After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 62 I promised to let you go, why do you touch Cier?

Chapter 62 I promised to let you go, why do you touch Cier?

It can be seen that Gu Zhao did not turn his head, but just swung his sword back casually.

This wave seems to be ordinary, and the speed is not fast.

From Han Ping and Xiao Gui's point of view, a man with a cropped head can definitely dodge at will.

It was secretly funny.

But seeing his teammate suddenly drop the sledgehammer, his expression was painful at first, his eyes turned white, and then, as if he had found a life-saving straw, he jumped up excitedly and took the initiative to meet the giant sword that was coming.

The sword edge slashed across without a single pause, and the expression of the cropped man was frozen forever.

It wasn't until a gust of wind blew that a line of blood appeared on his neck, announcing the arrival of death.

"How could this be?"

The smiles on the faces of the two froze, and they couldn't believe what happened before them.

After a while, they took a step back at the same time.

"What kind of skill is this shit!" Xiao Gui clenched the longbow in his hand, he can be sure that the sword in front of him is definitely not something that an ordinary teenager can make.

In other words, the poor boy they ignored at the beginning is actually the hidden boss.

"What are you panicking about?" Han Ping leaned back and said calmly.

"How many times do you think he can send out this kind of attack that can kill Old Feng with one sword? He must be at the end of his strength right now!"

Listening to the words of his teammates beside him, Xiao Gui nodded in agreement, but did not move a step.

This makes sense, the boy in front of him can launch such a powerful attack at this stage, there must be a big price.

But who can be sure that he is really at the end of his rope?

If he rushed up like a green-headed man, and ended up being chopped off by a sword like the man with the big hammer just now, there would be no place to cry.

Xiao Gui has made up his mind.Watch carefully until help arrives and be ready to flee.

Obviously, Han Ping beside him also thought the same way.

In the distance, Zhao Qingsheng put down the telescope-like prop and rubbed his eyes.

The tank-type player he took pains to train.To be beheaded by a boy who just graduated without even a little resistance?
What about a lot of defensive skills, for me to use!

After a short period of shock and anger, Zhao Qingsheng quickly came back to his senses.

He knew that what he should do now was to think about how to get rid of that kid instead of blaming his team members.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Qingsheng laughed out loud and let go of the heart that had been hanging in midair.

That's right, it turns out that this kid's strength is the confidence that they dare to go out without guards.

Fortunately, he is still paranoid here.

Thinking of this, Zhao Qingsheng controlled the virtual clay figurine "Zhao Qingsheng" in the distance, and gave orders to the remaining two:

"Those two cowards have been frightened out of their courage, go and embolden them!"


The remaining two also witnessed the death of their teammates, and were shocked beyond words.

But under Zhao Qingsheng's urging, he still bite the bullet and set off.

Just after walking dozens of steps, a thick voice came from behind.

"Lying down for a long time, don't you shake the dirt on your body? I hate people who don't pay attention to hygiene the most."

A trace of suspicion rose in the hearts of the two of them, and when they were about to turn their heads, they felt a pain in the back of their heads, and they immediately fell forward, lifeless.

In the distance, Zhao Qingsheng suddenly felt that the connection between himself and the virtual clay figurine was broken.

Subconsciously looked in the direction of the props.

Just in time, I saw a man as majestic as a lion twist the necks of the two team members under him into strange shapes with a hand knife out of thin air. It was obvious that the dead could not die again.

His heart was terrified.

The man seemed to feel his gaze, turned around slowly, grinned at him, and held up a small figure in his hand.

It is Zhao Qingsheng's excellent quality prop virtual clay figurine.

He picked up the biological detection plate that was placed aside.It was found that there were only seven red dots on it.

The entire vulture hunter team, including him, and two boys and girls who had just changed jobs.

The burly man who appeared suddenly did not appear above.

Level [-] or above?
How could such a boss appear in this wilderness for no reason?

At this moment, Zhao Qingsheng's thoughts were like lightning, and he quickly ruled out all kinds of possibilities.

