Chapter 63
Evening two weeks later.

In the depths of the Blackstone Plain.

The Jade Rabbit rose to the east, and there were a few white clouds floating among the clouds in the sky, and the breeze was rustling.

However, what did not match this peaceful and peaceful weather was the sound of fighting and roaring on the ground.

hold head high!
A five-meter-long golden dragon covered in light golden scales raised its head, and the milky white lines on its neck lit up one after another.

A moment later, a long blazing flame spewed out from its mouth, gushing forward.

And the target of this bright dragon flame is a fierce tiger with a body length of six meters, two wings on its back, and a tail like a scorpion.

There are dark and deep jet-black lines all over its body, making people feel like falling into an abyss at a glance, and even their hearts seem to be polluted. This is definitely an evil tiger.

Facing the raging flames that were approaching extremely fast, the evil tiger spread its wings calmly.

Two pitch-black energy beams shot out from the wings respectively, and finally merged into one, facing the blazing flame.


At the moment when the attacks of the two sides met, a large black mist filled the place of the collision, and there was a toothache sound in the air.

The sound seemed to be produced by rubbing foam, which made people get goosebumps all over.

After a while, the blazing bright dragon flames gradually overwhelmed the dark energy.

The evil tiger couldn't stand it anymore.

It flapped its wings fiercely, retracted its energy, and dodged the sweep of the line of fire in the nick of time, and rushed towards the bright dragon.

It seems that it wants to solve the problem through close combat.

hold head high! !

The bright dragon stood up slightly and let out a deafening dragon chant.

There was a bit of doubt in the voice, as if he couldn't believe that there was a fierce beast that chose to fight him.


A dragon and a tiger blatantly collided together

The tiger's claws hit the scales of the bright dragon, but they couldn't break through the defense, and could only make the sound of gold and iron clashing.

However, when the dragon's claw scratched the fur of the evil tiger, it could leave deep bloodstains.

After just half a minute, the giant tiger realized that if it continued to fight like this, its attack would at most give the golden dragon a massage, but it would bleed to death.

The evil tiger gave way fiercely, dodging the claws of the slapping dragon of light, and prepared to retreat.

But when he turned around, he quietly raised his scorpion tail.

The tip of the tail began to flicker with a faint cold light, and just glanced over it, and there was a tingling sensation in the eyes.

hold head high!
There was another high-pitched dragon roar, and the bright dragon seemed to have lost interest in the giant tiger in front of him, and stretched out its claws towards its fleeing back.

With a single swing, it actually soared several times in the air, and the terrifying claws flickered with milky white light and went straight to the evil tiger.

The moment the dragon claw touched the giant tiger's fur, it was blocked by the faint light emanating from it, but soon it directly cut into the giant tiger's body.

Roar! !

Deafening screams resounded throughout the sky.

Looking at the giant tiger crawling hard on the ground, its body almost cut in two, a little anger gushed out of the pair of vertical pupils of the bright dragon.

She was stabbed by the evil tiger's tail hook, and she could see a not-so-large blood hole on the side of her body, and the blood that flowed out turned into a pitch black color.

However, at the next moment, bright dragon flames ignited near the wound, and bursts of black mist burned out, and it returned to normal after a while.

Immediately afterwards, the golden dragon no longer kept its hands, its wings fluttered, and its body was like a giant pale golden lightning, flashing past the giant tiger.

Looking again, the evil tiger has lost its vitality.

In the next second, a little light rose from the giant tiger, rushing the bright dragon away.

It is the huge experience value visible to the naked eye generated after defeating a strong enemy.

Seeing that the kill had been completed, Sylvia turned around and approached Gu Zhaofei who was on the side. At the same time, her body shrank sharply, and finally changed back to the palm-sized little dragon image, and threw herself into Gu Zhao's arms.

Gu Zhao held Sylvia in his hands, looked it over carefully, and saw that the wound just now had disappeared, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and blamed himself:

"I didn't expect this evil tiger to be so strong. If we all attack at the same time, you won't be injured."

Ang Woo~
Sylvia shook her little head, expressing that it was just a minor injury just now, nothing to worry about.

Seeing that Gu Zhao's mood was not too high, the bright young dragon held the little dragon's claws slightly, and made a look of thinking.

After a while, his eyes lit up, he gently broke free from holding her hand, flew to Gu's head, stretched out his dragon claws to gently stroke his hair, and at the same time made a whining sound from deep in his throat to comfort him.


