Chapter 83 Illusion?two half moon discs

Stepping into the secret realm of Phoenix Mountain one step at a time, Li Daniu tried his best to control his emotions, not allowing himself to roar up to the sky according to his instinct.

The veins on the neck are bulging.

Before his strength reaches a certain level, he can only let his big enemy, the leader of the Blood Demon Race, continue to run free.

In the past seven years, every time he came into contact with the leader of the Blood Demon Clan, an uncontrollable killing intent rose in his heart, but in the end he forcibly endured it.

The pain and torment outsiders cannot imagine.

"See you next time, when I will take your dog's life!"

Li Daniu's eyes were firm, and he secretly made an oath in his heart.

He has decided to take this opportunity to defect from the Demon Race!

By the way, use the blood of these demons who have been bullying me as the capital to return to the human race!

Not far from Li Daniu, Murong Du was whispering in the ear of a red-haired demon with a strange look on his face.

"Do you understand? You take this thing, and when the time comes, take advantage of that bastard's unpreparedness and attack him from behind. After it's done, I will naturally not treat you badly."

With a sneer on his face, Murong Du handed a palm-sized box to the red-haired demon.

"Yes, Commander!"

The red-haired demon was very excited and nodded vigorously.

He had heard about Murong Du's generosity for a long time.

It's a pity that at his level, Murong Du would not accept even if he rushed to deliver it to his door.

Now that things are turning around, he actually got this opportunity because he became Li Daniu's temporary captain.

He has secretly made up his mind to grasp it.

All you need to do is to kill Li Daniu, who is hated by everyone in the demon clan, and you can get a big reward.

And he can also improve his status in the clan with the help of a large amount of resources rewarded.

Why not?

Ha ha.

"Since everyone is here, let's act according to the previous groups!"

There are no more demons coming out of the space channel, Tuobahan said loudly.

"Yes, Commander!"

Some of the demons left immediately after agreeing, ready to carry out the task they were assigned.

These belong to the Moon Demon camp.

And all the blood demons looked at Murongdu eagerly.

Time is merit, if you can prepare earlier, you will naturally be able to ambush the human race better.

Murong Du's eyes swept over the red-haired demons who had been hidden among the demons.

The corners of his mouth curled up.


The demons of other camps gradually dispersed along with the blood demons and moon demons.

Only two elite teams led by Murong Du and Tuoba Han were left in the space passage.

The task of the two of them this time is to lead their subordinates to guard the only way out for the younger generation of the Demon Race.

Around this space channel, dozens of elite teams are scattered.

While carrying out their missions, these teams are also intercepting nets to prevent the human race from discovering the location of the space passage.

"Murong, don't you want to rest for a while?"

Tuoba Han was lying on his back on the recliner he took out from the inventory, with a lazy expression, chewing the special food of the Demon Race in his mouth.

In his opinion, it is almost impossible for humans to approach here.

Do the elite squads of the demons eat dry food?Layers of intertwined killing nets can make those little lambs escape from their hands, and can they go deep into the hinterland?
If there is, he doesn't mind moving his body a bit, and personally deal with those human lambs who are in a hurry.

"Hehe, no, it's my Moon Demon Clan's habit to be vigilant all the time."

Murong Du responded coldly.

His eyes stayed on the direction where Li Daniu's team disappeared last.


"Hurry up, the wind chime in front of you looks good, it's quite suitable as a bait, how about setting an ambush here?"

The red-haired demon looked around and offered his own suggestion.

According to the usual situation of Kyoto University entrance examination, freshmen will obtain points through various methods.

Including but not limited to extracting medicinal materials, hunting ferocious beasts, capturing valuable cubs of ferocious beasts, etc.

Although the name of the wind chime in front of me is ordinary, but judging from its appearance, it has twelve petals, and the petals are rose red, without any whitening.

It is already a real treasure.

And the location is extremely obvious, as long as you are not blind, you can spot the dense precious light emanating from the wind chimes from a distance.

Not far from the campanula, there is also a depression suitable for hiding.

Think about it, after the human race team fought hard and exhausted with the fierce beasts guarding the wind chimes, suddenly a demon elite team recharging their energy rushed out from the nearby depression.

