Chapter 88 Bi Fang
"Tuoba, we must immediately send the highest level of danger warning, and call all the teams to come to support at all costs!"

After weighing for a short time, Murong Du looked solemn, and suddenly turned his head and said to Tuoba Han.


Hearing Murong Du's firm tone, Tuoba Han hesitated: "Do you have to do this?"

As the son of a demon ruler who values ​​his life very seriously, Tuoba Han subconsciously avoided the question of asking for support because he did not think that the elite of the two elites could handle everything without fail.

On the contrary, he wished that all the demon teams in the secret realm would return to defense.

The actual reason for his hesitation was that he felt that he could not bear the consequences of a wrong judgment.

They also have instruments similar to recorders.

Record their performance in the secret realm and use it for rewards afterward.

Forcibly recalling the Mozu team from the periphery almost declared the complete failure of this operation.

It means that the decades of hard planning of the Mozu have been in vain.

If it is an after-the-fact evaluation, the senior leaders of the Demon Race think that their decision was wrong.

Even if Tuoba Han is the second generation, that horrible punishment is unavoidable, thinking about it makes his heart tremble.

"What are you still indecisive about?!"

Murong Du looked at Tuoba Han's hesitant look, and his face flushed with anger.

I usually fight this kind of waste in all aspects?
He took a deep breath, and took the lead in tinkering with the back of the communicator, removing the shell to reveal the three black buttons inside.

pat pat pat...

Murong Du pressed all three buttons, looked up at Tuoba Han coldly, and seemed to understand what he was worried about:
"Idiot, if the human race breaks through our defense line, destroy this space channel. You won't even have a chance to be punished! Instead, blood will be splashed on the spot!"


The corner of Tuoba Han's mouth twitched, his anger surged up, and he wanted to argue with Murong Du subconsciously, but his rationality still made him listen carefully to all Murong Du's words.

Then his heart trembled, and his anger subsided.

That's right, he was really narrow-minded just now.

Tuoba Han blushed when he realized this.

He knew that the scene just now had been recorded by the instruments on them.

After returning, his reputation in the clan is bound to plummet.

Thinking of this, Tuoba Han, who was depressed in his heart, quickly issued the highest level of danger warning.

After solving everything, he took out a beautifully decorated cloud-pattern long knife from the inventory, with a bloodthirsty look on his face.

He wants to use the blood of the human race to improve his overall performance and wash away his stupid deeds just now!


hum hum hum!
A strong vibration came from his waist.

Murong Ling, the leader of Mozu No.13 team, glanced at the instrument at his waist, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

The highest level of danger warning?
How can this be?

Murong Ling pushed aside the incoming arrows with the longbow in his hand, then paused, leaving a faint afterimage on the spot.

"Hoo hoo..." Murong Ling leaned against a boulder, taking advantage of the short gap to take a quick rest.

She frowned and continued to think.

"Shouldn't the top elite of the human race be held back by our team? Why did Commander Murong ask for help inexplicably?"

Recalling the various performances of the Terran team that is now fighting with their NO.13 team.

Calm, relatively tacit cooperation, and endless cards.

Especially the stunningly beautiful elf archer in the lead, who alone overwhelmed them all.

The most disgusting thing is the fierce beast contracted by the archer - a big emerald green rabbit.

Like a shit stick, scurrying around in their formation.

Every time it was about to catch it, the big rabbit would drop a stand-in bomb and blow them up.

Two team members have been seriously injured by the explosion!
Their No. 13 team struggled to hold back such an elite young generation of the human race, and just sent a red light distress signal, waiting for the support of their companions.

Why did something happen in the base camp?
Murong Ling couldn't figure it out.

But even if she is at a loss, after the highest level of danger warning appears on the communicator, she must go back to support immediately according to the regulations.

Otherwise, returning to the Demon Race is a dead end.

"But how do we get out now?"

Murong Ling secretly glanced at the scene behind the boulder.

A small dark golden arrow flew over with a piercing whistling sound, and with a bang, the boulder was smashed to pieces.

Murong Ling reappeared and fired back with an arrow, without checking the effect of the attack, he shouted loudly:
"The highest danger warning! All members of No. 13 team immediately return with me to defend the space channel!"

The few demons who were struggling to support and bleeding profusely were dumbfounded for a moment.

