Chapter 60 Get ready!

When the other members of the team were a little quieter, the eight-character eyebrows opened their eyes and said "the biggest fat sheep":
"Has just one Cuifeng rabbit shocked you like this? What if I told you that the girl next to the poor boy has at least two pieces of excellent equipment?"

Before she finished speaking, Han Ping, who was wearing thick eye shadow, rushed to his side in three steps and two steps, grabbed the staff in one hand, and slapped him on the shoulder with the other hand, making a snap and asked in a shrill voice:

"Is that girl a legal profession? Tell me quickly!"

Looking at Han Ping who was close at hand, with a ferocious expression because of being too excited, the eight-character eyebrows understood what she was thinking, looked impatient, and pushed her away:

"As soon as you heard that it was an excellent piece of equipment, you got it right, archer! Not a mage!"

"Xiao Wu, be nice to our team flower, how can you push such a hot woman?

Sister Ping, don't slap us all the time, everyone is a powder keg, if one of them doesn't pay attention, it will affect the unity. "

Xiao Gui at the side acted as a peacemaker, but his face was full of unbearable smiles.

No way, he couldn't help being excited when he heard that Fei Yang belonged to the same shooter family as his profession and had at least two pieces of excellent equipment.

According to the team's long-standing rules of sharing spoils, this time he will be eligible to buy one of the excellent equipment at a low price.

"Xiao Gui, don't pretend to be here, just squint honestly if you have benefits, and be careful if I beat you!"

Han Ping waved the magic staff in her hand, turned around with a sneer and retreated.


"Okay! It's time to discuss the business!"

The simple-looking Zhao Qingsheng ended the quarrel in the team with a word, coughed lightly, and expressed his point of view:

"The poor boy is nothing to worry about, but the girl who has at least two pieces of excellent equipment should pay special attention."

After a short thought, everyone nodded in agreement.

Before the green wind rabbit can break through the upper limit of the level, it usually only has two racial skills - "gale wind" and "kick", which are not very threatening to people.

As long as you can surpass it in speed, you can easily catch it.

The poor boy is wearing a standard armor. He is probably a Guardian or Warrior professional, but he still has a way to catch up with the rabbit.

The warrior department has professional skills to charge, and the short-distance burst speed is extremely fast.

The control skills of the guardian system can reduce the speed of the rabbit, and start from the direction of "I am slow, but you are slower than me" to capture.

Catching the Cuifeng Rabbit doesn't mean anything.

It mainly depends on economic strength. The little boy is poor, even if he finds a guard, his strength will not be too strong.

The little girl is well equipped and must have a good family background.If you want to "act", you must be careful to protect her people.

It's that simple.

The strength of the two of them is not within their consideration at all. How strong can a kid who has just changed jobs be?

"Captain, do you want to use that special black prop to investigate?" Xiao Gui cautiously put forward his suggestion.

The black special item he mentioned is a small disk in Zhao Qingsheng's hand, called a biological detection disk, which can be used to search for hidden creatures nearby, and there are currently two opportunities to use it.

For example, if the condition of "humanoid" is set, after starting the search, it can automatically find humanoid creatures within a radius of five kilometers.

Once the bioassay disc is started, it will last for 24 hours.

As long as the humanoid creatures whose level is not higher than the twentieth level of the user of the biological detection plate, will reveal the approximate position.

That is to say, if Yuanpan is in the hands of captain Zhao Qingsheng, it can make hidden guards with a level no higher than level 59 invisible within a five-kilometer radius.

As for level [-] and above, it is not considered at all.

A person of that level is a hero no matter which clan he belongs to, so how could he serve as a guard for the juniors.

"Well, it's worth investigating."

Zhao Qingsheng nodded, deeply agreeing with Xiao Gui's suggestion.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you avoid capsizing the gutter.

After taking out a small black disc from the inventory, Zhao Qingsheng tapped on the disc a few times, and with the sound of "beep", he started searching.

hum- hum-

After a while, eight red dots appeared on the biological detection disk, and six of them were concentrated in the center, which belonged to the vulture hunter team.

On the outside of the biological detection disk, the two red dots are slowly moving away.

"Only two people?!"

Zhao Qingsheng couldn't believe it, even Xiaobai wasn't so stupid that he didn't bring a guard, so let's come out and practice!
"The guard should be out of detection range."

The next moment, this idea popped up in his mind.

Zhao Qingsheng held a disc and chased after them, he wanted to take a closer look.

It is impossible for the guard to be more than five kilometers away from the target!

Before leaving, with a solemn expression, he turned his head and exhorted:

"Hanging far behind, get ready, wait for me to figure out the situation, and then decide whether to do anything!"


Qi, the rest of the team, claimed yes, and began to put on their equipment, ready to go.


Beyond the grove.

Gu Zhao and the two were walking slowly.

"Is it really a fake body? Isn't this the talent skill of Cuifeng Rabbit King?"

Yan Xue hugged the big rabbit that was bound by five flowers, stared at its attribute panel, and said in surprise.

Gu Zhao pondered slightly, and finally expressed his guess:
"It should be a descendant of the Rabbit King Cuifeng, and somehow it ended up here."

As soon as the words fell, the Guangming young dragon, who had been quietly lying on Gu Zhao's shoulder, suddenly stood up, flapped its wings and flew forward, turned around, and pointed to the woods behind the two of them with its claws.

"Sylvia said that a human is approaching quickly."

Gu Zhao acted as an interpreter.

"The human started to circle around us, and now it's in front."

Having said that, he calmly checked the plain ahead with a wide view, but found nothing.

"That human stopped!"


Zhao Qingsheng frowned into a Sichuan character, and his cloudy eyes were full of confusion.

"There are really no guards?!"

He has circled around the two boys and girls twice, but the biological detection disk in his hand has always maintained the state of eight red dots.

Half a minute later, Zhao Qingsheng finally accepted the fact that he had met two idiots.

The thought that the guard might be above level [-] flashed through his mind and was quickly ruled out.

There are far more young people who are arrogant and arrogant than young people who are guarded by big boss-level figures.

In the situation where you can get at least two pieces of excellent equipment and a "treasure rabbit" just by exploring your hands, should you choose to give up because of an illusory possibility?
This is impossible.

If he chooses to give up, the players under him are bound to turn their faces collectively.

The group of people under him are "like-minded people" he personally selected!
Don't look at these people who are usually docile like sheep in front of me, but once their interests are really involved, they will tear off the sheepskin in an instant, revealing their true nature as hungry wolves!

After thinking about it, Zhao Qingsheng's eyes were gloomy and cold, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. That rather simple and honest face made people shudder at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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