After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 80 Moment of Time Yan Zixin's Doubts

Chapter 80 Moment of Time Yan Zixin's Doubts
"Congratulations to the five students."

Accompanied by this sound resounding in the space.

A faint radiance emerged from the bodies of the four eliminated, and then disappeared suddenly.

Li Changge appeared in front of Gu Zhao and others.With a faint smile on his face.

"Principal, what is our task?"

Pei Nan was gearing up, eager to try.

"No hurry, let me introduce you to the general situation of the trial secret realm first." Li Changge waved his hand, signaling him to be calm.

"This trial will be conducted in the Phoenix Mountain secret realm. Since there is a special volcano in the secret realm, we cannot send personnel over level [-] here, otherwise it is very likely to disturb the space, causing a series of chain reactions, and eventually leading to Volcano eruption.

We have already learned through internal channels that the demons will sneak into it by opening up space channels.

These demons think that their actions are very covert, and they can directly bypass various monitoring devices.But as everyone knows, as long as we close the space channel that they have spent countless efforts and time to open up, the younger generation of demons who sneaked into the secret realm will be wiped out! "

Having said that, Li Changge couldn't help showing a touch of excitement on his face.

this time.It is necessary to let the demons steal chickens and break their backs!

"Principal, what do you mean you want us to close the space channel?"

Pei Nan touched his bald head and asked.

"Well, your task is to find the space channel opened by the demons, and use this to destroy it." With that said, Li Changge took out two bronze-colored balls.

"Although the space channel built by the demons is strong, there are ways to quickly destroy it. As long as this prop is used within a radius of 500 meters from the entrance of the space channel, the space can be disordered and eventually lead to the collapse of the space channel.

I'll give you two and keep one as a spare.And this special communication device, remember to bring it with you. "

Li Changge took out another lavender dial and showed it to the temporary group of five.

"Grandpa...principal, what is this?"

Under Li Changge's gaze, Li Zijian took back his title of grandfather, and called him principal when doing business as agreed.

Li Zijian looked puzzled. He had seen a lot since he was a child, but he had never seen such a simple dial.

"This is something specially made for this operation. Isn't it normal that you haven't seen it before?" Li Changge answered for his grandson in a flat tone.

"For this special operation, the school made 51 locators. The one you see is the general locator, which can receive information from the other [-] locators. Now I will hand it over to you."

Li Changge waved his green robe, and two balls plus a total locator floated to Yan Zixin's hand beside him.

"Grandpa principal, do you mean that the other teams will cooperate with us?" Yan Zixin bit her lower lip lightly, expressing her guess.

"Yes, both sides of the space channel built by the demons are bound to be strictly protected. But we haven't found the specific location on the other side of the opening of the secret realm, so we can only destroy the space channel from the opening in the secret realm.

Although the main task of the younger generation of the demons is to kill our human youths, they will certainly not reduce the protection of their retreat.It is almost impossible to walk 500 meters near the passage with the five of you alone.

You will therefore have the aid of fifty elite squads.The task of these teams is to try to block and kill the Mozu squad as much as possible, and attract the attention of the Mozu for about it?Is there anything else I don't understand? "

"Uh, then how do we determine the location of the space passage?"

Among the five, Ye Li, who had always remained silent, raised her own question.

"After you enter the secret realm, the locator will point out the general direction of the space anomaly for you. As for the specific direction, it is up to you to determine it."

After finishing speaking, Li Changge seemed to have remembered something, fiddled with it for a while, and took out a large stack of scrolls.

"Almost forgot, this is a life-saving tool for you."

The scroll floated to everyone following Li Changge's words.

Pei Nan caught the scroll, and glanced across the thick stack of scrolls. His big copper bell eyes narrowed for a moment, and then widened in disbelief.

"Instant time?!"

The ultra-high decibel sound seems to make the space vibrate slightly.


"real or fake?!"

"The school paid out its money, and actually gave us this kind of thing?!"

The air was filled with exclamations one after another.

"Instant Time", a level [-] time scroll!

After use, everything in a space can quickly return to the way it was 5 minutes ago!

