Chapter 69: The Wolves Are Terrible!
This group of dark golden giant wolves were full of murderous aura and charged extremely fiercely, raising waves of smoke and dust.

The wolves came roaring, unstoppable.

Seeing the wolves charging, the leader of the earth monsters decisively led his men to charge forward.

At such a time, turning around and running away is no longer realistic.

The giant wolves were able to catch up with the huge gold explorers as they turned around and accelerated, and began to slaughter them.

Seeing the monsters rushing out shouting, Liu Dong couldn't help but tilt his head to look at Yan Han and the others beside him.

After looking at Yan Han, he nodded tacitly.

Finally, after the ground monster team ran a certain distance, they drove the gold detector beasts under their crotches to charge.

At this time, if you want to ensure your own safety to the greatest extent, you can neither rush to the forefront nor stay too far away from the main force.

Of course, the ones at the front will bear the brunt, directly fighting against the wolves whose momentum has reached its peak.

And being at the back of the team will become the first target of the wolves after breaking through the blockade.

Obviously, neither of these two results was what Yan Han and the others wanted.

So they made what they thought was the "best" decision - hanging at the end of the squad.

If the earth monsters were evenly matched or had the upper hand against the giant wolf, they would naturally show their bravery.

If the monsters are defeated, they only need to run faster than the monster teammates who slowed down after fighting the giant wolf...

Just when several people followed the team and gradually accelerated, and the small abacus was crackling, the two teams finally fought against each other.

The earth monsters yelled in unison and raised their spears, their muscles bulged, and they rushed forward with the momentum of life and death.

Facing the jungle of spears, the giant wolves were happy and unafraid, their eyes kept piercingly cold, and they kept scanning the necks and other vital points of the earth monsters.

It seemed that he was thinking about where to start his mouth later.

After a while, the striker of the earth monster finally made contact with the wolf.

The leader of the earth monster roared, and his spear was like lightning, stabbing straight at the head of a dark golden giant wolf.

There was a faint blue light on the tip of the gun, and when the eyes swept over it, it made people feel a slight pain in the eyeballs.

Obviously, the sharpness of this spear cannot be doubted.

And the target of the spear - the giant wolf didn't seem to care about the sharp spear, and met it with its own wolf head without dodging or evading.

Seeing this situation, the corner of the leader's mouth curled into a smile.

Did this stupid wolf think that my shot was the arrow just now?Can it be picked up by its body at will without injury?
Just when he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he was ready to enjoy the scene when the giant wolf was pierced by a spear.

The corner of the dark golden giant wolf's mouth also curled up.

The spear pierced straight into the giant wolf's body without any resistance.

Yes, without any resistance!
Seeing that the giant wolf didn't bleed a little bit of blood, but deflated quickly like a punctured ball, the leader of the monster knew that he had been tricked.

This giant wolf is nothing but a phantom!
When did the wind wolf know this skill?

He couldn't believe his eyes, but in the next moment, he forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.

The giant wolf just now was just a phantom, so where is the real one?
As soon as this thought came up, a gust of wind came from behind him.

The leader of the monster moved sideways, trying to avoid the giant wolf's attack.


The sound of the armor cracking and the sharp weapon piercing into the flesh sounded almost simultaneously.


The intense pain in his right shoulder made him let out a scream.

With all his strength, he used his still movable left hand to draw out the big sword placed on the gold detector beast, and stabbed the giant wolf with his backhand based on his feeling.

There was another sound of gold and iron clashing.


Hearing the screams of his companions one after another, the leader of the earth monster couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

What monsters are these!

It has the speed of a wind-attribute beast, the defense and attack power of a metal-attribute beast, and the elusiveness of a shadow-attribute beast.

He has lived in this world since he was a child, but he has never heard of such an existence.

How did the wind wolves become like this?
Occupied by this question in his mind, the leader of the monster slowed down slightly, slowly fell to the back of the team, and clenched the big sword with his still-usable left hand.

After the break, it is also his responsibility as the team leader.

In the process of falling from the front of the team to the back, he noticed that most of the Kyoto University five-member team had already died, and loudly encouraged them in the language of the human race:

"You can rush out of here right now! Hold on, warriors, I'll cut you off!"

