After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 77 The Counter-Assault Against the Demons

Chapter 77 The No.1 Controversy Against the Demon Race

After the voice sounded, Pei Nan decisively chose to shut up.

Arrogance is also divided into objects. He can treat the officers of the student union as air, but he dare not chatter when Li Changge is speaking.

Pei Nan glanced at Gu Zhao from time to time, looking unwilling.

"Presumably many people have already discovered the specialness of this freshmen entrance trial meeting."

Li Changge on the rostrum smiled and went straight to the point, causing a brief commotion on the playground.

Except for a small number of students who were extremely surprised, most of the freshmen were calm, waiting for the vice principal on the stage to continue to reveal the truth.

Li Changge put one hand behind his back, and held the other hand facing the sky. The breeze blew past, and the green robe bulged up. Coupled with a confident smile, a guru's demeanor permeated the air.

The freshmen on the playground all looked forward to the scene in front of them.

3 minute later.

Still calm, nothing happened.


Li Changge frowned imperceptibly, and turned his questioning gaze to a figure in the sky.

After a while, his ears moved slightly, his face showed a look of surprise, he turned his wrist, and took out a jade tablet.


The moment the jade token just appeared, the ground of the whole playground shook slightly.

To be inaccurate, the entire space was shaking.

"What's going on here?!"

"My head is so dizzy!"

"It's not an earthquake, my internal organs are also shaking!"


The relatively well-informed freshmen of Kyoto University quickly noticed the abnormality of this vibration.

In the various spaces on the big playground, black and white rays of light are gradually generated, converging towards the center.

The outline of an object is already looming.

As time goes by, the object in the very center of the playground becomes clearer.

This is a mirror filled with ancient atmosphere.

At first glance, you will clearly feel the infinite power contained in this small mirror.

It seems that as long as you hold it in your hand, it is like owning the sun, moon, stars, and everything in the universe.

But if you blink your eyes and want to observe carefully again.

You will be surprised to find that it seems to no longer belong to this world.

Even close at hand, you will have a clear feeling - never be able to touch it.

"Virtual mirror!"

One after another exclamation echoed in the big playground.

Obviously, among the freshmen at Kyoto University, there are not many people who know the goods.

At this moment, their voices, eyes, and subtle movements all revealed their turbulent hearts.

Virtual and real mirrors, legendary props, treasures of the town!
Why does it condense out of this space?Could it be that the space they are in now is created by virtual reality?
This doubt occupies everyone's mind.

Li Changge beckoned again, and this time, the virtual and real mirror shrank rapidly in the air, and finally came into his hands.

"From now on, Kyoto University has entered a state of special combat readiness, and all students in this area are not allowed to leave the barrier!"

A stone stirs up a thousand weights.

"What? Special state of combat readiness!"

"The demons have come in?"

"I didn't even receive any news before, how could it be so sudden?"

"My uncle is a high-ranking member of the school, and I haven't heard anything about it!"


With a faint smile on Li Changge's face, he didn't speak again until the students' emotions calmed down a little:

"The Job Transfer Association has received accurate news that the Demon Race has dispatched all the active forces of the younger generation to prepare for a surprise attack on the entrance trials for freshmen in major schools!

After discussions with the high-level executives of the Job Transfer Association, we decided to close the door and beat the dog!Didn't the demons want to take this opportunity to break up our younger generation, but they don't know that they are the ones who are going to break up this time! "

On the playground, most of the freshmen were already dazed by the heavy news.

A thick and resonant voice sounded from the area where the Guardian Department was located.

"Principal Li, if it's like what you said, why did you tell us now? The entrance examination for freshmen will take place in two days. Do you want us to stay here forever?
If you let us out, if the news leaks, the consequences will be disastrous!If you don't go out, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the demons! "

Li Changge looked at Pei Nan, who was stroking his bald head and raising doubts in the audience, nodded, and explained:

"That's right, you guys have to stay here.

Because of the particularity of the secret realm of the Newborn Trial, we cannot send strong people into it.In order to ensure everyone's safety, the school will distribute powerful attack and defense scrolls to all freshmen to deal with the surprise attacks of the demons.

