Chapter 78
"and many more."

With Pei Nan's usually straightforward temperament, there was a bit of hesitation on his face at this moment.

He really didn't understand these two people.

First, Yan Zixin woke up from a deep sleep. Apart from being happy for her, Pei Nan felt a little bit sorry, thinking that she missed this year's college entrance examination and would have to wait for the next one.

But who knew that this woman somehow became the special admissions student of Kyoto University, which is extremely difficult to apply for.

Pei Nan was really curious about how Yan Zixin met the application requirement that stopped countless people and said that almost no one who had just changed jobs could meet it—contributed to the human race.

He once asked his distant relatives who held high positions in Kyoto University, but the other party kept silent.

It's just such a little transparent who has just woken up, has almost no interpersonal relationships in the freshman, and no one pays attention to him except himself, the "starchaser".

To be called and challenged by Li Zijian, who has always been known for his arrogance and indifference? !
Is Li Zijian having a convulsion?

Questions occupied Pei Nan's mind, and finally drove him to speak:

"Hey, Li Zijian, why are you challenging Sister Yan for no reason?"

"I want to be No.1."

Li Zijian's dark face did not turn, he was still staring at Yan Zixin who was not far away.

"Didn't you become No.1 a long time ago? What's the fuss? You have nothing to do to bully someone who just woke up, right?" Pei Nan frowned tightly, "It shouldn't be difficult for you to advance, it's necessary to eat like this Is it ugly?"

Pei Nan knew that this task was very important, and the benefits he would get after completing it would be enormous, but he never imagined that Li Zijian would actually give up his pride in his heart in order to advance steadily, and even used extremely ridiculous reasons to challenge a job transfer time There are far fewer women than them.

Yan Zixin woke up more than a month after they changed jobs.

For those freshmen who are currently in the initial stage of changing jobs, the extra month or so is enough for a person to become more familiar with their profession and master a few more skills.

In the initial stage when the means of attack were extremely scarce, Li Zijian undoubtedly had a huge advantage.

Facing Pei Nan's doubts and misunderstandings, Li Zijian raised his eyelids, and his tone was affirmative:

"She was approved by my grandfather and is now No.1."

Having said that, he paused, with a confident look on his face, and continued: "But she won't be anymore soon."

Pei Nan was confused.

There are obstacles in communication, and Li Zijian is a little arrogant, but he has never shown symptoms of mental illness.

So there must be some information in the middle that he doesn't know.

As it was about the goddess, Pei Nan had to give up his beloved force, which could not conjure the truth out of thin air, and began to use his brain.

It is known that Yan Zixin has made a lot of contributions to the human race, and has met the most difficult application requirements for special recruitment places at Kyoto University.

And Li Changge, vice president of Kyoto University, as the general reviewer of the special recruitment quota, must be aware of the meritorious service made by Yan Zixin.

From what Li Zijian said just now, it can be concluded that his grandfather Li Changge admired Yan Zixin very much and called her No.1 of the younger generation.

"That's right."

Pei Nan touched his bald head and suddenly realized.

The only thing I don't know now is what kind of credit Yan Zixin made, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Yan Zixin, who was praised by the always upright Li Changge, is definitely not a parallel importer.

His goddess shouldn't be crushed by Li Changge like him... right?

Pei Nan's heart was still a little beating.

But Yan Zixin, who was the focus of everyone's attention and surrounded by a mysterious aura, didn't care about her next opponent at the moment, nor did she pay attention to her little fanboy Pei Nan.

Her face was flat, but she was actually quietly looking at Gu Zhao from the corner of her eye.

"I don't seem to have any impression of this young man."

The people who are in this space now are all the mainstay of the future human race.

Apart from Gu Zhao, Yan Zixin also had some impressions of these people.

After all, they were the juniors who were three years younger than her in the previous life. The circle of Kyoto University is only so big, and it is normal to know famous people of all grades.

But she tried hard to recall, but she didn't find any clues about the word "Gu Zhao" from her memory.

"It should have been killed in that demon attack."

Looking at the positions of these local students in Kyoto she knew, there was a faint tendency to exclude Gu Zhao.

Most of Gu Zhao is a foreign student, and he is not familiar with them.

In the demon raid in the previous life, the casualties were the most severe for those with weak foundations and lack of life-saving means.

Yan Zixin came to a conclusion, a little excited, and then a sense of accomplishment rose in her heart.

