Chapter 79
"Look, the human race's freshman orientation meeting is over!"

The red-haired demon looked serious, and quickly patted the chubby demon beside him.

In the scene he observed, the freshmen had already started to file out, talking and laughing, scattered around the school.

The chubby demon propped up his body, glanced down, closed one eye, and lazily responded:
"Ouch, isn't this normal? They can still eat and drink on the playground? What a fuss."

"You lazy bastard!" The red-haired demon raised his foot and kicked his companion's ass, shaking his head.

Behind the two demons, a small red and black flower quietly appeared.

In an instant, an invisible wave came out, and the entire space was blocked.

"Why are there just two little soldiers, where is their leader?"

The flower stem of "Dead Silence" shook, a little puzzled.

An invisible wave came out, causing the bodies of the two demons to tremble slightly.

"Dead Silence" jumped up and down in front of the dumpy demon.

"Little fat man, where are you in charge? Why are you two watching such an important place?"

The voice echoed in the air like this, without any disguise.

But the red-haired demons who have always worked hard have never heard of it. Only the fat demons turned over on the disc, rolled to the edge, and replied in a trance:
"The commander said that there is a sudden emergency call from the family, and it is extremely urgent. The reinforcements can't be sent out, so we can only let the two of us stay here and pass the message through the voice transmission book."

"Is it urgent?"

There was a bit of disdain in the "dead silence" tone.

When it turned its attention to the Kyoto University below, it suddenly noticed something strange.

The freshmen who walked out of the playground of Kyoto University, although they looked very normal, carefully felt that they even had a vitality that matched this age group.

But there is a flaw that is extremely difficult to be noticed by ordinary people, that is, there is no smell of death on his body.

But for "Dead Silence", this flaw is to gather one hundred long-burning lights together in the dark night.

"To be able to achieve this level, I'm afraid it's because of the use of virtual and real mirrors. It's just that the user's ability is a bit weak, and the illusions created are not very good."

"Dead Silence" swayed the flower body, and commented slowly.

"These two idiots don't know that what they see is an illusion. The demons are also a group of idiots, and they fell into the trick of turning the tiger away from the mountain so easily."

Thinking of this, the red and coquettish little flower told the dumpy demon: "Hey, little fool, stop talking to yourself."

After finishing the aftermath, "Dead Silence" flew towards Kyoto University below.

It needs to carefully confirm the precise location where Gu Zhao disappeared, and see if it can do something.

After the silence left, the chunky demon who was lying on the disc suddenly muttered to himself:

"Hey, I'm such a little fool. I can't do anything. Even when I'm lazy, I will be caught by the commander and taught me a lesson. I'm so stupid, really."

There was a pause in his tone, and the chunky demon suddenly pulled out his hand and slapped himself hard on the mouth.

"Damn it, I'm even more foolish for talking to myself! Stop!"

The red-haired demon was on the side, staring at his companion's performance dumbfounded, not sure what he was up to...


"Yan Zixin wins!"

The voice of Li Changge, vice president of Kyoto University, reverberated in the space, with a bit of surprise and joy.

Surprised that Yan Zixin's fighting power is so strong.

The joy is that someone can finally tell his grandson the truth of "There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond heaven" with facts.

Li Zijian's efforts from childhood to adulthood are naturally seen by him, and he is indeed proud of his grandson.

But with the passage of time, Li Zijian continued to win, and his personality became more and more conceited.

Continuing to win like this is bound to make people inflated.

If he was defeated when the expansion reached the limit or at a certain important point, Li Zijian might have a complete emotional breakdown because he couldn't accept it.

It is a good thing to be defeated now.

Hearing the "broadcast" of her victory, Yan Zixin smiled lightly, but her intoxicating face turned pale.

Obviously, it was not easy for her to "kill" Li Zijian just now.

Yan Zixin raised her hand, and an ice-blue halo began to emit from the crystal gloves.

When the halo touched Li Zijian, who had been turned into an ice sculpture, it was like the blazing sun at noon, melting the thick layer of ice covering his body.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

As soon as it thawed, Li Zijian coughed violently, and some fine bloody ice slags were coughed out of his mouth.

The next moment, Li Zijian and Yan Zixin were surrounded by several light beams full of vitality.

