Chapter 64 Freshman Gu Zhao
"Gu Zhao, a freshman in the Department of Guardianship."

While speaking, Gu Zhao felt his hood move, probably because Sylvia was turning over.

Hearing that Gu Zhao said that he was a freshman in the Department of Guardianship, Xin Donglai couldn't help but widen his eyes, carefully sizing up Gu Zhao's tall but well-proportioned figure.

"Student, you're raising the appearance of your department just like me! I don't know why, but people have stereotypes about professions including the assassination department and the protection department.

I always feel that the people in the assassination department are wretched men hiding in the dark, and your guardian department is all big muscle bullies.

Those of us who can break through the prejudices of the world have really worked hard. "

Xin Donglai's eyes shine, as if he has found a like-minded friend.


After laughing twice, Gu Zhao didn't answer.

This senior has a big brain.

A simple self-introduction can be associated with breaking the secular prejudice.

"Hey, the senior came to school so early? Isn't there still a week before the start of school?"

Seeing that Xin Donglai paused, as if he wanted to continue to "diverge his thinking", Gu Zhao quickly coughed lightly, and asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Morning?" Xin Donglai glanced at Gu Zhao strangely, and found that he looked confused, and he didn't seem to be teasing himself, so he explained:

"Didn't your high school teacher tell you about it? It's a lie to say that it's easy after you go to college! There is nowhere more complicated than college.

The resources and facilities in the school, especially the top universities like Kyoto University, do not know how much better than outside.Here, almost no one would choose to leave school during the holidays. "

Gu Zhao nodded slightly. He naturally knew that it would be easy to go to college. It is a lie.

"As for how big the resource gap is, have you ever heard of the top [-] dormitories?"

"I heard."

"Any one of these one hundred dormitories is a student's dream residence. For example, the beast simulation battlefield allows you to experience the real danger without going deep into areas that are currently extremely dangerous for you. The feeling of fighting to the death."

Speaking of this, Xin Donglai showed pride on his face: "I will definitely enter the top [-] in this opening test, and I will win one of the places!"

"Then congratulate the senior in advance."

With a faint smile on his face, Gu Zhao agreed.

"Student, I like your character. Unlike other students who just came here, their eyes are higher than the top. It wasn't until they were beaten up that they didn't understand the principle of respecting seniors."

Xin Donglai laughed, patted Gu Zhao on the shoulder, and encouraged:

"Looking at your attire, you don't look like those second generations, you should be a commoner like me.

Work hard after school starts!Don't think about what you have and what you don't have. You freshmen will have fewer resources in all aspects, and the competition will be more intense.

It doesn't matter if you can't compete with those second generations of freshmen with deep background at the beginning, as long as you dare to fight, you can get anything!
For example, I only ranked 37th in the freshman admission test at the beginning, but now I can confidently say that the top [-] is stable!if we assume……"

【Fight, fight, fight, fight】

Just as Xin Donglai was eloquent and eloquent, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After being interrupted, he took out his mobile phone with some displeasure.

But when he saw the call interface, his face changed, and the remaining smile instantly disappeared, replaced by extremely cold eyes.

"Hey, why don't you come? It's not because you're afraid."

After the call was connected, Gu Zhao, who was very close to Xindonglai, could easily hear the voice coming from the microphone.

"Hehe, there is still a full hour before the agreed time, why are you so anxious, do you just want to receive the education of father's love?"

The corner of Xin Donglai's mouth curled up, and he smiled coldly.

"Made, your mouth is still so stinky. When I pull you out of hiding and beat you until you vomit blood and fall to the ground, unable to get up, let's see what else you have to say!"

"Then let's wait and see."

Said, Xin Donglai hung up the phone directly, looked up at Gu Zhao, and squeezed out a smile: "Student, I still have important things to deal with, excuse me."

"Understood, thank you senior for your encouragement just now."

Flipping his wrist, he took out the golden dagger again, Xin Donglai nodded to Gu Zhao, turned around and strode towards the school gate without any delay.

"Oh, right."

Just after walking half the distance, Xin Donglai suddenly remembered something, and turned his head slightly:

"Facing some people's regional discrimination in the freshman stage, bear it as long as you can. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. When you have a hard enough fist, you can naturally shut them up."

