After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 76 A Strong Sense of Disobedience and Martial Crazy Pei Nan

Chapter 76 A Strong Sense of Disobedience and Martial Crazy Pei Nan
It is getting closer and closer to the big playground, and the flow of people is getting denser.

From Gu Zhao's position, he could already see some figures standing on the big playground.

The rostrum was already full of high school seniors.

Feeling the touch on the back of the neck, Gu Zhao conveyed his inquiry to Sylvia through the contract.

a while.

"What? The playground is covered by a special barrier?"

Gu Zhao murmured softly and frowned.

Things like special barriers are generally set up in some confidential places, which serve to separate the two worlds, and have the purpose of hindering the flow of people and prohibiting the transmission of most information.

I've never heard of any school's freshman orientation meeting using this kind of thing!

What's more, the special enchantment has the effect of obstructing the line of sight. Whether looking from the outside to the inside or from the inside to the outside, you can only see chaos.

In his eyes, everything seemed to be normal in the playground.

The students continued to talk and laugh, and the senior officials of the school looked dignified.On the edge of the playground, there will be a young man with the logo of the student union not far away.

Just when Gu Zhao was a little hesitant, a cry of selling came to his ears.

"I'm selling props for crossing the catastrophe, my juniors and younger sisters, take a look!"

In the noisy environment, there was an exceptionally loud voice that attracted many eyes.

"Props for crossing the robbery?"

Gu Zhao moved his gaze to where the voice came from.

A green creature with a loudspeaker in hand and shouting came into his eyes.


This race does not exist in TS City, and it is the first time Gu Zhao has seen it in reality.

"So bold? There are so many school leaders sitting over there..."

The next moment he glanced at the playground, a wave of doubt flooded into Gu Zhao's heart.

The goblin's voice was not low, but why didn't the people inside have the slightest reaction?
In Gu Zhao's eyes, most of the freshmen who have not yet entered the playground and are at the entrance are briefly attracted attention.

But among the freshmen who entered the playground, none of them turned back.

"Special enchantment!"

Gu Zhao is already sure that there must be a special enchantment on the playground!

"What kind of props were used to camouflage the special barrier to this point? And why did you do it?"

There is no answer to the previous question, so Gu Zhao considered the second question.

The thoughts in his mind flickered quickly until two words appeared - "Demon Race".

"Is this a big move in response to the demon race's entrance test for freshmen three days later?"

Gu Zhao was thoughtful, and quickly thought of the sound transmission book he had sent.

Seeing that the green goblin attracted everyone's attention, he raised a palm-sized bracket and continued to shout:
"Students, as a senior who has participated in the freshman orientation conference, I have to tell you a sad thing-this conference lasted for an extremely long time, and the seniors stood stupid last year.

But don't panic, see if I have this simple sleep stand in my hand, just put it on, and you will enjoy the beautiful experience of sleeping while standing!
how about it?Are you excited?The senior guarantees with his own character, those who don't buy it will definitely regret it! "

Hearing this goblin yelling like a street vendor, Gu Zhao couldn't help but look at the five youths standing outside the gate of the playground with the logo of the student union on their bodies.

I can see that they are standing straight, with solemn expressions, and without squinting, but they don't care about it.

"It's a bit strange, my deskmate."

Yan Xue also had a lingering sense of disobedience in her heart, and her eyes kept scanning back and forth in the playground not far away.

"How did you sell it?"

"How much do you charge for this thing?"

"I'm not short of money, I'm annoyed by these long-winded high-level executives, give me one!"


Although the vast majority of freshmen chose to ignore it, they continued to march towards the big playground.

But with the huge base of freshmen, there are actually quite a few people asking about the price or buying it.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the senior has prepared enough props for everyone."

The green goblin smiled and took out a lot of brackets, indicating that the supply was sufficient.

At this moment, a burly young man not far from Gu Zhao's eyes lit up, took out a light blue vial from the inventory, and shouted loudly:
"I also have a lot of things that are helpful to everyone here, please listen to my explanation slowly!"

The burly young man squeezed to the door of the big playground, raised the light blue vial in his hand, and was about to imitate the goblin to give an introduction, but was interrupted by a voice suddenly sounding beside him.

"What are you doing?! You are not allowed to set up stalls here. If you want to sell things, the school has a special trading area!"