And select a group of elites to form a small team to carry out special tasks. These two days are the critical running-in period.

As for your disappearance, will it arouse the suspicion of the demons?Put your heart in your belly, this problem can be solved by its own virtual and real mirror. "

"How to deal with it?"

Pei Nan asked subconsciously, but Li Changge smiled and said nothing.

"This year's team recruitment process is cancelled, everyone will enter the virtual reality environment for actual combat selection!"

Li Changge stroked the virtual and real mirror with his hand, and then pointed to the air.

A huge vortex formed in the air, emitting a powerful suction.

Amid bursts of exclamation, most of the people on the playground were sucked into it one by one.

Just a moment later, there were only a thousand people left on the big playground, wondering why they didn't go in.

"Students, it is a pity that you did not pass the preliminary screening."

Hearing this sentence, the rest of the people on the field all had ugly faces, not knowing when the preliminary screening will be carried out.

Li Changge's eyes swept across the doubtful and puzzled faces of the freshmen below the stage:

"Initial screening is done at the playground entrance."

Hearing this, some people suddenly realized, their faces were full of regret, and they regretted secretly.

Just when their hearts were heavy, another sentence from Li Changge made them smile instantly.

"Please wait patiently, staff will distribute the blessing of life and scrolls of Pyroblast to you later."

The school is so generous!

The two scrolls of "Blessing of Life" and "Pyroblast" are between level [-] and level [-].

Scroll props are difficult to make, and the price is generally extremely expensive. Even if most of them are from good families, they can't help but feel happy when they hear the news that the school will distribute them for free.

In the previous entrance trials for new students, they were not allowed to bring scrolls and other things that disrupted the balance, but now this restriction is obviously gone.

With these two things on his body, it is not difficult to save his life or kill the demons.

And killing the demons, according to the regulations of the job changer association, will get a lot of merit.

Thinking of this, everyone on the field is already eager to try, wishing that the time will jump to the day after tomorrow, and then launch an attack on the demons.


Inside the virtual mirror.

Gu Zhao woke up from the chaos and slowly opened his eyes.

It can be seen that he is currently in a fairly spacious room, which is about [-] square meters.

There are seven or eight people around, who are in a coma.

And one of them was Pei Nan, a giant bald man.

"Can the spiritual attribute of the guardian system be so high?"

Wearing a snow-white robe, like a snow lotus standing proudly on the Tianshan Mountain, a woman with a cold temperament gently pushed open the wooden door and walked into the room.

Gu Zhao sized up the woman who suddenly appeared, but didn't feel any threat from her.

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

At this time, Gu Zhao was really confused.

Didn't you say you want to be selected?
He thought he was going to appear in the ring for a few rounds.

How come to a room inexplicably.

"When asking who someone else is, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

The woman with a cold temperament looked indifferent, looked at the several people around who were still in a coma with disgust, and replied.

"Are you a freshman too?"

Gu Zhao did not introduce himself according to the woman's request, but continued to ask.

"if not?"

While speaking, the cold woman lifted up her robe slightly.

First, there was the sound of the collision of the little leather boots and the flesh, and then there was a scream.

Pei Nan jumped up from the ground, flipped his wrist, and held a giant ax tightly.

"court death!"

The giant bald man opened his eyes angrily, and was about to swing the giant ax in his hand, but when he woke up and saw the figure in front of him, he was suddenly startled:
"Sister Yan?! You kicked me?"

"What else? Wake up those fools on the ground."

The woman in white robe ordered.

"Good Le!"

The anger on Pei Nan's face disappeared, and he wanted to do things in a hurry.

Passing by Gu Zhao's side, feeling the surprised gaze, he suddenly couldn't hold back his face, widened his eyes as big as copper bells, and pouted in the direction of the woman in white robe:
"What are you looking at? I'm not so humble because I like her! That's the eldest sister of Kyoto! I'm doing it out of respect, understand?"


Although it was a bit inexplicable for this big bald man to suddenly be emotionally involved, Gu Zhao still nodded solemnly.

