Chapter 48 The Shocking Longtian

After a long time, Bai Xiaoyu gently patted Yan Xue's shoulder in his arms, and the two separated.

Bai Xiaoyu walked up to Gu Zhao and saluted, then his figure gradually became transparent and finally disappeared.

Yan Lie, who was a little further away, walked behind Gu Zhao silently without saying a word.

"Are you going back to the fairy secret realm?"

Gu Zhao looked at Yan with a questioning look in his eyes.

"That's too far. I'll go to the apartment next to the school."

"See you the day after tomorrow?"

"I want to see you anytime."

Yan Xue raised her chin slightly, swung her high ponytail, and walked away in a dattering manner.

Seeing the girl's figure disappear, Gu Zhao turned his head and asked Yan Lie who was like a city wall:

"Senior Yan, where do you and Senior White live?"

"The two rooms next door have been rented out by us." Seeing that Gu Zhao seemed to be taking out his credit card, Yan Lie added with a smile: "Our event expenses are all paid by the clan, and those who are lucky don't have to spend money."



The next morning.

Pingfeng Street.

This is the largest gathering place for equipment building and remodeling shops in TS City.

Countless new gear is forged here every day.

Gu Zhao walked out of a resplendent equipment store, thinking about the three transformation plans given by the blacksmith just now.

"You want to build equipment? I just heard you ask about this."

Yan Lie followed closely behind, and said with some certainty in his tone.

Gu Zhao stared in surprise at Yan Lie who barely spoke after becoming a guard, and replied, "That's right, I'm considering building a spear."

"Well, if you are not in a hurry to use it, you might as well wait until the university to build it. All major universities have great discounts for students to build and modify equipment.

Besides, there are countless forging masters inside, and the equipment made with the same material is naturally much better than the parallel importers in TS City. "

"Thank you, Senior Yan."

Gu Zhao thought about it comprehensively, and felt that he really didn't need it urgently, so he might as well wait until he was in college to build it.

After all, why not build or modify better equipment with fewer resources.


TS City No. [-] High School.

At this moment, there was a lot of voices on the playground, but unlike the previous individual trials, most of the candidates were more relaxed.

The next team trial is much simpler than the individual trial.

You only need to play your unique role in the team and be a useful person, and you can get not low scores.

Perhaps under the influence of this relaxed atmosphere, all the senior officials of the school on the high platform also laughed.

"Zhao Ping, how is the resource application going?"

"It's going well, Principal Long, please don't worry. The people over there were still haggling and refused to do things.

When I saw it at the time, I immediately became popular, and sent Gu’s exam video with a snap, and within 5 minutes, the application was approved! "

"Well, Liu Yu, how is the preparation for the propaganda work?"

"Principal, just put your heart in your stomach, everything is ready, just wait for classmate Gu to finish the exam!"

"That's right." Long Tian nodded in satisfaction, and was about to make the next instruction when he heard a sound of shock and anger from the audience.

"Who are you?! Why did you sneak into our school!"

After a while, a burly and strong man walked up to the high platform and carried a man like a chicken. After meeting Long Tian's eyes, he let go of his hand and grinned:
"Old Dragon, long time no see."

A trace of doubt first flashed in Long Tian's eyes, and then his pupils shook violently. He raised his finger to point at the strong man, and said with trembling fingertips: "Yan Lie?! You're not dead? Didn't you have been photographed into a meat paste?!"

"Fortunately, after being slapped into a pulp by that terrifying giant ape, my best brother found my wreckage with a scroll of praise to life."

When Yan Lie said the three words "very lucky", a bitter look appeared on his face.

"His grandma, why didn't you tell me! After the giant ape disappeared, I went to look for you again, but I didn't even find the meat. I thought you were stolen by a passing beast! I will give you the grave." It's done!"

"On the way back, we encountered a space storm and came to the territory of the Necromancers..."

Listening to Yan Lie's story, Long Tian's eyes widened.

"Wait, you said you were finally rescued by someone, who was it?"

"...I can't say."

There was a brief silence on the field.

After a while, Long Tian was the first to break the calm, and said with a loud smile: "It's all over, why bother to mention these things again. I don't know what the old friend's purpose is here."

"Come to protect someone." Yan Lie replied calmly.

"Guard someone?"

An unbelievable look appeared on Long Tian's face.

He heard it right, the former captain of the dignified Bright Elf Law Enforcement Team actually served as a guard for someone!
Who is eligible? !
Shocked by the heavy news one after another, Long Tian calmed down, stared at the strong man in front of him, and asked, "Who is guarding?"

He was afraid that Yan Lie would say "I can't say" again.

Yan Lie showed a hint of arrogance on his face, turned his eyes to the southeast corner of the playground, and responded slowly:
"The lucky man of my elves—Gu Zhao!"

"What?" This time, Long Tian couldn't bear it anymore, he rubbed his ears, and stared at Yan Lie dumbfounded.

In just a few minutes, the ups and downs of his mood can almost catch up with the previous half a year!

Long Tian knew that the elves were optimistic about Gu Zhao's potential, and made some investments.When Yan Lie appeared, some guesses flashed through his mind, but in the end they were all denied by him.

He couldn't have imagined that Yan Lie, who was so calm on the surface but actually arrogant, would agree to be a personal guard.

It is absolutely impossible to rely solely on the orders of Yan Changkong, the great elder of the light elves, and Yan Lie must have voluntarily to a certain extent.

So why?
Gu Zhao's life trajectory is clear, and he has almost no chance to contact the former captain of the law enforcement team.

Could it be that Yan Lie was instigated or influenced by the person who rescued him?
Long Tian couldn't understand it.

"Don't think about it, I won't harm Gu Zhao." Yan Lie put his hands behind his back, paused, and continued to say lightly: "The team trial has begun."

In the process of "reminiscing about the old days" between the two, the candidates have all completed their admission.

In the virtual and real mirror, the three of Gu Zhao appeared on a grass field, looking at the surrounding environment.

Here is an endless grassland, where the sense of oppression in the city is released without a trace, and the haze is cleared away here.

"Team Trial Mission: Cooperation."

"In the process of exploring the heavens and worlds, the importance of the team is self-evident. Candidates are requested to show their own brilliance in this trial!"

"Completion condition: alive."

"Generating fierce beasts according to the number of people in the team..."

On the grasslands in all directions, illusory beasts kept appearing, slowly solidifying.

Gu Zhao's face was flat, and he didn't summon Sylvia.

The team trial is not difficult, it is easy to get a high score, and it only accounts for [-]% of the total score.

If the bright young dragon is summoned, neither Yan Xue nor Zhao Gang will have a chance to make a move, so they can only get a low score.

(End of this chapter)

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