Chapter 87
At this moment, everyone's emotions are a little complicated.

What did they just see?
Witnessing Gu Zhao rushing back and forth with his own eyes, one person and one dragon attacking alternately, and without any effort, he successively wiped out two demon elite teams known to have the highest combat effectiveness.

Before encountering these two Demon Race teams, the battle they imagined was like this.

Everyone worked together to try to defeat the first demon team before another demon team arrived.

Then start a bitter battle with the reconciled demon elites.

With everyone's tacit cooperation and the bombardment of many magic scrolls prepared by the school, it was quite difficult to win.

And finally this too.The friendship between the team members has been greatly improved because they fought side by side and achieved victory together.

This is probably what most people think except Gu Zhao.

But the reality didn't go according to their thinking at all, and even went astray from the beginning.

They desperately followed Gu Zhao's back, but they couldn't even eat his exhaust...

Ye Li and Yan Zixin are fine, at least they are long-range attackers and can provide some fire support.

Pei Nan and Li Zijian really paddled this time.

No way, my hands are short, I can't reach them!
Encountering the troll squad, they had just run half the distance before the trolls were wiped out.

Encountering the Golden Horn Demon Squad, he was even more transparent. Before taking two steps, the Bright Dragon was born out of nowhere.

After that, there was a burst of devastation.

Pei Nan looked at Gu Zhao's figure with some depression.

Running around with enthusiasm, in the end, he didn't even touch a single enemy's hair.

It's like raising a sledgehammer high and smashing it down hard, only to be forcibly stopped halfway through the swing.

But it's uncomfortable, he doesn't have any complaints in his heart, but is full of gratitude for having such a thigh in the team.

After all, they didn't come here to play games. Although they had made various preparations in advance, they would still lose their lives if they were a little careless.

With such a Dinghaishenzhen in the team, no one would be envious.

"Captain, I've always been an atheist. Before I came here, I accidentally prayed to the gods to help my teammates." Pei Nan paused, his face full of excitement, "It's more than expected now, I really want to believe that the gods are exist..."

Just as Pei Nan was still spouting out all kinds of nasty words, a dragon chant sounded suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a strong wind hit, blowing the people who gradually gathered around Gu Zhao tottering.

It was the Bright Dragon who had returned.

Li Zijian looked at the majestic bright dragon, with a hint of admiration on his dark face.

In just a few days, his world view has changed drastically.

Li Zijian, who used to think he was the best of his generation, had disappeared.

He first experienced a sense of frustration that he had never felt before, and was hit by Gu Zhao and Yan Zixin successively.

Up to now, I have developed a feeling of envy for other people's things.

His things have been the best since he was a child, and all kinds of equipment and potions are not only the roost among his generation, but they can also be regarded as among the best.

But seeing the intimacy between the Bright Dragon and Gu Zhao, he was really envious.

Not only because of the strength of the Bright Dragon, but also the envy of Gu Zhao having a close companion.

This is what the lonely Li Zijian is thinking at the moment.

Sensing everyone's surprised gazes, Gu Zhao's face remained normal.

During this period of time, he has long been used to being the focus of everyone.

Gu Zhao gently stroked the head of the Bright Dragon, with a smile from the heart on his face.

hold head high!
A dragon's chant sounded close at hand, although there was no hostility at all.

But after seeing the murderous look of the bright dragon just now, everyone's heart trembled.

Ye Li subconsciously took half a step back, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

This giant dragon can slap a tacitly coordinated and powerful demon elite team half to death!
Coupled with this huge size, even if she is harmless to humans and animals now, people dare not underestimate her easily.

Ang Woo~
Sylvia may feel comfortable rubbing against Gu Zhao with her head, without the light dragon.

After a soft moan, the dragon's body emitted a blazing brilliance.

The body shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a palm-sized mini dragon.

Dangling his little tail, he jumped onto Gu Zhao's shoulder.


Ye Li, who was a little scared just now, widened her almond eyes, feeling that she was cute.

The bright dragon, which was majestic and majestic at first, and people couldn't help but surrender to it, has now become a small one.

