Chapter 56 The inner ghost escaped?

As early as the arrival of the first sound transmission film, the bald middle-aged man quickly made a decision-to pass on the news that there may be ghosts inside the demons.

Although it cannot be ruled out that the sender is a blind cat who ran into a dead mouse or got caught, he dare not bet.

The Demon Race attaches great importance to this "root eradication operation", and has accumulated decades of hidden dust.

He desperately wanted to get the news out.

Otherwise, once it is ambushed by the human race, the "root eradication operation" will not be the root of the human race...

After weighing, he planned to escape when they entered the silver-white vortex on the fifth, and there were only six people left in the space on the first floor of the signal receiving tower, and the obstacles were even smaller.

As for why he ran away instead of using a sound transmission film, or finding an excuse to go out for a stroll, pass the news along the way, or spread the news after get off work.

It's not that he's stupid, leaving these three methods unused.

As early as the construction of the tower at the foot, the first road was blocked.

The entire signal receiving tower is made of special materials, as long as there is a sound transmission film, it will be sensed, and then a bell will sound.

And the ringtone caused by the internal appearance and the external incoming sound transmission sheet is different.

The bell when the interior appears out of thin air is called an alarm, which is sharp and piercing; the bell when the outside enters is called a reminder, which is simply loud.

And these information viewers are absolutely forbidden to carry any communication props.

The moment the sound transmission chip was taken out and the alarm sounded, the surrounding personnel had the right to kill him on the spot.

At that moment, he simply couldn't spare the hand to deliver the information.

The second method, finding an excuse to go out and pass the news by the way, is even more difficult.

There have long been regulations that prohibit it, don't say it, as long as someone leaves the yellow cordon not far away, others will also have the right to kill on the spot.

As for the third method.

After get off work, if the sound transmission film I watched today contains extremely important content and cannot be passed on, a mage who specializes in the field of memory will take action and release an amnestic spell on them.

Make them forget everything that happened in the past few hours.

Even the thought of sending a message will be "washed out".

Regarding the matter of escaping, he thought clearly and planned well.

If No. [-] and the others leave honestly, and the number of people blocking him changes from eight to five, the possibility of a successful escape is bound to be much higher.

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The bald middle-aged man had just made up his mind when the second sound transmission came.

It shattered the little abacus with a snap, and the huge amount of information inside gave him a severe blow, making him dizzy, and he didn't recover until just now.

Seeing that No. [-] and No. [-] in the same group had already walked towards the silver-white vortex, he now faced a choice.

keep up?Or run away immediately?

"Number two, why are you in a daze again, keep up!"

The thick eyebrows on No. [-] Guozi's face were frowned, obviously a little unhappy.

Number two, who works hard on weekdays, is actually distracted frequently today!

"Oh, alright."

The balding middle-aged man showed apologetic expression on his face, and strode to keep up.

A moment later, the six of them came to the silver-white vortex. Just as No. [-] took the lead and was about to step into it, a plain voice sounded, stopping her movement.

"Wait a minute, number five!"

Several people looked in the direction of the sound in doubt.

"Stuffy Gourd" No. [-] was actually laughing.

The scar at the corner of his eye seemed to be alive, dancing gently with the change of expression, making people involuntarily turn their attention to his face.

"Number eight?" the long-haired middle-aged woman asked tentatively.

"In order to better keep the news secret, I propose that No. [-] and I enter this vortex first."

Scarface seemed to have had enough of laughing, and returned to his indifferent appearance, pointed at the bald middle-aged man, and said word by word.

The gazes of several people instantly turned to No. [-] who was at the rear of the six.

Facing the half-smile look on the scarred face, the bald middle-aged man's heart skipped a beat.


It is impossible to get in.

Once he walked into this silver-white vortex, he would directly meet the three top responsible persons, and after answering the questions, the relevant memories would be directly washed away.

Yes, one of those responsible is a mage skilled in memory.

He originally planned to try to be the last in line, wait for the others to advance, and escape when the five of them left the place.

At that time, there were only three people blocking it, and the chance of success was even greater.

Now plans have been disrupted again.

"What's going on? Why did No. [-] take the initiative to point at me?"

"That's right, I was emotional when I watched the second sound transmission, and I showed too many flaws, which aroused No. [-]'s suspicion..."

The balding middle-aged man's forehead was covered with fine cold sweat, and his mind was spinning, trying to find a way to break the situation again.


He nodded with a smile, showing his big yellow teeth.

"Please." Scar's face seemed to be infected by him, and he also smiled, staring at him with piercing eyes.

The bald man roughly measured the distance in his heart.

From here to the exit, he needs close to three seconds, and to open the exit door, he has to wait for three seconds after swiping his card.

That is to say, in theory, he would try his best to hold everyone back for at least six seconds.

Thinking of this, the bald man met everyone's eyes and walked forward with a calm posture, but when the first step was about to hit the ground, he suddenly stopped and exclaimed: "Oh my God, my epic props are gone!"

Following his utterance, there was actually a round ball exuding a faint and charming brilliance, as if there were countless stars contained in it, and fell from the trouser leg to the ground with a bang.

Everyone looked subconsciously, but the moment their eyes touched the ball, they were deeply attracted.

At this moment, they seemed to be in the bright starry sky.

"It's so beautiful~"

The effect of this "primary school student" trick is surprisingly good!

Most people looked at this thing obsessively, and the middle-aged woman with long hair even sighed.

The balding middle-aged man did not choose to attack. The many trigger life-saving props worn by everyone must not be broken in a short time.

He didn't waste time to check the effect, he turned around and ran to the gate on the other side. With the flip of his palm, he grasped a creamy white and extremely smooth staff.

Just by waving it lightly, two whirlwinds wrapped around his legs.

"Number two, what do you want!"

A shout came from behind him, he turned his head slightly, and noticed from the corner of his eye that No. [-] was not confused.

Well, as he expected.

"Hurry up and grab it!"

The balding middle-aged man found that No. [-] was just a "talker", and he didn't move his footsteps. He cursed inwardly for being stupid, but he felt a little grateful in his heart.

"Are you afraid that I will risk my life for my life? Hehe, coward. It would be great if all human races were as cowardly as him."

In a blink of an eye, he had finished swiping the access control card, and stood sideways quietly waiting for the door to open. There were still three seconds left.


The balding middle-aged man stared at the scarred face with a half-smile vigilantly.

This weird expression made him feel inexplicably terrified.


At the end of the second second, everyone who was confused by the spherical prop finally woke up, but there was not enough time for them to stop it.


The door opened, and the bald middle-aged man let out a long laugh, and was about to step out and walk away...

(End of this chapter)

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