Chapter 45

Gu Zhao took out the vibrating mobile phone in his pocket, and found that it was actually a message from his school girl Jiang Wanying.

Jiang Wanying Yingying: Senior, I watched the whole process of your exam, you are amazing!I have decided, from now on, you are my idol~

Jiang Wanying Yingying: (picture)
Gu Zhao zoomed in on the picture, this is a screenshot.

The above is the scene of the Frost Wurm with its huge head hanging down, lying on the snow.

After briefly thinking about it while rubbing his chin, Gu Zhao started typing.

Gu Zhaozhao: Thank you for your support.

As soon as I clicked send, the next message popped up.

Jiang Wanying Yingying: Senior, after the college entrance examination team's trial, can you come and guide me in the combined sword and shield attack?
Gu Zhaozhao: Let’s talk about it later.

At this moment, Gu Zhao was a little confused.

Did he show his sword in the college entrance examination?

Nothing from the beginning to the end, how did this school girl know that her sword and shield combination skills are good?

Shaking his head, Gu Zhao continued to check the messages sent by other people.

The grass must also thrive: Xiao Zhao, you are doing so well, reward me with a feast!

Long Tian: Gu boy, I really belong to you!The school rewards are ready for you!
Yan Changkong: I have sent two elves to protect you. They will arrive within half a day. From tomorrow onwards, you must be careful of demon assassination.

After replying to these people one by one, Gu Zhao stared at the message from Yan Changkong and fell into deep thought.

Assassination?It's normal.

He had known for a long time that the outstanding candidates in this college entrance examination would definitely be "taken care of" by the demons.

However, due to the existence of the barriers between the two worlds and the various detection equipment deployed by the human race on the edge of the world, the high-level demons cannot sneak in at all.

In cities with more complete detection equipment, the backbone of the demons dare not stay for a while.

Therefore, most of the demons who can pass the inspections and assassinate geniuses from all over the world are not high in level.

With his current strength, as long as he is more careful, nothing will happen.

What's more, according to his life script, the next crisis will be in the entrance test, not now.

"The Great Elder really values ​​me."

Gu Zhao was a little emotional, and kept this gratitude in his heart. After replying to the congratulatory messages from his acquaintances one by one, he walked home quickly.

He has already made an appointment with Yan Xue and Zhao Gang to meet downstairs at his home at one o'clock in the afternoon, and then go to the Martial Arts Field to practice offense and defense together in preparation for the team trial the day after tomorrow.


The only way for Gu Zhao to go home is in an alley.

The two middle-aged men were staring at each other, and the air was filled with embarrassment.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

The two asked in unison.

"take a walk."

"take a walk."

Then they answered at the same time.


After a brief silence, a middle-aged man with bushy hair broke the deadlock first, and said with a sneer, "Okay, Director Zhao, stop acting, we both know each other's goals, don't we?"

"That's right, but there's always a first-come-first-served approach to everything. I occupy this place first. Why don't Director Li find a place to enjoy the cool first?"

"That's wrong. Everyone competes for talents based on their own abilities. How can there be any difference in who comes first?"

"Oh? Then let's play together?"

" can!"

Director Li of the Admissions Office of Shanghai Metropolitan University was a little hesitant, but after looking at the time, he knew that now was not the time to argue, so he agreed directly.

The two middle-aged men smiled at each other, turned around and went to get ready.


Gu Zhao made several turns and turns, and finally walked into Mianyun Lane, which he passed by every day to and from school.

As soon as I stepped into it, I heard a discussion.

"Modu University is really good to potential students!"

"What's the matter? I think Kyoto University is also good."

"Hey, my cousin told me that he regretted that he had applied to Kyoto University instead of Shanghai University. After entering Shanghai University, students of the same class and level as him got more resources than him. That's [-]% more."

"Hey, [-]%? That's an astronomical figure. Shanghai University is so good, so I'll go back and tell my cousin not to apply for Kyoto University."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet. The University of Shanghai is full of outstanding people, and there are countless handsome men and beautiful women among them. You can always find the one you like!"

"Really many?"

"Of course!"

Gu Zhao looked intently and saw a tall and strong young man in his twenties happily telling another thin young man about the benefits of Shanghai University.

It can be seen that the thin young man always glances towards this side intentionally or unintentionally.

After a little thought in his heart, Gu Zhao was stunned, a smile appeared on his face, but he quickly put the smile away, and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the exaggerated performances of these two "actors", and thinking about the current era, he easily thought of the various methods of "stealing people" circulating on the Internet.

It's just that I never thought that one day I would become the object of competition.

"The acting skills of these two recruiters from the Devil's University are too bad, and their lines are also bad enough. Do you think I'm a fool?"

Gu Zhao couldn't laugh or cry, and complained frantically in his heart.

Although these two "staff" have poor acting skills, they also made their own advantages clear.

First, the training resources given by the Magic University to geniuses are indeed [-]% higher than that of Beijing University.

The second thing is that the legendary appearance is generally very high, which is a trivial matter to him.

How good it is to be single, free and happy!
As the two "actors" performed harder and harder, Gu Zhao walked slowly through the alley.

Suddenly, a question flashed through his mind.

Mo Da Jing University has always been unwilling to lag behind in this kind of matter, Mo Da came out, what about Jing University?

As soon as this thought came up, a loud shout came from the exit of the alley.

"Li Dongchen, the three-year period has come, why don't you hurry up and fight with me! Don't you feel ashamed to hide around everywhere?!"

"Hehe, Xiao Ping, when did I avoid you? Some time ago, there was a lot of homework in the Demon University, and I just didn't take the time."

"In that case, let's fight! Phantom Thousand Kills!"

In the yard next to the alley, a burly young man suddenly rushed out.

Immediately afterwards, there was a relatively thin phantom, which didn't want to go through the gate, but crashed out of the wall and went straight to the burly young man Li Dongchen.

Li Dongchen took out a small wooden stick out of nowhere, and swung it quickly, creating afterimages, a series of big fireballs almost connected end to end, roaring out.

Facing the astonishingly powerful Lianzhu fireball, the thin phantom did not slow down, and went straight to the attack with a little bit of nothingness all over his body.

boom boom boom...

After a series of roars, a thin phantom suddenly appeared in front of the burly young man, and slammed the hilt of a wooden dagger on Li Dongchen's chest.

The burly young man Li Dongchen vomited blood and flew backwards, rolled a few times on the ground, stood up in disgrace, and said grimly:
"Xiao Ping, do you think I'm afraid of you?! I just didn't have enough to eat today, so I let you catch me!"

(End of this chapter)

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