What a hearty massacre that would be.

The red-haired demon was imagining the scene for a while, and his face was fascinated.

But before that, he still has a little matter to deal with.

"The others are resting in the depression. Hey, Li Daniu, go ahead and explore the way!"

The red-haired demon clan's face sank like water, and he gave orders to Li Daniu.

Li Daniu glanced at him, as if he was too lazy to answer, and continued to arrange his armor.

"Are you dumb? Why didn't you answer me!" The red-haired demon who was ignored became a little annoyed, took out a special steel rod from the inventory, and was about to pull it towards Li Daniu's back.

"Captain, calm down."

"calm down."

"Don't be as knowledgeable as this idiot...this idiot."


The rest of the team members hurriedly hugged the red-haired demon, winking wildly at him.

〖Brother, why did you provoke him?This bastard still has some strength. 〗

The red-haired demons understood what the rest of them meant.

Although Li Daniu's status in the clan is not high because he is a hybrid of human and demon, the profession he changed to is extremely powerful.

If his stick was pulled down, he might not even be able to touch Li Daniu, and he would be taken away and whipped on his own head.


At this thought, the red-haired demon suppressed the anger in his heart, snorted coldly, and comforted himself in his heart.

"Why get mad at something that's about to die?"

The red-haired demon squeezed a smile from his face: "Li Daniu, we are all compatriots anyway, and we still have to perform tasks. Please go ahead and explore the way now, how about it?"

"Did you hear that? Li Daniu, the captain will give you face, just go down the steps!"

"Aren't you moved by the captain repaying his grievances with virtue?"


Li Daniu's eyes moved slightly, feeling a little unbelievable, and turned his head to stare at the red-haired demon.

This kind of rubbish actually knows how to be subdued?
He thought that the red-haired demons would turn a blind eye to his lack of cooperation and send another team member to scout the way.

This is also the common practice of those demon compatriots who beat or scolded Li Daniu after he changed jobs and showed a certain potential.

The four-word summary is cynicism.

I can't beat you, but I don't want to admit your strength.He will only attack verbally, but will not actually shoot, giving him a reason to fight back.

"Not right."

Li Daniu squinted his eyes, carefully sizing up the red-haired demons.

This thing usually has no air.

So what exactly caused him to behave so abnormally?
"What are you looking at? After a while, all the human races will come." The red-haired demons were uncomfortable being stared at by Li Daniu, and their eyes were a little dodged.

"Oh, nothing."

Li Daniu was suddenly happy, he turned around and followed the arrangement of the red-haired demons, and walked straight to the distance, as if he really went to investigate the movements of the human race.

Call ~
The red-haired demon breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Li Daniu gradually going away, a stern look flashed across his face.

"You're finally on the order."

Yes, his plan was to kill Li Daniu with the one-time props given by Murong Du when he was on the order.

The reason why they didn't do anything in the team was because although these team members hated and rejected Li Daniu extremely, they hadn't thought of killing him yet.

In other words, Murong Du only bribed him, not the other players.

According to his guess, Murong Du probably didn't want too many people to know about it.

But this is enough, a little Li Daniu, how could he need so many accomplices to kill him?
After waiting for a while, the red-haired demon coughed lightly: "You continue to arrange, I will investigate in another direction."

Seeing that the rest of the team members didn't pay much attention, and continued to arrange concealment and attack props in the depression, the red-haired demons found a random direction and left.

After disappearing from everyone's sight, he took out a square plate from the inventory and followed it in the direction indicated on it.


Under a towering giant tree, Li Daniu was leaning on the trunk, playing with the translucent bug in his hand with great interest.

Click click.

Not far away came the sound of a branch being trampled.

After a while, a red-haired demon appeared in front of him.

"Li Daniu, you didn't do a good job of investigating, and you actually got lazy here!"

Seeing Li Daniu's leisurely figure, the red-haired demon was stunned for a moment, and then said sternly.

"Then, red-haired boy, can you tell me why you are here? And what is the disc in your hand?"

A faint smile appeared on Li Daniu's face, and he asked about the red-haired demons.

"How did you discover it?"

The complexion changed for a while, and the red-haired demon suddenly calmed down, and noticed the translucent bug being played by Li Daniu.

