After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 40 New skills of the bright young dragon

Chapter 40 New skills of the bright young dragon

"The second ring mission: break out of the encirclement."

"Protect the weary traveler and lead him away from this perilous region.

During this process, you must remain vigilant at all times, please pay special attention to threats from the sky.

Because if you lose your mind for a moment, the fragile traveler will be torn to pieces. "

A pure guardian task.

The injured traveler is the one in the yellow sand?
Gu Zhao stared closely at the looming figure in the distance.

Half a minute later, a middle-aged man with an iron staff and a ruddy complexion appeared in front of him, with piercing eyes, and said:

"This place is full of dangers, only the corner where you and I live seems to be affected by mysterious forces, and fierce beasts dare not enter.

I am Yan Wu, a freshman from Kyoto University. I have been here by mistake for a week, and I am about to fight to the death. I wonder what my little brother is planning? "


Looking at the somewhat familiar face in front of him, Gu Zhao was speechless for a while.

Isn't this "Invisible" Yan Wu?

This person is a super summoner who can form an army by himself, and his style of play is extremely "cautious".

Relying on the fighting style of "seeing only summoning objects but not seeing people", he abruptly snatched the title of "No Shadow and No Trace" from the hands of a group of assassins.

It can be said to be famous.

This year's cameo is actually this boss!
Every year in the college entrance examination, there will be some top strong people who "enter" their personalities in the virtual and real mirror, and turn into thousands of "dummy" to participate in this grand event for the whole people and promote their alma mater.

For example, just now the dummy claimed to be a freshman at Kyoto University...

In the previous college entrance examinations, these strong people would often play the role of a worldly expert.

This year, Yan Wu actually "incarnated" into a traveler in need of rescue.

Looking at the mission briefing, one can guess that this is definitely a glass man, the kind that disappears when you touch it.

It can be said that this "Yan Wu" in front of him is the same as the deity except his personality and appearance, other aspects are not worth mentioning, he is just a bankrupt version of a super beggar!

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao became playful, and said impassionedly to Yan Wu: "Instead of being trapped in the vast desert and waiting to die, it's better to fight a bloody road together and escape!"

"Okay! Then today, let you and I work together to find a way out of the crisis!"


"Come on!"

Without giving him more time to react, Yan Wu yelled, held up his iron staff, and rushed out in the first place.

Seeing this situation, Gu Zhao followed closely, ready to rescue at any time.

After running 50 meters, a wide, black line suddenly appeared on the flat desert.

Five meters away from the black line, Yan Wu stopped, patted his chest, and said impassionedly:
"Little brother, if you cross this line, you must be extra cautious, there will be fierce beasts rushing out at any time and tearing you to pieces.

But don't worry, I will take good care of you, hide behind me, follow closely! "

Before he finished speaking, he strode forward and directly crossed the black line.


Above the sky, there was a long cry.

A giant bald eagle swooped down, and a faint white light emerged from the edge of its wings.

"Beast, you dare!"

Yan Wu gripped the iron staff tightly and glared at the rushing giant eagle, as if preparing to face the enemy head-on.

But in the next second, he turned around suddenly, threw the iron staff behind him forcefully, and ran back inside the line at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing the prey running back into the "forbidden zone", the giant eagle flapped its wings lightly, turned around and flew away.

Yan Wu, who stood inside the black line again, smiled and explained to Gu Zhao, "I didn't expect this animal to be guarding here all the time. I was unprepared for a while, so I had to retreat strategically. But don't panic, look at my wits." Pick!"

After saying that, Yan Wu jumped out of the black line, put his hands around his mouth, made a trumpet shape, and shouted loudly: "I jumped out again! Come and hit me, you idiot."

The angry cry of the giant bald eagle came from the air.

Seeing the giant eagle turning back again, he was a little hesitant, as if he was afraid of this area.

Yan Wu started to dance, and at the same time kept making some moves to provoke him, trying to make him lose his mind.

Finally, when his movements became slower and slower and he began to exhaust himself, a long cry finally came from the air.


rushed over!

A look of joy appeared on Yan Wu's face, just when he was about to jump back to the black line and speak the next line.

Judging ~
The giant bald eagle spun around in the air and flew away without looking back.

Only one smug tweet was left, as if mocking someone.


Yan Wu seemed to be strangled by someone, he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

Gu Zhao, who witnessed the cause and effect, almost laughed out loud.

This big guy's personality is too funny!
Outsmarting is standing outside the penalty area and taunting, trying to lure the enemy in.

Although the giant eagle's IQ is not high, it is not likely to be fooled like this!
I had a good time.

Gu Zhao looked up and looked around, seeing that other candidates had already protected "Yan Wu" and walked a certain distance, so he summoned Sylvia.

"Uncle Yan, please follow me."

As he spoke, he stepped out of the edge of the restricted area and walked into the distance.

After Gu Zhao left the restricted area, Yan Wu's face suddenly returned to calm, his eyes were dull, and he followed like a puppet.

Sylvia happily flew over Gu Zhao's head, ready to block the next attack of the beast.


The giant eagle hovered in the distance, and did not launch an attack for a long time. It just kept chirping, as if calling for its companions.

Three minutes later, two giant cyan eagles flew side by side and joined the giant bald eagle.

- - - - -

After a while of communication, the three giant eagles negotiated and swooped down in the shape of a character.

When hundreds of meters away from the ground, the two cyan giant eagles on the left and right suddenly opened their mouths, spit out two wind blades, and slashed at the bright young dragon.

hold head high--

Sylvia expressed disdain for their overreaching behavior, facing the wind blades, and directly went up to them, with just a flick of the dragon's tail, the attack was invisible.

Seeing that his attack was so easily dispelled by the opponent, the two giant cyan eagles slowed down and hesitated.

With this slowing down, he distanced himself from the giant bald eagle in front of him.

A giant bald eagle surrounded by a faint white light was reflected in the vertical pupils, and Sylvia lifted the dragon claws.

A layer of blazing white light gushed out from her pale golden dragon scales, this layer of light did not radiate outwards, but was only embedded in the scales.It can be seen that the milky white lines inside the scales light up instantly.At the same time, the dragon's claws swung brazenly and shot straight at the giant bald eagle.

Originally, Sylvia's dragon claw was only about a foot long, but with this swing, it actually soared ten times in the air, from the original foot to three meters, and the terrifying claws shone with milky white light and went straight to The giant bald eagle went away.


The white light shining on the giant bald eagle didn't block it at all, and the dragon's claws seemed to slap on a piece of tofu, directly causing it to fall apart.

The two cyan giant eagles fluttered their wings again and again, their chirping voices were full of pleading, and they flew away into the distance without looking back.

Looking at the ferocious beasts running wildly in front of him, Gu Zhao was also a little dumbfounded.

The power of the new skills Silvia obtained through "Dragon King Inheritance" is so terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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