Chapter 61 No.60 - The Sword Is Named Breaking Dawn
On the plains scattered with black stones.

Gu Zhao and Yan Xue were talking and laughing as they walked forward slowly.

When it was about [-] meters away from a huge black stone in front of it, the bright young dragon lying on the back of Gu Zhao's neck gently patted him on the back.

Gu Zhao understood, gave Yan Xue a wink, and continued to move forward at a constant speed.

The laughter didn't stop, but the content slowly became repetitive.

Gu Zhao was still dragging the huge sword, but secretly activated the skill "gathering momentum"; Yan Xue put her hand on the bowstring lightly, but did not draw the bow in order to avoid the sound of drawing the bow.

On the other side, behind the boulder, Xiao Gui with a longbow on his back and Han Ping with thick eyeshadow were smearing blood of suspicious origin on their bodies while waiting for the "prey" to come to their door.

Hearing the sound of footsteps getting closer, Xiao Gui's arms trembled slightly, and it was difficult to restrain the excitement in his heart.

After observing the girl with props from a distance, he caught the longbow in her hand with a single glance.

The silver-white bow looks like a crescent moon, with a few gemstones inlaid sporadically on it, simple and unsophisticated, noble but not luxurious.

Compared with the green quality bow he was carrying, it should be thrown away!
At this moment, Xiao Gui had already imagined himself holding this bow!
In the distance, Zhao Qingsheng did not stay with the remaining three players.

Instead, he was lying on the top of a boulder alone, holding a telescope-like prop, and observing the figures of Gu Zhao and the other two.

He couldn't figure out why the two little guys who had just changed jobs dared to enter this dangerous Blackstone Plain without guards.

The caution engraved in his bones made him finally choose to send two players to test.

In the absence of any accidents, two players were enough to take down the two little guys.

Once there is a problem, it is also convenient for him to escape here.

As long as he, Zhao Qingsheng, survived, even if all the other members were wiped out, the vulture hunter team would continue to exist and recover in a short time.

Thinking of this, he turned the telescope-like prop to the other side.

In the field of vision, three team members were lying on the ground in a fan shape, and in the middle of the fan shape was another "Zhao Qingsheng".

This is an excellent prop that he got by accident—the Void Clay Figurine, which can change the appearance, breath and other factors to be the same as a certain person.When the person is still, he can also control the virtual clay figurine to speak and walk.

The only disadvantage is that it cannot be used in combat, but it is just right for commanding team members.

"I've prepared everything that needs to be prepared, I hope these are just scaring myself..."

Zhao Qingsheng sighed softly, and pointed the telescope-shaped prop at Gu Zhao and the others again.

Under his gaze, Gu Zhao and the two were getting closer and closer to the boulder in front of them...

"Help me..."

Covered in blood, Xiao Gui struggled to climb out from behind the boulder, looking like he was dying.

He weakly stretched out his right hand towards Gu Zhao and the others, paused in mid-air, and finally hit the ground with a slap, seemingly unconscious.

Gu Zhao was a little surprised. He originally thought that these people would rush out directly, shouting a cliché like "I planted this mountain".

They underestimated these "bandits".

Yan Xue, who was on his right hand, had evil eyes, and she could feel the deep malice of this person.

Drawing the bow without a single pause, a pale golden arrow formed and roared towards Xiao Gui who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

Xiao Gui's reaction was extremely quick, and he realized something was wrong from the moment the sound of the bowstring sounded, so he nimbly rolled over and took off the longbow on his back.

There was a bang of a bowstring.

A long silver-white arrow headed straight towards the light-golden arrow, and exploded about ten meters away, forming a small silver-white shield.


The pale golden arrow pierced halfway into the body of the arrow, and finally stopped.

"You know we're behind?"

Xiao Gui took out a white towel and wiped the blood on the leather armor, a little unbelievable.

"Snakes and rats hide in the dark, so the light is naturally clear." Yan Xue responded coldly after noticing the giant sword in Gu Zhao's hand that had begun to glow.

Seeing that the temporary plan failed, Han Ping turned out from behind the boulder, giggling:

"Children are really rude. We are just kind and want to help you keep your things, so that they don't leave them in the wilderness. They just don't appreciate it and attack us."

Yan Xue drew the bow again, and a fiery red arrow was formed, but she shot it out, she just said, "Yes, how about leaving this arrow to you for safekeeping?"

"Okay~" Han Ping rolled her eyes, not paying attention to Yan Xue's posturing attack.

In the distance, Zhao Qingsheng saw that his team members thought they were playing cat and mouse, and they were not in a hurry to make a move. He also noticed that the brilliance of Gu Zhao's giant sword was gradually shining, and he was furious.

"Zhao Qingsheng", who controlled the virtual clay figurine, got up from the ground, and slapped the back of the head of the man with a sledgehammer in his arms.

"Hurry up and interrupt that little boy's process of accumulating energy, can't those two trash see it!"

"They really can't see it from that angle, it's blocked by that little girl." The cut-headed man muttered in a low voice, got up and touched the place where he was beaten, feeling a little strange: "I don't feel right today, it's too light!"

Not paying much attention to this matter, the inch-cropped man picked up the sledgehammer, circled a small circle, came behind Gu Zhao and the two, and began to charge.

Surprisingly, the inch-cropped man was so burly, running on the ground with a sledgehammer, he didn't shake the ground, but fell to the ground silently.

This somewhat weird situation gives people an unspeakable sense of disobedience.

The cropped man was getting closer and closer to Gu Zhao, and it could be guessed that he probably wanted to make a nice sneak attack.

No matter what tricks Gu Zhao was playing, he simply and rudely knocked him down.

Thirty steps.

Xiao Gui and Han Ping, who were face to face with Gu Zhao, kept their expressions unchanged, and continued talking to divert their attention.

Ten steps.

The inch-cut man has already raised his sledgehammer, ready to go!

Three steps!

Xiao Gui opened his eyes slightly, as if he was ready to appreciate the flying flesh and skull fragments.

Han Ping's smile was cold, but with a little regret - the whole face of such a handsome boy would soon be torn apart with the shattering of the head.

Just as the inch-headed man smiled ferociously, and with both arms exerting force, he smashed the back of the head in front of him like a watermelon, suddenly his vision blurred.

A small dragon's head emerged from the gap between Gu Zhao's neck and armor, grinning, as if smiling at him.

In an instant, the cropped man seemed to be in the boundless darkness, and a sense of suffocation on the verge of death filled his mind.

He struggled hard, but to no avail, he sank deeper and deeper.

Just when his heart was full of despair and he was about to give up struggling and sink into the darkness, a ray of white light appeared.

Intuition told him that this ray of light could free people from this boundless darkness.

The inch-cut man rushed forward with all his strength.

The last thing that appeared in his field of vision was a gigantic sword covered with intricate lines and blazing with blazing light.

Those who are in darkness should die with the darkness - dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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