After a while, the light beam dissipated, leaving behind two people who had almost recovered but were mentally exhausted.

Glancing at Li Zijian who was sluggish in place, Yan Zixin reminded everyone:

"You guys are going to draw lots or something?"

Hearing the cold voice in his ear, Pei Nan woke up like a dream.

What did he just see?
Li Zijian, the undefeated myth among the young generation in Kyoto, was actually taken by someone in a second?
"As expected of Yan Zixin, who is known as the Goddess of No. [-] Middle School, not only is she beautiful, but her strength is also the best in the world!"

Just when Pei Dong was still in a state of mental shock, a burst of admiration came.

Everyone looked sideways, and found that the person who made the sound was a well-dressed son, who was also No. 2 in the personal trial of the Kyoto City College Entrance Examination——Qu Heng.

There was a proper smile on Qu Heng's well-organized face. Although the content of what he said was a little nasty, but from him, it gave people an inexplicable sense of sincerity.

Like he really thought so.

"Student Qu cannot be praised so highly."

Yan Zixin pulled out a smile, but her tone was extremely cold.

This is a famous big scumbag in his previous life, the really scumbag kind, to him it's a trivial matter to step on three or five boats.

The most beastly thing I have ever done is pua girlfriends, encourage them to make purple sand, and take pleasure in it.

Right now I'm still pretending to be a human being, but it won't last long.

When she frees her hands, she will naturally shake out his shocking deeds one by one.

On the other hand, Qu Heng, who didn't know that he had been sentenced to death, was smiling, suppressing the coveting in his heart, trying his best to show his elegance and demeanor.

"This woman is qualified to be my official girlfriend. Her cool temperament, hot body and strong strength are perfect!"

Pei Nan noticed Qu Heng's fiery gaze, felt a little uncomfortable, stepped forward to block his sight, and urged:
"Okay, don't be silly, since no one is calling for the challenge, let's quickly draw lots!"

Seeing that his line of sight was blocked, Qu Heng moved his position, but found that Pei Nan also moved his position. Turning his eyes, he understood the intention of the bald giant, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He wanted to challenge Pei Nan and eliminate him, but felt that he was losing his grace, so he waited honestly for the draw in the end.

"Seven number cards have been generated, please draw the number one, number one against number six, number two against number five, number three against number four, number seven has a bye."

Li Changge took advantage of the characteristics of the evolution of all things in the virtual and real mirror, and generated seven identical wooden signs out of thin air, allowing him to choose.

Soon, everyone finished choosing.

The number plate that Gu Zhao got was number six, which meant that his competitor was number one.

Who is number one?
Gu Zhao subconsciously looked around at the crowd.

"Damn it, No. [-]! It's over, I have a bye!"

The wailing came from a short-haired young man on Gu Zhao's left.

As a bye, his opponent in the next round is very likely to be Li Zijian who was killed from the loser group!
It's a fart!
Everyone didn't care about his sadness, Pei Nan urged loudly: "Who are No. [-] and No. [-], hurry up!"

Hearing this, Gu Zhao and Qu Heng walked towards the center of the room at the same time, their eyes met, and they were both stunned.

"Is this the sycophant just now?"

"This is my opponent in the next round. Judging by the degree of his appearance, he should be an outsider. Let's make a quick decision and show the goddess your strength, paving the way for future conquests!"

Qu Heng looked confident, and he also had reasons for his confidence.

It's not for nothing to be the second child of Wannian for so long, although he has become the third child now.

The two were soon ready.


With an order, Qu Heng waved his hands quickly, scattered a large number of black threads in the air, and disappeared, then took out his staff, and quickly released defensive spells around him one by one.

Gu Zhao swung his sword, and cut off the obstacle that suddenly appeared in front of him, which had already been woven into a web of black threads.

"Well, isn't this sword good?"

Qu Heng was a little surprised. The black net he created was not something that a cat or a dog could cut through.

At least it has to be the best of the best in excellent quality equipment.

Wei Wei thought about it for a while, seeing that the black net couldn't do anything to Gu Zhao, he shook his head.

Qu Heng waved his magic staff, hitting a series of spells into the air, but they disappeared.

"Hehe, won't you be punished if you come with an enchantment?"