After a while, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and it quickly magnified.

Since that young man is a genius with confidence and strength, why isn't there a guard above level [-]?

The reason why the boy is still wearing standard armor may not be because he is poor.

Perhaps the teenager has already customized the armor, but due to the high quality requirements, it is still in the process of polishing.

While thinking about it, Zhao Qingsheng's movements were not slow at all. He took out a lavender scroll from the inventory.

This is the teleportation scroll he bought at a high price.

In just one second, Zhao Qingsheng can activate the scroll, leave this place of right and wrong, and escape far away.

At that time, he can completely re-form a squad of vulture hunters.

While taking out the scroll, he stared at the direction of the burly man.

Noticing that the guard above level [-] hadn't moved a muscle, he couldn't help but quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe this man is only responsible for protecting the boy's safety. As long as he doesn't attack the boy like his team members and doesn't pose a threat, he won't be attacked.

Despite having such a guess in his heart, Zhao Qingsheng chose to tear open the teleportation scroll.

But in the next second, his eyes blurred, and the scroll in his hand disappeared.

"what happened?!"

The surprise was no small matter.

Until now, Zhao Qingsheng really felt the threat of death.

He turned around stiffly, stared at the long-haired woman in her thirties, and asked hoarsely:

"Are you a guard too?"

There was no expression on the gentle face of the long-haired woman.

Obviously, she was not going to answer Zhao Qingsheng's question.

"Why? Why did I meet a boy who was escorted by these two characters above level [-]?"

Zhao Qingsheng clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes protruding slightly, both startled and frightened.

He didn't need to look at the life testing disk to know that the woman in front of him would definitely not appear on it.

In such a short period of time, it was impossible for people below the sixtieth level to come to him from a distance of five kilometers and take away the scroll in his hand in an instant.

He who is usually calm and calm has completely lost his composure at this moment.

Which big family heir is that young man?To be so protected!

Zhao Qingsheng, who has been in this industry for nearly 20 years, is also well-known among the group of beast hunters in this city. Although he is notorious, he has a vision that matches his fame.

He had never heard of news that there were sixty-level bosses guarding newcomers in this small city compared to big cities such as Kyoto and Shanghai.

Is this survivor bias?
"Go." A cold voice came.

Zhao Qingsheng stared at the gentle, long-haired woman in front of him with a somewhat astonished expression.

He thought that he would be killed directly like the two team members under him.

"You want me to meet that boy?"

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead with his hands, Zhao Qingsheng asked cautiously.


"Good good."

Zhao Qingsheng, who didn't get a reply, smiled along with him, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

Since he was not killed by the guards on the spot, he was given a chance to meet the boy.

Then there is the possibility of surviving from here.

Young people are generally less experienced, ignorant of world affairs, and their personalities are easier to guess.

Next, you can adapt to the situation according to the personality you have tested.

After thinking about it, Zhao Qingsheng didn't flinch, but quickened his pace. There was a faint smile on his simple and honest face, which matched his tall and straight figure.

It seems that it is not a prisoner who is about to die, but a character who has returned in triumph.

On the other side, Xiao Gui and Han Ping had no idea that their teammates had been wiped out.

The two were yelling at their teammates for being unreliable in their hearts.

On the other side of them, Gu Zhao had already put down the huge sword in his hand, sat cross-legged on the ground, and looked at the performance of the two with great interest.

After waiting for a while, Gu Zhao seemed to feel a little bored. He stretched his hand towards his neck, took out a small golden monster the size of a palm, and said with a smile: "Bigger."

Under the watchful eyes of Xiao Gui and Han Ping, the little animal's body burst into golden light, which reached the length of an arm, and was finally used as a pillow by the young man in front of him.

"Hey, where did this thing pop out from?"

Xiao Gui looked at this fierce beast that was being pillowed by a young man, with only its head and a tail exposed, and somehow felt a little familiar.