After speaking, without waiting for a response, just move on.

"Geographical discrimination?"

Witnessing Xin Donglai's back gradually going away, Gu Zhao was thoughtful.

After a long time, he took out the admission notice from the inventory according to the contents of the freshman admission notice, and walked quickly to the gate of Kyoto University.


The moment he passed the school gate, Gu Zhao could feel a warm current flowing from head to toe, and a cold notification sound came from his ears.

"Admission letter detected."

"Comparing identities."


Gu Zhao glanced back at the huge school gate, muttering to himself.

"Such a big thing is actually a detection tool?"

Shocked in his heart, Gu Zhao followed the small map on the back of the admission notice and walked towards the freshman dormitory.


Half an hour later, Gu Zhao, who was wandering around the campus, finally arrived at his destination, but was stunned on the spot after seeing the dormitory clearly.

Looking at the rows of exquisite small villas in the distance, he couldn't help sighing from his soul.


Before coming here, he never imagined that the Kyoto University in this world could be so outrageous.

Is this tm still a school?Not to mention a resort.

No matter how unbelievable Gu Zhao is, on the big sign not far away, there are four flamboyant characters.

"Freshman dormitory."

After a while, Gu Zhao finally came to his senses, and looked for his dormitory according to the number written on the notice.

"Number Nine: Gu Zhao, Bai Hengjiang."

Gu Zhao found his name on a small wooden sign hanging in front of a two-storey villa.

"Bai Hengjiang? Is this my roommate for the next few days?"

Touching his chin, Gu Zhao took the admission notice and walked towards the gate of the villa.

"Although we've only been together for a few days, I still hope that this roommate is not an extremely sloppy person."

Thinking of the "torture" of his roommates when he was in college in his previous life, Gu Zhao couldn't help praying secretly.

"Drip, the admission notice has been detected."

"Information comparison passed."

"Welcome, freshman Gu Zhao~"


The door popped straight forward.

"Gu Zhao?"

As the door opened, a loud voice came from inside the villa.

That Bai Hengjiang has come? !

With doubts in his heart, Gu Zhao stepped into the house.


Kyoto University Dormitory Management Office.

A loud noise came from it.

"Can you tell me why there are only nine competition places for the top [-] dormitories for freshmen this year?! What about the other one?"

A boy with a fiery red afro slapped his palm heavily on the table, with a ferocious expression and agitated emotions.

His name is Liu Dong, and he is No.8 in this year's personal test of the Kyoto City College Entrance Examination, only one point away from the full score.

With his strength, he should be ranked around eight to twelve among the freshmen of Kyoto University.

There is a certain hope to compete for the ten places in the top [-] dormitories.

But now he was reminded by a friend that there were only nine places left on the official website of Kyoto University.

To some extent, four people competing for two places becomes four people competing for one place.

All kinds of emotions rushed into his heart for a while, and Liu Dong couldn't help coming here, wanting to find out the reason of the matter.

However, the staff here don't know anything about it!

"This student asks you to remain calm. The quota for the Baida dormitory will not be given out easily. It must have been approved by the higher authorities. I am just a small employee. I hope you will not embarrass me."

A man in his twenties sitting at the desk showed helplessness, and secretly groaned in his heart.

The students here will all be strong in the future, and they don't want to offend him, so they can only speak nicely and serve him carefully.

"Calm down, why do you want me to be calm! Do you know what kind of transformation can be produced by being able to live there for a year?! This quota is now missing one out of thin air, I need an explanation!"

Liu Dong grabbed the fiery red afro, and slammed it on the table again, making the staff in front of him tremble with fright.

As a typical second generation, he naturally has the corresponding confidence to dare to act like this.

Leaving aside his contacts outside the school, he has two relatives who hold important positions in Kyoto University.

One of them was my cousin who was the deputy director of the dormitory management office.

"What's the noise? I can hear it from outside the corridor. What's going on?"

A well-dressed middle-aged man with a mustache and a serious expression pushed the door open and entered.

"Uncle Zhao, it's me, Xiaodong."

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Liu Dong's expression changed, put away the anger on his face, and said with a smile.

"Liu Dong? Why are you making a fuss here?"

