Chapter 46 Three years, like a dream

"Hehe, the dead duck has a hard mouth."

Xiao Ping was a little illusory all over, with his hands crossed over his chest and a sneer on his face, expressing his disdain for Li Dongchen's actions.

"I'm going back to eat. I'm kind of waiting here. I'll definitely catch you after I replenish my energy."

The burly young man Li Dongchen made a gesture to slip away.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Ping suddenly put away the sneer on his face, "Heartbroken" said:

"Back then, you and I took the college entrance examination together, and both got high scores. The level is almost the same. I invited you to Kyoto University, but you were short-sighted, and only saw the extra [-]% of the resources!
You know, Kyoto University’s secret realms are better than Modu University’s in terms of number and types, which leads to a lot of opportunities for me to practice, and I have all kinds of powerful skills fully equipped, so my combat power is naturally far better than yours! "

Listening to Xiao Ping's "heartfelt words", the corners of Li Dongchen's eyes were a little moist, as if he had been hit deep in his heart, his voice was slightly hoarse, and he said:

"Do you think I don't regret it? Countless times in the dead of night, I will recall that summer, that scorching sun afternoon.

If we had followed your advice and we had struggled together at Kyoto University, then... that would be great..."

At the end, Li Dongchen actually choked up, took a deep look at Xiao Ping, lowered his head and said softly: "I lost the three-year agreement."

Immediately, he turned around and jumped a few times before disappearing without a trace.

Xiao Ping was stunned in place, and after a long time, he sighed deeply: "Three years, it's like a dream, and I don't feel that spring and autumn have passed."

After finishing speaking, he turned to another direction and strode past Gu Zhao with a little melancholy on his face, turning a blind eye to the remaining three people in the alley.

Da da da--

As the footsteps faded away, Gu Zhao finally turned around and almost clapped his hands.

The staff of Modu University, look at what is professional!

Be conscious and compare!
As for your awkward chat, I want to hit the ground with the sole of my foot when I hear it!

Looking at the representative team of Kyoto University, they were full of emotions, their expressions were well managed, and they didn’t sneak a glance at me. It more naturally revealed the advantages of Kyoto University-the variety and number of secret places, as well as playing scenes.

If the theme is not promoting Kyoto University, I will be confused.

"The difference between cloud and mud!"

Gu Zhao looked at the extremely poor level of business, and now he has not recovered, and the magic duo who was "immersed" in the competitor's performance came to a conclusion.He smiled at them and walked away with long legs.

The two who were shaken by Big White Fang looked at each other as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"Did he see it?"


"I know those two people. They are students of Beijing University. They are juniors just like the two of us. I didn't expect their acting skills to be so good..."

"This Gu Zhao has good eyesight, he saw us right away."

"Is there a possibility that our acting is too fake..."

"Forget it, whether it's fake or not, we've already passed on the information, and the task is considered complete. Find a place to hide. Old man Li must be furious right now."



The top of a tall building 2000 meters away from Mianyun Lane.

Director Zhao of the Admissions Office of Kyoto University waved his hand, retracted the water mirror suspended in the air, and laughed loudly:

"Hahahahaha, Director Li, are you two acting a comedy? I have to admit, it was really successful. It made me almost laugh out loud haha."

Director Li with bushy hair turned into a liver-colored face, opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

Usually everyone's publicity is quite embarrassing, why did Beijing University have two actors come this year?

Director Li of the Admissions Office of Shanghai University scratched his hair, pulled out a few strands, and said angrily, "This is just an appetizer! Don't think you guys won! I'll see you when the results come out!"

"Okay, okay, Director Li is right hahahaha..."


"Try this ice crystal moonshell."

Chen Weirui picked up a scallop with an ice-blue shell and beautiful patterns on it, which looked extraordinarily crystal clear under the sunlight. Like a juggler, it was placed firmly on Gu Zhao's scallop, which had been piled up on a hill with ingredients. in the bowl.

A bitter look flashed across Gu Zhao's face, and he said weakly, "Auntie, I'm full, don't pinch me anymore."