A thin man with the student union logo on his chest scolded with a straight face.

"Not allowed to sell? Then what's going on with this goblin?"

The burly young man was puzzled.

"I told you not to sell it, so much nonsense! Hurry up and leave!"

After this unceremonious scolding came to his ears, the burly young man glared and was about to explode, but after a pause, he calmed down and walked towards the gate of the playground resentfully.

The green-skinned goblin who had been silent by the side raised his eyelids and looked somewhere in the air, as if he had received some command, he suddenly clutched his stomach, showing pain on his face:
"Hey, I'm sorry, juniors, goblins have the same anxiety as you humans, seniors, I'll take a step first."

After finishing speaking, he walked away without paying any attention to the many props he had just taken out.

The freshmen around were stunned, unable to understand the current situation at all.

"Students, please enter the venue as soon as possible, and keep a distance of one meter between people."

The young man who was the leader of the five members of the student union said flatly, and waved behind him at the same time.

The thin man who had just scolded the burly young man came out and put away the things left by the goblin.

The flow of people surged again.

Yan Xue held the long ears of Cuifeng Rabbit to prevent it from getting lost, and whispered to Gu Zhao's ear:

"At the same table, do you have a sense of disobedience? That goblin seems to be acting."

"Well, this should be a test."


Yan Xue stared at the playground not far away, thoughtful.

After a while, the two entered the playground at the same time.

Five minutes later, there was a sudden scream from the crowd outside the playground.

A dwarf hugged his thigh and cried, attracting the attention of a new batch of students.


As if passing through a thin film, Gu Zhao recovered from his trance and scanned the surrounding scene.


In the sky where there was nothing before, there were more than ten majestic figures at this moment.

The whole playground is not as peaceful as seen from the outside world, but full of chilling atmosphere.

Immediately, this group of freshmen who were talking and laughing were infected.

A majestic and majestic voice suddenly sounded in the air.

"This batch of freshmen, please go to the location of your own department and wait for the completion of the preliminary test for other freshmen! Try to keep quiet in the middle!"

Everyone looked at each other, made some eye contact, and chose to obey the instructions.

Gu Zhao nodded at Yan Xue, and walked straight to the area where the three characters of Guardian Department were hung.

"Brother Zhao!"

When passing by the Warrior Department, a soft cry came from the crowd.

Gu Zhao looked in the direction of the sound, and just in time saw a fiery red exploding head winking at him.

"Liu Dong?"

"Hey, I wanted to go to the dormitory to look for you, but your roommate said that Brother Zhao, you are not here these two days, so I came by myself."

Liu Dong felt silly for a while.

Just as he was about to respond, a urging sound came from Gu Zhao's ear.

"Student, are you from the warrior department? If not, please leave as soon as possible. This freshman orientation meeting is quite special."

A woman standing nearby with a student union logo on her chest quickly stepped forward and reminded.

"Oh, your student union is really troublesome." Liu Dong complained, but he didn't explode, but turned to look at Gu Zhao, "Brother Zhao, today is really different, let's talk after the conference is over."

Gu Zhao nodded with a smile on his face, walked into the area of ​​the Guardian Department, and waited silently with everyone.

While waiting, he found that the freshmen came in batches, and the middle was not coherent.

This reminded Gu Zhao of the goblin just now.

"Could it be that the school is simply grouping people by creating emergencies? So what exactly are they investigating?"

Gu Zhao began to diverge his thinking.


Feeling a strong wind coming from behind, Gu Zhao subconsciously dodged sideways and looked back.


A giant bald-headed man looked at Gu Zhao with some surprise, his aggressive gaze swept up and down, which made people uncomfortable.

"Hey, is this the Gu Zhao you mentioned?"

As the bald man asked a question, a silver-haired young man with a student union logo on his body turned from behind him with a flattering smile on his face:
"Master Nan, you are right, it is him."

The members of the student union at the side heard the voice and just wanted to stop talking, but they all stopped when they found the bald man.

Gu Zhao's eyes were fixed, and he recognized that this was the silver-haired young man holding the registration form last night.

"What Master Nan, you call me old!"

The big bald-headed man slapped the back of the silver-haired young man's head with his palm-like hand, with a dissatisfied expression.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan!"