"My anonymous voice transmission book, I really don't know how many future mainstays I have saved! It is also worthy of the status of a reborn person."

After sending the anonymous letter, she was thinking about how to get into Kyoto University.

Living outside for a year is definitely not as fast as living in Kyoto University for a year.

There are some special training devices that she cannot obtain through foresight; there are some special secret places that outsiders are not qualified to enter.

If you want to become a student of Kyoto University, apart from passing the college entrance examination, the only way left is special recruitment.

Therefore, after carefully selecting the "mobile heroes", we found the method that is relatively the least suspicious.

Yan Zixin "accidentally" discovered the clues of the demons on the element spar, and carried out a series of actions to confirm the purpose of the demons bravely and strategically, and miraculously did not startle the snake.

In the end, Li Changge, vice president of Kyoto University, personally went to the secret place No. 9157 and other places, beheaded many demon generals, and took away countless element spars.

The demons suffered heavy losses, and Yan Zixin made enough contributions.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fear of arousing everyone's suspicion, she would have revealed all the medium-sized plans that the demons were carrying out during this period of time in her memory.

But there is no rush, she will continue to "accidentally" discover these plans...


A voice suddenly came from not far away, interrupting Yan Zixin's thoughts.

She raised her head, looked at Li Zijian, who was a little anxious, and chuckled, "Please."

At the moment when the words just came out, the air seemed to be frozen for a short time.

The onlookers retreated to the surroundings of the room, leaving enough space for the two of them.

"Is it a little small?"

Li Zijian scanned the surrounding environment, feeling that this was unfair to Yan Zixin.

He is an Assassin with a positive fighting style, while Yan Zixin is said to be a Mage.

Wouldn't it be more advantageous in this kind of space?
Before the words fell, Li Changge, who was in control of the virtual reality, seemed to have heard his words.

The room expanded silently, no matter in length, width or height.

Yan Zixin raised her eyebrows slightly, but she didn't take the initiative to distance herself from Li Changge.

"Are you not going back?"

"It's not necessary."

Hearing Yan Zixinqing's cool and flat words, Li Zijian's complexion changed, his expression was a little angry, and his already dark face became as dark as the bottom of a pot at this moment.

"You look down on me?"

There was a bit of certainty in his questioning tone, and what was aroused in his heart was not only anger, but also a high-spirited fighting spirit.

How many years?This is the first peer to despise him so much.

What a fresh feeling.

He stopped talking nonsense, and took the initiative to step back. After a certain distance, he took off his coat, revealing the light armor on his body.

The light in his hand flickered, and a sharp dagger that emitted a glimmering blue light and was somewhat illusory appeared in his hand.

Holding the dagger in his hand, he swung it down at will, and there was a squeak when the air was cut.

This sword is different from the rapiers held by ordinary assassins.

Although short in length, the blade is broad, holding it like a small shield in the hand.


No, it's a small shield now!
With a buzzing sound, the somewhat illusory and strange short sword suddenly emitted a strong blue light.

After a while, the light dissipated, and what appeared in Li Zijian's hand was a small round shield with sharp edges.

On the other side, Yan Zixin, who was rumored to be a mage professional, did not take out the staff, but put on a pair of pure white and flawless crystal gloves, and then tapped her head to indicate that she was ready.

Seeing this, Li Zijian nodded in the same way, and was about to speak when he was interrupted by a somewhat familiar voice from all directions.

"Yan Zixin vs. Li Zijian, start now!"

As soon as the words finished, Li Zijian yelled, and striding towards Yan Zixin holding a small round shield, his body was surrounded by a faint blue light, which became brighter and brighter.

He maintained a constant speed throughout and seemed in no rush to attack.

Facing the approach of the enemy, Yan Zixin still did not distance herself, and made a hand gesture with both hands in front of her chest, and then kept her posture, motionless.

It looked like an eternal ice sculpture on the top of a snow-capped mountain, exuding a cold and holy atmosphere.

Seeing this scene, Li Zijian was at a loss, not sure what kind of medicine Yan Zixin was selling in the gourd.

But Yan Zixin did not launch an attack, so he is not in a hurry now.

No matter what tricks the opponent is doing, as long as he is allowed to complete the accumulation of momentum, he can complete the crushing head-on.

This is the self-confidence of being a star sea traveler!