It can be called a fool of time, and it is a housekeeping stunt of one of the vice presidents of the job changer association.

Of course, there are some unknown problems in this trick, for example, when forcibly reversing the actions of a certain terrifying creature, the user will suffer backlash.

Despite such shortcomings, the magical skill of "moment of time" is still sought after by everyone.

After all, terrifying creatures that can cause backlash are not something that can be encountered casually.

"Instant Time" is suitable for many situations, for example, it has a miraculous effect in some situations where it is caught off guard and is wiped out by a small group of enemies.

It is a mid-to-high-level job changer who begs his grandpa to sue his grandma, and he has to find a way to get a life-saving item through his relationship.

Pei Nan and the others really didn't expect the school to spend so much money, and their faces were full of excitement at this moment.

Looking at the others, there are also four fifty-level scrolls for each person, two for healing and two for attacking.

Although this task is difficult.But with these things as guarantees, the safety will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

After distributing all the props, Li Changge's face suddenly became dignified. He took a deep breath, cupped his fists and bowed to the five people in front of him, and said word by word:

"This task is related to the future of the two races of humans and demons. I hope you will be more cautious in your actions."

Seeing this, Gu Zhao and others hurriedly returned the gift, but were supported by an invisible force.

After the ceremony, Li Changge smiled generously, and finally added:

"After destroying the space channel, you can run away. Be careful of the dying counterattacks of the demons. The job-changing association will expel countless strong men and forcefully enter the secret realm to take you back. As for the remaining demons, naturally It will be completely finished in the big eruption of Phoenix Volcano!"

As the words progressed, his figure slowly became blurred and finally disappeared completely.


After witnessing the disappearance of Li Changge's figure, the five people on the field looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Are we going to do coordination practice now?"

Pei Nan was the first to break the calm.

"That's true. Before that, let's introduce ourselves first. Let's briefly introduce our abilities. It's also for better cooperation in the future." A woman in Tsing Yi suggested that everyone nodded slightly and smiled. continued:
"Then let's start with me. The little girl's name is Ye Li, and her occupation is an enchanted gunner. She is good at medium and long-range fire coverage."

Pei Nan and the others nodded slightly, they naturally knew Ye Li.

Ye Li, a woman in Tsing Yi, focused her attention on Gu Zhao. She walked up to Gu Zhao, and with a shake of her arms, countless cannon barrels protruded from behind, pointing upwards:

"This little brother, as a guardian, please protect him~"

Gu Zhao calmly stared at the woman winking at him, as if there was a cloud of air in front of him.

Seeing that Gu Zhao didn't respond, Ye Li, the woman in Tsing Yi, curled her lips, cursed inwardly for being bored, stopped stalking her, and walked away coquettishly.

"Li Zijian is an assassin, but his fighting style is positive."

"Pei Nan, warrior class, pure man is fighting head-on!"

"Yan Zixin, a melee mage."

By the time the introduction got here, everyone had already noticed something went wrong.

There are too many melee types of occupations.

Among the five people, only Ye Li has a powerful long-range attack ability.

Even assassins are the type who don't like to hide in the dark, but charge openly.

Of course, Yan Zixin may be useful in long-range, but her melee ability is at the forefront of everyone.

It is impossible to give up the basics and let her be responsible for the remote.

Not to mention Pei Nan, Tie Melee is one.

Gu Zhao of the guardian system probably doesn't have any long-range attack methods.

This configuration is not balanced enough.

It is easy to become a living target in some situations, such as a group of them shooting at another group of people at a long distance, then whoever has the most firepower must have the upper hand.

There are two or three people on the opposite side who can launch a long-range attack, but their side is only equivalent to one and a half.

If the opponent is a demon soldier, that's fine, but if the opponent is also an elite, it will inevitably fall into a disadvantage.

I have a headache...

Just when Pei Nan and the others had a toothache, a sound resounded in the space.

"My name is Gu Zhao, and I am a guardian professional. I am good at control and melee attacks, and I am very fast."

"high speed?"

Hearing Gu Zhao's introduction, Pei Nan felt a little funny.