A warm current surged into his heart.

Feeling a little surprised, Gu Zhao thought of Sylvia looking at her mobile phone some time ago.

He didn't pay attention at the time, but now that he thinks about it carefully, could it be that Sylvia learned about this smack on the Internet?
"Look at the same table, the body of that giant tiger has begun to condense the rules of heaven and earth!"

Interrupted by the reminder in his ear, Gu Zhao raised his eyes to look at Juhu's body.

There are bursts of dark mysterious lines converging on the top of the corpse, finally forming a skill book with a dark purple appearance.

Gu Zhao stepped forward, picked up the skill book that fell to the ground, passed an identification technique, and learned the information about this thing.

It turned out that this was a rare assassin skill book - Zang Feng Strike.

Putting this item in the inventory, Gu Zhao looked up at the sky, then turned to Yan Xue beside him and asked:
"It's almost time. I should go home and pack up. I'm going to catch the space train in two days. Do you want to continue training here?"

"Of course I want to go back. Although there is clean water in this wilderness, I can guarantee that I won't sweat all over. But it's hard not to take a bath!"

Yan Xue said with some joy.

"it is good."


Two days later.

In a fairly spacious box in the space train.

The bright young dragon was lying on a white pillow, looking at the mobile phone in front of him with relish, and the dragon tail swayed slightly.

It can be seen that she is very professional. There is a large bag of jerky on the small table next to her. During the process of chasing the drama, she stretches out her dragon claws diagonally from time to time, and puts the jerky into her mouth.

Behind the bright young dragon, Gu Zhaozheng lazily opened his eyes and stretched his waist.

"So comfortable~"

Since the train started in the evening, Gu Zhao, who has slept until now, is relaxed and full of strength, and he can't wait to jump up and find an opponent to fight.

As if feeling the awakening of the owner's consciousness, the stomach began to scream to remind it that it was already empty.

Gu Zhao stretched his waist and got up from the bed, ready to go out to find something to eat.

However, he was suddenly attracted by the soft chewing sound coming from beside him.

After some searching, Gu Zhao's eyes finally settled on the bag of dried meat on the small table, his throat rolled slightly, hesitant.

Would you like to try it?

Well, just one.

Quietly take the jerky out of the bag and put it in your mouth.

It can be seen that Sylvia didn't seem to be wary of someone Gu, but was engrossed in watching [The Adventures of the Little Murloc] on the phone.

"The taste is not bad." Feeling the fragrance exploding on the tip of his tongue, Gu Zhao made a silent comment.

Or, try another one?
Someone Gu stretched out his sinful claws again.

3 minutes later.Sylvia had just finished watching "Little Murloc" and defeated several minions, and was about to launch a general attack on the mastermind behind the scenes.

Flicking its tail a little excitedly, the bright young dragon stretched out its claws to the side and rear, but found nothing.


Bright young dragon turned his head and saw that there was nothing in the packaging bag, so he couldn't help but put his paws by his mouth, showing a perplexed look.

I ate so fast this time~
Thinking of this, Sylvia turned her eyes to Gu Zhao, and saw that he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, manipulating another "Gu Zhao" to leave the box, and continued to follow the drama.


No matter in the previous life or in the present life, it is a veritable capital of culture, politics and tourism.

Every year, countless people with dreams come here, wanting to make a big splash in this super metropolis.

When Gu Zhao got off the space train, the scorching afternoon sun made him squint his eyes involuntarily.

After getting used to it, he finally saw the incomparably prosperous scene in front of him.

This is in stark contrast to his hometown Tianshui City.

Gu Zhao is not a country bumpkin, he has been to this city before.

But at this moment, a sense of shock still flooded his heart.

"A lot of strong people!"

Feeling the powerful aura around him, the [-]th and [-]th level powerhouses, which are rare in Tianshui City, can be seen everywhere like Chinese cabbage.

Just as Gu Zhao cast his gaze to the front left, his pupils shrank slightly.

He saw a figure lying on the ground with a large pool of blood under him.

And standing next to the figure, preventing the flow of people from approaching is a team of "black helmets and black armor" with full weapons.

"What happened?"

Just as doubts surged into Gu Zhao's mind, he heard a urging voice behind him.

As the crowd moved forward slowly, until Gu Zhao came to the side of the figure and saw his face clearly.