Liu Dong couldn't help but blush when he heard what the monster shouted clearly.

As a descendant of a big family, he is not as courageous as an ordinary earth monster.

However, looking at the heavy casualties of the earth monsters around him, he couldn't help but shudder, and gave up the idea of ​​death that had just arisen.

You must know that the levels of these giant monsters in front of you are generally between the twenties and thirties.

In the case of comprehensive equipment factors, although the combat effectiveness is not as good as the "rich" like them, it is not too far behind.

When there is a "meat shield" in front of them, they are still wearing colors.

If you choose to break the back, it is very likely that you will not see the sun tomorrow.


With a roar, Liu Dong drove the gold explorer under his crotch, taking advantage of the slight slowdown of the ground monster in front, and rushed to the front in one fell swoop, followed closely by Yan Han on the other side.

And in this short period of time, the giant wolves had already turned around, spotted the backs of the crowd, and launched a new round of charges that symbolized death.

After a while, the screams resounded over the entire depression again, without turning his head, Liu Dong, who was running away quickly, trembled in his heart one after another.

"Fuck, you're so fucking useless!"

He looked up to the sky and let out a roar, his right hand controlled the direction of the gold explorer, and his left hand clenched his fist and thumped his chest fiercely.

Powerless, this is the biggest feeling in Liu Dong's heart at the moment.

He wished he could rise to the tenth level immediately, and fight with the pack of wolves, instead of running away in a hurry like now.

The faces of Yan Han and the others on the side were also not very good-looking.

They have always been proud and arrogant, but now they follow the lifeline opened by the earth monsters who don't look down on them deep in their hearts to stay away from death.

Yan Han felt an unspeakable sadness as the moans and screams of the ground monsters before they died continued to be heard in his ears.

As the exit from the depression got closer, the number of monsters around the Kyoto University group of five became less and less.

"Hurry up and hurry up, the support from the outer camps will arrive soon!"

After a ground monster encouraged them, he turned around and muttered a few more words in a strange language.

After the earth monsters heard it, they all lifted their spirits.

Just as they were about to run to the exit of the depression, a familiar shout came.

"Support is here!"

"The support of the earth monsters is finally here!"


Seeing that the support finally arrived, everyone had a relieved smile on their faces.

Finally got a little life back.

As long as you pass through the exit of this depression and meet the earth monsters who came to support you, you will be completely safe.

With such thoughts in mind, everyone did not dare to relax their vigilance at all.

After all, they are not completely out of danger.

One hundred steps, fifty steps.

The exit is getting closer and closer.

However, at the next moment, there were bursts of exclamations in the distance, followed by a familiar crash.

This made everyone present tense.

What happened?

All kinds of thoughts flooded into their minds.

When they looked up at the exit of the depression again, they suddenly found the answer.

You can see where the exit was originally empty, and there are several dark golden giant wolves.

The size of these giant wolves is no less than those just now, their eyes are extremely cruel, and they stare coldly at their direction.

When Yan Han and the others saw this, goosebumps instantly appeared on their bodies.

"Made, why are there more!"

"Did our reinforcements be stopped by another pack of wolves?"

"Fuck, we only have this few people left, how can we rush!"

Tan Xiping quickly looked at the remaining monsters around him, and found that there were only five.

Turning his head and scanning the battlefield behind him, seeing more earth monsters fighting with giant wolves, he gritted his teeth and asked:
"What should I do? Should I rush over directly or retreat first and wait for the reinforcements to arrive?"

Noticing the dark golden giant wolves not far away were moving towards them, and then glanced at the scene behind him, Liu Dong made a decisive decision:
"Can't retreat, rush over!"

Although the earth monsters behind were fighting with the giant wolf, they were clearly at a disadvantage.

As time goes by, they are bound to be killed one by one by giant wolves.

If he chooses to retreat at this time and introduce the giant wolves in front of him into the battlefield, it will definitely break the current fragile balance and make the monsters lose faster.

The giant wolves freed up their hands, so killing them was naturally easy.

Instead of choosing to stay away from the location where the reinforcements are located and adding more changes, Liu Dong is more willing to fight.

He has a lot of life-saving cards on him, even if an accident happens, he can last for a long time.