He tilted his head slightly, and cast a questioning look at Han Ping beside him, but saw that the woman with thick eye shadow widened her eyes, staring at the beast.

"Bright Dragon!"

A sharp voice entered Xiao Gui's ears, instantly awakening his memory.

That's right, why does this little thing look so much like the golden dragon that appeared on the Internet some time ago!

Seeing that the body shape did not match, I didn't even think about it for a while.

So this young man is that Gu what move?

Xiao Gui couldn't remember the boy's name very well, but when he saw the title of spiritual master given to him on the Internet, he thought it was interesting, so he paid more attention to it.

Of course, his focus is not on this young man, but on the luck event discussed below.

In their hunter business, sometimes they still believe in luck.

For example, this time, he thought at first that he was lucky and met a super fat sheep.Now it seems that luck can only be considered ordinary.

Although the fat sheep is fat, it has a pair of sharp horns, which can still cause harm to the pack of wolves.

Turning his thoughts here, Xiao Gui thought of his teammates again.

"Why don't these idiots come here? If it's a little later, that boy might regain his energy!"

Just when Xiao Gui was a little anxious, there was finally a sound of footsteps behind him.

"What tricks are you guys doing! Aren't you afraid of the captain's punishment?! If you wait any longer, this brat will almost fall asleep!"

Xiao Gui frowned, staring at the young man who showed his white teeth and smiled at him, and said dissatisfiedly.

Before he finished speaking, he felt a strong attack on his buttocks, and at the same time, a familiar curse came from behind.

"Dog! Who are you talking about brat? Hurry up and apologize to the adults!"

Xiao Gui climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, patted the dirt on his body, and turned his head in disbelief.

Sure enough, the man in front of him who looked like a dog leg and glared at him was the captain he feared and trusted.


Before Xiao Gui could say anything, he kicked him in the stomach with a heavy kick, instantly causing his stomach to churn, like a lobster, and rolled on the ground with his body bowed.

"Sorry! Can you understand people's words!"

Ignoring Xiao Gui, who was lying on the ground in great pain, and Han Ping, who was standing aside, stunned, Zhao Qingsheng trotted all the way, and finally stopped ten meters away from Gu Zhao, leaving a "safe distance", bowed and said:
"I don't know Taishan with my eyes, and I disturbed my lord. I would like to give up my entire wealth to survive."

Quickly scanning the boy's face, Zhao Qingsheng found no hatred or killing intent, and he was slightly relieved.

Obviously, the boy didn't care about them bandits.

Judging from his lazy demeanor, it fits the characteristics of many people in this age group.

What Zhao Qingsheng is most afraid of is meeting an old and mature young man. This kind of person is generally well versed in the way of cutting grass and roots, and his hope of survival is slim.

But the one in front of him is very good, with the innocence and simplicity of a teenager on his face.

Coupled with the fact that there are two big guards who are above [-]th level and have not suffered any setbacks, the possibility of the Holy Mother is extremely high...

"Yes, as long as you hand over all your assets, I can let you go. But how do I know if you have hidden anything?"

Zhao Qingsheng, who was still brainstorming, was interrupted.

Is that a promise? !

Zhao Qingsheng's two eyebrows raised and lowered, forming a rather funny irregular horoscope, he opened his mouth, but was unable to speak.

After a while, Zhao Qingsheng, who finally came to his senses, stretched his facial features, with an uncontrollable smile on his face, and hurriedly said:

"This is easy to handle. I have a contract with the spirit of speech! My level has not reached level [-]. If I lie, I will not be able to avoid the punishment of the contract of speech."

Speech contract is a relatively rare special item of black quality. It is effective for creatures below level [-] and whose life level has not yet undergone metamorphosis. It is usually used to ensure the authenticity of the user's words. If they lie, they will burn themselves to death .

As he spoke, Zhao Qingsheng took out a piece of pale yellow paper.

From a distance, it can be felt that the texture of the paper is relatively hard, and it is displayed by a corner, but it still maintains its shape.