Noticing the man's blood-red pupils, Gu Zhao first suddenly realized, and then he was a little surprised.

How could there be a corpse of a demon lying here?

Is this the sudden exposure of the identity of the Demon Race?
Gu Zhao looked around subconsciously, and found some tall and straight figures in ordinary clothes, with strong aura.

"A lot of plain clothes!"

He was a little surprised at first, and then thought of the sound transmission he sent some time ago.

Could it be that we have started to investigate the demons from now on?

Wouldn't this scare the snake away?

Suppressing many doubts in his heart, Gu Zhao walked out of the station.

These are not issues he should consider at the moment.


Kyoto is huge.

Coming out of the space station to Kyoto University, Gu Zhao took the subway three times, and it took nearly two hours before he finally arrived at the university city in the southeast corner.

The area of ​​this university city is also very large, covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand square kilometers!
And Kyoto University is the highest institution in this university town, not one of them.

As the highest school, let's not mention its strength for the time being, just say that the area it occupies is extremely astonishing.

Forty thousand acres!
A school that can accommodate [-] people, including students, teachers and staff, covers an area of ​​more than [-] square meters per person.

When Gu Zhao just saw the Kyoto University in front of him, his first reaction was shock.

He has seen a lot at school.

He has seen a lot in college.

But like the Kyoto University in front of us, the gate alone is as wide as [-] meters!

Is this still a door?

Opening such a big door, Gu Zhao didn't quite understand the aesthetics of Kyoto University.

But after thinking about it, it seems reasonable to have such a big school with a gate.

The height of a gate with a width of 15 meters will naturally not be low, and the height of the gate tower is about [-] meters.

And on the top of the gate, there are four majestic characters - Kyoto University.

The hot gold font is also extremely huge. Standing under such a gate, Gu Zhao only felt as if he had come to the kingdom of giants, and a sense of insignificance was generated in his heart.

"How is it? You've been shocked." Just as he was in a daze, a voice from behind interrupted his thoughts.

Gu Zhao felt that there were many figures beside him before, but he didn't care.

Now is the time when the college entrance examination has just ended, and many nearby parents will bring their children to visit this highest institution of learning.

There are also many foreigners who come to Kyoto for tourism.

Now that you are in Kyoto, how can you not come to Kyoto University to have a look?

Even if you can't enter, it doesn't prevent everyone from visiting this highest institution of learning.

Among other things, just looking at a school gate can feel the vastness of the world, and this trip is worthwhile.

Gu Zhao turned his head and took a look, and found a long-haired young man about his own age standing behind him.

The young man raised his head slightly, with a confident smile on his face, and two sword eyebrows slanted into his temples, giving people a sense of cynicalism.

However, the most eye-catching thing is not the smile, nor the appearance, but the golden dagger in the young man's hand.

This golden short sword gives people a sense of sharpness.

It seems that as long as you hold it, you can cut off all obstacles in front of you.

Gu Zhao has a lot of experience in equipment, and he can clearly feel the extraordinaryness of this dagger.

More aggressive than the blue excellence, but not as restrained as the orange legend, there is only one possibility-purple epic.

After reaching the conclusion, Gu Zhao couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

In TS City, he had never met his peers with epic equipment in their hands.

After arriving in Kyoto, it was so easy to meet him.

Seeing that Gu Zhao's attention turned to the short sword in his hand, the long-haired young man waved it casually a few times, and asked with a smile, "Are you handsome?"

Gu Zhao frowned slightly, but did not answer.

Who knows if this person is talking about the sword, or his own appearance.

He didn't receive a reply, and the long-haired youth didn't take it seriously. He flipped his wrist and put away the golden dagger.

He asked again, "New students?"

Gu Zhao nodded slightly.

"Haha, you really can't escape my sharp eyes. Although you are standing here like a goose, there is no inferiority complex or longing in your expression, but a longing for the future life. This is a typical example of my freshmen at Peking University. feature!"

The young man flicked his long hair, seeming a little proud.

"What details observe the master."

Gu Zhao secretly complained.

"I don't know who the senior is?"

Although I felt that the young man in front of me was a bit arrogant, but he wasn't too annoying. In addition, he was new here and he was not familiar with this place, so he chose to start a conversation.

"Kyoto University, Department of Assassination, sophomore Shintolai!"

(End of this chapter)

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