After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 70 Brother Zhao, You Are My Brother!

Chapter 70 Brother Zhao, You Are My Brother!

Liu Dong tried to untie the fake flying cloak on his body, but it was too late.

He watched helplessly as the dense thin lines that symbolized death were getting closer and closer to him.

"Father, I have been angry with you for so many years, Dongzi failed to be filial..."

At this moment, the helpless and smiling face of his father Liu Jiang flashed in Liu Dong's mind.

"Fortunately, I have an older brother. The old man shouldn't be too sad...Huh?"

Liu Dong felt the temperature of the inferior version of the flying cloak on his body began to rise sharply.

"Double happiness..."

Before he finished speaking, his neck seemed to be strangled by someone, and his whole body fell into a state of stagnation.

Daoes of light emerged around him, forming a giant palm of light, grabbing him.

On the ground, Tan Xiping, who already had sadness in his eyes, stared dumbfounded at the big hand in the air.

Witnessed the whole process of Liu Dong, who was moving at high speed, being stopped.

The strong visual impact made Tan Xiping almost forget what kind of environment he was in. He didn't wake up until a faint wolf howling sounded close at hand.

Seeing that the thin line in the air hadn't worked, the two dark golden giant wolves stopped for no reason, feeling a little anxious.

After a howl, the two giant wolves turned into oval metal balls by coincidence, and slammed into the protective shield in front of them with all their strength.

Tan Xiping looked at the crumbling protective shield in front of him, his face pale.

hold head high--

Just when he temporarily suppressed his despair and began to recall his short life, a deafening dragon chant came from his ears.

Not far away, a bright dragon covered in pale golden scales appeared, its wings fluttered lightly, and it roared towards it in the blink of an eye.

Two dull impact sounds sounded one after another, and because the interval was too short, it sounded like one sound.

Tan Xiping just saw the light dragon's tail move slightly, and saw the two giant wolves flying out without even a single pause.

"If I get hit by this dragon's tail, will I die suddenly on the spot?"

Seeing that the dark golden giant wolf, which was not afraid of arrows and could be called a bronze head and iron bone, was spitting blood at this moment, struggling to get up from the ground, Tan Xiping shrank his neck, shivered, and let the absurd thoughts in his mind throw off.


The cracking sound of the protective cover sounded, and while watching the direction of the giant wolf from the corner of his eye, Tan Xiping quickly ran to the distance, away from the center of the battlefield.


A moment later, the two giant wolves stood up staggeringly, their bodies flashed with golden light, as if they had been stimulated by something, they became energetic in an instant.

Shaking the wolf's head, their eyes were shining with bloodthirsty light, and they didn't feel afraid.

In the next second, he rushed towards the bright dragon.

hold head high?
A trace of doubt flashed in the bright dragon's eyes. She didn't quite understand why these giant wolves didn't run away with their tails between their legs.

However, doubts were doubts, but her attacks never stopped.

After gaining momentum for a short time, a bright dragon flame spewed out from her mouth.

Wherever the bright dragon flames passed, the air was distorted enormously, as if it could not bear the high temperature.

At the moment when the flames were about to approach, the two dark golden giant wolves turned into oval spheres.

It seems that he wants to forcibly break the flame of the bright dragon.

However, after only a moment of impact, the two giant wolves could not bear it anymore, and they showed their original shape, howling miserably.

Fire test real gold.

Obviously, compared with the infinitely powerful Bright Dragon Flame, these giant wolf incarnation metal balls are almost meaningless.

After the skills were broken, the defensive power of the two giant wolves was greatly reduced, and the dark golden fur on their bodies gradually faded, turning into dark blue, but it was quickly burned to charred black.

Two dark golden giant wolves, pawn!
From the moment the giant wolf howled miserably, Tan Xiping stopped involuntarily.

He narrowed his eyes slightly at first, then widened them rapidly.

If he hadn't seen this scene from the corner of his eye, he probably wouldn't have believed that the mighty dark gold wolves who had killed all directions just now were so vulnerable in front of this golden dragon.

"Why did this giant dragon save me? Could it be that I am the legendary destiny, the man chosen by the giant dragon?"

Tan Xiping's face was filled with the joy of the rest of his life, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

As soon as this thought came to him, he saw the bright dragon in front of him flying towards the earth monsters who had fallen into the wind in the battle and were struggling to support in the distance.