After recognizing his colleague's nephew, Zhao Jianping's expression softened.

"Hi, I just want to ask, why there are only nine places left in the top [-] dormitories for our freshman year."

Zhao Jianping stared closely at Liu Dong with sharp eyes like a falcon, until his face showed an uneasy expression, and then slowly said:

"Donglin Garden has been promised by the higher-ups."


Liu Dong's expression was gloomy, as if his hope had been shattered.

Before hearing this sentence, he still had a glimmer of expectation in his heart—the school accidentally made a mistake.

It wasn't until Zhao Jianping made his exit that he had to recognize the reality that the possibility of his failure in the competition had increased significantly.

"Who did you promise to?"

Liu Dong asked subconsciously.

"Does it make sense? Even if you know, what can you do? It won't change the result."

Seeing that Zhao Jianping refused to answer, Liu Dong clasped his fists in a salute after a brief silence, and prepared to leave without saying a word.

"Don't even think about asking your cousin, he won't tell you. Leaking this matter is both big and small. Your cousin has many enemies, and he won't leave anything behind. Wait patiently, After two days when that person moves in, won't everything be cleared up?"

Hearing this, Liu Dong frowned, and turned around to express his confusion:

"I just don't understand why the school can't compete fairly and always give benefits to those in remote areas! This is not once or twice!

Last year, my brother ranked No. 840 among the students who competed for the 20 No. [-] secret realm, and he could have gotten a spot to enter it.

But because one of the places was promised, that person didn't participate in the competition, so my brother lost the election!

If that person really surpasses my brother in strength, that's all.But in the freshman entrance test, he only ranked 37th, while my brother was [-]th!

This directly made my brother depressed for a long time.I really don't understand, why not give resources to better people? "

As the words accumulated in his heart gradually uttered, Liu Dong's emotions became more and more agitated, his face flushed, and his final voice was almost like a roar.

After a brief silence, Zhao Jianping frowned slightly:

"The educational resources here in Kyoto are not comparable to those in those areas. Those who can stand out in those places must not be underestimated. Talent is the minimum.

What can the ranking of the freshman entrance test show?There are countless people who are late bloomers, not to mention it is not too late now. "


Liu Dong remained silent, as he still understood a little bit of the truth.

But the problem is that he is a student, not the school, so it is impossible to consider it from the school's point of view.

For him, the immediate interests are undoubtedly the most worthy of attention.

This incident directly caused damage to his interests, so how could Liu Dong remain calm like a normal person?
"Uncle Zhao, I'm going to the training ground to practice for a while."

After Liu Dong left, he had just walked a few steps when a familiar voice came from behind him, calling him to a stop.

"Time to fix the table you broke!"

Turning back suddenly, looking at the scorched palm prints on the desk, the corners of Liu Dong's mouth twitched slightly.

Ma De, I didn't get any information when I came here, and I had to spend a lot of money.

Although the repair cost is nothing to him, but he feels stuck...


In dormitory No. [-].

Gu Zhao was looking down at the blond dwarf with a big beard and a strong figure whose head only reached his waist.

"Hi, my name is Gu Zhao."

Bending slightly, Gu Zhao stretched out his right hand.

However, the blond dwarf didn't seem to intend to shake hands, so he raised his palm to signal Gu Zhao to stay still.

Then he bumped up behind Gu Zhao and straightened his bent back.

Only then did he return to the front and raised his right hand high.

Clasping two palms together, the blond dwarf said in a thunderous voice, "Hello, my name is Bai Hengjiang."

Just now, he just felt the sound was a bit loud outside the house, but now facing Bai Hengjiang's voice, Gu Zhao felt the room was trembling slightly.

Is it the lion's roar? !
At this moment, the bright young dragon who had been sleeping in the hood seemed to be awakened. She climbed onto Gu Zhao's shoulder and stared curiously at the dwarf in front of her.

The blond dwarf Bai Hengjiang stared wide-eyed at the bright young dragon.

Gu Zhao looked at Bai Hengjiang's golden hair.

In his impression, dwarves all have three hair colors of black, gray and brown.

This is the first time he has seen this golden color.

As the two of them looked at each other, the air seemed to freeze.

(End of this chapter)

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