Enduring the pain, the silver-haired young man didn't dare to reveal the slightest dissatisfaction on his face, and he still smiled and flattered this freshman who was a year younger than him.

"It's almost there."

The giant bald man turned his attention back to Gu Zhao, grinning:

"You are the Gu Zhao who is dissatisfied with us locals in Kyoto? You are so arrogant, you are just a top student in the college entrance examination in a small place, how dare you speak nonsense!

After today's freshman orientation meeting is over, I, Pei Nan, will tell you a fact - the same perfect score, the strength gap between you and me is not even a little bit! "

After speaking, the muscles all over his body bulged, and he turned around a few times at will, showing his figure like cast from fine steel.

Gu Zhao stared at the silver-haired young man who hid most of his body behind Pei Nan and sneered at him.

After thinking about it for a while, I roughly understood what was going on.

This guy must go back and add fuel and vinegar, describing himself as a mentally retarded person who is provocative everywhere.

The silver-haired young man was swept over by Gu Zhao's indifferent eyes, and felt a chill in his heart, and shrank back involuntarily, like a frightened quail.

As an existence who has always been at the bottom of his sophomore year, even if he has studied for an extra year, he has no confidence at all to compete with these top freshmen in his freshman year.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be like a watchdog in front of Pei Nan.

After a while, the silver-haired young man who reacted suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

"Damn, that's all for Pei Nan, what can a boy with no background do to me?"

Thinking of this, he pointed his head and reminded: "Brother Nan, this kid pretends to be deep without speaking. It seems that he didn't pay attention to you!"

Pei Nan raised his big palm-like hand and slapped it, which immediately made the silver-haired young man speechless in pain.

"Go away."

He, Pei Nan, is indeed a martial idiot. When encountering problems, he prefers to use force rather than brains to solve problems, but it doesn't mean that he likes being fooled by some so-called "smart people".

If he couldn't see such an obvious fanning, he would be an idiot.

Pei Nan actually knew that the silver-haired young man's words were probably adulterated, but he didn't really care.

From the moment he learned that Gu Zhao had a perfect score in the college entrance examination, even if he had to boast a few words about a local student in Kyoto every day, Pei Nan would come to challenge him.

As the No.3 of Kyoto City's personal trial this year, the first and second rounds were completely abused and could not be used as a practice.

And the others, after experiencing the high-intensity battle with him, couldn't stand his brown candy, and hid as much as they could.

After the announcement spread, it became even more difficult to find a training partner.

Pei Nan felt that being a bully could create a good excuse for sparring, so after getting satisfactory information, he would occasionally be used as a pistol.

After the big deal is over, just beat up the person who took advantage of him.

Thinking of this, Pei Nan crossed his arms and said with a sneer "threat":

"Martial Dojo No. 23. After the freshman entrance meeting, if you are a man, come here, don't make me look down on you! By the way, don't you have an elf girlfriend? If you don't come, I will tell you about your shrinkage and cowardice." Your girlfriend!"

Hearing these words, Gu Zhao sized up the silver-haired young man with strange eyes.

The information collection level of this product is really bad.

And it seems that the kung fu of making things up and turning black and white is not very good.

The silver-haired young man looked at Gu Zhao vigilantly and suspiciously, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"Why should I fight you? Is there any benefit?"

Gu Zhao suddenly turned his gaze to the bald giant.

"Ah?" Pei Nan was a little dazed, but he quickly came to his senses, with a dark and unbearable joy on his face, "It's true, you still have to get a lottery, so how about you bet on thirty meritorious deeds?"

"Grandma, there seems to be something going on! This time, you have to restrain yourself, don't punch this kid and run away."

Pei Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and kept admonishing himself in his heart. At the same time, he stared at Gu Zhao with piercing eyes, but saw him slowly shaking his head.

"You investigated me before you came. I don't have any information about you yet. Wait for two days."

Hearing this, Pei Nan felt anxious: "Grandma, who knows that you will delay for a few days. If you hide, where can I find you? Tonight!"

As he said that, he opened his giant palm to pat Gu Zhao's shoulder.

"Except for Liu Bin and other 12 people, all the freshmen are present, and the entrance meeting has officially begun!"

There was a thunderous sound in the air, and Li Changge, the vice president of Kyoto University, landed in the center of the rostrum with his green robe fluttering.

(End of this chapter)

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