Chapter 57

"Huh?" The bald middle-aged man lifted his legs vigorously, but his feet seemed to be rooted, motionless.
"what happened?!"

The panic in his heart instantly gained the upper hand. Looking at the people who were getting closer and closer in the distance, his breathing became heavier and heavier.

Eight, who had been motionless since he started running away, smiled slightly and walked towards him.

The balding middle-aged man collapsed. When he tried to express his emotions by grabbing the remaining hair on both sides, he was surprised to find that he had lost the sense of his arms.

The crowd rushed over quickly, surrounded him, and looked at him one after another, full of hostility.

"Number two, are you a spy of the Demon Race?"

No. [-]'s Guozi face was full of astonishment at the moment, he never imagined that one day, his friends who had a good relationship with him would transform into ghosts that everyone shouted and beat.

"Hehe." The bald middle-aged man sneered and didn't answer. He rolled his eyes and stared at the scarred face who was walking slowly:

"You have such control, why didn't you use it in the first place? It's a good game of cat and mouse?"

"Teacher Zhen, you are wrong."

After the words "Teacher Zhen" came to the ears of the balding middle-aged man, his pupils shrank slightly, but he rolled his eyes immediately, and the corner of his mouth curled up, as if he was mocking:
"No. [-], if I remember correctly, you will be severely punished if you rashly inquire about the identity of your colleagues."

"Teacher Zhen Ren, you made a mistake again."

Zhen Ren, a balding middle-aged man, looked irritable: "Fart your farts, don't make labor and management dumb!"

The man with the scar walked up to him, glanced at the colleagues around him, and saw that everyone was itchy, so he smiled with satisfaction:
"Teacher Zhen Ren, as long as I tell you my identity, you will know what's wrong."

"Then you fucking just say it! What kind of bullshit, boring gourd, I think it's a boring gourd!"

"After the semester starts at Kyoto University, I will be the counselor of the freshman class [-]. Of course, I recognize you, the counselor who is about to work together."

Hearing this, Zhen Ren's eyes widened, and he looked carefully at the mature-looking man with a scar beside his eye. After a long time, he questioned:

"Aren't the guides and assistants all juniors? How did you, a 40-year-old uncle, get in here?"

The scarred man's complexion changed, he was no longer calm and breezy, his lips trembled slightly, and after a long while, he justified:
"I am mature, mature..."

"I think you are prematurely decrepit!" Zhen Ren laughed loudly, but his smile disappeared in the blink of an eye, his pupils gradually turned purple, his expression was cold, and he said in a hateful voice:

"I was deceived by your appearance. At your age, there must be many restrictions on exerting such a powerful control effect.

Unfortunately, the purpose of my strategic retreat is very clear, as you guessed, I circumvented these restrictions by setting traps in advance.

I really regret not being able to take a look at the photo of the guide, I will kill you in advance! "

"Presumptuous! How dare you be so domineering!"

No. [-] was furious when he heard the words, stepped forward and punched Zhen Ren in the stomach.

"Hehe, I didn't feel it. That kid's tricks are good. It's a bit like... a puppet master."

After a while of silence on the field, No. [-] was the first to break the calm, and suggested: "Send him to the person in charge, and see if we can ask something."



"Who will carry him away?"

Before everyone could speak, Scarface said first: "I can easily control his actions."

"……it is good."


Two days later.

Southwest of TS City.

Gu Zhao was wearing a standard armor, walking alone in the wilderness, holding a palm-sized locator in his left hand, and a seemingly ordinary white giant sword in his right.

Only when you get close and observe carefully can you find that it has extremely complicated lines throughout.

The purpose of his going out this time was to find the beasts and practice the three skills he had just learned - gain momentum, sweep and shield strike.

These skills are relatively common and belong to the basic skills of guardian professions.

The price is also relatively close to the people, and the three skill books cost him 180 million in total.

It's not that he wants to save money and buy cheap goods on purpose, but that he can't buy good things at all!
He searched three times in the job changer trading market, but he didn't find anyone selling rare skill books for guardian professions.

"TS City is still too small."

Gu Zhao waved the sword casually, and the huge sword slapped fiercely on the head of the dark yellow ground mouse that suddenly jumped out of the ground from bottom to top, making a sound of gold and iron clashing.

When the giant rat was shot into the air and was about to fly diagonally upwards, it followed up with a slash.


The white giant sword sliced ​​across the ground rat's body like cutting tofu, splitting it into two parts in the air.

Gu Zhao took back the giant sword that was not stained with blood and was as clean as ever, looked at the armor on his body, and confirmed that there was no rat blood splashed on it, then nodded in satisfaction, and continued to go to the destination.

Not long after walking, a stone tablet with a height of three meters on the side of the road attracted Gu Zhao's attention.

"Fifty miles ahead, we are about to enter the Blackstone Plain. There are fierce beasts above level [-] infesting. Be careful."

"Is Yan Xue here yet?"

Gu Zhao looked around and was about to step forward, leaning on the stone tablet and sitting down to wait.

Then a beautiful figure turned out from behind the stele.

Seeing the man not far away, the girl jumped over, wearing light blue leather armor, a pair of black short boots under her slender legs, and her shiny black hair tied into a ponytail behind her head, shaking slightly in the wind.

"You're here!"

There was a smile on Yan Xue's fair little face, and her big eyes were slightly bent, like the afternoon sun, which was so bright that it made people feel a little dazed.

"Where's Sylvia?"

After looking around, she didn't find the figure of the bright young dragon. She tilted her head slightly and asked curiously.

hold head high--

Before Gu Zhao could speak, a dragon chant came out first.

A palm-sized golden dragon squeezed out from the gap between the armor and the neck, climbed onto Gu Zhao's shoulder, faced the girl, and pointed at himself with the little dragon claw, indicating that it was here.

"Hey~ It really has become so small."

Yan Xue seemed to be cute, her eyes rolled, and she couldn't help taking a few steps forward, feeling the urge to hug her.

But Sylvia shook her head, turned around, aimed at her with the dragon's tail, and shook it lightly.

Yan Xue stopped nervously, and hesitated: "What... do you mean, refuse?"

Gu Zhao, who sensed the bright young dragon's thoughts through the contract, almost laughed out loud.

He freed one hand to grab the tail of the dragon that was still shaking left and right, hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to explain:
"What she means is—I can't hold it, but since you are, I can give you a chance to hold the dragon's tail."


Yan Xue's cheeks were burning with a bright blush, her eyebrows were a little lighter, her eyelids were lowered, and her long eyelashes were moving slightly.

For a moment, the air seemed to be frozen, and there was no wind.

"Let's go."

Gu Zhao laughed dryly, broke the somewhat weird atmosphere, and moved forward.The girl came back to her senses and followed closely behind.

In mid-air, Bai Xiaoyu holding a bronze dagger appeared, looking at the backs of the two walking side by side, his face was full of gratified smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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