After a very short thought, the others finally agreed to Liu Dong's proposal, and met the dark golden giant wolf that was rushing towards them.


The veins on Liu Dong's arm appeared, and he swung the halberd vigorously, colliding with the claws of the dark golden giant wolf.

Before swinging it, he deliberately withdrew a little bit of force to prevent the situation where he hit the phantom and his throat was blocked by a claw if he was too weak.

However, a powerful force struck Liu Dong, causing Liu Dong's body to tremble and his arms to be numb.

"This is real!"

In the next second, the giant wolf gently brushed away the arrow shot by Tan Xiping, and the golden light suddenly rose all over his body, turning into a dark golden oval metal, shaped like a football, and charged towards Liu Dong.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Dong couldn't dodge in time, so he could only cross the halberd and catch it abruptly.

With a loud noise, Liu Dong flew out holding the long halberd, and hit Tan Xiping heavily behind him, and then the two brothers fell off the broad back of the gold detector together.



After rolling twice on the ground, the two quickly stood up, staring dumbfounded at the two dark golden giant wolves in front of them.

"Liu Dong, I'm going to be killed by you today!"

Tan Xiping shot an arrow casually and angrily reprimanded Liu Dong.

"You Guasha master still have the face to criticize me! Did the arrows you shoot hurt a single wolf hair of these giant wolves?"

Liu Dong knew he was in the wrong, but he was not willing to show weakness, and fought back extremely quickly.

"Zhuo! Don't talk about this, what should we do now!"

Tan Xiping, who usually claims to be a think tank, panicked.

"Hehe, what else can I do, take out the old ones, and hold on for a while."

"Brother Han really doesn't look back..."


The two looked at Yan Han's retreating back, a little silent.

The two giant wolves had already rushed towards the two of them, but the moment their giant claws came into contact with the two of them, they were blocked by an invisible film.

Liu Dong remained motionless, and laughed:
"My shield can't be moved, it feels like an iron coffin, what about yours?"

"Can you still laugh out loud? That's pretty darn bold. Mine too."

"Stupid and bold? Ma De, when did you give me a nickname!" Liu Dong paused, "Xiao Tan, if you have any magic scroll cards, use them quickly and kill these two beasts. Let's run away quickly."

"Go away, don't take advantage of me. That thing is outrageously expensive, and I have a forty-level life recovery card, which is used to save my life. Do you have any offensive ones?"

"Yes, there are, but the level is not high, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

After a burst of indiscriminate bombing.

The dark golden giant wolf howled angrily. Although it was quite embarrassed and there were many scorched places on its body, it didn't suffer any serious injuries, and instead accelerated its attack frequency.

"It's over, I didn't do anything to the beast, but made it angry."

"The level of this thing is at most more than 20 levels. How could it be so abnormal?! It's a hexagonal warrior!"

Tan Xiping frowned at the abnormal strength of these dark golden giant wolves.

"It's likely that the wolf king used something to stimulate their potential, and the price is their lifespan. I can't even think of this? Stupid!"

Liu Dong rolled his eyes, and quickly put on something like a cloak:
"This protective cover is not as good as yours. It should last for less than a minute. I'm going to run away."

"Flying cloak? You dare to use this thing when you are only over ten levels?! There must be an accident! Are you afraid of being blown to death?"

"Being killed by the bomb is better than being swallowed alive by these giant wolves. Don't worry, my flying cloak is a fake version, and the explosion power is not very powerful."

As he spoke, Liu Dong flicked his cloak, silently waiting for the protective cover to fail.

After a while, Liu Dong shot straight into the sky, his face turned pale at an astonishing speed.

Obviously, the cost of using this flying cloak for a short flight is extremely high.

In an instant, the two giant wolves underground suddenly stopped attacking, squatted on the ground and looked up at Liu Dong who was soaring into the sky, grinning blood spurting, as if laughing.


Liu Dong only felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, feeling the approach of death.

He subconsciously raised his head and looked up at the ashen sky.

The sun peeked out from behind a cloud and cast its light on his face.

Under the sunlight, Liu Dong noticed the dense and faint thin lines in the sky.

"Rushing at this speed, you will definitely be cut to death!"

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind, but with his manipulation of this flying prop, it was simply not enough for him to turn around in such a short time!
(End of this chapter)

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