No, how can you get out of this situation!
The fight was lively, and suddenly stopped?
Wouldn’t it be okay to inform you to get closer and tell us in a low voice?
If you insist on screaming, look at the human race opposite, it's like a chicken blood!
The moment we stop, we must not be directly wiped out by the human race!

Regarding the resentment of his team members, Murong Ling was also very helpless.

She wanted to go there, but the elf woman opposite didn't allow it!

The reason why she broke away from the formation was because the elf archer on the opposite side caught her and directly predicted her actions, pushing her further and further away.

No, the serial arrows are here again.

Whoosh whoosh!

Murong Ling tried to dodge to the left again, but instantly felt his hair stand on end.

The familiar sense of crisis told her that if she went left, she would die!
In this way, Murong Ling stayed away from the team members again.

In the distance, Yan Xue had a stunning smile on her pretty face: "Hold them!"

The Mozu issued the highest danger warning.

That must be Gu Zhao and the others who have already gone straight to Huanglong.

According to the previous agreement, the fifty human elite teams, including Yan Xue's team, cooperated with Gu Zhao and the others.

While ensuring your own safety, you must try your best to hold back the demon elites and prevent them from coming back for help.

"A demon clan is worth [-] meritorious service, don't let them escape!"

Yan Xue smiled with dimples, reminding the members of her team.

Hearing this, everyone who was a little tired was refreshed instantly.

Yes, each of these things is worth two hundred meritorious service!

An ordinary Kyoto University freshman can earn [-] to [-] meritorious service every month.

These two hundred feats are by no means a small amount.

Although these demon elites are difficult to deal with, they have Yan Xue, a shooter with extremely powerful attack power, in their team.

As long as these players can hold on, they will have a chance to completely wipe out this demon team.

When the time comes, they will be rewarded for their merits, and each of them will receive a large amount of merit.

After thinking about it, these people instantly entangled the demons who wanted to get away, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

A demon was distracted when he wanted to get away, and there were several deep wounds on his body, and his body froze under the severe pain.

Yan Xue seized the opportunity and hit the nail on the head.

A moment later, the demon fell to the ground struggling, and turned into a pulp in the blink of an eye.

There was a burst of cheers from the field.

Just when Yan Xue and the others were beaming with joy, they suddenly felt the ground under their feet start to tremble slightly, and a faint but penetrating cry came from the depths of the Phoenix Mountain secret realm.

"what happened?"

"what's the situation!"


The complexions of both sides changed slightly, but soon they couldn't care about these.

In the gap between the battle, Yan Xue looked to the northwest with some worry in her beautiful eyes, and muttered to herself: "Little tablemate, you must come back intact."


The secret outside of Phoenix Mountain.

"Dead Silence" jumped up and down among the dignified high-level people, feeling bored.

Occasionally jumps onto someone's head.

Li Changge looked straight at the stone tablet at the entrance of the secret realm, and frowned slightly.

He felt that the atmosphere around him seemed a little weird and disharmonious.

He played a spell casually, watched the black puppy formed by the spell, sniffed left and right on the ground, and finally returned dejectedly. It seemed that there was nothing to gain. Li Changge shook his head involuntarily, and laughed at himself:
"It seems that I am suspicious. But this is normal, my nerves are tense!"

While speaking, the puppy turned into a cloud of black air and got into his sleeve.

Li Changge's eyes were fixed, but his face remained calm.

I do not know how long it has been.

After opening the stone tablet at the entrance of the Phoenix Mountain Secret Realm, it suddenly began to vibrate slightly.

"Huh?" The flowery body of "Dead Silence" swayed on the bald head of the dean of Kyoto University, as if stunned.

In the next second, it jumped lightly and came to the stone tablet. The petals trembled slightly, as if it was feeling something.

"What a scorching breath!"

"Dead Silence" shook his head, his tone full of exclamation:
"Scorching contains rage, which symbolizes destruction, um, it's my favorite flavor."

The stele trembled more and more, and after a while, the ground seemed to be affected.

Boom, boom!

The ground began to shake.

"Is this an earthquake?!"

"No, pay attention to the stele."

"That's right, the stele is the source of everything!"

There was a burst of surprise and suspicion from the high-level human race around the stele.

