Chapter 82 Born Double Pupil Li Daniu

Qingyun Mountains.

In the Moon Demon Clan resident hidden by the formation.

Tuoba Han was holding a telescopic prop, carefully observing a group of powerful dwarves whizzing past in the sky.

"Strange thing."

He frowned tightly, doubts rising in his heart.

"Commander, what's wrong?"

Standing behind him was a demon with a small golden horn on his forehead with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's too easy for these dwarves to leave!" Tuoba Han's face was full of seriousness, and he glanced at his confidant, "It doesn't seem like they came to search us at all, it's like they came here for a formality to attract our attention force."

"Getting our attention?"

Tuoba Han nodded lightly: "That's right, this is more like a slap in the face, the purpose is to divert the attention of our clan, so that the guards in a certain place will leave, and some time ago, the clansmen who transported the element spar were almost completely annihilated……"

"Element No. [-] crystal mine!"

The Demon Race with the small golden horn on his forehead suddenly realized, and a look of admiration suddenly appeared on his face.

The No. [-] element crystal ore is an important resource closest to the human race, and it has just been discovered.

Because it is too close to the front line, the demons are fully mining.

"En." Tuoba Han nodded calmly.

My subordinate still has some brains, and with more experience, he might be able to be alone in the future.

"Then shall we go to support now?"

Seeing that Tuoba Han nodded and admitted his guess, the Golden Horned Demons were a little excited, but they still asked cautiously.

Tuoba Han glared at the Golden Horned Demons, and replied angrily: "When is it? You go to support now, and you can't find a single hair of the enemy. What you have to do now is to wait patiently for news Send it back."

"But... but what if the No. [-] element crystal mine falls..." the Golden Horned Demons hesitated.

"Hehe, you may not be clear. After the accident of the transport personnel, our family tripled the guards of the No. [-] element crystal mine. If there are enemies coming, let alone wipe them all out. At least the crystal mine is as stable as Mount Tai."

Hearing the inside information about Tuo Bahan, the Golden Horn Demon Clan breathed a sigh of relief, and chose to believe the words of the most beloved grandson of the Second Elder of the Moon Demon Clan.

For a while, the scene fell into a brief silence, and the two demons quietly waited for the news to come.

A moment later, a crow made of smoke appeared in front of them, and when it touched Tuoba Han's finger, it suddenly turned into a piece of leather.

"The No. [-] element crystal mine was jointly attacked by the strong people of the human race and the three-eyed race, and the No. [-] warehouse was looted. Fortunately, the defense force is sufficient and the enemy has been repelled."

Tuoba Han informed the Golden Horn Demons about the information on the paper, and he was not angry because "the No. [-] warehouse was looted", with a faint smile on his face.

Warehouse No. [-] is a target placed by the demons on the bright side. Although the elemental spars inside are full, their purity is frighteningly low and their value is not high.

"The Terran Alliance has worked so hard for so long, if on the way back they found out that the harvest was frighteningly low, would they go crazy on the spot... Hahahaha"

Thinking of this, Tuoba Han couldn't help laughing out loud.


A deserted sky.

"Old Qin, how do you feel? Are you feeling better?" A middle-aged man with disheveled hair showed concern on his cold face, and asked the man not far away who had injured his left arm.

"Hey, that's great! I didn't expect that this group of turtle grandchildren would save their hands and secretly increase their defensive strength." Qin Furen gritted his teeth, secretly blaming himself for his carelessness.

Before coming here, he naturally knew that the demons might have increased their defense here, and when they broke through the element spar warehouse, they also had reinforcements to guard against the demons.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Race sent two waves of reinforcements to stop them.

After the Qin Fu people repelled the first wave of reinforcements and retreated for a long distance, thinking that the task had been completed and he was relaxed, he was attacked by the elders of the Moon Demon Clan firmly...

"Brother Zhao, Brother Liu, can you two kill the leader of the demon clan who is in charge of monitoring outside our Kyoto University?"

Qin Furen sprinkled a handful of purple-red powder on his wound, endured the pain and asked about the business.

Brother Liu and Brother Zhao he was talking about were two three-eyed shooters with strong single-point attack power. This time, they were assigned the task of sniping the eyeliner leader of Kyoto University who came to support him in the melee.

