Chapter 47 Yan Xue's Careful Thoughts

Five p.m.

Guanyun Martial Arts Field.

Zhao Gang, who was two meters tall and had a huge goal, took the lead, stepped out of the gate, and turned around to ask, "What are your plans for these two days?"

Gu Zhao supported Yan Xue, who was leaning half of her body on him, and slowly walked out of the Martial Arts Field. After pondering for a while, he replied:
"If there is no accident, I will go to the equipment store tomorrow."

The "Taker's Radiant Giant Shield" obtained from the demons is very good, and he plans to keep it for himself.

However, if you want to make the equipment more suitable for you, you still need to consume resources to carry out a series of transformations.

Where do resources come from?

Naturally, it was the champion reward that Long Tian had promised before.

According to the past practice of each high school, the reward resources are almost enough to create two medium-length weapons of excellent quality.

After Gu Zhao modified the giant shield, he built a long spear, which was just enough to be used up.

As for why not build armor.

On the one hand, the armor needed a lot of rare materials, and if he wanted to get them together, he would have to sell the essence of the World Stone.

On the other hand, because armor is a life-saving thing, the higher the quality, the better. The most ideal quality is the orange legend.

Obtaining the orange legendary equipment is a daydream for others, but it is not far away for Gu Zhao, he just needs to wait for the entrance test...

[Front Encounter]: During the university entrance test, on a towering mountain peak, you and three fully equipped demon teams suddenly encountered head-on. You chose to fight with one of them, and finally escaped with serious injuries.

Set the requirement as armor on the Destiny Pavilion, and then change this life script!
Thinking of this, Gu Zhao couldn't help showing a smile.

Feeling the swaying of the beauty he was supporting, he came back to his senses and involuntarily clenched Yan Xue's lotus arms a bit.

"Oh! Why are you suddenly exerting force~"

A painful cry came to his ears, and Gu Zhao looked sideways.

It can be seen that the girl's right hand has just been taken out of her pocket, and she is holding a silver-white mobile phone.

"I thought you were going to fall."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Gu Zhao's face. After thinking for a while, he came up with a way to express his apology. His eyes lit up and he said:

"Let me rub it for you!"

"No need! Thank you——" Hearing this, Yan Xue was like a frightened bunny, with a look of panic on her pretty face, she stepped forward with her straight jade legs, and ran forward.

"Don't fall down!"

Before she finished speaking, Yan Xue staggered.

Gu Zhao clasped his left hand falsely, ready to "rescue" at any time, but saw the girl swaying slightly, then stopped firmly.

He stepped forward, supported Yan Xue again, and asked curiously: "You really don't need medicine to recover your energy? Does this exhausted state really help you understand archery?"

The girl turned her pretty face to the side, pretending to look at the tall fire pear tree in the distance, and secretly looked at Gu Zhao from the corner of her eye. Seeing that Gu Zhao didn't realize it, she breathed a sigh of relief, puffed up her chest, and returned confidently:
"Of course! It's very useful!"

"Oh, so."

The scene fell into a brief calm.

After a while, Zhao Gang, who was left alone, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said goodbye with a loud voice: "Brother Zhao, Yan Xue, I'll take a step first, you two take your time."

As he said that, his whole body glowed red, and he used his professional skills to charge forward and quickly disappeared without a trace.

"I'm going to see Aunt Bai."

Yan Xue shook her phone and told her next plan.

"Then goodbye?"

"No goodbye."


"Aunt Bai is one of the two guards arranged by the Great Elder for you!"

At this moment, Gu Zhao was a little dazed, and took out his phone to have a look.

Sure enough, Great Elder Yan Changkong had already sent a message.

Yan Changkong: Your guards——Yan Lie and Bai Xiaoyu have rushed downstairs to your house, here are their photos.

Yan Changkong: (picture).

Glancing at Yan Xue who was peeking aside, Gu Zhao started typing.

Gu Zhaozhao: Thank you, Great Elder, for your care.

Yan Changkong: No need for that, is Xiaoxue by your side?

Gu Zhaozhao: Yes.By the way, if you dare to ask the Great Elder, Yan Xue said that being tired is more conducive to practicing archery.Does this state help to practice sword and shield combined attack?What level of fatigue is better to maintain?
Yan Changkong:?

Gu Zhao just saw the question mark sent by Yan Changkong, the Elder of the Bright Elf, and felt a pulling force coming from his side.

"At the same table~ I miss Aunt Bai, let's go!"

"Don't push me, I haven't finished replying yet."

"Don't pull, don't pull, let's go~"

"Why did it change to push again!"

"Hee hee hee."

"What are you doing sneaking around behind my back?"

Feeling a little strange, Gu Zhao wanted to turn his head, but was gently pressed on the back of his head by a jade hand.

"Hey~ don't turn around~"

"Did you take the wrong medicine today? How can you act like a baby?"

He was a little suspicious that there was something wrong with his little deskmate's brain.

"You... just took the wrong medicine!"

Yan Xue's breath was stagnant, and she made a verbal rebuttal, but she didn't "make a move".

Gu Zhao rolled his eyes, quietly walked to the side of the glass booth on the street, and glanced at it calmly.

On the glass, a slender figure was leaning against his head with one hand, while holding a mobile phone in the other hand, typing quickly.

What is this doing?
He walked past the booth, and just as doubts arose in his heart, he felt the hand on the back of his head move away, and he took his arm again.

"Auntie Bai is very kind to me. When I was young, she often made super delicious food for me. When I grow up, she will become my first coach. She has a very gentle personality..."

Just as Gu Zhao was about to vomit out the doubts in his heart, a girl's clear and melodious voice came from his ears.

He didn't interrupt, but pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

This is not a long story but full of Yan Xue's fond memories.

Just finished it on the way home.

When she came downstairs to Gu Zhao's house, the girl was biting her lower lip, and whispered her request:

"You can leave the errands to Uncle Yan Lie as much as possible, so that Aunt Bai can relax~"

Gu Zhao smiled slightly, and was about to answer, but was interrupted by a burst of hearty laughter from ahead.

"Hahahaha, Xiaoxue, even if you don't mention it, I will take the initiative to take over these trivial matters!"

Behind the big tree in the distance, two elves, a man and a woman, appeared.

The male elf has a Chinese character face, a burly figure, and an amazing momentum. Just standing there quietly gives people a feeling of being as thick as a mountain.

The female elf looks soft and beautiful, and she is looking at Yan Xue helplessly at this moment.

"Aunt Bai! I miss you so much!"

Yan Xue trotted all the way, her feet sometimes went limp in the middle, but she didn't stop, she flew directly into Bai Xiaoyu's arms, and began to confide the accumulated thoughts in her heart.

The corners of his mouth curved quietly, Gu Zhao put his hands in his pockets, nodded at Yan Lie, and began to wait quietly.


Feeling the vibration of the phone, he took it out and unlocked it, and looked at the message he just sent.

Yan Changkong: Well, the exhaustion state is the unique "accelerator" of the archery master profession, which cannot be used by other professions...

Gu Zhaozhao: So that’s the case, thank you Great Elder for your advice.

Putting down the phone, Gu Zhao recalled Yan's abnormal behavior along the way, thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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