How to do?I really want to ravage her!
Yan Zixin, who was also always calm, now had little stars in her eyes, and she had the same idea as Ye Li.

No way, this kind of cute thing's lethality to girls is unparalleled.

Want to paste.

Yan Zixin stared at the bright young dragon with its small tail on Gu Zhao's neck, and occasionally stared at their round eyes curiously.

"Shall we... keep going?"

Looking at the two girls' eyes that suddenly became bright, Gu Zhao's tone was slightly puzzled.

What happened to these two women?

It felt like it was going to eat me alive.

As soon as Gu Zhao had this thought, he felt the bright young dragon twisting its body and jumping into his arms from its shoulders, with a comfortable snort from its nose.

The next moment, Gu Zhao noticed that the eyes of the two women moved down rapidly.

"Huh? Are you looking at Sylvia?"

Gu Zhao touched his chin, feeling a little embarrassed.

But fortunately, other people can't see through their own thoughts.

"Captain, that..."

Ye Li hesitated to speak, her eyes were still fixed on the handsome young dragon of Guangming.

Watching Ye Li's expression, Gu Zhao was in a daze.

This time, he understood Ye Li's thoughts.

It's not because he can read minds, but because Yan Xue had the same expression when she first saw the miniature version of Sylvia, and she was hesitant to speak the same way.

Yes, they all want to embrace the bright young dragon.

It's a pity that even if Yan Xue wants to get in touch with Sylvia now, she can only be a "tail-holding official", and she can't do whatever she wants like herself.

Not to mention Ye Li who just met them not long ago.

Ever since, Gu Zhao chuckled lightly, and declined politely:

"Sorry, Sylvia doesn't like meeting strangers."

"Ah... oh, okay, is her name Sylvia? The name sounds good haha."

Seeing her thoughts being seen through, Ye Li felt a little embarrassed.

Reluctantly withdrawing his gaze from the bright young dragon.

He made up his mind to pay a good visit to Gu Zhao after the trial.

It is not only to get closer, but also to see if there is a chance to get acquainted with Sylvia.

If you don't like meeting strangers, can you contact acquaintances?


Seeing the changes in Ye Li's undisguised expression, Gu Zhao secretly shook his head and turned his attention back to the task.

"It has been delayed for a long time, simply pack up the spoils, let's continue."

Hearing this, everyone woke up like a dream.

In fact, it didn't take long just now, but if you compare the time when they were in a daze with the time when Gu Zhao wiped out the enemy.

That was quite a delay.

After all, it took only a few minutes for Gu Zhao to deal with the enemy, and it took them a few minutes to be in a daze.

Wouldn't that be a huge waste of time?
I don't know if the group of demon elites who were killed three times, five times and two times, would be angry if they knew what they were thinking at this time?

According to Gu Zhao's instructions, everyone went to the two deep pits to pick up valuable equipment and props.

As for the items in the Mozu's inventory, there is no other way but to let them be annihilated in the void.




A short and sharp beep sounded.

Tuoba Han glanced over the communicator on his wrist.

After realizing that three red lights were on, the lazy expression on his face disappeared immediately, and he looked solemnly at Murong Du beside him:
"Murong, Team No. [-] encountered force majeure."

"How can there be force majeure in this secret place?" Hearing this, Murong Du frowned.

According to the information they collected earlier, this secret realm may be dangerous, but it is completely within the acceptable range.

The three red lights on the communicator turned on at the same time. In the preview beforehand, it was only an illusory possibility.

They never thought that such a situation would happen.

"The area that Team No. [-] is in charge of?"

Murong Du turned his head and looked to the southwest, his thoughts were like lightning.

The place where the accident happened was not in the depths of the Phoenix Mountain Secret Realm, but on the periphery.

This thing is a little weird.

There are fewer and weaker treasures and fierce beasts in the periphery. With the strength of the demon team, it is impossible to be unable to deal with it.

What's more, just near the No. [-] team, there is another No. [-] team composed of trolls.

As long as the No. [-] team issued an early warning, the trolls would rush to support them.

Why didn't they send any information?
Murong Du aimed his eyes at the communicator on Tuoba Han's wrist, and waited for a while, but did not wait for any follow-up news.


