My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 253 The Raid on the Eve of the Settlement

Chapter 253 The Raid on the Eve of the Settlement

Luoyang fell, and the World Channel has completely become a carnival scene for the members of the Wandering Army, but from the beginning to the end, there has never been even a speech from a member of the Shenghan Dynasty.

After taking a look at it for just ten minutes, a 99-plus management group has already been chatted, and the discussion inside is nothing more than whether it is possible to win Luoyang back in the last few days before the season is settled.

Han丨Pumpkin didn't even want to respond to everyone's Aite's thoughts, but rather exhaustedly chose to shut down the phone and computer, and went back to bed and fell asleep.

Compared with the state of the Shenghan Dynasty, which was completely silent, the Wandering Army, including Yang Rui's, were all in a state of extreme excitement without exception.

A total of more than 3 red envelopes lasted for an hour in the group before it finally ended. Being able to win Luoyang in the hands of the Shenghan Dynasty is enough for Yang Rui to be proud of.

But Yang Rui is also very clear in his heart that the success of taking Luoyang is far from the finale. In the next few days, the management of the Shenghan Dynasty will organize at least one wave, or even more, whether they like it or not. storm.

It seems that if Luoyang wants to take it down, it should not be very difficult. After all, the wandering armies can't garrison each other. If the Shenghan Dynasty really wants to force Luoyang, it only needs to hold the garrison fire of the Hetuan family. .

But Luoyang can only be defended by the Hetuan family, but the Luoyang battlefield is not. The other seven families gather together.

Yang Rui didn't sleep that night. Excitement is only one aspect. The more important thing is that Yang Rui is worried that the Shenghan Dynasty will try to force Luoyang early the next morning. After all, the dog jumped the wall when he was in a hurry. Consuming too much military and physical strength, Yang Rui even suspected that the Shenghan Dynasty might wait until the end of the Luoyang Free War and force it directly.

Fortunately, it seems that the opponent did not have such a desperate plan. Until 08:30 the next morning, the battle that broke out on the Luoyang battlefield was only a small-scale friction.

So, rushing to get up at nine o'clock in June, Yang Rui simply explained a few words, and then chose to go back to bed to catch up on sleep.

This time, I slept very sweetly and calmly. It was not until after six o'clock in the afternoon that Yang Rui opened his eyes from his sleep. The first thing he did after waking up was to subconsciously pick up his mobile phone to see if there was anything serious. Events appear.

Fortunately, everything is fine.

"I'm super, the biological clock is probably messed up again..."

Reluctantly sitting up from the bed, logging into the game, the battle between the Wandering Army and the Sheng Han Dynasty has not stopped, but if the Sheng Han Dynasty wants to take back Luoyang by relying on such a small-scale battle , that can only be said to be some idiotic dream.

The next whole day was spent in this kind of painless fight between the two sides.

On the second day, there was still no large-scale friction. Even the Shenghan Dynasty seemed to have no command. The fights were chaotic, obviously fighting on their own.

On the third day, the fourth day, and the fifth day, it was still the same. There was no change. Until the announcement of the season's settlement, and only two days before the season's conclusion, the Shenghan Dynasty still had no movement.

But from this moment on, it seemed that the smell of gunpowder in the air became stronger, and Yang Rui could even quite clearly perceive the gradually depressing atmosphere.

Finally, the time has come to the seventh day, and there are only three hours left before the end of the season. At this moment, Yang Rui has been waiting for a week for the counterattack, and finally it is here!
[All emails] Han丨Dongfeng: Brothers, pay attention!Everyone, all the main forces, all stuck at nine o'clock!If nothing else, this is our last fight of the season, so don't hold back any more, pour out all the firepower accumulated this week!

Take back Luoyang, and take back Luoyang that should belong to us!Go, go, go!


At [-]:[-] that night, with a command email from Han丨Dongfeng clicked to send, the members of the Shenghan Dynasty who had built a backup fort near the Fenyin Wharf no longer had any reservations, and countless arrows began to brush together Swipe to shoot at the center of Luoyang City, which was linked to the city skin just now!
"Do you want to push Bao to the end?"

Yang Rui had already guessed all of this when the Shenghan Dynasty suddenly aimed at the city to set fire, but when the Shenghan Dynasty's fire appeared in front of him, he still couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

I haven't seen you for a week, but the number of firefighting teams seems to have increased?
As for the Shenghan Dynasty's choice to start the fire in the last three hours before the end of the season, there is no doubt that they have completely blocked their way.

But in fact, Yang Rui is also very clear that in the past week, it seems that the Shenghan Dynasty had many opportunities to forcefully open Luoyang, but in fact they only had one chance.

The fall of Luoyang was already a big blow. Even if the management of the Shenghan Dynasty tried to rectify the morale, now that the morale recovered, as long as Luoyang failed to be forced to open, it would be beaten back to its original shape on the spot.

So instead of taking risks a few days ago when the preparations were not quite sufficient, it is better to wait until now, when most members of the Shenghan Dynasty have regained a sufficient number of reserve soldiers, and then start their last fight.

Thinking this way in my heart, I didn't stop my work at all. I hurriedly contacted Ga, Guanghui and Se Erhuang to tell them to attack the Shenghan Dynasty's position. At the same time, the command email of the Crane Group here has also been successfully clicked to send. ,

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Brothers!It's useless to talk too much, all the staff are full, and the speed is stationed!This Luoyang is a cooked duck, it must not just fly away like this!So what if the entire alliance of the prosperous Han Dynasty shoots over?So what if they are all elite?We, the Crane Group, fight against the whole league, against the elite!The garrison is full, and we will fight to the end. Since Luoyang has been taken by us, there is absolutely no possibility of letting it out!

After Yang Rui successfully clicked to send this command email, exactly [-] members of the crane regiment, almost at the same time, filled up the main force of the five teams in his main city and piled them up to prepare for garrison.

Except for Yang Rui, most of the members of the Crane Regiment left only four main teams full of soldiers, and the remaining grid was reserved for demolition or paving the way for Sparta.

But in this scene, the demolition team and Sparta are obviously useless, so basically most people will choose to bring the fifth team to a good state in advance.

For a while, the Luoyang battlefield, which had been silent for a long time, finally became lively again.

(End of this chapter)

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