He admitted that Gu Zhao's control is indeed very strong, and he can restrain Qu Heng who is in the middle and short distance with only one move.

In this case, there is nothing wrong with saying that he is good at melee combat ability.

If you control a person, of course you have no ability to resist.You don't have the ability to resist, and you will die if I pass by with a sword. Of course, the melee ability is very good.


Li Zijian, an assassin class, didn't say how fast he is. How fast can you go with a guardian class? !
The more Pei Nan thought about it, the more he found it funny. He just wanted to make fun of it according to his own temperament, but when his eyes swept across Gu Zhao's calm face, his heart trembled.

"Forget it, Qu Heng has been controlled by one move. I'd better be honest."

Pei Nan was scared, but Li Zijian didn't care about it, and asked straightforwardly: "How fast?"

In Li Zijian's opinion.This is just an ordinary interrogation, which is helpful to understand the abilities of his teammates, not that he is acting strangely.

He also has no habit of being eccentric.

Listening to Li Zijian's question, Gu Zhao glanced across the faces of the people, taking into account the hidden or obvious doubts on their faces, and chuckled lightly:
"So fast."

Before he finished speaking, a pair of light golden wings spread out behind him.

Gu Zhao did not deliberately hide it, he deliberately added the sentence "very fast" in his self-introduction, just to take the opportunity to show part of his strength.

It's not about putting pens in front of pretty girls.

It is to pave the way for the "captain battle" that is bound to happen next.

That's right, since their temporary team has been formed, there must be a leader.

If there is no captain, who should he listen to when faced with emergencies and urgent decisions on the spot?

It can't be a direct debate.

By the time they finally decided, the day lilies were cold.

What's more, the total locator and the "momentary time" scroll are both unique. Whose hands should these two things be placed in?
The total locator is fine, the scroll of "Instant Time" is undoubtedly what everyone wants to hold in their hands.

This is the second life!

The only magic weapon when facing deadly threats!
What?After dying, count on your companions to use "instant time" to resurrect yourself?

I'm sorry he doesn't have the habit of putting his life on someone else's decision.

for example.

If this "momentary time" is not in his hands, and he has just entered the secret realm, and before he finds a hair of the demons, he encounters a life-and-death crisis and is killed directly.

Then, will the person who holds the "momentary time" choose to turn back time and save him?
Probably not.

Just say "We can't use up this vital hole card now, at the risk of dramatically increasing the possibility of mission failure."

Then you can stop everyone's mouths.

What he said is actually correct, what if at the next critical moment of destroying the space channel, it only needs the help of this scroll to succeed?
Moreover, competing for the captain can not only improve their own survival rate, but also improve the success rate of missions.

The strong master the scroll, which naturally reduces the possibility of hasty use in some emergencies.

Save the good steel and use it wisely.

Thinking about this, the wings of light behind Gu Zhao flickered, and while everyone was stunned, they flickered and reached hundreds of meters away, flickered again, and returned to the original place.

"Wing equipment?!!"

"You tm tell me that this speed can be achieved by a guardian system?"

"Gu Zhao is such a fast man!"


After the uproar, Pei Nan was the first to hold back the surprise in his heart. He stepped forward and cautiously stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the light wings behind Gu Zhao, but stopped half way and laughed.

That doesn't seem very polite.

"You actually have winged equipment?" Li Zijian's tone was full of envy.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always been someone else, growing up surrounded by others' envious and jealous eyes.

Now it's his turn to be envious and jealous!
Not far away, Yan Zixin was carefully sizing up this clear-eyed man.

A trace of doubt arose in my heart.

"This man has winged equipment, how did he fall in the demon raid? It doesn't make sense!"

When Gu Zhao only showed strong strength before, she was still thankful that her rebirth saved the future of a human race.

But Gu Zhao has wing-like equipment on him!
And from the perspective of speed, it is definitely not ordinary.

Even if you can't beat this group of demons, running must be no problem!

How did he hang up in the previous life?
Doubts abounded in Yan Zixin's heart instantly.

Could it be...

What else did the demons leave behind in this raid?
Yan Zixin instantly became vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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