The palm of his hand brushed across the hairless skull, Pei Nan had a toothache, and felt as if he had accidentally revealed a secret.

He peeked at the woman in white robe, seeing that she didn't seem to notice, he was relieved immediately, and happily kicked the other unconscious people.

"Don't sleep, don't sleep!"

"Li Zijian, you can't do No. 1 trial, you're still sleeping here!"

"This classmate, wake up!"


A burst of chicken and dog jumping.

At the moment when everyone woke up from the coma, a majestic voice suddenly came from the space.

"Nine students with full marks in the college entrance examination, congratulations! You are here because of your strength among your peers. In the next 10 minutes, please choose five people to form a team to carry out the core task of this operation."

Hearing this, most of the people present looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only for 10 minutes?
Ask them to choose five people by themselves?
How to choose?
For a while, everyone fell into a brief silence.

"In order to save time, two teams, the winner advances, and one has a bye. If the loser refuses to accept, he can challenge the bye. If the number of dissatisfied reaches or exceeds two, the winner will be decided among the dissatisfied. How? ?”

The woman in white robe said casually.


A dark and thin young man agreed first, and he didn't seem to care much about this matter, but stared at the white robe woman.

"Only 10 minutes, hurry up! How to group?"

"Draw lots or choose your own opponent?"

"I think it's better to draw lots."


The dark young man turned a deaf ear to the discussion in his ears, stared at the woman in white robe with piercing eyes, and said word by word:

"It doesn't matter to others, I want to choose you as my opponent, can I?"

The moment the dark young man said these words, the air froze for a short time.

Several local students in Kyoto, including Pei Nan, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although this thin young man who challenged like a woman in white robes was not good in appearance, his name was resounding.

His name is Li Zijian, and he is No.1 in this year's personal trial of the Kyoto City College Entrance Examination!
Known as the peerless genius who crushes his generation!
From childhood to adulthood, I have been challenged by others.

Are you challenging someone else now?

Except for Pei Nan, the rest of them didn't know the white-robed woman in front of them, and their eyes kept communicating.

Pei Nan stared blankly at the white-robed woman whose face remained unchanged.

Yan Zixin is three years older than him, and has been the object of his admiration since childhood.

A few days ago, he could never have imagined that Yan Zixin would be in the same class as him!

Pei Nan didn't understand why the always arrogant Li Zijian challenged the unknown Yan Zixin.

I don't understand why Yan Zixin is also a member of the full score in the college entrance examination, obviously she didn't take the college entrance examination at all.

After thinking for a while, he was about to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by a cold voice.


Yan Zixin's gaze remained calm, so she did not shift her attention to Li Zijian.

Those clear eyes are like a bottomless cold pool, as long as others glance at them, they will willingly sink into it, to experience the coldness hidden in it.

Hearing that Yan Zixin chose to agree, Li Zijian nodded slightly, and a look of joy appeared on his face that had not changed for thousands of years.

The reason why he suddenly chose to challenge the little-known Yan Zixin was because he had learned an important piece of news from his grandfather.

This seemingly calm but powerful action has something to do with Yan Zixin, and it is precisely because of this credit that this woman has met the application conditions for special enrollment.

This is nothing, Li Zijian at most admires this woman.

However, his grandfather Li Changge was full of praise for Yan Zixin, and praised her as the No.1 of the younger generation in front of him.

This makes him unacceptable!
Li Zijian's parents died since he was a child, and he grew up under the careful care of his grandfather Li Changge.

His greatest wish is to make Li Changge proud of him!

And he did. From the year he was 15 when he was in high school, Li Zijian has been No.1 until this woman appeared.

From that day on, Li Zijian has been looking for an opportunity to fight with Yan Zixin, to prove that he is truly No.1, no matter in the past, present or future!
Today is a great opportunity!Grandfather Li Changge is in control of the virtual and real world, and he can witness how he won in 360 degrees with no dead ends!

Of course, even if there is a one-in-a-million chance in his opinion, Li Zijian is confident to fight back.

Except for Yan Zixin, no matter who the bye is, he doesn't take it seriously.


Li Zijian showed a stiff smile.

(End of this chapter)

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