"Oh~" A trace of disappointment flashed in Chen Weirui's bright eyes, and she didn't serve him any more food. She lowered her head and finally started to eat with small bites.

Looking at the table full of dishes, some of which have not even been touched, Gu Zhao couldn't help but think of the message from his aunt just now saying that it was a big meal.

He really didn't expect it to be so "big"!

The processing of many of these ingredients is extremely cumbersome, and some even have to be processed a month in advance.

This big meal must have cost my aunt a lot of energy.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao rubbed his stomach, feeling that he could continue to "fight", at least he could taste all the dishes on the table.

He picked up the meat of the ice crystal moon shell, tasted it in his mouth, swallowed it, and began to comment:
"Well, it's delicious, and the taste is just right. During the chewing process, there is a cool feeling that goes straight to the top of the skull, and I feel that my mind is much clearer. After swallowing, the fragrance still remains on my lips and teeth."

"Hmm~" Chen Weirui put down her chopsticks, supported her head with her jade hands, bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, and her face was filled with a satisfied smile.

"This swirl tuna..."


Twelve twenty-four.

Guanyun Martial Arts Field.

"Hey, Brother Zhao, why haven't you arrived yet? You're too unpunctual! Look to the left?"

Zhao Gang hung up the phone and looked to the left.

Under the shade of the tree, a slender figure was slowly approaching.

"What are you talking about... hiccup... urgent, have I ever been punctual?"

Gu Zhao glared at his best friend, then turned his head and smiled at Yan Xue, who was standing on the other side, who was still radiant in ordinary green clothes:
"Let's go... hiccup... let's go."

"Brother Zhao?" Zhao Gang opened his eyes wide open, a little dazed.

Without saying a word, Gu Zhao took the lead and walked towards the gate of Guanyun Martial Arts Dojo in front of him.

After a while, the three came to the front desk.

"Do you have an appointment?"

An intellectual imperial lady stood up from behind the stage.

Hearing this, Yan Xue took a step forward and gently squeezed Gu Zhao away: "Yes, No. 23 Martial Arts Field is available from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.."

Sister Yu took out a booklet from under the stage, flipped through it, raised her head to confirm: "Ms. Yan?"

"Yan Xue."

"Welcome to the Guanyun Martial Arts Dojo. This is the pass for the three of you. Please keep it safe."

Yan Xue took the three silver-white cards, thanked the service staff, turned around and walked towards a jade platform marked 23 in the corner of the hall.

"It's here, take this pass, you need it for entering and exiting."

Handing the two cards to Gu Zhao beside him, Yan Xue took the pass and swiped it lightly on the jade platform.

A faint purple light was released from the stage, enveloping her, and disappeared in an instant.

Gu Zhao handed the silver and white card to Zhao Gang, followed closely behind.

One minute later, the three of them were all in an open space. Looking around, they saw an endless sea of ​​flowers, filled with different kinds of aromas.

"The environment is really bad... hiccup... ah."

Hearing this, Zhao Gang couldn't bear it any longer, he grinned and pointed forward, ready to start laughing.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Gu Zhao quickly hung the "barbarian" upside down in the air with a wave of his big hand.

"What are you laughing at, my aunt's cooking is so delicious, is there a problem with eating more?!"

Under Gu's "obscene power", Zhao Gang, who was interrupted from casting the spell, shrank his neck and hurriedly said:

"I didn't ask hahaha cough...Of course there is no problem! Who dares to say that there is a problem, I will beat him!"

Seeing Zhao Gang trembling all over and trying to hold back his laughter, Gu Zhao rolled his eyes and put him down with a bright smile on his face:

"I propose to test Zhao Gang's personal ability before the team's offensive and defensive...practice, so as to cooperate better. I don't know what you two... hiccups..."

"I object!"

"I agree!"

Yan Xue on the side covered her mouth and snickered, and voted for it by the way.

Gu Zhao smiled even brighter, and announced, "Two to one, the test begins."

"Brother Zhao, don't, brother Zhao! Don't slap your face!"

(End of this chapter)

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