Chapter 44 Frost Wurm, surrender!
The avalanche whizzed down, a large amount of snow fell down rapidly, poured down instantly, and the powerful air flow rushed down the hillside, trying to smash everything in front of it with great speed and great strength.

However, a sub-dragon with a body length of more than ten meters and covered with ice-blue dragon scales stood in it. Despite the impact of the snow flow, its huge body did not even shake.

Frost Lesser Dragon's pair of vertical pupils were devoid of any emotion, full of indifference and cruelty, staring fixedly at Gu Zhao's direction.

"Why is this sub-dragon not moving? The other candidates were chased and ran around."

The middle-aged bald man on the big disc looked at the phone, feeling a little puzzled.

Before the words were finished, the thick lower limbs of the Frost Lesser Dragon exerted force and shot directly towards the mountain where Gu Zhao was.


hold head high!
The bright young dragon quickly appeared in the summoning circle, spread its wings, and uttered a dragon chant of "He He Long Wei" at the frost dragon.

The Frost Lesser Dragon in mid-air fell to the ground with a bang, and the dragon's face showed humanized doubts, and then quickly opened its bloody mouth.

It twisted its huge dragon body, moving back and forth, left and right on the snow, as if it was dancing.

In the process of watching this dance, Gu Zhao only felt that his strength was constantly increasing, and his mind became clearer gradually.

"Dragon Dance!"

Gu Zhao made a judgment.

Just don't know what type of dragon dance it is.

As the oldest race in the world, dragons perform dragon dances to express their emotions at important moments.

There are various types of dragon dances. In addition to expressing emotions, it can also boost allies.

In 1 minute, the Frost Lesser Dragon, who had finally finished dancing the dragon dance, laid down its huge body, lowered its head, placed its two front paws on the ground, and did not move.

"Surrender! This is surrender!"

Long Tian on the big disc jumped excitedly, completely disregarding his image as the headmaster, as if Frost Wulong worshiped him.

There was even more uproar on the many small discs.

"Do you know the king? Hurry up and apologize!"

"You say I understand the king, what kind of biscuit are you?"

"It's far from a big score. The Frost Lesser Dragon who appeared so cool on the stage just saw the golden dragon. He didn't even try to test it, and he just knelt down!"

"I really regret that I didn't have a good relationship with Gu Zhao for three years in high school. This is clearly a supernova."

"Me too……"

"plus one."


"Principal Long really has extraordinary eyesight. He said that Frost Wurm is a piece of cake for Gu Zhao, and it turned out to be true!"

The balding middle-aged man's face was full of admiration, and he gave a thumbs up, which was extremely "unbelievable".

"Ha ha ha ha."

Long Tian couldn't stop laughing, but he was a little speechless in his heart.

It turns out that I put up a finger to mean this!
This old boy is too flattering, I have to find an opportunity to demote this "traitor".

I'm in a good mood this time, let me let you go!
3 minutes passed by in a flash.

A voice from nowhere resounded in the space.

"Candidate 2077...123 Gu Zhao, congratulations on successfully completing the task of the third round of this personal trial, and the following will play what the question maker, Ge Bing, wants to say to you!"

"There is no doubt that you are a true genius who can complete the three-ring task. Come on, the future is yours!"


Fairy Secret Realm.

"The Great Elder's eyes are like a torch, and his eyes recognize talents!"

"The Great Elder's vision is far better than mine, Yan Lie admires it!"


The air was filled with compliments from the elves towards Yan Changkong.

"Hahahahaha!" Yan Changkong stroked his beard and smiled generously. After a long time, he slowly said, "Maybe, this is just the beginning..."


The living room in Gu Zhao's home.

"Xiao Zhao!!!"

Chen Weirui jumped up from the sofa, clenched his hands into small fists, jumped and cheered with his arms raised high.

The bear slippers she was wearing on her jade feet kept colliding with the floor, making a rattling sound.

The original noise seems to be a note that can make her feel happy at this moment.

After a while, Chen Weirui carefully picked up the photo frame placed on the coffee table, rubbed it lightly twice, and the corners of his eyes gradually became moist.

In the somewhat yellowed photos, there are two girls, one big and one small. The young one seems to have just grown up, with a green face, while the old one is only in his twenties, smiling with dimples.

"Sister, have you seen it? Xiao Zhao also passed the college entrance examination like me back then. But he is much better than me, and he will definitely be a big shot in the future!"

Chen Weirui sniffled, with a faint smile on her round oval face, put down the photo frame, moved lightly, walked to the refrigerator and opened it, revealing the ingredients that had been prepared and filled the refrigerator.



Outside the virtual and real mirror, on the high platform of the playground of No. [-] High School in TS City.

The admissions teachers of major colleges and universities have witnessed all this and have fallen into a state of frenzy.

"Hey, Director Zhao, I want to apply for a higher authority. Well, yes. The No. [-] High School in TS City where I am currently working has a genius!"

"Director Liu, hurry up... watch the video I just sent you. Already watched it? For the S-level training plan? Okay! I got it!"


The scene was a bit chaotic, and every admissions teacher was calling his boss to ask for an increase in authority.

Seeing this situation, the foreign tour examiner who had been hidden in the air from the beginning to the end finally appeared, took out a piece of gold paper from his arms, used his finger as a pen, wrote for a while, and threw it down.

The gold paper swelled in the wind, and soon became tens of meters long and wide, with four large characters written on it: Pay attention to the regulations.

Seeing this situation, all the admissions teachers nodded to show that they understand the rules, and they can only recruit people after they know the results. They are just looking casually at the moment.

One minute later, the giant mirror suspended in the air began to shoot rays of light toward the playground, forming a passageway for candidates to leave the examination room - the light gate.

Hundreds of light doors opened at the same time, and candidates from various examination rooms filed out, impatiently starting to communicate.

"Do you know that in the examination room where I was, two masters broke through to the last task this year, but unfortunately they still failed."


"This year, the Assassin department came out with a strange thing again. It tried to imitate the unparalleled assassin from the previous year, but the first ring was killed by the beast. At that time, I almost laughed to death when I saw it hahahaha."

"There was a dwarf in our examination room who used the Dawn of Light technique to a superb level, healed more than 20 people at the same time, and finally failed due to exhaustion of energy. What a pity."

"I don't know if our high school can produce a champion this year."

"I think Xuan, those people in No. [-] Middle School feel stronger."


Gu Zhao stepped out of the mirror, feeling the warm air around him, with a dazed expression.

Is this the most important personal test in the college entrance examination?

All the way through, there is no single enemy.

Among the candidates around, some looked depressed, some burst into tears, and some smiled with a little worry.There are only a handful of people with genuine smiles on their faces.

This is the college entrance examination.

"go home!"

Gu Zhao shook his head, shook off the chaotic thoughts in his head, showed his big white teeth, and walked into the distance with a bright smile...

(End of this chapter)

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