Hearing the question from the red-haired demons, Li Daniu casually threw the translucent bug over, and the smile on his face grew stronger:
"Don't you know that I am different from you demons?"

The red-haired demon didn't reach out to catch the translucent bug, but avoided it like a snake.

The square plate in his hand shone a gleam of light on the translucent bug. After seeing that it didn't explode, he breathed a sigh of relief and leaned over to pick it up.

"Your eyes?" The red-haired demon said casually, and quietly took out a palm-sized box with a lightning symbol on it from the inventory.

Li Daniu looked at the red-haired demon's arm behind his back from the corner of his eye, and said with a light smile, "That's right, the power of my eyes is beyond your imagination, for example, the little tricks you do behind your back are easily spotted by me." .”

Hearing this, the red-haired demon's pupils shrank slightly, his eyeballs rolled, and the panic on his face disappeared for a moment, but was soon replaced by ferocity.

"Hehe, the eyes are nice, but is it useful?"

The red-haired demon no longer concealed it, and directly held the small box with both hands and placed it in front of his chest, his eyes were full of killing intent.

"Do you think you can escape? Do you know this thing? This is the life-seeking lightning crossbow given to me by Commander Murong! As long as I lightly press the button on it, you will be instantly wiped out!"

The roar of the red-haired demons echoed in the air.

Li Daniu didn't show the slightest panic, but muttered to himself: "Commander Murong? Murong Du? You really have a broad mind."

Noticing Li Daniu's composure, the red-haired demons were full of doubts and faintly uneasy.

"What are you pretending to be here, you bastard? Now kneel down and beg for mercy, grandpa can leave you a whole..."

Before the word "corpse" could be uttered, the red-haired demon suddenly pressed the trigger mechanism of the death-chasing thunder crossbow.

A dazzling thunderbolt flashed across, blasting Li Daniu to pieces, and even the towering giant tree behind him was blown out of a big hole by the condensed lightning crossbow arrows, and collapsed directly.

"Hehe, it's inevitable that there are many dreams in the night, so I have no choice but to stop talking about martial arts."

The face of the red-haired demon was full of complacency.

Obviously very satisfied with the effect of this wave of sneak attacks.

Just when he turned around with a smile and was about to return to the depression where his team was, the red-haired demon suddenly felt a chill in his neck.

Then there was a whirlwind, and the vision gradually blurred.

"Huh? Why is there a headless corpse suddenly? This armor seems familiar..."

Li Daniu took the palm-sized life-seeking thunder crossbow from the headless corpse in front of him, and pushed it lightly.

The headless corpse of the red-haired demon fell to the ground.

"That's all you have to do? Is it worth using this thing against me, a poor and helpless half-breed?"

Li Daniu seemed to be a little helpless. After looking at the Life-seeking Thunder Crossbow in his hand, he continued to lean on the tree trunk and waited quietly.

I do not know how long it has been.

The ground suddenly shook briefly.

Li Daniu raised his head, his face was full of excitement, he took out a half-moon disk, and saw that the disk had a tendency to move in the distance, and at the same time emitted a dazzling incandescent light.

"The human race is here! Mother, you are finally returning to your hometown!"

His eyes were moist, and according to the movement trend of the half-moon disk, he strode forward in great strides.


"Sister Yan, what is this half-moon disc you are holding?"

Pei Nan looked curiously at the half-moon disk in Yan Zixin's hand that was emitting dazzling light, and asked directly.

Yan Zixin was obviously also a little surprised, turned to Gu Zhao, and explained:
"One of the demons who came this time is from our side."

"Our side? Are we sending undercover agents?!"

Pei Nan's bull's eyes widened, he stroked his bald head, and looked a little excited.

"We didn't send him. His situation is a bit special. He is a hybrid of human and demon races. He just established contact with us not long ago."

Yan Zixin's eyes moved slightly.

In fact, after waking up, she went to a secret place to find the half-moon disc, and used this disc to contact the future "Death Chasing God of War".

According to the original trajectory, this human-and-demon hybrid genius would get ready to defect in a demon clan operation two years later, but because the leader of the blood demon clan left behind many backhands on him, he would eventually bleed on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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