An earthquake of this magnitude would naturally not cause them any harm.

What they were more concerned about was the vibration of the stele, which could actually affect the surrounding environment.

What happened in that secret realm?

Will the students be in danger?
Similar things have never happened in the previous freshman entrance trials.

For a while, the school seniors talked a lot.

"What should we do? We don't know the situation in the secret realm at all now."

"I propose to forcibly open the secret realm immediately! The students of my Kyoto University can't fall into it without knowing why!"

"But if we forcibly open the secret realm now, the students inside haven't completed their missions, and the space channel hasn't been destroyed, so most of the demons will definitely run away!"

"Hehe, just run away. If the situation inside is urgent, is it necessary to use the freshmen of Kyoto University to exchange their lives?"


Listening to the chaotic discussions beside his ears, Li Changge looked solemn, as if he was lost in memory.

After a while, the look in Li Changge's eyes returned, and he said slowly:

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient. I wonder if you know the origin of the name of the Phoenix Mountain secret realm?"

Hearing Li Changge's question, all the senior officials looked at each other.

Could it be that there are phoenixes living here?

Just as everyone was unfolding their imaginations and guessing boldly, an old voice sounded from the crowd.

"Of course there is no phoenix in the secret place of Phoenix Mountain. 80 years ago, it was rumored that Bi Fang fell tens of miles northeast of this place and disappeared.

At that time, the job changer association vigorously searched to no avail, thinking that the rumors were not true, so they named dozens of nearby secret realms with the names of fire-attributed birds and beasts, which was also a mark.

This Phoenix Mountain secret realm has level restrictions, and no real strong person has ever entered it.However, after a careful evaluation by the investigators, it was found that there are treasures everywhere, and the strength of the beasts is suitable, so it can be used as an alternative place for freshmen's entrance trials.Finally, this year, it was selected as a test site for freshmen. "

Everyone followed their gazes, but saw that the person making the old voice was not an old man, but a boy with red lips and white teeth, about sixteen or seventeen years old.


"Principal, why are you here!"

"The principal is here, I'll wait for you without worry!"


The tone of everyone present was full of excitement, and the worry on their faces was swept away, replaced by trust that was almost overflowing.

"San", the president of Kyoto University, usually sees his head and tail, but at certain critical moments, he will always step forward and turn the tide.

In everyone's impression, as long as the principal "three" takes action, no matter how big the difficulty is, it will be easily solved.

"Three" with red lips and white teeth, looking like a teenager, glanced at the empty space on the stone tablet intentionally or unintentionally, with a sunny smile on his face:
"You don't have to worry, now is not the time to open the secret realm, and our human youths will be fine in it."

The old voice is not loud, but it contains convincing power.

"We listen to the principal!"

"Just as the principal said!"


There was a echo from the crowd.

Li Changge stared at the principal "Three" in front of him, but his expression did not relax much.


Gu Zhao and his party, who were advancing rapidly, felt the vibration under their feet.

"Wow, Captain, there's an earthquake!" Pei Nan scratched his bald head, laughing happily.

I don't know what he is laughing at.——

Hearing the indistinct but directly touching cry in the distance, the expressions of Li Zijian and the others changed.

They are not worried about earthquakes. It is very difficult for them to be injured on this endless plain.

But this weird cry?
Li Zijian and the others turned their eyes to Gu Zhao who was frowning slightly.

After Gu Zhao showed his prowess, he became the absolute backbone of the team and was absolutely respected by everyone. He was the one who took the command when encountering fierce beasts and other emergencies along the way.

Gu Zhao said east, they would never go west.

If obedience is a disease, then Pei Nan is definitely the most sick.

Ask Gu Zhao for his opinion when doing anything.

In the end, it was almost a trivial matter like farting, and a report was required!

Listening quietly to the intermittent cries in his ears, two words appeared in Gu Zhao's mind - "Bifang".

The cry of this divine beast is like its name.

The next moment, he thought of the "Fei Niu" that had appeared in his dream space before.

Both are alien beasts recorded in his previous life.

Think about the power of Fei Niu at that time, if the creature suspected of Bi Fang in the distance could have one percent, oh no, one thousandth of the strength of Fei Niu.

He's probably about to turn around and run away.

Do you want to move on?
(End of this chapter)

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