Chapter 41 Yan Wu's Mark

After the terrifying claw "killed" the giant eagle, it paused slightly.It can be seen that the brilliance originally embedded in the scales flashed, and finally dissipated slowly.

hold head high?
Sylvia retracted the dragon's claw, placed it in front of her eyes, tilted her head and looked at the spotless scales, as if wondering why the giant eagle was so fragile that it didn't even fully use its skills.

Claw of the King of Light (Active Skill) - Sylvia mobilizes the light power and blood on her body to clear away the things in front of her.

Remarks: The simple claw attack is just an appetizer, and the real killing move lies in the intrinsic brilliance.It's a pity that even if it's just an appetizer, it's not something ordinary people can bear.

The bright young dragon hovered in the air for a while, seeing that no other beasts with short eyes came to harass it, it landed quietly, trying to "surprise" Gu from behind.

Feeling the gust of wind blowing from behind, Gu Zhao turned around subconsciously, clasped his right hand, and let the bursts of brilliance wrap Sylvia directly in front of him.

Ang Woo~

Sylvia didn't resist, she groaned softly, her eyes narrowed into slits, as if she was enjoying Gu's massage.

For his partner, Gu Zhao naturally wouldn't use the ability of the grip of light to imprison thinking and other abilities. He lightly squeezed with his right hand to control the light around the bright young dragon, as if he was pinching a doll.

Gu Zhao's pupils shrank when his attention was diverted from the "Bright King's Claw", and he suddenly thought that Yan Wu who was behind him seemed to have kept silent for a long time.

This is not in line with his previous image.

Gu Zhao looked back, and suddenly found that the "fake Yan Wu" who was originally agile and lively had dull eyes at this moment, as if he had lost his soul.



No response.


Frowning lightly, Gu Zhao tried to recall exactly where this change occurred.

As time passed by, under the cover of the yellow sand all over the sky, the space barrier of the examination area that was originally looming slowly solidified...



In the depths of a small, artificially created secret realm, there is a majestic complex of buildings.

The center of the complex is a quaint cottage.

This room looks ordinary, but under the sunlight, it feels a bit unreal, as if it doesn't belong to this space.

At this moment, a long-haired young man in a light blue uniform came outside the house, walked around the hut quickly and slowly, and then gently opened the door.

"Senior, are you there?"

Liu Yuan walked into the house cautiously, looking at the scene here.

It was completely different from the scorching sun outside the house, it was pitch black here, only the dots of stars above the head released faint light.

Yes, this hut is actually a constant entrance to the virtual mirror.

And the purpose of his coming here is to report to Yan Wu, the inspector of the college entrance examination, the situation of all parties in the examination room.

"what's up?"

The sound was erratic, as if it came from all directions.

"There seems to be a small change in the trial of the No. [-] High School in TS City, Pingdong Province. The instrument detected that the energy in the split mirror rose sharply in a short period of time, exceeding the safety threshold."

"What did the security center say?"

"Based on the data they returned, they ruled out the possibility of foreign invasion."

"Then why are you looking for me?"

Hearing the inquiry, Liu Yuan rubbed his hands, smiled coquettishly and said: "I feel that the candidate who caused the energy change may be a good candidate, and I want you to help me see if it is worth recruiting.

You also know that our Nanfeng team, like other teams, is in urgent need of manpower. If we don't start now, we will definitely be snatched up after the college entrance examination. "

"You young people are the real deal. The speed of robbing people is faster than the other. Just now that kid Xiao Peng wanted to ask me to help me with this, but I refused."

The voice was no longer erratic, but came from in front of Liu Yuan.


After a while, a knight riding a skeleton warhorse, wearing silver-white thick armor, exuding a strong dark aura slowly appeared in front of him.

The voice continued to radiate from the full helmet.

"I was born in Beijing University, and he actually asked me to help him go to Mo Da. Hmph, if I hadn't been friends with his father, Xiao Ping, I'd have to beat him up!"

Hearing this, Liu Yuan couldn't believe it, and asked softly, "You agreed??"

With Yan Wu's character, if he disagrees with this matter, he will not talk nonsense with him at all.

"Just to help you see, whether you can recruit people into the team depends on your own ability."

Liu Yuan clenched his fists violently, his heart was instantly filled with joy.

When did "Ghost Seeing Worry" Yan Wu become so talkative?Did his wife have a baby?Or picked up a congenital artifact?

A series of questions flooded into Liu Yuan's mind. Originally, he just mustered up his courage and wanted to come here to try his luck.

Under today's university squad system, freshmen with potential have become the scarcest "resource".

Every year at the Freshman Orientation Conference, the captains will set off a battle to grab people.

However, if a team like "Southern Wind" is not very strong and does not have rich men/women, if they compete head-on, it will be difficult to attract potential new students.

He can only take the off-court route—establish a good relationship with the potential stocks in advance, so as to add impression points to the team, so that the potential stocks can choose his "Southern Wind" team under the same conditions.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuan let out a sigh of relief, with a slightly sad look on his face.

The instrument he was guarding was very rough, and could only detect that the energy exceeded the safety threshold, but he didn't know how much it exceeded, so he didn't know the strength of that "potential stock".

"No golden phoenix, just a peacock."

Liu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and prayed silently.

There is no way, if that person is too talented, let alone whether he can find an opportunity to enhance the relationship when everyone flocks to him.

Even if you get along well, you will be attracted by people's strength or resources when you go to the highly competitive freshman orientation meeting.

After all, it is impossible to establish a life-and-death friendship with this little time.Why would someone give up such generous conditions to join the "Southern Wind" team?
"I'm going to sleep."

A cold voice interrupted Liu Yuan's thoughts.

"Ah! Okay... okay, I'm leaving now!"

After giving a slight salute to the death knight in front of him, Liu Yuan quickly walked towards the gate, fine cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

He was immersed in his thoughts just now, and he even forgot that the scene must be cleared when projecting his thoughts in a dream. This is a taboo for many people.

"It's a bad dish, this person won't hold grudges..."

After seeing Liu Yuan's back leave, the death knight instantly turned into a cloud of black mist.

After a while of changes, the black mist finally turned into a middle-aged man with a simple and honest face.

A smile suddenly appeared on Yan Wu's ancient and calm face, and he flipped his left hand, and a tumbling and jumping transparent bug appeared in his palm.

"The mark is actually activated, let me see, who are you..."

(End of this chapter)

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