"Uh...why did this giant dragon save me first?"

Tan Xiping added the word "first" to the thought just now, and continued to think about it...


In the sky, Gu Zhao sized up Liu Dong who was tightly trapped by the grip of light, frowning slightly.

"How do you take off the cloak on this man?"

While thinking, Mosuo gently moved his chin.

Through the faint perception brought by the grip of light, he could feel the violent energy contained in the cloak on this person.

The moment Gu Zhao released the skill, the cloak would explode.

The cloak contained huge berserk energy, and the power of its explosion must not be underestimated.

It is absolutely no problem to kill or maim this cheap whizzing young man.

"It just depends on my mastery of skills."

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao controlled the light on Liu Dong's body, trying to peel off the flying cloak on him.


Things went much smoother than expected.

Gu Zhao couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

He had only seen this kind of flying cloak online, so he knew little about how to wear it.

Originally, he had planned to grope for a while, but he didn't expect that the light energy just intervened and separated from this person's body.

Well, this person should have unraveled the most complicated part.

It saved him a lot of trouble.

Divide a big radiant hand into two, and the smaller one grabs the cloak that has been stripped from Liu Dong's body, and throws it away like densely packed thin threads in the air.

The shock wave after the explosion quickly engulfed part of the fine mesh in the air, burning out a large hole.

Instead of looking at the power of the explosion, Gu Zhao looked thoughtfully at the fiery red exploding head in front of him.

After a while, a sunny smile appeared on his face.

"Since the Grip of Light can achieve this level, can I control the enemy in the future and then pick up the equipment?"

With this in mind, Gu Zhao instantly thought of possible application scenarios.

The equipment can be stored in the item column with one thought, and the items in the item column will not explode, but will only disappear into the void with the death of the individual.

The method of "fixing the body first, then searching the body" will have a miraculous effect in some cases, and it will directly wipe out the enemy's family.

hold head high--

A long dragon chant interrupted Gu Zhao's thoughts, making him glance down.

Seeing that the bright dragon was holding its head high, its wings waved gently to claim credit for itself.

〖This girl is doing well ^^〗

Looking at the backs of several dark golden giant wolves running away in a hurry with their tails between their legs, Gu Zhao gave a thumbs up and conveyed through a spiritual contract, "Good job, double the snacks for you in the next three days."

Sylvia turned around in the air excitedly, and continued to chase and kill the fleeing giant wolves.

She plans to continue to make some contributions, making Gu Zhao feel that this reward is worth it~
Gu Zhao moved Liu Dong to the ground and lifted the blockade of the Grip of Light.


Maintaining the direction and speed of movement before being blocked, Liu Dong continued to rush towards the sky as if he had a small rocket on his body.

"Double happiness."

Liu Dong said what he hadn't finished just now.

"Huh? I wasn't cut into pieces?"

Soon, he noticed something was wrong, and found that he was not far from the ground at this moment.

Noticing the temporary disappearance of the death threat from the sky just now, Liu Dongbian quickly stretched his hand to his shoulder, trying to untie the flying cloak that was about to explode, but found nothing.


The momentary disappearance of danger gave Liu Dong a sense of unreality.

what happened?

Wasn't it still in the sky last second, facing the double threat of cutting and explosion.

Just in the blink of an eye, nothing happened?
Liu Dong was dumbfounded, but his body had already started to fall.

Even after reacting at the last moment, Liu Dong still fell hard.

Sitting up from the ground in disgrace, he talked about the gleam of light he saw when his consciousness was broken, and quickly looked around, trying to find the savior.

It was obvious that someone came to the rescue.

"Light, light."

Liu Dong muttered softly, and soon he found his target in the air.

I saw a figure in the midair filled with blazing light and with two wings of light flying slowly towards the distance.

found it!
The light on that person's body is exactly the same as the light that appeared beside me just now and rescued me!
In an instant, Liu Dong confirmed that his savior was that figure.

"Benefactor! Wait for me!"

The veins on Liu Dong's neck swelled, and while shouting, he quickly ran towards the figure on the ground.

Hearing a hoarse cry from below, the radiant figure turned around and stood in the void, against the background of the golden light, it looked like a god.

"Thank you for saving your life!"

After quickly running to the bottom of the figure, Liu Dong directly prostrated himself on the ground, his face full of respect and gratitude.