You can turn into starlight, hide in the sea of ​​stars and wait for an opportunity to launch an attack, or you can slowly accumulate momentum, and finally make yourself as unstoppable as the Milky Way Falling Nine Heavens!
Just when Li Zijian was full of confidence, a bone-piercing chill suddenly spread throughout his body, quickly driving away the heat in his body.


Li Zijian was a little surprised, he had seen many strange attack methods, this sudden chill was not unusual.

But he had never seen a coldness that could reach this level.

"As expected of the person my grandfather praised."

Li Zijian nodded slightly to express his approval, but he did not change his attack method, continued to advance at a constant speed, and accumulated strength.

When he activates this momentum-gathering skill, his physique will get an all-round bonus, and his cold resistance will naturally be improved.

The chill on his body could only slow down his speed, but it did not pose any threat to Li Zijian.

Holding this mentality, Li Zijian had just walked more than ten steps when he suddenly frowned slightly.

The chill suddenly intensified significantly.

After walking ten steps further, Li Zijian licked his pale lips.

When he took the third ten steps, Li Zijian's expression changed drastically.

"Can't wait any longer!"

The continuously increasing chill had almost reached the upper limit of his cold resistance.

His movement speed is also getting slower and slower. If he continues, he may not be able to walk in front of Yan Zixin, and he will be frozen into a popsicle.

make a prompt decision.

Li Zijian finished gaining momentum, and the round shield in his hand turned into that weird dagger again, and a faint blue light suddenly appeared on his body.

The whole person is like a meteor, rushing towards Yan Zixin with an unstoppable momentum, as if to smash this "ice sculpture" to pieces.

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, but Yan Zixin has never made any move, as if she has really turned into an ice sculpture.

Fifty steps, thirty steps, ten steps!

Li Zijian's figure inadvertently disappeared in place, and reappeared in the blink of an eye.

But this time, he and Yan Zixin are already close at hand.


Li Zijian came to a conclusion in his mind.

No legal profession in the younger generation can escape his assassination at such a close range!

His "star sea twinkling" just now can be called a trump card. It not only has the effect of accumulating strength, but also can catch the opponent off guard.

Li Zijian stabbed directly at Yan Zixin's slender jade neck with his short sword, without any hesitation, and the speed was extremely fast.

When the sword's edge was less than ten centimeters away from her, a faint smile appeared on Yan Zixin's face, like a winter plum blossoming, and a dark fragrance hit her.

She raised her jade hand and grabbed the edge of the sword, and there was a resounding sound of gold and iron clashing.

The pure white and flawless glistening gloves seemed indestructible, firmly receiving Li Zijian's bound to be extremely sharp sword.

A thick layer of frost quickly spread from the junction of the glove and the blade to the hilt.


Li Zijian's eyes widened in disbelief. Even if he wasn't fully prepared, the power contained in this blow was by no means something a legal profession could block!

And still keep going!

The kind that doesn't even shake the arms!

"You yourself are an assassin who is good at direct combat, why can't I be a mage who is good at close combat?"

As she said that, she raised her other palm and patted Li Zijian slowly and quickly.

Seeing the slender hand wearing pure white gloves gradually approaching, Li Zijian wanted to move his body, but found that his joints became extremely stiff.

"I can't avoid it. If I can carefully test it when facing the unknown, instead of holding on to the idea of ​​being invincible at the same level, will the result be different?"


Li Zijian's thinking was at a standstill, his whole body was covered with solid ice, and he truly became an ice sculpture!
"Yan Zixin wins!"


Somewhere above Kyoto University.

A disc with a diameter of three meters seems to be fixed in midair.

On the disc, a red-haired demon is holding a special telescopic prop, lying on his stomach and carefully observing the scene below.

"Jing 77, is there anything unusual? You keep looking there. Lay down and rest, aren't you tired?"

A chubby demon next to the red-haired demon yawned with a lazy expression.

"No, but didn't the commander put us on high alert before leaving?"

"Hey, think hard. Don't you see clearly what can happen? The group of human races below are busy holding the freshman orientation meeting just like this time in previous years."

The red-haired demons were not affected by the words of the chubby demons, and they still inspected every corner of Kyoto University meticulously.

In the end, with piercing eyes, he turned his attention to the large playground of Kyoto University, and continued to watch the Human Race's freshman orientation meeting with some curiosity.

On the rostrum, Li Changge, the vice president of Kyoto University, was giving an impassioned speech. Occasionally, when something interesting was mentioned, the playground would echo with laughter...

(End of this chapter)

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