"It's been smashed to pieces." A long-haired three-eyed man responded flatly.

"Our two brothers went out and killed a little leader, and it's not easy." Another three-eyed tribe with thinning hair was full of confidence.

"Well." Qin Furen nodded, "Since the experienced eyeliner leader who may see the problem has been solved, the two little miscellaneous soldiers will not be able to see the illusion simulated by the virtual and real mirror."

The purpose of this operation was achieved.

The leader was solved, and there was no time to recruit other people from other places in just two days. As long as the two small soldiers were killed, Kyoto University would be safe and sound.

"I just don't know if the plans at other universities are going well..."


Two days later.

On a hill two hundred miles away from the secret place of Phoenix Mountain.

The vast demon clan is roughly divided into three groups.

Two of the groups are facing off, both aggressively.And another group of demons stood aside, happily eating melons.

"Murongdu, I haven't seen you in two months. You don't seem to have made much progress, and you still look weak. What's wrong? You've been drained again."

Tuoba Han folded his hands on his chest with a look of disdain.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a lot of echoing laughter behind Tuoba Han, who seemed to be mocking Murong Du.

"So arrogant!"




Behind the pale Murong Du, there was a sound of condemnation.

Murongdu and Tuobahan, the two demon clans, are of noble status.

One is the son of the patriarch of the Blood Demon Clan, and the other is the grandson of the second elder of the Moon Demon Clan.

They are similar in age, and they all have the title of commander but not the right to command.

They were very acquainted when they were young, but when they grew up, they fought tit for tat for the sake of fame and fortune.

The younger generation of demons who came to hunt the clan this time were divided into three camps because of the existence of these two.

A neutral camp composed of the Blood Demon camp, the Moon Demon camp, and other clans without a backbone.

"Hehe, it's just to show off your tongue." Murong Du sneered, showing that he didn't care about Tuoba Han's words.

But the clenched and slightly trembling fist revealed his uneasy heart.

"Okay, okay, let me show you some face in front of your clan, how about having a competition?"

The smile on Tuoba Han's face gradually grew stronger, ignoring the gorefiends behind Murongdu who were glaring at him, and suggested.

"What competition?" Murong Du's expression was gloomy.

Tuoba Han's eyes showed madness and bloodthirsty: "It's like who killed more human races in this hunting?"

"It doesn't seem fair." Murong Du frowned and shook his head, "There are also strong and weak in the human race, how can we generalize it, just compare the number of slaughtered?"

"Hehe, there is no absolute fairness. Luck is also a part of strength. If you encounter strong people one after another, then you are unlucky. What's more, don't you think this is more exciting?"

Tuoba Han closed his eyes, opened his arms, imagined the killing that was about to start for a while, and suddenly felt happy.

"Am I afraid that you will fail?" Murong Du's blood-red eyes took a deep look at Tuoba Han, and a strong expression of confidence appeared on his face.

As the two sides exchanged harsh words, the atmosphere slowed down a lot and no longer tense.

Murong Du and Tuoba Han also prepared to lead their younger brothers to find a place to rest and recuperate.

"Ouch, why didn't we fight?! I forgot to fan the flames!"

Suddenly, a loud voice of annoyance came from among the melon-eating crowd, which aroused the restlessness of the Moon Demon and Blood Demon clans.

"Who! Who's farting!"

"stand out!"

"Do you have the guts to speak, but don't you have the guts to admit it?"

"What is the crime of provoking the relationship between the two races!"


Amidst the noise, the surrounding melon-eaters quickly moved out of the passage, revealing a sturdy young man about two meters tall.

His eyes are eye-catching. Outside a pair of jet-black pupils, there is another pair of small purple pupils.

"Li Daniu?! Why are you here?"

Suddenly, there was a sound of breathing in the air.

"Why, can't the bastards you speak of come?!" Li Daniu's voice contained a bone-chilling chill, and there was no trace of intimacy when facing the same race, but full of hatred.

As a hybrid of demons and humans, he was not valued by the demon father when he was born, and he was treated like a transparent person, so he was named Li Daniu at will.

Before the age of 12, he lived with his mother who was taken captive.

If it's just like this, at most he doesn't have any good feelings for the demons, and he will leave with his mother when he grows up.

But on the night of his 12th birthday, with a scream from his mother's room...