For a moment, Murong Du was a little confused.

What kind of danger has caused this situation?
The incident happened outside the secret realm of Phoenix Mountain. Could it be...the human race went there?

As soon as this thought came up, Murong Du smiled and shook his head.

How can it be?

"Presumably at this time, the younger generation of the human race should be strangling crazily by our race. Facing the divine soldiers descending from the sky, they must be at a loss and die in panic and fear!"

Thinking about this scene in his mind, Murong Du's face became much better, and he ordered:

"Call Murong 72 over."

Listening to Murong Du's orders, Tuoba Han seemed to understand something, and started looking for someone.

This Murong 72 is famous for its speed in the family.

Presumably Murong wanted to send someone to investigate, and he, Tuobahan, was naturally unwilling to lag behind.

After a while, three carefully selected Mozu scouts headed towards the southwest.

"I hope our family's plan will not be affected too much." Murong Du muttered to himself.

And Tuoba Han on the side was no longer lazy, put away the recliner, and tensed his nerves.

No matter how leisurely he was in this sudden situation, he would be a complete fool.

Just as they were anxiously waiting for the scouts to return and send back specific news, the communicators on Murong Duyu and Tuoba Han started beeping crazily almost at the same time.

One yellow light, two yellow lights, three yellow lights, and one red light came on one after another.


"how come?!"

This time, Murong Du and Tuoba Han's complexion changed drastically at the same time, feeling unbelievable to the situation of the communicator at this time.

The communicator flickered on such a large scale. In the previous Demon Race rehearsal, there was almost only one possibility-the encounter between the Demon Race elite team and the team composed of the younger generation of Human Race.

Calculating the time, it was just right.

But based on their simulation, the situation at this time is estimated.

It should be a green light that frantically lights up to indicate that the situation is going well!
The yellow light for trouble comes on a few times at most.

This should be normal!
What is this scene in front of you?
Most of the lights are yellow, and a small number of red lights represent mild danger.

This means that most of the Mozu elite team is in a fight, and a small part is in a mild crisis!

How could the people who were attacked by surprise do this? !

Murong Du's brain turned rapidly, trying to explain this situation.

After a while, after ruling out most of the options in his mind, Murong Du's pupils trembled suddenly, and he said word by word:

"Information leaked!"

Yes, there is only one possibility for this situation now.

That is, the human race has long been prepared, and has made quite complete preparations.

Otherwise, according to the usual rules of the admission test for freshmen at Kyoto University - magic scrolls and other items are not allowed, and they can only rely on their own strength.

Even if he had just entered the Phoenix Mountain secret realm, he felt something was wrong.

How could it be inseparable from the heavily armed Mozu squad?

So this raid definitely leaked!

"What should I do? The human race is actually on guard!"

After hearing Murong Du shout out that the information was leaked, Tuoba Han obviously understood, his face was full of anxiety, and he was quite at a loss.

Murong Du at the side was not affected by Tuoba Han's anxiety, but calmly started the next step of analysis.

"If I were a high-ranking human race, what would I do?"

"I will definitely want to wipe out the demons!"

"And the best way to achieve this goal is..."

"Destroy the space channel!"

Thinking of the highest-level danger report just issued by the No. [-] team, Murong Du suddenly became enlightened.

The place where the accident happened was not too far from the space channel they were guarding.

If the human race came straight in this direction from the moment they entered the secret realm, they would almost be there by this time.

And if the human race can gather the favored sons of heaven to form the top team, and use various scrolls regardless of the cost.

It is indeed possible to kill the No. [-] team in a short time.

I just don't know why the No. [-] team didn't make any movement.

Although there are still many doubts in his heart, Murong Du's general idea is clear.

"The space channel is the goal of the human race, and we have been targeted!"

Murong Du shouted loudly.

"Get ready to fight now!"

"Yes, ready to fight!"

Tuoba Han next to him acted as a response bug.

Following the order of the two, the two most elite demon squads in this Demon Race operation began to be on guard and arranged various props around them.

The air is filled with the breath of chill.

With the use of props at any cost, a land fortress is about to be formed!
(End of this chapter)

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