The figure closed its wings, and the short boots fell to the ground with a slap. The light on the body slowly dissipated, and it walked slowly towards Liu Dong.

Liu Dong fell on the ground, saw the figure stop in front of him, and could see Engong wearing a pair of familiar boots.

"Why do these look so much like the standard boots issued by high school?"

With doubts in his heart, Liu Dong slowly raised his head, and a familiar face with sharp edges and corners came into his eyes.

"It's you?!"

Liu Dong's eyes widened.

The one who saved him was actually the foreigner who had clashed with him not long ago.

Gu Zhao stared at Liu Dong in front of him with a half-smile, observing his next move with great interest.

"The grace of saving life will surely be repaid by the spring!"

After regaining his senses, Liu Dong did not show his contempt for foreign students, but said this with a solemn expression.

According to the education he has received since he was a child, kindness is kindness, and it will not change due to any factors.

Their Liu family has never been ungrateful.

After secretly making a decision in his heart, Liu Dong's face was full of respect:
"Engong, my name is Liu Dong, Liu next to the knife, east, west, north, south, east. I don't know the name of Engong."

Before the meeting, the man had no previous evidence of respect, and once again showed the arrogance of the previous meeting.

Gu Zhao was a little surprised, chuckled, and replied, "Gu Zhao, Gu who is looking forward to brilliance, the sun is shining brightly. Get up quickly, it's just a matter of lifting your hands, it doesn't have to be like this."


Before he finished speaking, his stomach let out a scream.


I've just put on my demeanor of an outsider.

Gu Zhao couldn't laugh or cry.

"Brother Zhao, you will be my own brother from now on, no, closer than my own brother!"

As if he didn't hear the embarrassing voice that made Gu Zhao just now, Liu Dong bowed again, got up excitedly, patted his chest, and vowed.

After a pause, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly looked at where Tan Xiping was before.

A figure could be seen lying on the ground with blood all over his body.

"Brother Zhao, I'm going to see my companion, he seems to be dying..."

Looking at the familiar attire on that figure, Liu Dong felt a little depressed. After getting Gu Zhao's response, he strode towards Tan Xiping who was "almost dying".

After a while.

"Made, you're fine, don't move a few times and pretend to be dead here!"

"For the rest of my life, I can't just lie here and relax for a while!"

"I thought you were going to die, but labor and management are still a little sad... What's going on with this big pool of blood under you?!"

"Wolf blood!"

"I tm..."

Liu Dong flew up and kicked Tan Xiping's ass.

"Labor and capital have not yet gained a firm foothold, so you are going to engage in a sneak attack?"

"Fuck off, do you have the best products like Kyoto Crispy Duck in your inventory?"

"Bring it, do you want to eat?"

"Stop talking nonsense, take it all out, and pay you double when you go back."

"All of them? I got this after waiting in line for a long time."

"I'll give you the qualification to buy next month, that's it!"

"make a deal!"

Tan Xiping narrowed his eyes with a smile, and hastily agreed, as if he was afraid that Liu Dong would go back on his word.

"Brother Zhao, try this Tianpin Crispy Duck that I just blackmailed!"

Liu Dong showed a cunning smile on his face, and walked quickly towards Gu Zhao with a large bag of items.

"Death to face."

Obtaining a promise that is bound to be bloody, Tan Xiping smiled as brightly as a chrysanthemum, shook his head, and expressed his incomprehension of Liu Dong's behavior.

"Hey? Is this the foreign boy? Why is Liu Dong so polite to that boy?"

Tan Xiping finally came to his senses, with great doubts hidden in his small eyes.

Just when Tan Xiping was puzzled and stared at Gu Zhao who was not far away, he just opened the package.

hold head high--

A long dragon chant sounded.

The bright dragon that was going to hunt down the dark gold wolves swooped down from the sky at this moment, and appeared beside Gu Zhao before everyone could react.

With no blood on his body, the huge dragon head gently rubbed against Gu Zhao's body.

ah? ! !
Tan Xiping couldn't believe his eyes.

This giant dragon that saved everyone is actually so close to this foreign boy? !
In other words, it was this foreign boy who sent a dragon to save him?
Suddenly, a complex and unspeakable emotion rushed into Tan Xiping's heart...

(End of this chapter)

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