"I... I am also willing to sacrifice all my wealth to survive!"

"Me too!"

At this moment, Xiao Gui and Han Ping sized up the sudden appearance of a man and a woman, and then took all the performance of the captain into their eyes, and finally understood.

"Oh? Do you also have a contract for words and spirits?"

Hearing Gu Zhao's question, the two cast their eyes on Zhao Qingsheng for help.

"team leader?"

Zhao Qingsheng frowned, and shook his head heavily: "Is this thing so easy to get? I only have one, and it's only enough for one person to use."

Knowing that there is only one Lingling contract, Gu Zhao flashed a smile on his face, touched his chin, and said very thoughtfully:

"How about this, as long as your captain adds a clause to the contract of speech - you take out everything he knows. Even if you pass the test."

Hearing this, Xiao Gui and Han Ping's expressions changed.

If this method is used, even if there is no constraint of the speech contract, they will probably be wiped out.

Because captain Zhao Qingsheng really knows them too well!

"Great, smart!" Zhao Qingsheng applauded and praised, paused, with a hesitant look on his face.

They are bound by a spiritual contract, but what about the young man in front of him?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a haze in his heart.

His gaze swept over Yan Xue who was beside Gu Zhao.

Zhao Qingsheng can only pray that the boy in front of him is like other people in this age group - he is more face-saving.

"Well, the intimacy of this boy and girl should not be a couple. In front of such a beautiful girl, the boy should keep his promise in order to make a good impression on the girl..."

In this case, Zhao Qingsheng had no other choice.

He can only guess based on his general impression.

"Go ahead and get it."

Following Gu Zhao's order, the three of them started to evacuate the inventory.

Ten minutes later, there were one large, two small and three piles of objects on the ground.

"That's all." Zhao Qingsheng smiled obsequiously after checking the items in front of his two team members.

Then he picked up the pale yellow contract of words, cut his finger, dripped a drop of blood on it, and began to chant softly:
"All the items in my inventory have been taken out, and all the things I know about the two players have also been taken out."

After chanting three times, the contract of words and spirits turned into a pale yellow light and penetrated into Zhao Qingsheng's head.

Seeing this situation, Gu Zhao nodded in satisfaction: "I let you go."

The ecstasy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe appeared on the faces of the three of Zhao Qingsheng. After clasping their fists in thanks, they ran away quickly, for fear that Gu Zhao would regret it.

Yan Xue stared at the backs of the three of them coldly. As a light elf, she could clearly feel that these were the three big villains, especially the captain, which made her sick.

Yan Lie and Bai Xiaoyu stood quietly behind Gu Zhao, one like a thick mountain, the other like an illusory ghost, guarding the boy at the same time.

At this moment, there were only three chaotic footsteps that gradually faded away in the air.

Gu Zhao coughed lightly, and reminded with a solemn expression: "Uncle Yan, Aunt Bai, hold your weapons well, and don't slip your hands and hurt others!"

The moment these words were just uttered, the expressions of Zhao Qingsheng and the others changed drastically, they were startled and angry.

However, the smiles did not disappear, they just moved from the faces of the three of Zhao Qingsheng to the faces of the three of the elves.

Puff puff.

After the sound of weapons plunging into flesh sounded one after another, Bai Xiaoyu returned to his position.

Xiao Gui and Zhao Ping were still running forward. A moment later, their heads were in different places, and their bodies continued to move forward for a few steps before they fell to the ground.

Zhao Qingsheng turned around slowly, with glaring eyes, as if he was questioning why Gu Zhao didn't keep his promise.

"Hey, I let you go, why did you still hit Aunt Bai's weapon?"

Gu Zhao shook his head, and met Zhao Qingsheng's eyes, with a look of regret.

Hearing this, Zhao Qingsheng opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

However, as soon as the lower jaw moved, his head fell straight from the neck, blood spurted out, and he died with regret!
 Five thousand words!Finished writing this episode.

(End of this chapter)

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