He controlled the strengthened invisible giant net in the air, heading towards Gu Zhaodou from bottom to top.

"Catch this foreign boy directly, and then tie it into rice dumplings."

Qu Heng performed the script in his mind.

But the next moment.

The giant sword is still invincible!


Qu Heng's brows were directly twisted into a "Chuan" character, and he was very puzzled. He inadvertently stopped his waving staff and stared at the giant sword in Gu Zhao's hand.

But he didn't notice Gu Zhao's slowly raised left hand.

Most of the defensive spells that Qu Heng had arranged before did not respond at all, only a few were crazily alerting, drawing his attention back.

"What the hell?" Qu Heng subconsciously arranged the effective spells.

However, the speed of deployment is far less than the speed of failure.

After a while, beams of light suddenly appeared around him and enveloped him.


When Qu Heng regained consciousness again, a huge sword was already across his neck.

See another instant kill!

"Gu Zhaosheng!"

After the result was announced, the scene instantly boiled!

Among them, Pei Dong had the worst facial expression management.

He rubbed his eyes from time to time, wondering if he was in a dream.

He recalled the words he had just said outside the mirror, and wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in!

What's the matter?He threatened the foreign boy for a long time, but he is actually a super expert who can kill the person who beat him with one move?
The clown is me!
Li Zijian, who just came back to his senses, looked complicated.

He could never have imagined that in less than 10 minutes, No. 2, the No. [-] player among the young generation in Kyoto, was killed in seconds!

He and Qu Heng became the defeated opponents of two little-known people one after another.

And with the performance of this foreign student, it may not be difficult to defeat Li Zijian.

It's sad...

"It seems that my rebirth has saved a future star." Yan Zixin's eyes sparkled.

Although she and Gu Zhao both killed each other with one move, their family members knew about their affairs.

Yan Zixin used her hole cards to freeze Li Zijian, and almost collapsed, just standing there with force.

And look at that Gu Zhao!

Be calm and relaxed, just like a normal person!
The huge gap between her and Gu Zhao is self-evident.

"In the future, if there is an opportunity that I can't get, I can recruit this man as a helper. Well, but first we need to understand his character. If he has a good character, it will be much easier to use than Li Zijian."

Yan Zixin listed Gu Zhao as the object of investigation.

"how come??"

Feeling the unparalleled sharpness on his neck, Qu Heng has no doubt that his life is in Gu Zhao's hands at this moment.

he lost...

Lost in a mess, completely defeated.

He didn't even see how Gu Zhao made his move!

And it's really embarrassing, he just showed great hospitality to the goddess!
"Zhuo! I miss the name Wannian Er Er!"

And since he lost the game against Gu Zhao, he will go to play a rematch against Li Zijian.

He has never won a serious one-on-one...

This almost declared the failure of his competition core mission.

Thinking of this, Qu Heng took a deep breath, and his face was gloomy: "This foreign boy who suddenly appeared really ruined my good deed!"

Without him, I can make a good impression in front of the goddess.

Without him, he would be able to successfully become one of the five people to carry out the core mission.

And after completing the core tasks, they will receive a large amount of merit and intangible rewards including fame.

According to the habit, Qu Heng put all the responsibility on Gu Zhao.

He glared at Gu Zhao bitterly, and looked at Yan Zixin with some trepidation in his heart, unexpectedly, his eyes met.

Yan Zixin smiled brightly, as if the ice and snow had melted, it was touching.

Qu Heng's heart was beating wildly, and he was secretly happy, thinking that the goddess was not affected by his poor performance just now, and developed a bad feeling towards him.

"There is still a chance, go back and quickly get rid of the two girls from other schools you just got!"

Although the several freshmen present had their own ideas, the selection of places had to be carried out normally.

Pei Dong "there are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys dominate", and he also won a place.

Li Zijian and Qu Heng had a big battle in the resurrection match.

In the end, Li Zijian maintained the record of winning against Qu Heng, and he also successfully defeated the bye man, and won the last place to perform the core task.

So far, five people have been decided.

They are Gu Zhao, Yan Zixin, Li Zijian, Pei Dong and a woman in Tsing Yi named Ye Li.

They will form a temporary team to carry out the most difficult but most rewarding core mission in this big operation!

(End of this chapter)

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