill to itself, it cannot be left to chance, thinking that the friendship at this time will continue forever.

Improving your strength is the most important thing!
Thinking of this, Gu Zhao breathed a long sigh of relief, his mind was clearer than ever, as if he had bid farewell to his past self.

Come on!

Jingle bell--

"The individual trial part of the national unified examination for general college admissions is about to begin. Please arrive at the playground in order and prepare to enter the virtual and real mirror."


(End of this chapter)

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