Chapter 35 Gu Zhao's First Time

The class suddenly fell into a brief silence.

Gu Zhao looked around, sizing up the expressions of the students around him.

I saw some people biting their lower lips lightly, with a hint of eagerness in their nervousness; some people's faces were full of resistance, and they had to get up in the end.

"Brother Zhao, let's go!"

A familiar voice came from the front, Gu Zhao tilted his head, and saw Zhao Gang standing at the door carelessly, beckoning to himself.

"They don't take the test in the same area, so why wait for me, do elementary school students team up to go to the toilet?"

When he came back to his senses, Gu Zhao's eyes widened, and he hurt his best friend.

"Avenge me, Brother Zhao, I'm not alone waiting for you, so be careful what you say to me!"

Zhao Gang was "furious", and cast his gaze behind someone, motioning him to look back.

Gu Zhao turned his head suspiciously, and met the eyes of an elf with a high ponytail and a youthful atmosphere all over his body.

"Haha, that's too polite, why are you waiting for me, I'm a little moved."

Looking at Yan Xue's pretty face, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Gu Zhao chuckled lightly, and changed the subject as usual:
"The students are all gone, if you don't leave now, when will you wait?"

As he spoke, he got up quickly and walked out of the classroom.


One minute later, the three of Gu Zhao came to the playground, encouraged each other, and then went to their respective professional assessment areas.

Gu Zhao looked up and looked around, and finally walked to the northeast, hanging on the tree, with the three characters "Guardian Department" written on it.

"Exam Room 14."

Among the many small flags in this area, he quickly found the number 14 and prepared to line up in front of the flag.

Similar to the college entrance examination in the previous life, the invigilators are limited, and it is impossible to have one invigilator for each person. Therefore, the form of dividing the examination room is also adopted. There are thirty candidates in each examination room.

However, what is different from the previous life when everyone in the college entrance examination did the papers together is that the performances of different professions in the examination room are completely different.

Let’s also take the personal trial of the Assassin profession the year before last as an example. The examination room is a huge space simulated by a virtual and real mirror. When each candidate performs the first round of tasks, there is a territory of earthquake rabbits and a high cliff in front of them. , the scene is exactly the same.

Candidates can see each other's performance and hear each other's voices, but under the effect of virtual and real mirrors, they cannot interfere with other people's environment in any form.

For example, Candidate A cannot disturb the earthquake rabbit near Candidate B by yelling.

In this case, the performance of other people can affect the candidate's mentality.

For example, an Assassin candidate just lurked in the territory of Earthquake Rabbit, but when he looked up, the slowest of the other Assassin candidates in the examination room had climbed half of the cliff, and his psychological quality was so close that he must have started to doubt life.

Among the vast number of college entrance examination candidates, there are also some bad-mouthed people who mock others. Although they are not very moral, their psychological quality is also an important indicator for colleges and universities to select talents.This behavior is tacitly tolerated.

Of course, it is definitely not allowed to insult others, most of them are yin and yang.

Walking to the end of the line in front of the small flag No. 14, Gu Zhao looked at the empty rostrum in front of him, perked up his ears a little bored, and listened to the words of the nearby candidates.

"This time, we don't know if the exam questions for our guardian profession are difficult or not. I hope it will be simpler. It will be the same as last year."

"Hehe, brother, don't you know that the exam questions of the college entrance examination are difficult every year and easy every year? Last year, the exam questions were so easy that the person who wrote the questions was scolded miserably. What will happen this year, there is no need to say more."

"What are you two still discussing here? Haven't you heard who this year's question maker in the Guardian Department is? Ge Bing!"

"Fuck! It's him, the Great Demon King Ge Bing! It's over, it's over!"

"Brother, don't scare me! If he asks a question, I will be embarrassed to pass the first round of tasks!"

"Don't be discouraged, think about it from another angle, the personal trial is so difficult, and no one else can complete the task, everyone is similar."

Hearing this, several people seemed to have found psychological comfort, Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

This is for discussion questions.

"By the way, the rostrum is so empty, there isn't a single high-ranking officer, it's about to start."

"Let's go to the virtual and real mirror to check. There will be this step every year, but some are early and some are late. We should be considered slow this time, but don't worry, they will never be late, otherwise it will be a major accident. .”

"Hey, I also want to see who are the recruiting teachers of Shanghai University this year. Shanghai University is my dream university."

"Unlike you, my dream university is Kyoto University, and I want to follow in the footsteps of the goddess Jiang Chenyi!"

"Could you two stop bragging, I can't listen to it anymore, you're still in Beijing University, especially you, you are still following in the footsteps of my goddess Jiang Chenyi, you may not be successful in applying for a guard at Beijing University!"

"Hey, how dare you insult people! And that's my goddess, if you talk nonsense, be careful and I'll beat you!"

"Come on! Go here and fight. If you don't fight, I will look down on you!"

Hearing that a fight was about to start on the left, Gu Zhao and the nearby candidates all looked sideways.

But I saw the two people raised their chests and raised their heads, getting closer and closer, and finally the tips of their noses almost touched each other, and they were exchanging passionate words.

"It's pretty sensible."

Gu Zhao made an evaluation.

"But as for the quarrel over such a trivial matter?"

He didn't quite understand.

Gu Zhao still had a deep impression on Jiang Chenyi.

She is a senior who is two years older than him, with a gentle personality. Before she changed her job, she was the dream lover of countless classmates. After changing her job as a professional holy word teacher in the Department of Therapy, she was more in line with the image of a descendant fairy.

To be honest, Gu Zhao once had a slight affection for this gentle senior who "has a holy voice lingering in her mouth and heals the world".

Young Muai, of course.

But because a person whom he had hardly any contact with was so agitated when the college entrance examination was about to start, that it was very likely to affect the control of strength in the subsequent trials, and even affect the results. This is...

Just as I thought of this, faint ripples suddenly appeared in midair, finally forming a huge portal, and then a middle-aged man in silver-white armor walked out first, causing a burst of exclamation.

"President of the TS City Guardian Department Association - Jia Pingshan."

Before everyone could finish their sentence, a white-robed priest, a beautiful woman with an axe, a man with a bow, a bald monk, etc. walked out of the portal one after another. Almost all of them were the presidents and vice-presidents of various associations in this city.

It's just that I can't see where the members of the Assassin Department Association are. It's a professional habit. I guess they will only show up when the exam officially starts.

Next, the senior management of the school under the leadership of Principal Long Tian walked out of the teaching building.

The last ones to appear were a group of very unfamiliar faces, probably recruiting teachers sent by major colleges and universities.These admissions teachers all have a clear purpose - to inspect talents in advance.

Although they are not allowed to contact candidates before the results are released, it is not against the regulations to just "know".

Once the results are announced, these people who have already found their goals will immediately set off a battle for talent.

(End of this chapter)

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