He is alone now.

That's right, Li Daniu doesn't think he has a father.

The obsession that supported the 12-year-old boy's efforts to grow up amidst indifference and ridicule was revenge!

Take revenge on the leader of the blood demon clan who broke into his mother's room drunk seven years ago, wanted to do something wrong, and became angry after being sternly rejected!
Originally, his name was not included in this human hunting operation.

But with his hard work, he still got this spot.

"To destroy the demons, start with you soft persimmons!"

Li Daniu roared silently in his heart.

"Boy, don't think that you can be arrogant with a little talent. Do you believe that a word from labor and capital can make you a member of a small action team for the rest of your life."

Tuoba Han's face was gloomy, he took a few steps forward, and tapped Li Daniu's shoulder with his finger.

He has long disliked this Li Daniu.

Just a bastard, the bottom of the chain of contempt of the entire demon clan, dare to chirp at him, the grandson of the second elder of the blood demon clan, all day long.

If it weren't for the fear that others would laugh at him for his small belly, hehe...

"Tuobahan, why can't you be more generous with such a small belly?"

While Murong Du laughed at Tuoba Han, he walked towards Li Daniu.

"Brother, just watch the excitement and watch the excitement. We welcome it. But there is a piece of advice that my conscience tells me to speak out, that is, those who fan the flames generally do not end well."

As he said that, he was about to hang shoulders with Li Daniu and impart some life insights.

But Li Daniu ignored him, sneered, turned and left, leaving only Murong Du's arm in the air.


Murong Du felt a little regretful.

Wasn't it good to watch the fun just now?Don't come to touch this shit stick.


"Li Daniu, you don't know good intentions!"

"You bastard, how dare you be so bold!"

"Made, I can't take it anymore, the five of us brothers are going to single you out, do you dare to continue?!"

"Bully Brother Murong, be honest! Watch me take you!"



A small voice accurately passed into the ears of every demon clan, it was the leader of the blood demon clan.

"The elders are working hard to build a space channel, but you don't take good care of your state and play around here! Make a note of it first, and use a human head to offset it!"

Hearing this, all the demons breathed a sigh of relief and responded one after another.

In their view, this punishment is not too serious.

The scene fell into a brief calm.

After a while, the leader of the Blood Demon Clan once again rumored: "The space channel has been constructed, enter in the order previously arranged! The Demon Clan will win!"

"The demons will win!"

"The demons must..."

Amidst the shouts, Murong Du glanced at Li Daniu's back in front of him, and a chill flashed in those bloody eyes.

He has already made a death plan for Li Daniu.

"Collude with the human race, was exposed and reported by his companions, and beheaded on the spot."


Entrance to the secret realm of Phoenix Mountain.

Thousands of people were sitting or standing, waiting for the opening of the secret realm.

"Brother Gu Zhao, eat a grape~"

Ye Li, who was wearing a red light armor, used jade fingers like green onions.He picked up a grape and sent it to Gu Zhao's mouth.

During these two days of actual combat exercises, she really convinced Gu Zhao.

Every time she is in danger, she can be rescued in time.

Really feel safe!
As an enchanted gunner, you don't have to worry about output, it's like a dream!
Ye Li has already made up her mind to hug her thighs tightly. After the freshman entrance trial, whichever team Gu Zhao joins, she will be a follower and join that team.

Hug your thighs, it's not shabby.

"No thanks."

Gu Zhao frowned, but did not choose to accept Ye Li's kindness.

"Brother Zhao doesn't know how to be blessed in the midst of blessings!" Pei Nan wailed, "Sister Li, feed me, I will definitely accept it without hesitation!"

"You're so beautiful!" Ye Li rolled her eyes and threw the grape into her mouth.

I do not know how long it has been.

On the plain, an extremely wide giant light door slowly opened.

"The entrance test for new students has officially begun. Please keep your recorders safe so that when you leave the secret realm, you will be ranked according to your performance."

The sound rolled from mid-air.

The faces of the freshmen all had a trace of dignity. They knew that this was not just an ordinary entrance trial.

They shoulder part of the future of the human race, and their task is to try to eliminate the younger generation of the demon race who sneaked into the entrance test for freshmen at Kyoto University, and cut off part of the future of the demon race!

(End of this chapter)

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